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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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How many things in the chain can defeat a full circle of essence 10 Solars?
A group of at least 11 Solars could defeat a group of 10 Solars.
There are an infinite amount of numbers greater than or equal to 11.
Therefore, there are an infinite number of things in the chain that could defeat 10 Solars.
I think you read the question wrong, though the core principal isn't wrong.
The Necrodancer. Because no matter how powerful you are, if you don't have some sick moves, you'll never escape his power.
Yeah, I just noticed that.
Just change the numbers a bit, and you'd get pretty much the same basic answer.
Right lets try this again.
What individual beings in the chain can threaten a full circle of Essence 10 Solars?
>inb4 Jump-Chan
Samus is for imouto.
Onee-chan Samus, or Onee-san Samus?
This is an important question.
If they don't have sick moves, then they're not really worthy of being Solars. Are they?
It's half the job. Or that might just be my Solar characters.
>Unfortunately, you cannot yet fully encompass those things that are Beyond, and as such these are mere seemings that do not change your nature or abilities
Does that mean that, eventually, we'll be able to change into stuff that does change our nature and abilities?
>Greentext possibly quoting a particular jump, but who knows because it isn't referenced or linked
Does this mean that people who ask these questions are lazy or just retarded?
Samus is too badass to be an imouto.
Onee-chan, but mostly Onee-sama.
Pfft. Samus lost her family and was raised by birds. She'd love to be the imouto to the right person.
When making an Akuma are there any ways to force them into the position or do they need to accept it willingly like an Green Sun Prince?
What year does the exalted mortals gauntlet start?
>Does that mean that, eventually, we'll be able to change into stuff that does change our nature and abilities?
It means you might be able to find a way to do that, yes.
Taking the other Oramus perk too, going into the Beyond to figure shit out (the manse helps with that), and /especially/ unlocking Oramus' Charmset, would all be things that'd help with that.
They have to accept it willingly. Even moreso than a Green Sun Prince, since GSPs can at least be mind-whammied into agreeing.
>In order to receive the resplendent blessings of the Yozis, the prospective akuma must first be willing—the Charm used to create akuma absolutely fails if the recipient does not freely and unambiguously consent to the procedure without the application of any supernatural persuasion.
The right person, notta douche.
How would you ever be able to convince someone to become one of those poor sods?
that perfect military mind
perfect communication skills from worm or some similar ability most likely.
How informed does this consent need to be?
For what it's worth, I don't see her coming out in a HELL YEAH FIGHT DA POWAH kind of way. But more like Shinji in the second rebuild movie, when he gets all intense because suddenly he has the personal agency to do something that's worth fighting for, on an unimagineable scale.
Like the next time she fought Ridley, she'd spend days tracking his coordinates, pinpoint his favorite haunts and figure out when to jump him away from civilian causalties. Then spend all night haunted by his dying gasps when she used the charm that kills things permanently by draining their souls.
In the case of Adam, it would be more about reframing her place in the world. Look at me, I'd say, I'm a horrifying amalgamate of hundreds of ancient civilisations who forged myself into a peerless cosmic weapon! You are one of the most unique beings in the universe. OWN that shit, girl. Because-you are not alone.
And then she'd just get up one day, and they'd never hear from her again. And suddenly Space Pirate operations start mysteriously blowing up.
Maybe we'd bond over old Phazon runes too. I can recreate ancient memories as simulacrae. I'm not very good at the whole closure thing though, so I'd just sidle into the nearest wall to give her some time alone with her bird-dads/bird-mas.
Also I know basically nothing about Metroid beyond a couple memes
>unlocking Oramus' Charmset
How does one convince a being in a eternal dream?
That's Sachaveral. Oramus is known for his dreams, too, but he actually wakes up.
By being very convincing.
Just make them /want/ to fullfill the Urge you want to give them.
The example Akumas are one woman who was fucked over hard, and wanted revenge. Which she got and is in the process of getting. One who was raised from birth to worship the Yozi. And one who was just crazy and fascinated by demonic bloodlines, he petitioned for Akumahood himself (though without fully understanding the concept).
They need to offer their dody, mind, and soul to the fullfillment of your desires.
I... don't think they need to necessarily need to know what you're planning to do with that?
He's only half-dreaming, and sleeps very fitfully. As says.
Also, enter his dreams and talk to him.
Can't decide if I should make Other M canon to punt that dipshit through a bulkhead, or noncanon so Samus doesn't have to deal with that crap.
> spoiler
There's admittedly not a lot else to know. Metroid isn't heavy on story.
Well, Other M was. But that was prettymuch agreed by everyone to be a narrative abortion.
There's also, like, a lot of background information in the Prime games in the form of being able to scan and read bios and technical reports and science logs and all kinds of things about every little thing because your visor has a "scan this thing" option and by god the game is going to let you use it, but none of it is required to understand or complete the game.
And Fusion had, like, a subplot about the Federation trying to resurrect Metroids because they're dumb which all that stuff gets blown up, and Samus had a lot of introspective moments about a guy she used to know.
For the most part it's all ancillary.
Do you know about how Samus is a kick butt space hero who blows up planets and shoots missiles?
Do you know what a Metroid is?
Do you know who Ridley and Mother Brain are?
Then congratulations! You have a working knowledge of prettymuch everything you need to know about Metroid.
It's not really a complicated series, though it is an enjoyable one.
The fact that you can say, "I have never played or even watched Other M" will, if anything, give you bonus cred within the fandom.
What perks are there that would allow a jumper to ignore an Infernal's Torment and other such things from other types of Exalt?
With the Akuma perk and the charm upgrade can you still decide what the urge you give to your Free will possessing Akuma is or will it match yours?
Did you know that samus isn't technically a bounty hunter, because japan thought it sounded cool, forgot to check what the phrase meant elsewhere, and promptly had a minor freak out over bounty hunting being illegal in japan?
You can still decide their Urge. You could have it be something completely unrelated, just as easily as something matching yours.
I didn't!
But as I mentioned last thread, I did read an interview from a guy who worked on Prime 3, where apparently they'd thought about giving Samus ACTUAL bounties to do that she could turn in, y'know, like, catching people and turning them in for cash. And the Japanese team over at Nintendo (because the Prime series was made by an American team) were horrified and all like, "Samus wouldn't do that!"
Like, despite being called a bounty hunter, she really is just some kind of space hero.
In a way, I think it's kindof cute, that they thought to give her this cool sounding title without knowing what it meant and then got freaked out when they found out.
Did you know? That's the same way we almost got a level called "Genocide City" in Sonic 2. They were aiming for something that sounded dangerous and way overshot.
Though it does make me wonder how Samus actually supports herself. Maybe she only takes commissions from the Federation?
Most of her adventures we see do have her working as an independent contractor for the Federation. Metroid 1 is extremely light on plot, but Zero Mission retconned it into her being an advanced forces expedition prepping Zebes for an invasion by the Federation forces, that went far more effectively than her employers expected. Metroid 2 she's been contracted to wipe out the Metroids. Super Metroid she's again working with the Federation, this time sent to retrieve the Metroid research. Prime 1 and 2 she's just out on her own exploring for Chozo ruins, but Prime 3 she's working with the Federation again. Fusion she once more is contracted to work with them. Other M is the only one where she's actually a bounty hunter, that being part of the backstory that she was part of the Federation military and left it to pursue a private sector career.
Can a coven of Infernals maintain their coven if one or more of them becomes a Devil Tiger? I would prefer if all of my Infernal companions slipped the Yozi leash.
She probably gets paid REALLY well for basically outdoing most of the GF's army on a regular basis.
It's just a name, man. It's not like there's some special benefit to having a perfect Circle. A Circle/Coven is just what you call a group of five Exalted of the same type but different Castes.
So there is no real significance behind it?
Well, some Exalted types have charms to bind their Circle together with metaphysical benefits for working together, so that there can be significance if they want. Infernals are not one of those types, they're too iconoclastic for that.
After reading that the Urges/Torments listed in the Infernals book are just examples I have to ask; what would be some interesting Urges and Torments for the various yozi?
So, let's say I take Guard Duty and fuck up the Yozi's attempts to get free. Would "Pleasing to the Ebon Dragon" protect me from their wrath? I'd still want to dance in Malfeas, they've got good music.
Update 1.7 This Is, In Fact, My Final Update Edition.
So I think I'm pretty much done with this jump barring any bolts of insanity coming out of the blue to strike me on the head. I think it's final. Feel free to ask questions, though.
I'll probably buildpost or writefag or something until I decide on another jump to make.
Internet died, sorry for the delay.
So can someone post the latest Internals update? I can't find it.
I think this is the most recent one
I don't know the manga but the premise is fun. is the execution any good?
also do I need to have read it to do the jump?
Where is the Paper Mario Jump? Is it ready to be Jumped?
The premise is most of what you need to know, there is little revealed about the setting as despite being heroes they are still just shitposting about their problems on interdimensional Veeky Forums?
Dammit. . .
What happens if I become a NGE angel but I don't have a soul?
What happens if a Kamidachi clashed with another Kamidachi, like if I took a drawback where I have to fight a clone with all my weapons and abilities.
>the most powerful sword in existence is female Sheldon Cooper
Why are there three Highlander Jumps in the Drive's WIP Folder?
You body and ego spontaneously create a soul to fill the void?
The creator thought it was necessary to make 3 Highlander jumps. Despite the massive similarities between all them.
It's super fun and a pretty breezy read. I recommend giving it a look.
Some chuckle fuck decided to make three nearly identical jumps for three different version of the same setting.
The dumbass making it, guess where he's from, decided that three different Highlander properties warranted three different Highlander jumps, and then proceeded to copy/paste to create three versions of the same jump.
>Drop-in gets 5 400 CP discounts
I now understand the "kill all harem heroes" sentiment.
I can't tell the new powerlevel of these swords.Are they still level 8. Is Dragon edge weaker beacuse of its price?
Skipping class today, Timmy?
thanks! will check it out
so the Hero BBS is basically like /JC/ for Jumpers?
Do you even count as alive anymore without a soul?
They can barely be called different! I mean if you went whole ham and stated that the Animated world was an alternate Universe based on some things said over the course I could see maybe two but this, as it is, is horse apples.
So which one are we choosing? I mean I'm fine with having one, we have Lost fucking Odyssy builds here for fucks sake, but we'll have to chose only one. Heh...
Please don't use my post as a spring board. I just don't think we should have three and had an over the top reaction, just how I am.
>pic related
Yup. That's exactly what it is.
I'm ignoring them all until we get a better version. It's a cool property, and I get being eager, but I'm willing to wait.
The only multiples I have are Lady Death, and a character who has multiple versions of them-self in the universe they normally exist in anyway.
>I was wrong about the 50cp thing
Personally I'm gonna have my Reality Marble be a location within my Inner World, a place my Souls can't enter without specific permission, almost a holy place to them.
>here are an infinite amount of numbers greater than or equal to 11.
Only 300 Solars though
150 after the destruction of the Jade Prison.
So so you max out at either 295 Solars, or 145.
Take advantage of their desperation or stupidity.
I don't recommend doing it, making someone into an Akuma is a major dick move.
Only the Dragonblooded, I think, get an outright benefit from it. But it's a very important symbol. Also it has the mundane benefit of tons of very varied skill sets being brought together
Impressive phoneposting.
With the perk I can let them keep their free will, they would be getting a significant amount of power in exchange for short term pain and my own Devil Tiger Torment which I would be designing myself to be manageable since it affects me too.
As I said the funny thing here is that, because of statements in the Animated Series, I could see there being two Jumps for it. It would have to boil down to this vague statement about the Quickening being universal across all worlds or something but that may just be old guru speak there.
Who is the best waifu of the Omniverse? Bonus question: best husbando?
Gaea from EVO is a best.
With Martel from Tales of Phantasia being a close second. My other companions have started joking with other planetary life force spirits we meet to look out, because I have a type.
Trick question, all waifus are best waifus, except for the ones belonging to people with complete and utter shit taste.
Likewise all waifus are "a shit", as laid down by the laws of the mystical land of /a/.
Whoever you think it is, since love is subjective.
Best waifu is debatable. It all comes down to personal tastes.
Best husbando, however, is and always will be Ryan Reynolds Deadpool.
I would imagine it's something like: Angels are basically body/soul combined, so probably your body just spontaneously creates a soul for you to fill the gap.
I mean, when you think about it, NGE souls are completely different from souls from any other canon, but nobody questions it to say, "Well, you just get the right soul anatomy added to your existing soul/body so that the jump works."
Probably the same thing happens here, just on a larger scale.
Honestly, after some of the jumps like Soul Eater, Undertale, and NGE, your soul is probably a horrifying mishmash, to say nothing of what your body is probably like with all the disparate bloodlines and such a typical jumper will pick up.
Actually, I think that happened a few months back, what the other anons said about the thing with the guy? I kindof remember the thread being pissed off about it for, like... maybe half a thread.
If I remember right everyone basically called that guy a moron and dismissed him out of hand.
So that's kinda neat?
Wow, user, you're not gonna believe this, but I actually still have the tab open where I opened up that jump the last time it was posted.
This should be the latest version:
I think the author said he wanted to try to add some stuff to even out the races? But then he kindof vanished.
It's basically done but for that, though.
You are. Or you will be. Jump-chan's ultimate goal is to make you into the one waifu worthy of her, so you can engage in eternal yuri shenanigans throughout the omniverse.
Me. I split my soul into two beings, and now we hold hands in a realm inside of my soul while eating food infused with my Soulfire and a clone of me plays romantic music in the background.
>Paper Mario response
Cool beans.
Is that why she keeps offering to change my gender either for peanuts or for free?
I have no idea. But if I had to guess I'd say that they either glance off each other slightly and produce a ridiculously massive explosion or they just pass through one another completely due to reality trying to divide by zero. Or, more likely, both Kamidachis crash into one another like normal swords because they're consciously stopping themselves from touching one another due to realizing what would happen if they did.
They range from level 8 upwards based on which sword you're looking at. Kamidachi is straight-up level 10 but is fairly limited in use; she's the most powerful weapon in the multiverse but is basically an ordinary weapon pushed to god levels in terms of functionality. Tsundachi's true power is well into level 9 but can't be used all the time.
Can Dandatchi heal undeath? Like make them dead-again?
And why there's more free female swaps than male ones.
What level do I have to reach as a Magician to learn space-time magic? Including transposition?
That is never revealed, just companion the sage or wandering magician and they can act as a cosmic taxi service without any notable effort on their part.
Even dragon's edge? Also if I import a weapon into dragons edge do I have to make it the core of a mass of flesh? Seems like it would interfere with abilities like fire aura and other's like that. Not to mention the ascthetic is a bit off.
>Being a woman
No thanks, I like my man-bits.
So do level 10 classes and other items also get access to conceptual effects like Kamidachi? Or is that sort of thing unique to that one weapon.
Why do all the deredachi cost 400? Other than Kamidachi (and Tsundachi under special circumstances) they are all level 8 weapons just like the 200 cp weapons of the other origins.
In the notes it's implied you can gain this ability but it's nerfed until you get your Spark.
>it's nerfed until you get your Spark.
No it isn't, other than the usual "no travel between different jump settings" thing that all such powers are subject to.
Don't knock it until you've tried it. According to Tiresias woman bits are much more fun.
True but the level of difficulty for such magic is never revealed in the series, it is unknown at what level you would be able to learn it.