New rumor engine cocktease, edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
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New rumor engine cocktease, edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
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first for Slaanesh
Second for Bonesplitaz being the best faction.
third for I can't hear you over the fact that I ride dinosaurs.
If GW's next big story seed for AoS is "you know that thing about Slaanesh being imprisoned/gone...... JUST KIDDING!" I'll die laughing.
This really is 4th Edition D&D all over again.
That's not Chaos Dwarves
Riminda' ov whoz ridin' da biggest dinozor
Colour makes me think either Dark Aelfs or Slaanesh. Jewels look kinda like Eldar Soulstones so maybe a new Morathi with a long coat?
>find out where Slaanesh has been imprisoned.
>Chaos makes effort to free to increase their power and finish the conquest of Sigmar.
>Forces of Order must move away fromt he siege to stop them
>Nagash was the one behind the capture because he's power hungry and arrogant.
>Destruction fucking ship up.
I'd be fine with it.
I mean, if there is Slaanesh just pops back up with no development or plot that would be dumb, but having the next plot being getting Slaanesh back would actually be decent pay off to the set up from the start.
Not sure what you meant by 4th Ed D&D, as that didn't have a single setting canon.
Skaven BTFO
>mfw they literally stated that Slaanesh is a fat fuck now because of how many souls he ate
I can't help but think of vore scenarios given Slaanesh being Slaanesh
Okay so is this bait or does no one understood it is the Lahmian ?
>>Nagash was the one behind the capture
Actually it was Tzeentch manipulating Khorne and the Aelf Gods.
I got bigger dinos too
faggot. it was UP for so long and like everytime, as long as its up nobody pick it up and when its gone everybody was totally going to buy 3 of them that week.
email GW, it was a limited christmas bundle so either wait another fucking year of just shell ouf the $60 you were "saving" on this and BTFO faggot elf.
>faggot. it was UP for so long and like everytime
It wasn't up long.
They never put buy it now warning on it.
Is $20 for the dwarves half of battle for skull pass a good deal? I just want some dwarves damnit.
>Not sure what you meant by 4th Ed D&D, as that didn't have a single setting canon.
I meant in terms of what' happening to the marketplace.
GW when AoS launched was much like WoTC right when 4th edition was announced. Their dominance of the market was TOTAL. You either played their games or you went home.
Then, GW, just like WoTC released a massively re-tooled version of their flagship game designed to appeal to a broader, more casual audience and in the process alienated a majority of their original fanbase.
With 4th edition, the new fanbase turned out to be not nearly as profitable as WoTC hoped so they MASSIVELY course corrected back in the other direction, trying to make D&D 4th edition play more like the older editions, only to find out that it was too late. The market was flooded with competitors who were only too happy to cater to the fans WoTC had initially abandoned and the market dominance they had so taken for granted was gone forever.
This very much seems to be what GW is doing as every single update to AoS seems like a desperate attempt to turn it back into Warhammer: Fantasy Battles without having to admit that the y fucked up.
At least GW hasn't yet resorted to outright insulting unhappy fans.
Remember the D&D 4th Edition preview that depicted anyone who didn't like the game as a troll, then had a dragon take a shit on them?
>GW when AoS launched was much like WoTC right when 4th edition was announced. Their dominance of the market was TOTAL.
That's incorrect, they launched AoS because Fantasy was a dead fish. They had already lost market share to games like Warmachine, Infinity and X Wing.
>Bonesplitaz being the best faction.
you are wrong but you included the best faction in the picture
Additionally sales went up with AoS compared to Fantasy, rather than the downwards spiral from D&D 3.5 to 4th.
>massively re-tooled version of their flagship game
40k is their flagship game, Fantasy was an old legacy game that was dying/dead. Sword & sorcery-esque wargames (like KoW and Hordes) were beginning to rise and they needed to do something with the IP so they decided to revamp it - for better or for worse.
What are you working on today /aosg/?
Anyone know the points value of the Khorne Bloodbound Murderband warscroll battalion. Its from the Start Collecting box and as far as I can tell, none of them seem to have a points value.
None of the start collecting battalions have points, and are therefore not legal for matched play
Jesus Christ calm down you autistic piece of shit.
Then why is GW desperately trying to turn Age of Sigmar back into Warhammer fantasy battles.
Remember the official party line from GW for almost a year after AoS launched?
"Balance? Who needs balance? Army points are a thing of the past. Nobody likes Tourneyfags anyway."
Remember frustrated game designers going behind their bosses' backs and posting homebrewed game balance systems using total Wounds on Skype conversations?
Then suddenly, army points are back and GW are trying to act like this was their intention all along, when it can be clearly seen that it wasn't.
t. a guy that never pull the trigger on anything umless its limited but cry everytime something is sold out because this time he TOTALLY wanted it.
>Then why is GW desperately trying to turn Age of Sigmar back into Warhammer fantasy battles.
They're not.
AoS was intended to be a living rule set.
Not only is the concept of points not unique to WHFB, but it's only one way to play the game.
Literally nothing you said was true.
>Remember the official party line from GW for almost a year after AoS launched?
>"Balance? Who needs balance? Army points are a thing of the past. Nobody likes Tourneyfags anyway."
Official line was that it was up to the gamers to decide how to balance their games
>Remember frustrated game designers going behind their bosses' backs and posting homebrewed game balance systems using total Wounds on Skype conversations?
Official GW events ran using wound totals. There was no 'going behind their bosses backs'
>Then suddenly, army points are back and GW are trying to act like this was their intention all along, when it can be clearly seen that it wasn't.
No, they widely accepted that they needed a points system, thats why they went to the people running major events and producing major comp packs to help them produce it.
Like, were you actually around for any of this or are you just quoting some butthurt WHFB fag?
Gluing together the StD/Thunderscorn stuff I have left for my tourny list. Painting and basing I'll have to hurry, get the basic basing and 3 colors in.
>Then why is GW desperately trying to turn Age of Sigmar back into Warhammer fantasy battles.
Not sure if trolling, or just a complete moron...
>"Balance? Who needs balance? Army points are a thing of the past. Nobody likes Tourneyfags anyway."
Which GW never said, nor was it their tagline or stance on anything. In fact, during the launch of it at warhammer world, reps were going around talking about it to potential gamers. Many asked them about where the points were, and the reps did say that GW did plan on implementing a system for competitive players. They never said what or give any specifics, but they did say the wanted to make the game compatible for competitive as well as casual.
>Remember frustrated game designers going behind their bosses' backs and posting homebrewed game balance systems using total Wounds on Skype conversations?
Nope. I do not remember that. Why? Because it never happened. You may be thinking of GW store managers using homebrew balance systems, such as wounds, due to popular request.
>Then suddenly, army points are back and GW are trying to act like this was their intention all along, when it can be clearly seen that it wasn't.
Except that it was their intention. Like I said, since the beginning they were planning on adding something in for competitive play. We don't know if it was points, we just know they wanted to do something.
Your whole argument hinges on the implement of the GHB, under the assumption that it was a panic implementation. When it wasn't. They gave up on WHFB because the players did too. It wasn't making them any money. Then AoS drops with a really really rocky start, pissing off an extremely vocal small group of whfb players, and the rest of the community, who had absolutely nothing invested in it in the first place, who thought the idea was dumb. However, the game had a brand new slowly growing community, which I think was the original intention. Then the GHB gave that small community a shot of steroids
Hey Veeky Forums.
Im thinking more and more about buying a pair of dreadmaw, do you think its worth it for 440 points ?
I have a moonclan army, a spiderclan army and an Ironjaw army.
It looks like it fit nicely in those 3 army but i guy in mt flgs say its slightly overcosted and that the merwyrm looks stronger.
just wanted to know what do you think about it.
well except every part of your comparison kinda falls apart.
The challenge to tabletop wargames came before AoS launch, and Fantasy wasn't bringing sales. There were not new competitors they were fighting against, Kings of War is still a blip.
DnD 3.5 had most of it's new products coming from 3rd party development, so 'play are game or go home' doesn't fit. And there had been a long history of alternate rpgs. And Massive retools between editions is a known factor. Anyone who says that 3.5 was not a massive departure from 2ed is talking out of nostolgia.
Also, the competators for DnDs direct customer base, pathfinder, is stil using a WoTC liscense.
There was not a massive retool of 4th ed by itself. The later monster manuals and books fixed some of the editions problems, but those fixes were not about bringing back 3.5. And the fixes were pretty minor compared to what the Generals handbook did.
Also your forgetting things like a massive leadership change in GW over that course, while no such thing happened in WotC.
That WotC is not a self owned company, and the decision to kill 4th ed came down from Hasbro who had expected much higher sales (the game made money, Hasbro didn't really understand selling rule books instead of physical games.)
TL:DR Fractally Wrong
pls dont kick my piss
May not be the same guy, but it does seem like that's his intention.
Ever notice thatt these people have to declare that they've "kicked the piss out of you guys"? Shouldnt that go without saying if its actually true?
I was in Sierra Leone for the whole "end of the world" and AoS launch shite..
And even I know what you said was bollocks.
With a mini that ugly you can keep your dinosaur, Christ those Lustria campaign models are hideous.
>Walks into middle of football pitch during match
>Shits self and cries
>everyone too disgused to continue playing
>"Hah really took the wind out of their sails, kicked the piss out of them"
Just wait guys, he's right now typing up a huge post, with line-by-line quoting and bullshit reasoning and logic, ignoring the points that he can't argue against.
The release of AoS was pretty badly fucked up. Like those questions should have been put out in press releases, not answered piecemeal.
If GW had released all their product in the exact same order, but handled it better, and communicated better, they could have avoided 90% of their problem.
I'm going to blame Tom "I serious phobia about anything being communicated" Kirby for that.
Imagine this situation.
Stormcast and Bloodborn are released, along with the 4 page rulebook.
BUT, it's presented as a preview. Rules for all the old factions are added, so you can try playing them against the new models and in the new format.
We're told that those 4 pages are going to be the basis for the new game, but more is going to be added. Throw in a couple of narrative battleplan ideas, and tell players to come up with more, and SEND THEM TO GW. They'll be releasing more, and putting the best ideas, with credits, up on their website.
In terms of balance, they say that the Sigmarite and bloodborn are balanced against each other, but try using wound counts as a gage for balance, AND that they would be working with the community to come up with the future paint system.
Again, this is the preview, and they want to have the communicty give them more data about what's powerful.
That teased pic is definitely dark eldar.
Here is a picture of the dark eldar raider baseplate overlapped on the cape pattern. Sorry sigmarfags.
Working on making a lady dwarf entirely from GS. Either a Thane w/Standard or a Warden Queen, not sure yet.
mystery solved
Oh I agree. The release could have definitely been handled better.
Like I said, they were planning on implementing some sort of matched play system, but even then I don't think they knew what exactly. It is probably very likely they had something planned in an alpha stage (as it were) when they saw the wild success that was the SCGT, and decided to scrap what they were working on, and use that instead.
This is all part of their initiative to opening back up to the community again and listening to it.
So would things have gone better for AoS if they released a traditionally flawed GW stype points system for it in the beginning? I think so. But part of hindsight is I think we ended up better off with the SCGT system, so it would be a rare case of GW's stupidity working out for the better.
That's awesome. love me some lady dwarfs. I use this as a runelord.
And nothing would have happened differently, autists still going to autist, if GW did that theyd get tons of abuse, if they backed down theyd get tons of abuse. WHFB community was so toxic the bandaid had to be ripped off fast.
You forget the community was made up of people who never bought models because there were never any reasons to update your units, unit fillers were popular so even less sales, no new blood incoming because of the massive cost of entry and density of the rules. WHFb was dying, why cant people see that?
Not this guy.
But it is amazing how thin-skinned Age of Sigmar fans are.
Now GW release some more lore, and more scenarios, filling in the initial preview.
The fans are comming up with new comp systems, and GW actively, and openly, communicates with them. Official article stating that they're now looking over those systems and working with their makers, to create the official competitive format.
GHB comes out, only now they can treat that as the official release of the game. And therefore can go further with the changes. Talk more about the different ways they've seen the community play (which kinda happened as Tom 'no one say anything to anybody' Kirby is no longer in charge).
Even more they state that they'll be planning semi-frequant updates (once a year) to those point costs and army building rules. The core of the system remains the same, so you don't need to relearn whole new editions, but the balance can be tweaked responsively and across the whole game, rather than the piecemeal and slow process that has made GW games so poorly balanced
(this is basically what's happening, minus admitting that their previous release policy was awful).
We're back to where we are, but most people actually knew this is where we were going to be.
The goal is to more or less look like this
I wasn't into WHFB at all, and I had no faith in AoS at release because the communication was so shit.
I had no loyality to the old game, but from what GW put up for new people, there was little to no indication that there was plans for this development.
You mean the development of AoS? You mean apart from the end times? Games like AoS arent made in a day, theyd been planning it at least 2-3 years in advance.
All true, but GW handled things in probably the worst way possible.
There are so many GW could have resolved the situation. They could have released a re-tooled version of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. They could have moved the timeline forward and created some interesting units which are harder to proxy. They could have created a streamlined ruleset which emphasized smaller unit sizes and less massed-rank combat, but done so in such a way that the game was still recognizable as Warhammer Fantasyat the end of the day.
Instead, they nuked a beloved setting with 30 years of lore to dust and replaced it with a shitty Thor rip off and rushed out the door a blatantly unfinished ruleset that was borderline unplayable. Then re-named absolutely EVERYTHING to stupid and barely pronounceable Captain Ersatz versions of classic fantasy names so GW can own the copyright.
The people who claim that Age of Sigmar put the "fluff bunnies" on top are deluding themselves.
>They could have released a re-tooled version of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. They could have moved the timeline forward and created some interesting units which are harder to proxy. They could have created a streamlined ruleset which emphasized smaller unit sizes and less massed-rank combat, but done so in such a way that the game was still recognizable as Warhammer Fantasyat the end of the day.
Isn't this literally what they did
Oh you're the warmaslav shitposter
Fuck off retard
>end times
showed that something was happening, but didn't communicate what was being developed.
>planned 2-3 years in advance.
doesn't excuse piss poor communication.
At release the game was not in a finished state. It was a fine start point, but it wasn't ready yet. But everything they released, not answers to individuals asking at events, I mean front page releases, treated it like a done game.
They needed to say, upfront, on their official website, that Age of SIgmar was still being developed.
>handled it in the worst way possible.
>shitty Thor rip off.
Losing the point
>blatantly unfished ruleset
getting it back
>borderline unplayble
losing it again.
>re-named everything
yeah, Kirby had no real understanding of how and why copyright worked, despite being ubsessed with it.
Age of Sigmar, as a game, is not the problem you keep insisting it is. The manor of it's release was. A new Warhammer Fantasy edition wouldn't have fixed it's real problems. It needed a hard reboot, because there wasn't anywhere for the story to grow unless they blew a lot of things up. Maybe they could have not blown up the entire world, but a lot needed to go.
Strip it, start again.
This mini might have given me cancer
Dude, are you whining that a Wargame started off hazy and is still in development and GW didn't outright tell you that?
Fuck off.
Also, Fyreslayers guy from previous thread.
Is the Warrior Kinband a good start?
The only Dino that the Lizardbros have that can compare in size with the Maw Crusha is a dread saurian.
Not the other user, but i wonder what the world/fan response would've been if they had kept the Old World but simply moved it drastically forward/backward in time. Like a post-apocalyptic WHFB i guess.
Technically they did do that, Malus still exists in the realm of Azyr as a burnt out World-core.
> thinks about buying dread maw
> has ironjaws, moon clan
Are you me? What the fuck this is scary...
I'm on the edge because of the cost too (only 3 attacks on his get fucked bite...). And I also just ordered the Mega Squig.
does anyone have a link to the warhammer live aos event thing?
I wonder how fat that poster is/was (might have had a heart attack by now if too fat)
I bet you think Bush plotted for 9/11 as well.
yeah the dark eldar decking texture reused on there makes me hopeful
have you seen how other companies handle that shit?
Do you just not have any comparison?
You do not treat the first time that customers have a chance to use the system as a full release. There is a reason why companies go through alpha and beta. While those might be closed, they will have customers and player involved, but Kirby was terrified of 'leaks'. Not understanding that 'leaks' means 'customers know what the fuck you are doing' which is a good thing.
You talk about how when asked GW reps would say that they planned to put in a point system eventually, but that shouldn't be a thing people have to ask reps off the record. It should be in the initial release information, or at last in an official and easily found announcement.
Everything about the tone of the official announcments was "This is finished and how we want it to be." Which really conflicted with the reality of what was seen, and left people very confused as to what the development would be.
When people asked for the full rule book they were told that the 4 pages was the full rule book. When we now see that wasn't going to be it, because the GHB is a thing. the 4 pages is what any other company would call their 'quick start rules'.
GW literally gave us the starter ruleset and said "This is a living rulebook, we're going to ask people for help along the way"
Just because it didn't paint that in the fucking starter set right away doesn't mean you're not just a fucking moron.
Anyway, the only people who care about the worlds Alpha and Beta are vidya players and Warmachine spergs who cry at every change anyway.
>living rulebook
meaningless phrase unless explained.
>only people who care about the words (sp) Alpha and Beta
except those are words whose meaning is well known and understood, and used by a lot of companies.
So a guy made a very bad 4th ed Dnd comparison.
Did you know they went through an alpha and beta process. 5th ed went through an even longer one, with many players involved.
First time anyone outside the company saw the AoS rules was at release. And while they said 'living rulebook', they didn't explain what they meant, but did say stuff like "this is the full rules" despite that not being true.
They not only didn't paint that in the starter set, they didn't have any sort of official announcement about there being a full rulebook for multiple types of play in the works ANYWHERE for months.
They didn't actually come out and say what the living rulebook meant in terms of updates and releases, until Kirby was no longer in charge.
Now, now they are good about that communication, but pretending like they were at the start is just and wilfully ignorant as the people who still think nothing has been done.
You don't admit that things changed for the better because you admit that they were bad at the start, they don't admit that a change happened.
K bruv
Stay salty no one likes your 'my first Warhammer'
Yeah but its a fucking distraction carnifex man, also one of the only model to have a 4++ in AoS.
Charge enemy monster
Half his army focus it instead of your gobbos
He cant do anything and you just eat a carnosaur
No one did like the first warhammer. That's why Age of sigmar is selling way, way better than it
I wasn't referring to original warhammer you pleb
I knew you shitposters were dumb but jesus.
I like it
>completely misses point of post
>"no you're the retarded one"
Sigmar players truly are the worst
fuck off warmaslav retard
You were being insulted you mongoloid
Not burnt out though. It waxes and wanes with the successes and failures of the Stormcast. If it disappears, so will Sigmar's God-power. He's really put all his eggs into the Stormcast basket. Of they fail, he fails totally (and Chaos wins again.)
Well that was fun, thanks for the (you)s lads. Enjoy your days.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
fuck off warmaslav retard
So let me get this straight, you proceed to troll us, then get your ass kicked and and refuted on every point, shown how much of an idiot you are, then you act like all you were after were the (You)s?
Haha, whatever man. Enjoy your mental retardation.
>refuted on every point.
Otherwise known as giving a shitposter ammunition. You guys are just as bad for falling for it.
ignore shitposters, it's not hard you bunch of autismos
What's hilarious here, is this guy likely genuinely believes he won. It reminds me of this:
So I'm thinking of pickin up that Legion of Azghor army off of FW, and I'm wondering how this point/match play thing works. I'm looking through the Generals Handbook and seeing nothing about that faction, but they have rules on FW's website, so can someone explain to me? Would I not be able to do half of the shit in that book with them?
well id say its definitely related to the creepy hand holding the staff and the ethereal faces in the pit ones.
So we have so far those, and an admech teaser, and a duardin one.
Forge World has points for their stuff somewhere on their website.
How would you change the head of the famous 3 resin pieces FW giant ?
Starting some faggotry, aka Golden Army - Slaanesh Slaves to darkness
Paint everything gold with silver outlining, purple cloaks on WoC and lots of chosen.
thoughts? too gay?
>too gay?
Yes. Which is perfect.
Yeah but like, will I be able to do any of those scenarios or campaigns or match games in the General Handbook
You can. The scenarios, battleplans and whatever else are supposed to be reasonably modular.
Plus, the fact that Forge World has Pitched Battle profiles - which outline unit restrictions, possible additional Battleline units, point costs etc. means that you can totally play matched games with them.
You're fine. Don't worry.
Fuck yeah, also, I'm looking on the match play, and it says Blackshard Warhost, 80 points, does that mean out of the 1000 point range or am I retarded or something. Sorry for the questions, I'm new to this shit.
Formations cost points in AoS and are paid for like any other unit.
It means it costs 80 points on top of the point costs of the units that make it up.
This is to keep them from becoming as broken as Formations in 40k currently are.
Thanks for the help. Now say one of these units gets killed, like ten of my chaos dwarves, does that mean my formation is now gone? Or does it last the entire game?
It lasts the entire game. It counts because you brought when you set up your army.
It works just like formations in 40k, the only difference is you have to pay to get the formation benefits, instead of it being free.