Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas Veeky Forums! Have you been nice, or naughty this year?
Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas Veeky Forums! Have you been nice, or naughty this year?
Other urls found in this thread:
I ran a campaign that my friends enjoyed. That's nice, right?
I fapped to some bad porn. Is that bad?
I haven't painted all my minis, but I wished for some more anyway. Am I a naughty user santa?
Santa, bring me a pet dragon for Christmas, please.
I have been a complete dick, and feel no remorse.
In exchange, Veeky Forums christmas picture dump, yes?
>bad porn
You'll need to be more specific. Subgenre? Any unusual fetishes involved, and if so, which ones? A link would be nice.
...For the purposes of determining what list you go on, of course.
I hope you get more minis and also more enthusiasm for painting them.
I need proof you have a terrarium, the food, and so on, to care for it.
Hey, you've already got what you want, then. Good for you!
I've skipped three months of university and shitposted on Veeky Forums instead of studying.
>terrarium, the food
TERRARIUM!?! A CAGE?!? Die in dragonfire, you mortal...err, umm, I mean, the dragon (of which I am not) gets a room in the house, of course.
If you're in the humanities then you've probably learned more here.
>playing games with alignment systems
On the plus side, my GM told me I could just take a +10 Willpower boost after getting three >5 rolls in a row while attempting to resist brainwashing by a cult.
>Watch out brothers, this cathar doesn't believe in anything.
Hail Santa!
The Yule Lord shall slaughter his ho-ho-Foes!
I'm doing some writefaggotry for the board, and i haven't done anything more illegal than grabing some pdf's from the fileshare this year. Is that good enough to get me a new screen for my laptop? A drunkard fell on me on the train and broke it.
Did you take it out of his hide?
I wanted to, but unfortunately society frowns on you beating the tar out of drunk people on a train. I don't know why. It makes perfect sense to me that if someone does something like that you should be able to hit them, but the 21rst century disagrees. I didn't want to deal with the legal ramifications so i tried to get him to pony up without beating on him. Didn't work out.
>You'll need to be more specific.
Tamagoro - Little Bitch Planet. Also Vault Girls, Sarah SFM and lots of Jab.
Yeah, it's crazy how duelling became illegal.
You could have just taken his shoes.
Jab ain't bad
Not that user, but he does do a lot of incest stuff. That tends to be frowned upon.
Yes it does, but that doesn't stop people from enjoying it in private.
damn it user i don't have time to fap right now.
I cheated on my girlfriend twice, one of them with one of my best friends girlfriends.
Unable to deal with my conscience, I broke up with her and started skipping classes and not handing in assignments.
Lied to my folks about trying my hardest at uni, probably going to fail and get kicked out desu.
Lied to my boss about how kuxh I could work next year to get am extended Christmas leave and to get my vacation pay early, when I in fact plan on quitting in January.
Lied to my best friends about a whole bunch of stuff they deserved to know.
Ghosted a girl I was sleeping with because she said she had feelings, because I had feelings for her roommate.
Even now have a an overdue paper one page from completion and I can't bring myself to finish it.
Overall, pretty naughty désu.
>Tamagoro - Little Bitch Planet.
>15 pages in
>literally does nothing for me
>not disturbed, not aroused, nothing
>ShindoL for plot.
>Pe-ta for laughs.
>Hirame and Po-ju for stress relief.
Don't worry, chum. You'll get the ass-reaming you so richly deserve later.
You are too hardened. Santa is transferring your file over to The Devil.
The Tim Curry Legend one, not the Futurama one.
I can already see it over the horizon my dude, I am fully ready for my recompense.
I graduated college with my dream job as a full time employee, and then when I got back from a weeks vacation the first thing they told me was that I was fired. Been jobless for the past few months because of it.
So life has shit on me in a moderately frustrating way.
In terms of good deeds, I've introduced some people to the hobby, tried to not be a huge ass, gave gifts and expected nothing in return.
So maybe I've been a good person? I dunno.
...Sauce please?
>Did my work responsibly, hard enough for two
>Used most of money wisely (property & savings)
>Paid my taxes
>Visited folks regularly
>Veeky Forums
>substance abuse / performance enhancers
>gained 10 pounds I really didn't need
>couple small lies here and there
>Had a guy fired
>One big lie maintained all year long
>Fell apart with long time friend, made zero effort to redeem the situation
I think you mean KRAMPUS.
>The Tim Curry Legend one
Excellent taste though
Jab - Nurd comic.
Has Rita Mae been a good girl? She made a lot of people very happy...
What IS goodness anyway?
I've been so nice that I've kept up my required reading of the Regimental Standard.
You fat fuck better not violate any of these guidelines when you visit the regiment this year. That is if our Hydra Flak Batteries don't finally shoot you down first.
>No Games
>Cards, dice, miniatures and games of all sorts are prohibited. You have better things to do with your time than waste your Emperor-given years on such trivialities!
You didn't play any games this year, did you?!?
>Soley responsible for the death of two other PC's
>Same player both times and the same campaign that is still ongoing
Honestly, I think it's just karma I have to worry about
Krigers don't have time to play games. We're too busy killing for the Emperor, digging trenches for the Emperor, and dying for the Emperor!
I socializef with fellow nerds and did adequate work in my job, providing for my family. Can I get a new suit, santa?