Sisters hype train never ends.
Sisters hype train never ends
This text box enrages and confuses me. Will GW ever stop playing with our heartstrings?
>still uses bad Act of Faith rules
Surely we will get a plastic start collecting and a box to build your own saint by february.
The rumors are right there
>Surely we will get a plastic start collecting and a box to build your own saint by february.
You cannot build army over HQ unit and one troops unit.
>You cannot build army over HQ unit and one troops unit.
Back in 3rd Edition we could and we did and we called it Kroot Mercenaries
It's actually impressive. They haven't changed one single word or stat.
You also pay +20pts for the clinical precision rule and removing all wargear options compared to a regular canoness.
Anyways, I'm happy that we get a new codex. It might have zero update or new unit, but that's not like we aren't accustomed to that kind of thing.
Sadly I really now that it is probably referring to the old digital book.
Hype train derailed.
SoB are the Shrodinger's cat of Codex.
Its digital codex is both dead and alive.
Their army is both dead or alive.
Early november i said... "this time its happening... jumo on the hype train" i was never so wrong. i will never ever believe any sister rumors again. im cured.
Welcome brother.
If you believed that Sisters were getting a full codex as recently as November, then you're a putz. The rumor had been that it was JUST going to be the Canoness since at least Halloween.
>You also pay +20pts for the clinical precision rule and removing all wargear options compared to a regular canoness.
And the powersword. How good a powersword is on a S3 character is a different question altogether....
Screw this, I'm getting Noise Marines.
Would people refuse to allow SoB players to use this model's special rules, just like people refuse to allow marine players to use the Imperial Space Marine's free ID gun?
Stop playing with my heart Veeky Forums
For what purpose?
What hype train?
Plastics are not happening. GW said that was a joke and Atia backpedaled.
The =][=codex is the official SoB codex, GW said that and there were, and are, no rumours of a second, proper SoB codex coming.
Plus there is the rumour that the loyalist primarchs are going to BTFO the Ecclesiarchy in 8th.
>He tell for "guys GW will finally update shitty and unpopular army"-meme
Wow, I could kill that hot piece of garbage with one squad of Dark Angel Veterans in one turn.
Why would they?
That would mean the largest civil war since the Horus Heresy.
Fuck, Mars would probably side with the Imperial Church just because it would be obvious it was next.
Arch Heretics and Mutant Pretender Kings: Guiliman, Dorn, Khan, Lion and Vulkan would be put to death faster than you can sign the aquilla.
Sister players have been surviving off of rumors for a decade now
Until shit literally hits the store, don't believe it
>Why would they?
Because church is very offensive faction.
user that information is wrong. GW confirmed both digital SoB codex and Inquistion are still valid.
Also GW said they are invalid. Then said they are valid.
Schrödinger's Sisters of Battle are a thing now.
The army is both dead and alive
Their codex is both invalid and valid
Their plastics are both coming and not coming.
Want another cherry for the shit fest of Imperial Agent? SoB digital and IA SoB are different factions. But new Canoness is part of those different factions. So in theory you can run two unique special characters.
That is GW for you.
That would be excellent news, because this way we would get new Ecclesiarchy fluff.
What does that mean? I'm not familiar with SoB rules.
I don't know what to believe anymore...
It states you can use her with Codex: Adepta Sororitas.
C:AS is, by GWs own word, replaced by C:IA.
So instead of simply accepting GW fudged up, this is somehow solid evidence that a new C:AS is coming.
GW also said that C:AS is still valid
That is why some anons are calling Schrödinger's Sister of Battle.
>(either is valid)
>Only a very small selection of Grey Knights and Deathwatch are available
>I hope this helps
My face when, no sir, this does not help.
Maybe that's the point. To further drive home the point about how utterly fucked the Imperium is we have a new civil war.
I'd like to think Mars would help out the church, considering their love-hate relationship but frankly I see GW's shitty writting having literally everyone side with the Primarchs and the entire church is burnt down in the course of several paragraphs in a campaign book.
I guess there's always a silver lining.
>Fuck, Mars would probably side with the Imperial Church just because it would be obvious it was next.
Admech openly hates the Ecclesiarchy and vice versa I don't see the two working together at all
will this mean GW will just cave in and make female space marines canon
There is a movement in the AM and the Church that pretty much makes them buddies. Can't recall the name thou
If only the setting ever told you something about hope being a step in some direction regarding disappointment.
I's a very, very boring special character but I guess she's a nice model to stick behind the exorcist battery and ruin the day of every anti-tank weapon you see?
It basically makes Exorcist long range snipers. Forcing saves into specific things.
Unless I'm forgetting how precision shot works.
Been a while but yeah. You get to pick the model removed, not going by the usual method. Exorcists seem the best to get use out of it but there is something to say for ruining particular guys days with meltaguns.
Dominion squads or any special weapon wielding SoB are way to suicidal for using this HQ.
Let's not pretend SoB play like guided missile. You send them to destroy one particular target. If they survive after that to do something else is a bonus.
>Plastics are not happening. GW said that was a joke
>Traitor primarchs are returning
>13th Black Crusade is getting under way
>Hive Fleet Leviathan and Genestealer Cults are wreaking havoc throughout the galaxy
>Thraka's assembling a Waaagh to end all Waaaghs
>The Tau are causing major headaches in the Damocles Gulf
Yeah, I think the returned loyalist Primarchs REAL concerns are going to be with the Ecclesiarchy. Obviously, that's the biggest threat here. Who gives a shit about all that galaxy-ending stuff anyway?
Raziel is the biggest person to blame for this hype . then Atia. both should be ignored now.
>Celestine is still valid
Thank fuck. They had me worried ther-
>She cannot be brought in any AdSor formations from IA
Why? I mean, I wouldn't bring the AdSor not-CAD anyway, but still, why can't Celestine be a part of it?
the comment when directly asked from their fb.
it was dont believe anything you hear from a bin.
There is that. Exorcists are really the best option as they've got a chance to live more than a single turn. Start tearing out the anti-tank weapons and go from there.
Because she's got too much dignity to appear in a formation that bad.
Technically speaking IA SoB and Inquisition are a different faction of SoB and Inquisition. Even if the faction symbol is the same. (That was the rule, if the faction symbol is the same they are the same faction)
Enjoy GW súper retardation and clusterfuck of IA
On the bright side they made SoB better by accident even if Celestin is gone. (Not that anyone used it beside Seraphim overkill)
Oh? How did they do that?
Yes, they did change the Act of faith rule, maybe you should actually read before you spread bullshit.
What thing? Make SoB better?
Celestian command squad are elite.
So for 200 points you can have
4x flamer + combi plasma
1x FnP
Immolator with TL-ML
For 90 points you can have
2x DCA
Immolator TL-MM
Celestian squads are even worst but the Command squads are now elite so who cares.
Thanks to Special HQ you can now have Exorcist battery with Precicion Strikes.
That is an acceptable explanation.
Celestine's Seraphim overkill was one of the few solid strats Sisters had. Outside of that, most of what they can do is going to boil down to melta-spam.
>Command squads are now elite
So basically, if you want to bring Celestians that are actually good, you should bring Command Squads. It's janky, but I'll take it.
Yay, even more immolator spam! Thank god I own a heap of them.
They buffed the AoF rule and you can take priests as a regular HQ now if you need to save points for any reason
Oh? I hadn't heard about how the AoF rules changed.
That is what people meant by sheer incompetence.
Also for some reason the Faith Tide Train has the shield of Faith rule.
Beside arco fags everyone has a better 6++ on them. DCA have a 5, Crusaders have the Stormshield and priest the rosarium.
Oh you can make a unite of 101 models. 50 DCA, 50 Crusaders and Jacob giving fearless to the group for 1600 points.
No idea how it would be useful but it is fucking funny
They now last until the end of the turn, not phase.
[S]It's something[/s]
where can i get the mini?
It's out of stock at the moment, but they're making more.
Almost as if people wanted new SoB models. Who would knew?
Mate, the AdMech would gladly nuke every shrine world if they were allowed to.
That's what everyone's telling GW right now. Hopefully they listen.
Where will all the hipster wargamers now hide their hearts, as Sororitas will turn mainstream?
cringed at this
Infinity or Malifux? At lest malifux has some interesting looking models.
I wish to play infinity but god damn the models are same looking and boring.
Even if they are, it's a year minimum before anything is released.
Two years is becoming the new norm.
So first for Sisters in 2019
more like 7, honestly ive given up.
mars would rather Succeed from the Imperium than chum up to anybody. They are treated like an allied empire more than a part of it.
Zoats and a full Kroot mercenaries codex with new models and stuff like GSC. Before SoB even get plastic model for their basic troop or Immolator.
I play SoB, when some of the models are going to be legal across the world you kind of hope your army gets Squat so you can move on.
I think Atia is DLFG, either way it comes across as a bloke pretending to be a woman.
DLFG was way more obnoxious than Atia. And also seemed more prosaic. Also there's the very obvious Atia plays WB/Chaos shit while DLFG is I assume Tyranids.
You're literally saying they'd rather die out forever, than team up to stop their extinction and preserve the status quo.
Can you trust some one that pridefully plays with a bad dragon dildo as Nid terrain?
Who the fuck are Atia and DLFG?
Rumors guys? on what site?
No idea about Atia, but DLFG used to post on Veeky Forums from time to time giving Tyranid advice and/or doing image dumps (usually of 40k related stuff).
Whatever happened to that namefag? Also nice daemonette...I haven't seen that guy post in a long time.
Lady Atia is primarily a AoS rumour-monger over on
She has a fairly accurate track record though she does get shit wrong like all of them. So anyone who say's she's 100% accurate is lying.
She posted rumours about the Sisters getting a dex, the Canoness and full range of plastics. She was part right about the first two but backpeddaled hard over plastics once it became apparent that it's never happening.
Because she's normally quite accurate a lot of people got their hopes up for nothing.
I don't know why people are somehow surprised there aren't plastic sisters released right now. The video literally said "these aren't coming out for months". Feb/March was the absolute optimistically early release date based on other releases and GW's usual end of year release habits.
GW made fun of people on Facebook for believing their joke.
Is it converted or literaly just a dildo?
"These aren't due out for months."
"Plastic Sisters of Battle?"
There is a sizable gap between the two lines, that matches the general length of pause you would give between paragraps or when moving from one topic to another, unreleated topic.
Also his inflection and tone of voice noticeably change between them, from stating a fact with the months comment, to a sudden exclamation of surprise at the Sisters. As if he wasn't even expecting to see Sisters there at all.
Don't why he was surprised, GW seems to think the SoB belong in the bin.
He wasn't saying the Sisters were coming in a few months, they were two seperate comments.
DLFG released a bunch of videos of her taking dildos to some chat, IIRC, and they ended up on motherless. I think around that point she realized she was doing something wrong. There may have been other stuff also.
What a pasty-white, fat bitch, christ. I mean, it's no surprise, but still.
Does Wargame Exclusive not produce any SoB minis anymore?
There was only two Repentia on their site when I just checked earlier.
In what way?
I'm glad I missed that then.
There is a meme about updating Space Wolves?
>Celestian command squad are elite.
I suddenly love this codex.
Not sure if someone has the picture. But simply plop it down on a table call it a day.
Some say she use it a Nid drop pod when that was a thing.
Good grief the SJW and Internet feminist was not a thing back then. I can not even imagen how much pain the people playing with hair would had suffer if they had complain if those where a thing back then.
I'm kinda curious. Sauce?
Side not. I have no idea why people where so hype about it.
SoB have been waiting a plastic model since 3rd edition witch hunters, at the time when everyone was getting at least plastic models for their troop choice.
Any SoBfag or someone that know the history of the army would know that TOTALLY TRUE RUMORS OF PLASTIC SOB NEXT MONTH are bullshit. There has been this same shit every fucking year at smaller or bigger hype.
When the rumors of plastic SoB started, I was like oh this shit again.
Sisters of Silence got release. Well that was the plastic kit of sisters. Nice a rumor about SoB 1/3 right. It had sisters in it and the sister part was true.
People got hype over nothing.
I blame GW for the hype more than shitposters. The bin joke was cruel, and the fact that the Canoness model went out so fast and GW got surprise about it. Tells how out of touch they are from their consumers.
Also IA SoB got better by sheer accident also tells how much GW give a damn about them. The only reason I can think of about not squating SoB is to keep the IP.
All though sites reporting the fake Veeky Forums formations as actual rumors kind of gave up the truth that this guys didn't knew shit.
I've not been on Veeky Forums for years, was she also the one that used dragon dildos as tyranid spore chimneys?
Yes. Do you have pictures?
I'll give credit that she had nice image dumps.
>I blame GW for the hype
what? it was entirely people getting riled up by themselves, with the help of the same bogus rumours we've always seen
I blame them in sense of:
Hey guys we are putting revise version of SoB in Imperial Agent codex
Reality it was a copy pasted crap.
The fact that Celestian Command squads and Celestian squad are both elite now. While the only difference is that Command one can take FnP and has more options. While the other is just an expensive and worst version of the regular troops.
They made SoB by sheer accident and not on purpose as the retarded 1 turn re-roll of 1 saves is there.
The bin joke, when an army haven't had a proper update since 3rd and when some models are going to 21 years old being legal almost on the entire world.
It is expected people would get hype about them when a single even stupid hint of something new from GW them self. Till this years we never had official GW rumor or jokes about a new release. We only had the usual totally legit next year release for years.
This SoB hype the main difference is that GW said something about it. Even if it was a fucking joke
>"These aren't out for months yet, plastic Sisters of Battle".
How the fuck is that even a joke?
what is that? a pipboy?
Would prefer to add a preist for 25pts than upgrade to her for 20 desu.
Stock tracking device.
Wrist mounted to leave your hands free.
Did you miss the GW statement when someone asked about the Plastic SoB in the bin video. GW responded: "do not trust things said by people inside a bin"
Unless the fuckers are meta trolling to prevent a leak. They just made a poor joke about plastic SoB that ended hyping people.