So, I realized I haven't been to Veeky Forums in literal years. I remember I used to come here daily for inspiration on various topics. Didn't see anything very related to this, so sci-fi inspiration / world-building / cool shit thread.
Sci-fi thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Posting some stuff I have to get started out.
I don't have any sci-fi world pic on me right now, so just pretend this one is a heavily polluted soviet lake in some near future.
High tech, Low life
get yours today
The thumbnail makes it look like Godzilla legs
>The new techno-organic experiments are going really taking flight.
I'm trying to figure-out what I should do to the PCs in a relatively hard sci-fi setting.
The scenario as it stands now is the PCs, being less than scrupulous folks in a stolen ship, come across a ship in a rarely traveled region of space running on emergency power with only life support and very dim lighting still going and decide to board it to slavage what they can. Currently the only interesting things on this ship are a few notes about the previous job it did (supply delivery to a mining operation relatively nearby) and one live though extremely malnourished and dehydrated human who was the vessel's navigator.
I'm not sure where to go from here...
-Have them finding coordinates to a close planet with the message "discretion" written below it?
-The navigator betrayed his former crew?
-That mining company has something to do with the ship ending-up in its current situation?
Honestly fellow fa/tg/uys I've hit a wall and need some suggestions for where to take this tale.
Sci-fi is best when people are making their own crazy gear.
What type of trouble do YOU want the PCs to try and overcome?
Ideally I would like an excuse to test out a few rules in the system I'm running (Savage Worlds). I'd like to include a space battle and a hook for future adventures.
I'm thinking now that the ship the PCs find had been previously disabled by pirates who snatched everything they could have from it before leaving. The navigator managed to hide and has been in the ship drifting for a few days.
Perhaps the pirates are still in the area and attack the PCs ship upon them leaving the disabled one. Does this sound good?
Use it as a trap, pirates use the ship as a lure to capture would-be rescuers
Should the survivor on the ship be an innocent or should he be in on the pirates schemes?
Being in on it always works.
But it could also be interesting if he really is a survivor, malnourished and such, and is trapped because pirates keep attacking his rescuers. Maybe he could try to warn rescuers, but come off as deranged and delusional from his isolation.
>Maybe he could try to warn rescuers, but come off as deranged and delusional from his isolation.
Nice idea. I also think I'll make the pirates part of some sort of small group with a rad piece of experimental tech that the PCs might want fro themselves.
>High tech, Low life
Where is that from anyway?
I've heard it used to describe cyberpunk.