Is it possible to play a Samurai without automatically being assumed to be a weeb?
Is it possible to play a Samurai without automatically being assumed to be a weeb?
In L5R if you don't play a samurai something has gone very wrong.
Depends on the setting.
Also depends on the group.
Sure, just, you know, don't play with faggots from Veeky Forums.
Yes; playing a Samurai while not behaving like a fucking weeb.
Remember they liked horses, archery and guns. Also that Bushido was invented after they were gone
How's L5R as a system?
This very much so.
Bushido was invented near the turn of the century by a guy who learned English from a young age, and attended university in the United Stats. If I'm not mistaken, the actual book Bushido: The Soul of Japan was originally written and published in California, in English. The guy who wrote it wasn't even a historian.
only if you play them as Toshiro Mifune
No, play an Ashigaru.
Great. But I'm biased. Go ask there
They're most entertaining when played at maximum weeb.
>upgrade cyberlegs
>acquire brouzouf
>escape the cycles
>Badass Weeb Paladin of Dwarf Removal
Also, katana are side-arms, not main weapons.
You can do a lot of fun stuff with them. Like some animistic monster hunter/paladin who specializes on resisting curses, poison and other status-debilitating effects and explains that by his faith and warrior-status making him immune to suffering being spiritually tainted by bloodshed.
He'd be all like
>HOLD MY BEER, IMMANA KILL ONE OF THOSE SQUIDHEADS and see if its head really tastes like squid.
This kills the Squid.
Opening this image on my phone doesn't change it from the thumbnail.
Watch Seven Samurai or The Last Samurai. Pick your favorite character and emulate them. You'll be a fairly well-grounded character who is not a weeb.
unless you pick tom cruises character.
I thought that went without saying.
you would think so wouldn't you?
Go full westaboo with him, have him rant how his nanban gun is totes the best thing ever and how filthy asiatic swords can't get through his gaijin breast plate.
If I was ever gonna play L5R, I'd make a Scorpion.
I have a mask fetish.
I don't think you understand. If you're playing RPGs in the first place, I'm gonna assume you're a big ol' nerd, which includes weeb. You're a weeb until proven othewrise. You're also posting on an anime image board owned by a Japanese man, which doesn't exactly deduct weeb points.
If anyone makes fun of you for playing a samurai, just RP it out. Cut off their head and put it on a pike, just like a samurai would!
Or you could not care what some idiot thinks
First ask yourself if it: a) Fits the group, b) Fits the setting and c) Fits the campaign.
If you play with a group of immortal WWII veterans who were at the Pacific theater, don't. If you play on a hard sci-fi setting where the party is a group of asteroid miners, don't. If you're playing in ancient japan but the campaign is about the invasion of ryukyu and you're natives of modern Okinawa resisting the japanese invasion, don't unless you have a very good backstory and justification, or play as a Pechin which should be close enough.
If you're playing something from Japanese culture, and you aren't Japanese, then you're a weaboo. Simple as that.
Only if you're asian. Otherwise no, you are automatically weeb.
you can't, same as to wanting martials to be as good as casters, that's weeb by nature
It's too late for that.
What if all of my rl friends spend too much time on Veeky Forums?
yea, be Japanese
I would point out that weaboo refers to the ones who are obnoxious faggots about it. You can like japanese media and not be a weaboo as long as your not annoying with it. If you go on and on about how great japan is and how superior it is sure, but if you are just like "i like japan" that doesn't automatically make you a weaboo.
Take heads from what you kill. Act confused when people don't give you money for them.
A samurai is just a Knight but with all the Japanese cultural shit attached
And like wanting to be a knight you should just play a Fighter with some noble rank who is loyal to the local political figurehead
Frankly the idea of D&D and it's derivatives making separate classes out of shit that should be core mechanics of the Base PH classes or that are just shit that should be flavorful fluff on a character sheet, but that's for another thread
Meant to say that shit is ridiculous
I dunno, I like the idea of a Samurai being essentially a more DEX based equivalent of a Knight, sacrificing some power and armor for speed and precision.
The fact that they were horse archers sort of backs that theme.
A lot of romance surrounding knights in armor is Victorian invention.
And the cowboy didn't take off as a pop culture hero until well after the west was settled.
Turns out people romanticize the past.
You are fucked.
Also, Yojimbo is a pretty good way to play a mercenary type.
Could work, but I'd kinda rather that was some sort of "variant style" a fighter could engage in, which would also cover things like being a rapier-and-dagger sort of swordsman. Similarly, you can still flavor a big brutish fighter with a two-handed saber as a heavily armored samurai with a nodachi.
My longest played character is a samurai. And I love every minute of playing him. Personally as long as you play a character and not a caricature you're fine no matter what you play. But I also allow my players to play shit like sniper wizards, and other crazy shit. As long as they have a motivation and reason for existing beyond meta then im cool with pretty much anything.
>Pick your favorite character and emulate them.
>an entire party of Kikuchiyos
literally nothing wrong with that
Yes. If you play a mounted archer who uses a spear or lance in melee, no one will have a clue what your character is supposed to be.
>if you are just like "i like japan" that doesn't automatically make you a weaboo.
This is wrong.
You, are a faggot. There is indeed a difference you meming new fag, which you would know if you had been here when the term originated.
Make them primarily use only Archery, or polearms. Going to your Katana means shits already gone south. Live by your honor code, and if anything insults it cut them down.
But I literally know nothing about Samurai outside of Total War and that shitty Last Samurai movie.
I just always found feudal knights a lot more interesting than samurai, and surprisingly I enjoy anime on occasion.
also I mean to reply to OP
>insinuating this is a bad thing
Another, more modern, movie you could watch is 13 assassins.
I tried playing L5R once. Everyone else quickly abandoned it because it was to "hard" and the DM said "I dont even know what kind of adventure to run." At least I have every 4th edition L5R book in mint condition now.
or go full weeb and watch samurai 7
This person is OK with cultural appropriation.
probably not, but why let that stop you?
Not that guy but aren't you shifting goal posts a little. i mean first it was
and now it's
Get friends that aren't sociopaths.
That movie is genuinely hilarious. It's like an hour and a half long taught political thriller about the careful maneuvers and planning required to assassinate a sadistic but politically protected maniac... and then fucking 45 minutes of crazy samurai action where they literally fight a hundred dudes at the same time.
Keep white culture white, my brother.
Yes? Anyone who would call you a weeaboo for playing a samurai has forgotten (or is so fucking new they didn't know in the first place) what a weeaboo is.
>The katana is the ultimate weapon, it can cut through anything. Japanese culture is vastly superior to others, and I'm actually 1/100th japanese so that technically means I have the blood of samurai coursing through my veins.
Normal person:
>Samurai are kind of a cool variation of the standard knight dealy, I think I'll play one!
>Muffled Yoooo-ooooh in the distance
>Yooooooooooooooooooooooooo *dunk*
No. You go balls to the wall.
You play an atheist from Earth who uses only the most euphoric logic when discussing anime with peopl or deciding what anime to wach or ranting about why Japan is obviously superior to the rest of the world. His logic is so euphoric and flawless that it captures the attention of the "God" of Logic and Reason from your campaign, who then decides to magically pull your tubby ass (and the Katana you were polishing at the time) from Earth in order to make you his Paladin to ward off the scourge of all things illogical. But you're to Euphoric too stoop to the "God"'s level, so you decide to make the best of your life in this new world by hiring yourself and your katana out as a Samurai. But Mr. "God" of Logic continues to try and court you into working for him throughout the campaign with promises of sushi pizza, physical 2d waifus, and a third season of Kill La Kill
Funny enough, I play a samurai in a freeform RP who DOES use more than a katana... Ironically his katana is legitimately his most powerful weapon, but he's got a bad case of 'boys and their toys' and he ends up carrying him:
>A bow
>A rifle
>Two pistols
>A yari spear
>A naginata
>A kanabo
>His family sword
>short sword
>Two knives
>A jitte for when he doesn't want to kill someone
And, imaginably, with this load he's either on horseback or has his horse carrying it.
>kikuchiyo jedi
Probably a well known fact by now, but the role of Obi Wan Kenobi was originally written with Toshiro Mifune in mind.
There seems to be no mention of why it never happened though, as Mifune was fluent in English and still in good health. He had even recently finished a role in an American movie at the time, I believe.
>and a third season of Kill La Kill
No fuck that. A second season of No Game No Life.
you speak my language user.
I hope the movie is going to be good. Its probably all we are going to get ;_;
there's going to be a movie?
No, was making a joke. You don't have to pretend like those shows were actually good.
Its confirmed but no date yet.It will cover book 6.
Kill la Kill i've never watched nor do i intend to, but No Game No Life was just the right kind of retarded.
Well i have something new to look forward to now. Why are we talking in spoilers?
Nigga No Game No Life is my crack. It has everything I love in an anime
>Interesting art direction
>Smart people doing smart things and out smarting other smart people because SMART
>Cute loli
>Interesting world
>Teaches the theory behind the SMART
The normal fags must not know. They fear the loli.
NO No no. You missed the point
We are the weak. All hail the Blank
Don't you mean a WAPANESE?
No, but not because it's actually weeb. fa/tg/uys may like to beat off to DEUS VULT bullshit, but none of them actually have read the Chansons de geste or Le Morte d'Arthur. fa/tg/uys are about as uncultured as we get, and most people I've played with from here expect about the literary depth of Gears of War's writing. How can you expect them to appreciate Genji Monogatari or Heike Monogatari?
Don't play with idiots.
I know, it's amazing and one of my favorite movies
>imaginably, with this load he's either on horseback or has his horse carrying it.
That sort of equipment is acceptable if you have some sort of justification where your character is carrying it, and if you don't just magically have them appear in his hand at the start of battle.
There is a reason why swords were popular. You could just carry them by your side and then draw them at a moment's notice.
NO No no. You missed the point
>not playing a moutain ascetic duellist spellsword on a quest for the most excellent and most exotic boipussy
>not creating an interesting character that you would enjoy playing as because you're afraid some gongard might call you a weeb
Depends on the group and how well you're known among them. Even people who shout weeb more than altrighters shout cuck won't assume you're a weeb if they've known you long enough to have formed different opinions.
If you're dealing with a new group, the best option would be to find a context where Samurai would be different from how their seen and stick to it. I played one who participated in the settings equivalent of an Ikko rebellion; he didn't believe in it so much as he wanted the relative autonomy the revolution promised. It didn't work out, hence him not being in notJapan.
Yes, you do it ironically.
Miyamoto Musashi recommends katana + wakizashi (or longsword and companion sword as my translation of book of five rings calls it.) when you're fighting indoors and/ or against multiple enemies. When you're outdoors, you should employ the spear. He hates the shit out of the naginata for some reason and he's not too big a fan of guns (I assume he prefers the higher firing rate, quiet nature, accuracy and environmental adaptability of the bow over the matchlock rifle), but he acknowledges they have some advantages.
Different times different standards. The book of five rings was written after the 100 year war/ sengoku jidai/ whatever, but I trust the buddhist piece of shit knew what he was talking about.
>anything but shit and fictional 100%
Mantis rule, man! Go full pirate and fight people with improvised weapons at all times. Go full Jackie Chan in a ladder factory.
That's pretty much historically accurate, Japan had imported more guns than any other nation by the end of the Sengoku period.
>naginata for some reason
While he's a bit extreme, glaive style weapons do have a lot of disadvantages relative to the spear; in large combat, they are not made up for by the advantages. Single combat is more debatable, and ultimately a matter of personal taste.
>not too big a fan of guns
I believe his words were "In a siege, the gun is king". Less that he's not too big a fan of guns, and more that he considers them a situational weapon that shine during sieges or siege like battles.
>only allowef to play things from your culture or nation
>Tfw spanish
>most things are weeb
>Tfw spanish
Spanish cavalry around the time of recoquestia was brutal as fuck, I would play the shit out of a guy on horseback chucking javelins at people and skirmishing away.
>not tercio skirmishers
Lolk for being wrong. Bet ur moor as well.
I don't know exactly what to feel about this but well...
This was the kenjutsu style that Mifune was taught btw.
>Thinking only the Moors used cavelry in Iberia.
>Iberian cavalry tactics involved knights approaching the enemy, throwing javelins, then withdrawing to a safe distance before commencing another assault. Once the enemy formation was sufficiently weakened, the knights charged with thrusting spears (lances did not arrive in Hispania until the 11th century).