Get in here and discuss your strategies--tired of seeing random bits of advice spread out through random threads
>how successful are you?
>what indicators / price actions do you use?
>what time frames?
let's make money fags
Get in here and discuss your strategies--tired of seeing random bits of advice spread out through random threads
>how successful are you?
>what indicators / price actions do you use?
>what time frames?
let's make money fags
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Buy Low sell high.
I bought Cardano when it was low on the RSI last night and hadnt pumped yet, made a nice 90% while sleeping.
How much did you have staked in it? I've only been playing with pennies and have made big gains, and now have a little more confidence and hubris and am willing to throw more btc to alts
Why did you buy last night?
It was just a quick 100 bucks. I was tired already and didnt feel like transferring from any other wallet so I sold something I had on the exchange already. I took out my initial 100 and left the other 100 in cause cardano is a good long hold as well. Similar to eth 2.0
It was clearly due for a pump. BIZ wouldnt shutup about it and it hadnt pumped yet.
RSI had been rising steadily.
What other indicators do you use?
bought in XRP at 0.49
bought more at 0.75, and 0.8
will sell when it looks like its having a very hard time progressing
BTC price.
Literally all you need is a coins RSI and Bitcoins last week of patterns.
RSI was low
BTC trading sideways and many people scared of it crashing
Did a little research and it hadnt pumped yet. Just be smart. I learned that the best way to make money is to literally buy low. and set a sell order 40% or higher.
I did 90% higher cause it hadnt pumped yet.
I have no idea what I'm doing actually. All I do is buy coins that are rising and sell when I have at least 2% profit
>when you switch from reading the charts to reading the orderbook
Is anyone successful with margin trading?
Share your stories pls.
people that post in these threads are fucking retarded
just read about the Moon phase indicator to see why you should never reveal your strategy
that is very very smart. anons should listen to you. My problem with day trading is I get greedy and want more gains, and I end up holding too long and then it dips
I keep getting fucked over by mishaps.
Veeky Forums gives daytrading a lot of shit but it's fairly viable when focusing on undervalued and stable coins without getting greedy
it's not really a matter of putting it all in one basket you know
Anything looking optimistic for gains this evening? XRP looks done to me.
I'm planning to get into Forex.
What's the best way to practice? What's your favourite currency trade?
What is the best way to predict value change of a currency on another?
tell me more senpai
started with just 1000$ this week. And im at 3000$ now. I was in that signaling jew discord channel and laughed my ass off when he tricked all the people getting into MCO. I bought Ripple instead at 35cents. Best decision this week. I also predicted feathercoins, litecoins and dogecoins to moon. Im currently waiting for BAT to moon.
I want to make enough profit daily to replace my daily job with trading, while living abroad all around in non expensive but interesting locations
where do you go for RSI charts on cryptos? Cryptwatch doesnt support Binance and ive been looking for a good chart system.
I'm you except I started two days ago with several hundreds and made 100% of profit, now going in with bigger investment
do you see this
this is a battlefield
learn the terrain
know what ground will be conquered and what defensive fortifications will withstand assault
ally yourself with the side that is winning now
sense when its time to switch sides
thats how you trade
what makes you think BAT is gonna moon?
>Did this all the time and got easy gains
>yesterday as supposed to be no different
>I accidentally bought at ATH
fuck me and fuck these bags...
Binance does have RSI on its advanced trading layout
I do that a lot but "experienced" traders say that the orderbook doesn't mean shit. I guess this can be true if the asset is not only traded on the exchange you're looking the orderbook of.
Noob here, i sent some bitcoin from coinbase to bittrex about 24 hours ago and it's still "pending"... Am I fucked? Is this a common error? I'm pretty sure I copied the right wallet address...
What resources do you suggest for learning this? Or maybe you can provide some insights?
oh shit thanks user.
why should I care what the orderbook is doing on bitfinex if my money is on GDAX
if theres strong buying support at 280 on GDAX but on bitfinex they are trading at 275, how does that affect me exactly
I still will be buying in front of the support on the exchange where I am located. let the price differ and let the arbitrage bots have their fun, they do not scare me. if the bid is real the bid is real
watch the market depth chart autistically for thousands of hours over the course of a year and a half
thats how I did it anyway
My goal is to get to 5K and then put every gain in long term cryptos like COSS and Obsidian.
In germany crypto is taxfree if you Hold for 12 Months. :3
I would probably not risk more then 5K desu. We where jsut lucky. By limiting your volume your not losing that much. Im trying to be patient.
>decent dev
>a decent token
>very cheap
>increasing volume in the last couple of days
>These announcements
>long term cryptos like COSS and Obsidian.
>no transaction hash found
Coinbase is really gay if some weird error made me lose money.
>why should I care what the orderbook is doing on bitfinex if my money is on GDAX
Because prices between different exchanges are relatively the same, otherwise just arbitrage and you'll make gains without efforts.
price between exchanges can vary wildly
im not about to open a bithumb account and start arbitraging from korean won
Whatever mate, I read the orderbook too, but have you ever tried reading the orderbook when trading with 5x+ leverage?
honestly when im trading litecoin im more concerned with what bitcoin is doing on my same exchange than what litecoin is doing in korea
That's not my question.
Would your trust reading the order while trading with leverage or not?
I've been making $200 a day buying btc dips on my small local exchange
I know I can't keep this up forever, but feels good making more than a wageslave while doing essentially nothing
i dont trade with leverage but yes I assume I would trade in the same fashion with the same strategies
But from BTC to ETH and backwards.
flipped a quick $300 from the LTC/ETH boost a couple days back, that was in the span of a couple hours. got paid to study for a final.
thanks user
why do people think orderbook trading works in crypto when its so easy to spoof and manipulate? has anyone here REALLY TRULY made good profit using order book/order flow trading?
>>how successful are you?
I'm good, because I make 10% a week. I always make room for losses, nobody is 100%, 100% of the time.
>>what indicators / price actions do you use?
I use T.A to cover as much of the time spectrum, seconds minutes, days, weeks and look at the patterns of how other cultures are trading the stock throughout the day, orderbooks, flatlines, detail, detail, details, even when the Middle East prays to Mecca or China goes on it's lunch. There's a heartbeat.
If there's a slow price increase at 0300 GMT, T.A tells me the likelyhood of a PnD. Really common with XRP the past few days.
>>what time frames?
Minutes, in and out, take 4% on a pump and cut it.
T.A tells me the rest for futures (months e.g.)
Even if a stock tanks, and I walk away zero, then I'm happy. Trading Fx USD pairs keeps me open minded.
Then don't do it, for your own good.
god bless you
I just buy whichever pajeetcoins are being shilled convincingly and cash out fairly early desu
i fail to see how being leveraged changes the situation
You can not afford to be wrong about a move or you'll be liquidated.
protip: buy Potcoin next time Dennis Rodman is a guest on the Colbert Show. You'll make millions!
I can't stop laughing
A-a-are those, tiny moons???
put money in and watch it
Don't let MACD decide when you want to enter or leave whatever you're interested in.
But use MACD when you are happy with the price you are trading out of, it can be the difference between 5% and 20% gains.
I want to start day trading. I was thinking of putting $500 a month I to day trading while the rest goes into long term holds. If I make a profit, I cash out 50% then add another $500 the following month to what is left over. If I lose everything I start from scratch or my loss.
Good idea?
Which indicators do you guys use? I'm using MACD, StochRSI, and OBV, and it seems to yield accurate and responsive results.
It is until we reach the bear season
I need to have a good capital to make traiding profitable, thats why im holding right now until i get at least 20k.
MACD doesn't mean shit in the long term of 4 hours to days to weeks. But MACD from my experiences is almost always accurate in short term trading.
I wouldn't allow MACD to influence what you want to buy into, or sell out of.
But after you've decided to enter, MACD is a great tool to know exactly when to buy for that extra push small gain over the course of 5-10 minutes after you've decided you want in.
How accurate is RSI through your experiences by the way?
Never really got into constantly looking at the RSI.
Makes sense to me. I only intend to do this in the current bull market.
Ichimoku is GOD in trending markets.
Buying Binance coins on RSI
I've found MFI to be more accurate than RSI, and StochRSI to be more accurate than both of them. I would keep mainly to StochRSI and occasionally check MFI to check the general longer-term trends perhaps.
Idk, for me it's accurate maybe 50% of the time?
Buying Binance coins with RSI
struggling with two things
what do you do when you go to bed?
do you swing trade from work? what do you use?
close positions and exist into whatever you use to store, or if you can't place stop loss and sell orders
swing trading XRP gained me 120% of my initial investment, if you're smart you buy the dip THIS FUCKING MOMENT
ok thanks user
another nub question, I see that XRP is 4600 sats on Bittrex and 4875 sats on Binance. Does this play any importance in trading?
Ok so explain to me how it’s possible to do this? You buy when it dips, and then wait for it to go up by, say, $200, and then sell it there. If I buy right now on Coinbase, it will take them a week before my transaction goes through. I can’t sell it until that transaction completes. What if the dip spikes on the same day? What if your buy completes at a time when it’s dipping again a week later? How do you make this $200 a day if you’re limited by the timeframes the exchanges hold over you?
i mean should i pay attention to this difference in making a decision to buy or sell
RSI is for fucking retards
Don't use Coinbase, use a proper exchange wher you can buy and sell instantly. Use GDAX, you already have an account since it's owned by Coinbase.
You’re saying on gdax I can buy, and 1 hour later, sell the exact same thing I bought? Why would anyone use Coinbase? Are the fees higher on gdax? Doesn’t my bank have to clear it all anyway?
GDAX is better in every single way. When you buy, you have it instantly and can then sell it instantly. Coinbase is aimed towards casual buyers, GDAX is aimed towards traders. There are also much lower fees.
Wow. Ok thank you. I’m gonna try it in small amounts first.
you should trade on the exchange with the biggest volume, shit like binance is more easily manipulated, at least from what I understand, the bigger the better because it's harder for whales to manipulate
The only reason I can't get on GDAX is because the motherfuckers need a second ID, but their system throws a shitfit if you move a lot and have them from different countries. But your bank account country must correspond with you ID too. So it's a fucking mess for people like me.
on binance doesnt a trade cost like 8$? doesnt that make it harder to make money off small fluctuations
Moderately successful. I look to get something done each day but it all depends what's going on with what I trade with. I don't try and 'time' the market, I just try to get big swings that are likely to almost instantly correct. Sometimes I go for smaller trades but only if there's a large spread.
While I am netting profit, I'd probably be doing better going long on the right coins desu. If I didn't swing so much I would have been holding LTC and ETH during their recent moons for example.
>doesnt a trade cost like 8$
what? it's a 0.10% fee if you don't use their shitcoin to pay fees, how much that's going to cost depend entirely on you
I thought BTC transactions was higher
>implying anyone is ever going to give out any real hot tips and not just generic information
>I thought BTC transactions was higher
why would that matter? it's 0.10% for any transaction, naturally if I sell 1 BTC that's going to be like 160+ $ atm, unless again you have some of their shitcoin, and set the site to use that, in which case you get some discount of idk how much %
Do any of you bother with Dogecoin?
Looking to gather capital.
Git liquidated again, fuck.
Anyone have success with margin trading around here?
No, you get Justed by bots.
How do I interpret stochRSI
Really? I haven't found Ichimoku very accurate at all.
Fuck I quit, I'll just paper trade on marging for fun, I would rather baghold now than be justed.
If you see bots with walls, or just walls in general, do not try to margin trade because that's what they want you to do, then they'll move the price. Better off sitting in the area you think the price will move to.