How would one go about loading a d20?
Loading a d20
Easiest way is with an oven, pleb.
Place it in the oven with the number you want rolling more often facing up at a low temp for a few minutes. The plastic will shift slightly and make the bottom end heavier.
Doesn't work with d20. Have tried on multiple occasions.
You're doing it wrong then. I've done it before with great results.
Rub the corners of the edges that you want to roll (on top). This wears them down slightly so that if they are on the bottom the die will keep rolling.
Put the gun In your mouth, aiming up, and pull the trigger.
>doesn't actually say anything about loading the d20
Is your advice for preparing a great meal "make sure you wash the dishes afterwards"?
>buy ~400 d20s
>roll them all
>take only the ones that rolled 1 and roll them again
>take the ones that rolled another 1 and carefully pack them into a container that prevents them from rolling around
>since all their bad luck has been used up, they're virtually guaranteed to roll a 20 the next time you use them
>repeat with remaining dice as desired
You are scum.
Calm down cucks
If it does roll a 1, now its even more lucky
Leave the D20 with 1 on top for as long as possible in the least traversed area of your home. Overtime, the 1 will collect dust on it, and eventually it'll be heavier for at least the first roll you make, giving you a slightly higher chance to roll a 20.
> Cheating at pretend games so their d20 can land on higher numbers
> Not just playing the game about collaborating with friends and having a good time, regardless of how well your d20 performs or not
> These people exist and avidly use these methods to "win" at role-playing games
Coat the d20 with Olive Oil.
Place in mouth and swallow.
Recover the die from your poo.
Repeat as needed.
Your digestion will weight the die to the 20. It will eventually become perfect.
I was playing with randoms in pick up games at a local game store. The forever GM there was known to run monsters that require rolling stupid high numbers to hit; i made one d20 to roll 18s so i could actually play and not have to min-max all my characters. When I'm playing with friends i don't use weighted five.
God damn autocorrect.
Five = dice
Imagining someone who actually believes this and does it thinking that it will help them roll 20's made me smile.
OP here, this is more or less the reason I asked how to do it. Playing with a totally nonsensical, neckbeard DM and I want to see him try to justify his bullshit when I'm rolling 19's and 20's.
How did you load your die?
I remember playing a game like that. My first game too.
For character creation, I'd gone on a rolling spree. I had near perfect scores. But the game was so goddamn imbalanced I still couldn't hit anything. So I dropped the shitty system.
Well, I generally suggest topping it with sour cream, chives, bacon, and cheese. But if you're feeling really hungry, you can add some meat or other vegetables too.
> Stooping to the same level as the shit DM to prove nothing
> This course of action is likely to lead to yet more conflict and eventual game-breakup
> Not adressing the problem with the other players and DM, perhaps he is just inexperienced and needs a lesson on how to not be shit
> If that fails and DM refuses to do something about his crap and talking to him like a normal person has proven useless
> Find a new DM, become the DM, show him you are better than him, stop being a faggot
To be fair I could see this being fun if it's integrated into the game, like a debuff that forces you to roll with the shitty dice that's weighted towards lower numbers.
>DM refuses to do something about his crap and talking to him like a normal person has proven useless
This is exactly what happened with me (), i ended up finding out my actual friends were interested in rpgs, so i stopped going to those pick up games; speed using that weighted five at the same time.
Only reason i used them in the first place was because that sorry GM wouldn't back down on his impossible to kill monsters because "everyone should min-max anyway." According to him.
Speed= stopped
Five= dice
I swear I'm not doing this intentionally.
In fact I do this, I have a set of naturally unlucky dice (factory defects gathered over the years) and if I catch players cheating, they have two choices.
> Get the fuck out, come back next session with actual dice and hopefully some brains in your skull
> Use the unlucky dice for the rest of the session, I will be forcing more rolls than average to punish you for ever even considering cheating as an option.
It's a pick up game. I've tried talking to him before, but he's not the type of person that's open to reason. The other players and I all bitch about him behind his back, this isn't going to hinder anyone's enjoyment. DMing two games right now.
This is how it starts. Then one of the players in your game says a joke you dont like. "well, he deserved the loaded dice then". Before you know it you are deciding all the rolls and the game has no meaning. Dont do it.
>Cheating in a tabletop role-playing game.
Completely unjustified, under any circumstances.