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/cyoag/ - CYOA General: Pastebin Edition
Monster Hunter update when?
In four minutes!!!
bro im counting on you!
Sorry. I am not a good person, much less a paragon.
Why? Did you lose your calculator? Or did you run out of paper?
I am.
>tfw no-one has made a new become a gril cyoa for ages
inb4 why don't you. it's going very slowly but is is happening.
You said that last time. It should be a maximum of three minutes now.
i bet you thought you were fucking hilarious didnt you?
you weren't
Sure you are honey. Sure you are. You degenerate fucking slut.
At the risk of sounding like the shitposter, the most recent ones were the TG Order Form and Lavender CYOAs
How long is "ages"?
TG Order Form CYOA got a big update like 3 days ago.
there's one right there companheiro
There's literally dozens and none of them bring anything new to the table. If you're that desperate go talk to your doctor and get on hormones already.
His CYOAs are always painful to read.
Nice digits m8
This. What exactly do you expect from such a CYOA?
Your reaction to it was plenty amusing to me, though, and that's all that matters. :^)
Modern medical science can't turn you into a beautiful woman. All it can do is turn you into a sad facsimile of one.
>Lavender CYOA
what's new in TG order form? last thread it said v1.0 which is the same as it was a month ago.
m8 some men already look like women without any help, I think a generalization like that can't work
Good digits.
When they say Beard Optional, are they joking or can I have a beard?
see a) it done better
b) a new twist
looking interesting. must have missed it because it's a pdf.
fitting trips!
>what's new in TG order form? last thread it said v1.0 which is the same as it was a month ago.
Actually it had been v0.9.2 since October 25th by my timestamps, and only reaching v1.0 on the 10th of this month. The main updates being the addition of a finalized page 2, and changing the TG notebook you'd get from the [Genderbender] extra to one that can't be used on yourself, doesn't seem to let you affect the details of the change as much, and also doesn't seem to let you make them/the world/both/neither unaware of them having ever been different.
Beards aren't real, user. Enjoy being a succudragon if you like, but some things just can't ever exist.
Always liked this one.
Only the ugliest of lady dwarfs are beardless. It is a pitiable and sad physical disorder.
But not enough that you'd bother posting all of it?
Most Mysterious of Boxes
Question to EDG: How's work on realms?
I'm watching the new Gilmore Girls. I get distracted, man.
You can, it's just not going to grow on your head.
>relying on science
>not calling upon the powers of the netherworld
how bad is it?
I'm in Spring; I don't like the camera composition. Some of the dialogue is noticeably stilted and Edward Hermann is missed. Other than that? It's Gilmore Girls.
They took the character who's schtick was that he wasn't gay, he just acted in a stereotypically gay fashion, and then they made him gay. Which meant he was retroactively deeply closeted for the entire original series.
I fucking hate when marketing decides that people are too stupid to think that stereotypes are anything but a self-applied label of behaviors.
Maybe that wasn't his shtick, and the showrunners /producers just didn't have the balls to make him openly gay.
Got a question. What's this cyoa's stat system based on?
Looks like a typical D&D 6-stat system to me.
looks like the basic dnd stats
It proceeds. I'm almost done with the Labyrinth.
Ah, okay. I never really got into D&D. I liked the composition of the cyoa though, so I'll give the system a gander.
Just keep in mind that charisma is a mental stat, not a physical one, and you basically can't fail anywhere.
So if you don't buy Leron, once he transports you back and restores your memories he stops being your friend or disappears? I'm not sure how this is supposed to work.
I've never thought of companions in CYOA as the only people you can ever communicate or build relationships with. They're, as I see them, more like "freebies" you get right off the bat to represent/replace a lifetime of relationships. The other people are still there doing their thing and you can approach them like normal.
I was wondering that too.
Guessing either something like or that ones you buy become a sort of personal entourage, while the others do what they can to deal with the Necromancer separately from you or whatever.
Except that doesn't make any sense when he calls you his friend over and over and apparently followed you through the planes for ages out of that sense of friendship.
So what does buying him or not buying him represent? He's established he's your close friend who's been searching for you desperately for 3 years to save your world and defeat the Necromancer, and has pledged to slowly gain back all your memories over time... does buying him basically mean he wants that "special time" with you for a week or two before you start adventuring? In that case it seems he is already your friend and you are buying the lover option for him (better than Dating since you know it's him and they aren't hiding it but can't be applied to others).
See the latter part of my post (), then.
See the post you just replied to again.
>buying him means he's dtf
I like this interpretation.
Except he already implies he's dtf if you take some things like the cute choice for example
So it doesn't make sense that he'd give up the chance to be in your personal entourage because you'd rather have someone/something else? And also that he'd be working alongside any other people you didn't choose to deal with the necromancer and/or handling the country?
Except his option goes into specifics of "I desire specific kinds of fun with you for at least two weeks and I know just where to indulge us uhuhuhuhuhuh". Seems more explicit to me then "wow you were so pretty when we were kids we all used to have sex dreams about you".
Nope. Because it isn't fluffed as me choosing him or not choosing him, it's fluffed as me remembering things about the past, a past that his support in the current moment is rooted in.
Ahhhhh. In that case, perhaps it's just that the people you choose you get to bring back the relationship as-is, whereas for the others you sort of have to build it back up again?
Yeah, but that's an explanation after the fact. It still does nothing to explain why he's helping you if he was retroactively not your friend because of what you "remember" about him. What he's doing is best friend material, not acquaintance material. Besides this, a huge amount of descriptions have him go on and on about how things were when the two of you were friends back in the day before you got sent to earth.
>You degenerate fucking slut.
I meant that the friendships for each possible companion would all (or at least his) be about as described, and what you're choosing is which relationships to remember for now, so the people you don't choose would be practically strangers to you (at least until you defeat the necromancer), even if they still consider you a friend.
Then what's the point in taking any friends? You know who they are and that they're friendly, you can just ask them basic things over 30 minutes each and you're set for anything.
If you could be any fantasy race you wanted to be in the real world, what would you be
Something something only taking people you remember with you to defeat the necromancer, something something brain overload from too much recollection at once?
Except you're not getting memories, you're just making new ones.
Something immortal (at least in the sense of not aging past their prime, and subsequently not dying of "old age") and capable of (sufficiently free-form, meaning at the very least "any shape/form possible for a human to be") shapeshifting.
Necromancer DLC never.
Boring as ever, /cyoa/.
I meant that you might start recalling too much too fast for interacting with the peoples or whatever
Does it say that's possible anywhere? Because I can't recall anything of the sort.
And furthermore, just walking around the world and remembering it would do the same to you if that's the case.
Agents of the Necromancer kill him, and nothing you do can stop it. Unless you pay the one goddamn point, you twisted animal.
Probably just a dragon or some typical lizardman. They're alright with me.
You want to be the MILF
That sort of thing should be made clear or hinted at a little more strongly.
I agree with him though. It's only boring on the outside, but would be the most exciting to live, full of constant novelty and devoid of worry about rushing towards achievement.
There was supposed to be a question mark after that.
the Houses seem kind of inconsequential. The inheritance seems oddly small-time when you're making your own demiplanes or robot companions.
The classes are fun, and are the reason I've been excited about the cyoa since the pastebin was posted. I've got a planeswalker build mostly complete, but I'm not sure if I want an artificer build instead.
No, I just wanna hear her side of the story. Whether or not she had a good reason to wipe her child's memories and banish them to an alternate dimension.
It could be the "evil" choice, too. Help destroy the world instead.
Just conjecture based on reading the starting bit again. Re-reading it once more, I think it's sort of trying to hint that the people you choose are the ones you take on your trip to defeat the necromancer and whatever quests you might choose ("what to do, who to bring").