How do we make traditional gamers more sex positive instead of screeching about "magical realms" at every shadow and kinkshaming each other nonstop?
How do we make traditional gamers more sex positive instead of screeching about "magical realms" at every shadow and...
Nobody does this. It's just Veeky Forums being Veeky Forums.
Maybe people don't really want sex in their role playing games? If your group does, more power to you, but don't try to "make" people have different opinions on sex
You accept that some people don't wanna deal with that when they play, and that some people want that to be part of the game. Depending on which side you are on you look for people who share your interests, and both sides leave the other be. Live and let live and nobody try to force anything on anyone else.
It's not that sex is bad, it's just that we don't want the entire fucking world or someone's entire character built around some obscure fetish that gets jammed in everywhere at every opportunity.
I mean, would you like to play with someone who just HAS to point out that his cleric shits his pants at every opportunity? Or a paladin that likes to touch little girls and will take any opportunity to do so?
>ITT people who only play online
Your sexual preferences are best kept between you and whoever you share those kinds of experiences with. Your tabletop group doesn't need to hear about it unless you are, indeed, fucking them.
First post only worthwhile post, including the OP.
>sex positive
I wonder who could be behind this post.
It's kinda complex. On the one hand, a lot of people are turned against the idea of any sexuality in games due to stories or experiences of people inserting it where it's unwelcome and being assholes about it. That kind of stuff always sucks and the people who perpetrate it are rightfully derided.
On the other hand, I do think there is this odd puritan angle amongst the hobby at times, people who see any sexual expression in artwork or fluff as immature or unwholesome or just plain wrong. And while they're entirely allowed to believe that I do fundamentally think sexual expression isn't a bad or harmful thing.
Then again, we live in an era where sex-negativity is coming both from the conservative right and the regressive left, so you're kinda fucked no matter where you stand.
In my experience, anyone who uses the term 'kinkshaming' is exactly the kind of person who brings it out at every opportunity. They're worse than vegans.
This. Shit thread is shit.
Sage and move on.
Abhartung. Sadly I don't think English has a word for it - person hardening, getting used to, practiced adaption, start small / tame and build up / more lewd.
In my experience it really boils down to group dynamics/ who you are playing with. I don't think there is a set rule beyond player preferences.
Anytime I add a new player to my games I often try to get a feel of their personal boundaries and try to respect them, even if it takes away storytelling options because at the end of the day it's more about the overall fun of the group as a whole.
TL;DR: Communicate with your group and see where their boundaries are. Don't go out of your way to add stuff that makes somebody not want to immerse in your world.
You don't. Get the fuck out and find yourself an ERP group if that's what you want.
According to my calculations, this answer is correct.
Is this some extremely obscure derivitive of loss or am I reading too far into it?
Actually yes, that works.
It's that "jew rubbing hands" cartoon. I can tell from the attached meme.
Sex lends almost nothing to the story. It is as relevant and exciting to a high flying epic adventure as breakfast, dental hygiene, and the quality of your bowel movements. It's mundane.
Start talking about, say, how good the Beegees are at a Rap concert, and you'll understand what I mean.
"Social Demoralization." Marxist strategy to subvert foreign entities from the 60s.
If the sex is mundane you're either doing it wrong or catholic and doing it right.
You know, I imagine, in a game about high flying epic adventure, stopping every once in a while to detail the characters having breakfast might be a good idea if you want to break up the action, lighten the mood a little, and explore some character interaction. I don't think it would be entirely out of place.
>Sex lends almost nothing to the story
I'm sorry but this is just fucking ludicrous. I think I get what you're trying to say, but the way you worded it is incredibly dumb.
Sex, sexual desire and sexual tension are the driving forces behind some of the oldest and most famous stories ever written in every conceivable genre and continue to be powerful storytelling tools to this day.
If you don't like using them in your game? That's fine, do things the way you and your group enjoy. But my god that statement was so fucking stupid.
FPBP and /thread
>"Social Demoralization." Marxist strategy to subvert foreign entities
Jeje, speaking for the wrong side of former Berlin Wall - promiscuity of pioneer girls was proverbial.
That's bullshit though. Unless you are claiming every story that included romance as a central point is really all just about fucking, in which case you are retarded or pretending to be so very convincingly.
Are you gonna tell me that stealing Helen just because she was hot was "romance" and not almost purely sexual?
Global Rule 3:
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:
>sex positive
>pic is cyborgess with plastic underpants
>Assuming that's Schlomo Shekelstein
Romance is part of sexuality. Yes, it's possible to have romance without sexuality, and sexuality without romance, but if you look beyond modern puritanism a good chunk of history was not nearly so put off by such things. Many of the great myths, legends and fairytales were explicitly motivated by sexuality, with the modern versions censoring that to suit western christian sensibilities.
>pioneer girls
What are those
But user never said who it was...
>saying sex was the central theme of the illiad because of the myth of Helen
Nigga you what?
>ignoring metaphorical angles of the myth
if you don't see the issue with enacting your masturbatory fantasies with other people in person that's your problem
Underrated post.
What kind of sexual expression do you personally enjoy in your games?
Pioneers are the Soviet equivalent of boy scouts and girl guides, only with emphasis on being good little communists.
It's not the central theme, but it is the catalyzing force for the entire conflict. Sexuality can be a relevant or just a minor part of something without it being central. It's a natural part of any adults life, like humor. People can be funny and make jokes without the entire story being a comedy.
Literally the only two times breakfast was described to my party, someone died.
"Steak and Eggs" is our codeword/joke about a PC dying due to non-combat related reasons
Sex moves.
That's hilarious. What were the circumstances? Poison?
>steak for breakfast
>breakfast, dental hygiene, and the quality of your bowel movements
All three are important for adventuring properly, though. Do you really want to lose a boss fight due to a -2 penalty caused by an infected wisdom tooth?
Or die of dysentery because you shat upriver from where you were taking water from?
Stop making magical realms
Is that happy merchan't loss?
I'd like to try Monsterhearts. Sadly I do my RP online now and it doesn't seem like a system suited to that.
'Magical Realms' are a problem, but the term has a specific definition people often seem to forget or just be ignorant of.
Something just being sexual or fetishy is not a magical realm.
A magical realm is when a GM creates a setting, scenario or story based around or heavily involving sexuality or a particular fetish against the wishes of the group, and forces them into situations that they are not comfortable with or do not otherwise enjoy.
Remove all sex and fetish stuff from that, and it's still shitty GMing. It's the GM being bad which is the problem, not the sexuality present in and of itself.
>Pioneers are the Soviet equivalent of boy scouts and girl guides
Huh, in ex-communist countries the Soviet Union is recent enough history that Young Pioneer uniforms will be similarly prominent in the culture of people our age as traditional schoolgirl uniforms are to us in the West.
I would say it depends way more on who you play it with than how you play. If you just play with randos, then I wouldn't do Monsterhearts. On the other hand, if you play with friends you can literally do everything in Skype, Hangout, or fucking AIM; there's no need for a virtual tabletop or anything like that. At worst, if you guys prefer, you need somewhere to roll 2d6 publicly, which is easy.
Catalyzing force, yes but not the driving one which stoked sustained the mythological conflict.
>it can be relevant or minor without being central
Except that wasn't the original point made. Even this being the case I still will point out ghat pure sex is only very rarely actually central or driving in stories, because sex and the desire is a base drive which lacks the deeper cultural connotations that other parts of a story have
This is all not to mention the fact that we are discussing drawn out literary works from other periods and cultures which has little bearing at all on the kinds of stories we tell in a tabletop game.
I confess, I only know about them because of a website that translated Rammstein songs.
>not having steak for breakfast
Why would you do this?
Your initial point was >Sex lends almost nothing to the story
Stop moving the goalposts.
Because I'm a poorfag, and my adventurers are usually poorfags who can't afford steak in not-Medieval Europe.
No randos for me, thanks. So that's good news, Monsterhearts is on the table!
Now I just need to get someone enthusiastic or find a new partner who likes it already.
> user has never had a steak omelette for breakfast.
Srsly. Omelettes are perfect breakfasts. Eggs, a little milk, and whatever meaty leftovers you find in the fridge. Sausages, steak, bacon, whatever.
Even some cheese if your preferred cheese is one that melts and fries well.
This is you.
Not the first guy dummy.
>it ads nothing to the story
Yes in the context of a story told through a traditional game, you know those things that this board is supposedly all about?
>but what about muh literature
As I have already pointed out twice, the sex itself is not commonly an important part of the story so much as the social and cultural drives that cluster around it.
Anything that gives sexual or romantic release to a man, without submitting to a woman's will first and paying her whatever tribute she demands at the moment, will always be creepy sexist virgin opressive misogyny.
Post some fun MH experiences, user. Preferabbly ones involving sex moves and that general area.
So it was a bullshit statement made without enough thought that you're jumping through hoops to try and justify? Got it.
Fuck, the original post even acknowledged that outside of bad wording a valid point was being made, stop trying to defend something so obviously dumb. Pick your battles, because this one aint worth it.
Content matters less than context.
It's important to recall that there's a world of difference between sexuality existing and "dare you enter my magical realm".
It's more important to remember that the latter should only be done if everyone in the group is okay with it.
>jumping through hoops to justify it
I was not trying to justify it, only to point plot how flawed your idea of 'sex itself is super important to a good story' is.
>rest of the post still ignores my main point
Ahh, so you fundamentally misunderstood the original point. Now the stupidity makes sense. Go back and read it again, 'kay?
No seriously though. You make me wish there were more /pol/acks
Make gamers better looking. Ban Mountain Dew and pizza from gaming tables.
>Sex, [is one of] the driving forces behind some of the oldest and most famous stories ever written in every conceivable genre and continue to be powerful storytelling tools to this day.
Yeah, seems pretty clear to me.
>inb4 but you ignored desire and tension
Which was -your- misunderstanding of the original point which only mentioned sex. Not to mention, I still disagree with your sweeping statement that sex, or sexual tension, being the driving force behind most every famous literary work.
Can we make people more fun-positive first?
>I do think there is this odd puritan angle amongst the hobby at times, people who see any sexual expression in artwork or fluff as immature or unwholesome or just plain wrong.
Mostly I don't want to express myself sexually fact to face with neckbeards and ugly women. Lurid details won't distract me from the acne I can see.
Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is good, don't use it.
Me and another party member were cursed to be forced to try and murder each other. The party eventually got us to have a truce. Party talks about celebrating, I say I'll make breakfast as an excuse to murder the other party member, as encouraged by DM. Decide to go all out since it will be our last meal as a party. "I'm making steak and eggs." Shrink a magic item that generates infinite water and put it into the food. Other party member eats it. Explodes.
Turns out he really did believe the truce and was totally blindsided. The genuine joy in his voice when he talked about eating the breakfast was heart breaking.
Another time, different campaign, we ate breakfast and I jokingly asked "is it steak and eggs?" the DM laughed and assured us it was. Everyone starts to panic. We were all poisoned.
I'd never actually heard of it before the player who died mentioned it one session.
>using the F-word and positive in the same sentence
Absolutely disgusting.
Don't play with ugly fat people.
That's not nice, we can't help being born ugly.
One really good moment, with 3 PCs: Alessandro the Fae, Mary the Ghost, and Robin the Mortal.
Alessandro and Mary had an rough relationship; he loved her, she loved the descendant of her sweetheart from life (who was now captain of the football team). As the oldest characters (literally centuries) they spent time together talking about the world and other people and pretending they were much more wise than everyone esle. Eventually, after a really bad couple of days, they had sex and both moves activated. Alessandro asked her honestly what she wanted more than anything, she said the hand of Chad the football guy. Alessandro then made her promise not to make a move on him, but wait for the Fae to arrange things.
Stuff happens and the relationship between the two got really bad, the kind of fights that only teenagers can have. Alessandro and Robin end up together in a room and make out, and the GM rules it activates the sex move of the Mortal (which turns on Alessandro's Darkest Self, making him driven to seek justice fulfill promises).
Long story short, he turned up at the old church Mary was haunting in the pouring rain, soaked to the bone, clutching a bloody shoebox. And gave her the hand of Chad the football captain.
Most groups would never form.
DMs should encourage OOC lifting and cardio for in-character rewards.
Then no sex for you. Not even roleplaying.
>what's a "troll"?
This is you.
Please stop being mean ;_;
Antisemitism is a bit worse than just saying N- on the internet.
Quit being mean to the retard. He doesn't understand what you're doing.
>Or a paladin that likes to touch little girls and will take any opportunity to do so?
It would lead to a nice side quest for the party to hunt down a kill the Paladin.
Make it subtle and interesting. Don't put it up for display like an autist.
>I still disagree with your sweeping statement that sex, or sexual tension, being the driving force behind most every famous literary work.
Ahh, disagreeing with a point I never actually made. That one's a classic.
>lifting and cardio
>tfw shitty genetics and both these things are really uncomfortable no matter how much I do them
>don't even get an endorphin high
>everyone else thinks exercise is super fun and enjoyable and you must just be lazy to not do it
I mean at least I don't have MD or glass bones syndrome or anything like that, but still fuck this shit
He was still alive, just maimed and traumatized. Gave Mary some good incentive to get the Hex move from the Witch playbook, though.
>sjw detected
Go back to Tumblr if you want to talk about your fuckboi elf. I'm going to be playing a puritan dwarf cleric who lost his ways, and I'll be damn ed if I hit on some tart elf like yourself
The only people who give a shit about race on Veeky Forums are /pol/rtards who need to get the fuck off this board anyways.
Yes, that includes you you fucking idiot /pol/tard.
Except I just literally quoted you saying that you cheeky cunt.
>Sex, sexual desire and sexual tension are the driving forces behind many of the oldest and most famous stories ever written in every conceivable genre and continue to be powerful storytelling tools to this day.
Are you claiming you didn't say that, because it looks to me like you did
...Which is fine? Which was stated in the original post?
The entire point was that the original sweeping generalisation made was dumb. That's it. Not that the opposite was true, not that in context either was bad, just that the sweeping generalisation was dumb.
Which it was. Very, very dumb.
I don't want you faggots pretending to fuck in my play pretend games
Seriously? We are going this direction?
Do you identify as proud independent d20?
For a better example, and more appropriate to deeundee fantasy perma-medieval worlds, the Arthurian story falls apart if you remove the sex from it. Hell, Arthur wouldn't even be born if his father didn't get the hots to sleep with another man's wife.
There is a key difference. I said 'many'. You said 'most'. I don't think you can disagree with the statement that sexuality is a driving force behind a significant number of those stories (Heck, read the fucking bible, there's more than a few in there), but the assertion that it's somehow a majority is something I never implied and would not throw my weight behind without some more in depth research.
>How do we make board gamers more sex positive instead of screeching about "magical realms" at every shadow and kinkshaming each other nonstop?