MTG EDH/Commander General

「 I A M T H E L A W 」 Edition

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Thread Topic:
>How do you lay down the law?

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Here's the link to the old thread for the truly autismal.

I run a very strong Brago list, but it has the same problem that every Brago deck does: it's incredibly boring.

What should I convert it to that's slightly less reliant on the commander? GAAIV seems like a good choice, but I'd be willing to go tricolour if the deck is fun enough. I'm just looking for a deck that will slowly make people lose their will to live, but wont fold the second the commander is countered twice.

>How do you lay down the law?
At some point I realized countering 3 other players spells wasn't an option, so instead of going after their spells on the stack I went after the mana they used to cast them.

Yes... yes. Come to the red side.

>Grand Fagiter Fagustin IV

commanders who just sit there-tier

Please help me make my burn deck playable.

I don't care much about winning big games, I just want to set everyone's shit on fire.

Recently switched commander to Akroma to try her out. I generally have a lot of red mana hanging around and a firebreathing commander sounded fun.

Thinking about switching to Hidetsugu, but I need to trade for him.

reposting my Nekusar wheel deck from the last thread. Any thoughts/recommendations from people? Some combos and spicy deck tech I should put in?

He can't dethrone the king of just-sitting-there.

>The land continues to burn
Circle of Flame is thematic and cool

>this arrived today
>no idea what to do with them yet
>look up thraximundar on edhrec
>people only use him for zombie tribal

Well. Sedris reanimator sounds sweet tho.

Why not just ashling the pilgrim as a commander?

How good is Rosheen Meanderer as a commander? Is she pure jank/hydra tribal or is she actually good?

friend already runs her for his sweet casino deck. i don't wanna step on his toes.

yes. this is exactly the theme im looking for.


X spells do more than hydra tribal but I still wouldn't call her "actually good", just an interesting casual option

Making a Lazav Voltron deck.

How big of a bad idea is this?

>How do you lay down the law?
Frequently, and without mercy.

How are you going to make it? What parts are the voltron parts, and how are you getting things into the yard?

>Your creatures can help cast this spell.
Weird and cool reminder text? I can't wait for more Improvise cards. I seriously can't fucking wait. I love Convoke and I love Artifacts.

>How do you lay down the law?
Pic related and All is Dust in my colorless deck. Priceless.

I mean since shes RG you can only really do hydra tribal and fireball/board clear spells. Not much else you can do with her. That being said, she is an interesting RG commander.

Playability is low, because there's better RG options.

Fun is high, because X spells and hydras, plus you get to name your deck 「 X G O N ' G I V E I T T O Y A 」

>plus you get to name your deck 「 X G O N ' G I V E I T T O Y A 」
Classy. I would have said 「O N E I S T H E L O N E L I E S T N U M B E R 」

Might just get her because of how fun she sounds.

Here's my decklist if you're interested:

>how do you lay down the law
subtlety is not my strong suit.

>「 X G O N ' G I V E I T T O Y A 」
Fuck that's good.

>How do you lay down the law
We live in a communist society after all.

>How do you lay down the law?
Swiftly and without mercy for puny blue mages.

>How do you lay down the law?
I used to be the only one who did it. And then Iost because I would waste all my ressources on keeping people in check, while everyone else just masturbated. So now I just try to go off before the rest gets to do their "fun stuff".

Hey gA, if I give a creature flash, say heartless hidestugu, does it also have haste, or do normal summoning rules still apply?

Can I tap that bitch on my opponent's turn the turn it comes out, assuming it has flash?

>how do you lay down the law?

Nope, it loses the sickness after the first of your upkeeps during which you already controlled the critter. So flashing doesn't grant haste, but makes it be tappable as soon as you start your next turn.

Flash doesn't do any more than it says- it lets you cast the spell under the same timing restrictions as an instant. It won't naturally give Haste; but it will let you flash in Hidetsugu at the end of your opponent's turn so he's ready to go during your turn.

UW in general is incredibly boring. Good luck user.

Thanks comrades, I wanted to set up some filthy flash shenanigans, but now I just need to do it on my endstep instead of in the middle of combat. Slightly less cute, but still functional.

Sedris is out-fucking-standing as a deck that abuses ETBs. Things like Panharmonicon in him are just disgusting.

>after the first of your upkeeps during which you already controlled
Not quite. "Summoning sickness" applies to all your permanents (not that it DOES anything to noncreatuers) unless you've controlled them continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn.


>Things like Panharmonicon in him are just disgusting.
I'd say so. How is that giant weird clock battery thing going to fit?

GAAIV is what you want but be warned it is the friendship killer, shit is the most boring thing to play against.

So for summoning sickness purposes you consider beginning of the turn and not upkeep, got it.

Right. It's mostly a pedantic nitpick, but, well...

I am me.

>How do you lay down the law?

Cyclonic Rift, Blasphemous Act, Rolling Earthquake. I got bored of trying to do diplomacy as a spellslinger with no boardstate, now it's just periodic spells that hit everyone.

What? No.

Glad you like it.

It's honestly a stupid story of how I started that nonesense, but everyone seems to enjoy the end result.

>How do you lay down the law?

delete this

Rate, hate, appreciate? I wanted this to be a mid-tier budget Lazav deck with a splash of tactical wheeling, but I have "deck builder's glasses" and I can't quite separate the jank from the nonjank.

As a note, I know there aren't any colourless rocks, the idea is to pop lazav t4 as many games as possible, because I know he sucks to remove, and instead of skimping on the deck for the landbase, I did the opposite and hoped my omnirocks would fix things.



Lemme get in on this.


I really wish there was more cards like this for my monoG omnath deck.


Did someone say "bullshit low cost cards that can completely fuck over certain types of decks"? I nominate Urabrask lite. Why? Well, it may not be as flashy, it may not be back braking, but holy shit-covered-toast batman has it won me a lot of games.

I need a 5-color deck. What should I build lads?

I mean, Blind Obedience does almost the same for 1 cheaper (and is much harder to kill), and Kismet does a lot more for 1 more mana, and is much harder to kill.

>go-fish breya
>just tutor out ashnod's and nim deathmantle
>instant win
>watch my friends get super salty as i win a game that was going really well for them
it's great. in 1v1, they think they're shutting me down.

in multiplayer games, im so quiet everyone forgets im there.

people are starting to really make faces when i bring her out though. i think it's almost time to put her up on the shelf until people forget how it works.

Here ya go.

>Kismet is 5 american pennies.
Jesus christ, why don't more people run it?

Yes, enchantments are generally harder to remove, but Thalia fits an important niche. She not only slows your opponent down by tapping their creatures and fancy lands, she also throws a body out there to soak up damage until you can play fancier things.

>Throws out a body
On a 3/2 in Commander, that is a detriment more than it is a boon.

Dear god, why doesn't that see more play?

horde of notions. everything else is shit tier

Because as soon as it appears in a playgroup people stop feeling that it's worth it to play anything graveyard-related, possibly leading to a lessened variance in the meta.

Just so I understand that right the combo is: sac breya + thopters to altar then pay four for nim, effectively creating infinite mana, then shooting the table by creating infinite thopters to sacrifice with breya? I need to try that.

I like child of alara because you get to build whatever deck you want in 5c without trying to build under a commander's ability too much cuz your commander is just a boardwipe instead of a linchpin.

Yeah. Pop the Thopters for CCCC, pop Breaya for CC and use 4 of your 6 floating to get her back. Net gain: 2 mana. Repeat several thousand times, then start JUST saccing her, paying the 2 you made and 2 from your reserves to bring her back, netting 2 Thopters each time. Once you have enough thopters, start throwing them at people.

>3/2 first strike
>more a detriment than a boon
Depends on many factors, but mostly, whether or not you're in a creature heavy meta. I've never had a problem personally, but I have a different philosophy about these sorts of things. In general, if someone is wasting removal on something I played t3, that's a good thing because it means they're going to have less removal for my better stuff.

Unban when? Make r/w chaos great.

Authority of the consuls is 2 cheaper and does a lot of work too, + lifegain. Harder to kill than Thalia too.

>Wasting removal
No, you can't move the goalposts like that. If you're playing her as a cheap way to disrupt your opponent, then making her the single most vulnerable card type is a WEAKNESS, not a strength. If you're playing her to disrupt your opponent, her 'ability' to chump block is not much of a perk, because you only chump with her if you HAVE to (and your opponent's not gonna be poking at you with a 2/2 utility guy while a 3/2 first striker is there). She's small enough that all she'll really do is ward off a couple of early utility-pokes, or sponge up one big hit, but that's not the ideal situation.

Even in a creature-light meta (which aren't very common), it's not necessarily that they'll "waste removal" on her, or you'll be forced to chump; it's the fact that she's so likely to just be INCIDENTALLY hit by a Wrath effect, whereas Kismet or Blind Obedience wouldn't.

yes exactly. it is some of the most fun i have had ruining magic.

save all your counter-spells for that moment too. the looks on people's faces is priceless.

Eh. I won't fault you for it, but I tried to make a combo-laden artifact deck with Sydri and I fucking hated it. I'd get my free wins out of nowhere (I had multiple 2 and 3 card instant-win combos in the deck), but I hated winning that way. I don't like games to end all at once like that, even when I'm winning them.

I feel the same way, I used to run test of endurance, felidar sovereign, leyline of anticipation and vedalken orrery in Oloro. Just made games very boring.

I'm building an artifact control deck so I can switch commanders between sen triplets, sharuum and sydri. The one thing I want to do is shoot the entire table for 50 each with lifelink aetherflux reservoir.

I mean, I -put- instant-win stuff into most of my decks, but it's a Nuclear Option. They literally exist for the purposes of "This game needs to be over" when nobody's willing to just scoop so we can go eat, or they're some convoluted six-card combo that can easily be disrupted so it takes some setup to get to that point.

I don't like "win all at once" because it feels, to me, like it invalidates the whole game up to that point. I know there's the whole "Bait their disruption, find out what's safe, etc etc, then go off" 'dance' and all, but when you're literally resolving one spell and saying "This game, which was not in immediate danger of ending, will end if nobody has 4 counterspells in their hand right now to stop this AND my 3 counterspells"... it sucks. It's like someone walking over halfway through a fun game and knocking over the table. Yeah, it's over now, but not in a fun or interesting way.

>Playing RUG Lands
>Have Plated Geopede and Rampaging Baloth
>EoT Realms Uncharted for Strip Mine, Glacial Chasm, Depths and Thespian. Get given Thespian and Strip Mine
>Untap, during upkeep Intuition for Oracle of Mul Daya, Azusa and Loam
>Get given Oracle, Dredge Loam
>Play Strip Mine, Mine someone cast Oracle cast Loam getting Strip Mine, Glacial and Depths
>Win with landfall triggers and Marit Lage beatdown
This is actually pretty fun.

I'm looking for suggestions for more commanders like these. Where they are very open ended when it comes to the deckbuilding and also have a high amount of variance in gameplay between games. I posted this a few threads ago and got told Maelstrom Wanderer fits but I didn't update the pic to include him

Honestly even for a 'landfall matters' deck I think Plated Geopede is pretty mediocre.

Wanderer does not remotely fit for 'open ended when it comes to deckbuilding'. I don't feel like Riku is, either. With Wanderer you build it with dumb shit to cascade into and ways to get Wanderer back into your hand to be recast. With Riku you just do big dumb shit to copy.

Fair enough, like I said, Kismet is a super spicy meatball, I was very impressed, but blind obedience doesn't tap down nonbasics in addition to creatures, even though. I had to think real hard, because I play in a silly meta full of rich fucks with fancy lands, and those few tempo plays you can squeeze out are extremely nice, but niche. The only other thing I use thalia for is stopping Kiki-Jiki combos, but those other thing would too. I guess I'm much more worried about chumping a big swing, or deterring an attack for a few turns to set up my real control.

That being said, I admit some colours have more problems dealing with enchantments than others. I personally run a shitload of enchantments just for that purpose, but where I use Thalia is in Uril, with my buddy Urabrask, so I can understand how I'm a little biased.



It's not amazing, but it's a beater that comes down early. I've had game where I had Oboro or Ghost Town with an Exploration effect and it's consistently been a 3/3 or 5/5 first striker.

And is "consistently a 3/3 first striker" really worth a slot in an EDH deck?

Look, it fits into my theme and curve. I'm pretty happy with it's performance so far.

You're opponents are dumb.

Mr edh stands guy can you give me one for atarka world render 1HKO combat tricks. The deck also has a lot of other dragons but I wouldn't call it a tribal deck.


The Sydri combo is neat, but not that necessary honestly. I run the reservoir in Oloro, and the infinity part is hardly needed if your lifegain is going well.

In my experience, trying to juggle artifact control and lifelink in 1 esper deck results in the deck not being all that good at any of them.

That's why I split my deck (had the same idea as you) into Oloro lifelink control and sen triplets/Sharuum artifact control with a blink and steal subtheme.

Scion of the Ur-Dragon. In Dominaria, rainbow taste you.

Also it's very unsatisfying to play it if you have any recursion yourself, so generally only competitive decks and specialized hate decks are interested in it

Not him but what about「 T H U N D E R S T R U C K 」?

You know, bant funpolice sounds like a sweet deck.

Jenara or derevi. as a commander, tutors to find the fun police cards and lots of counters and pillowfort.

The higher the number of cheap (1-3 cmc) creatures you run that also do a thing, I.e Thalia or Aven Mindcensor, the better any overrun or pseudo overrun effects you play will be, you can kill two birds with one stone so to speak

You've pointed out the downside which is that they die to board wipes and the most common type of spot removal, I'm just saying that it's a trade off, not a strict negative for hate effects to be attached to creatures in edh

Another benefit of creatures is that they have more support in terms of flickering, sac/reanimating, cheating into play, and cloning, than other card types

That doesn't apply to Thalia but I'm just talking in general, creatures have huge upside, so to be balanced compared to artifacts and enchantments they need the huge downside of being easiest to destroy

How the fuck does EDHREC come up with their 'synergy' numbers?

Also, I am having mild regret making this Kemba deck after working on a Breya deck. At least no one expects the white counterspells.

Why bother with counters, just use a time seive and if they counter/stifle it reanimate that shit with your artifact recursion.

I'm working on an eggs-y, storm-y, affinity-y Akiri deck and I play all the typical eggs you see in most lists. I'm wondering if I should play all the artifacts that etb and draw a card, though. Most notable ones I've never seen anybody play are Metalspinner's Puzzleknot (I have Silas as her partner but I may switch to another commandee, idk yet, Thrasios would help do-nothing-ness and provide card flow) and Tsabo's Web. I mostly feel like like the deck is kind of do-nothing and can feel it's fragility even when goldfishing. And Akiri just doesn't get big enough fast enough to make up for it, and I play all the 0 drop and x artifacts too. So I'm thinking maybe playing all cantripping artifacts will help card flow.

The synergy of a card on, for instance, the Breya deck page, is the ratio of the percentage of Breya decks that run that card relative to the percentage of other decks that run it, that run it, if that makes sense

So take all the decks that run the card, let's say Ashnod's altar, sort them by the commander. If Breya decks run Ashnod's altar 50% of the time, and the rest of the commanders that run Ashnod's altar run it like 45% of the time on average, then Ashnod's has +5% synergy with breya

Short answer: yes

Long answer: how did you think you were going to play an eggs deck without cheap artifacts that cantrip?

partnerher with silais, you can play cranial plating and basically give her 2x damage that stacks with double strike

Mimeoplasm, maybe.

I put all the ones that everyone already plays, or in other words, I already do play cheap artifacts that can trip. But of course most lists don't literally every single one that draws a card since most lists seem to focus on the ones that also filter/provide mana. I don't see stuff like thr given examples of the Puzzleknot and Tsabo's Web in eggs decks, though the Puzzleknot is fairly new. It seems like while goldfishing it'd really help to have more artifacts that draw a card to help give me card flow so I can keep doing things. But I don't know if they're good enough since no one plays literally all artifacts that do that.