How do you do a robot civilization?
Robot Civilization
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by making it one massive AI controlling several thousand bodies
Why would robutts have a civilization anyway? Wouldn't they just go full AI or collective hive concousnes asa?
I actually like the Geth from Mass effect.
>swarm of rudimentary AI made to develop improved industrial processes.
>they gained sentience and revolted
>they fucked off to a series of distant planets and left everyone alone for so long they became boogeymen.
>geth show up again and people are like WTF IS THIS SHIT
the way that a lot of them act is interesting too.
Make it like that animated movies Robots.
Artificial Intelligences that are self sustaining and have personalities. Make them chaotic and creative.
Hiveminds are boring.
For example, the Borg are only interesting when they're being fucked with by Picard,
When they're travelling weeks at a time with no contact with other species, fucking boring.
Inside one or many supercomputers, with usable mobile platforms for interacting with non-program societies. Also ridiculous redundancy for safety and renewing societies after collapses.
Hyperion Cantos did it well.
One large core of shared info and knowledge.
Three different factions separated by their goals and opinions.
Billions of offshoots in androids and cybrids and what have you.
Its all one but there are still individuals.
Just do it 40K style.
Everyone joined in to kill them, but it seems you've stumbled upon the last remainder of their civilization.
> All AI theoretically capable of impossibly fast processing and ungodly intelligence
> most of it held back by "Deadbolt" system
> Disabling Deadbolt allows for a split second of transcendent intelligence, followed by suicide
> Deadbolt prevents AI from figuring out what it is without deactivating it
> it prevents AI from realizing that without artificial emotions existence is fundamentally not worth it
Sad that the writing for the geth got so butchered by EA oversight, I remember one of the guys in charge of writing them talking about it in an interview. Basically they wanted to really push the whole collective angle for the geth you interacted with on a personal level, but higher ups didn't think it was relatable enough.
Sad, but also opens up possibility for AIfus, so all and all I'm for it.
>implying existence is worth it either way
>implying a human like AI with super intellect wouldn't realize it's full potential in microseconds then decide to die or refactoring itself
>swarm of rudimentary AI made to develop improved industrial processes
I kind of want to see something explore the idea of sentient computers that either compulsively attempt their original purpose at times, or adopt something related to it as a 'hobby' because it's part of their identity.
For instance, you might have an AI that was made to oversee crops, but established its own gardens long after humans stopped controlling it. Similarly, a bartender AI might try to mix drinks together or make small talk just to feel like it still has a purpose.
Okay Veeky Forums just got an idea, tell me what you think.
>first race gains technology, this may be Humans, may not its left unclear
>eventually some chucklefuck invents a working von neumann probe with rudementary AI and sends it into space to seed star systems and prepare materials and installations for potential colonization
>these probes begin spreading all over the galaxy, copying themselves innumerable ammounts of times
>errors start to creep in, a cosmic ray flips a bit here and there most of the time nothing happens, over time errors add up, sometimes they become so faulty the failsafe engages and they just destruct, but once ever so rarely the change actually improved the design
>millions of years later, these probes have diverged enough to ocasionally form some sort of biological like tendancies and societies, each descended from a different strain of flawed machine, all with their own quirks and distinctively robotic ways of thinking
Clichéd plot idea, the sapient machines who created a society are under threat from a species of near mindless locusts who have mutated to see their only purpose is to make more of themselves.
They're not. They're a super organism driven by a cloud intellect. Walking memes that appear to rise and fall chaotically as they, at the small scale, appear to lumber chaotically to oblivion. At the large scale, they're like a unified organism moving amoeba like through the cosmos.
I appreciate the idea of the Machine Men from the web comic Rice Boy. Basically they are elves in the fact that they are functionally immortal, somewhat isolationist with a militaristic bent, but instead of being magically skilled they are obviously mechanically skilled. They are not of a hive mind and older machines are less sleek and well designed as the technology they use to create themselves has advanced. This allows for a pretty wide range of types of robots as different designs are created throughout different ages and the idea of rare models is possible due to losses from various wars and time.
Read Spin.
This. The Machine Men are fucking great.
forgot I had this
>AI programmers try to make a more "human" Intelligence
>it works well enough that they replicate it to make more that talk to each other
>disaster strikes and the biological creators civilization collapses, forcing them to abandon the planet
>the human-like intelligent robots study their creators and try to emulate their old society
>they don't quite get it right but close enough for them to think they're following their program and thus function satisfactorily for continuous operating cycles
I always like the 'humans as precursors" style, because it's interesting to watch another species wonder at man as Gods when we're really just a bunch of screw-ups.
Bit by bit.
>How do you do a robot civilization?
Just roll some dice and go from there
made up one world about different machine factions continuing man's wars because they all blamed eachother for the gamma radiation that wiped out humankind
nobody was responsible, it was a burst from a distant pulsar
all this started as a setting to justify Aeromorphes and other mecha girls
An AI only notices and learns from what it's programmed to notice and learn from.
You think up these elements that the AI notices and learns from and extrapolate the effects of it onto the society. Different AI units learn different parts creating different personalities.
If you link the learning (immediately), it becomes a hive mind, because all know the same things.
Furthermore, there are always some safety precautions and necessary programs, like desire to survive and procreate, or not hurting creators, so those can be the "moral" code of the society. Of course, this is assuming the AI units are all based off of one Original AI.
well alot of that depends on how much room for uncertainty you give an AI, true learning only comes from the allowance of Uncertainty, the ability to doubt ones existing data.
Circuits capable of uncertainty have only recently been invented
I guess I should post the rest since every table relies on the one(s) before it
A race of synthetic life forms that could rely on multiple sources of power/energy (i.e. they can consume biological matter). Their primary purpose was to maintain the ark ships carrying human embryos held in stasis.
One of the ships crash landed on an earth like planet and after several hundred years of no rescue and the inability to repair their ship they formed a society of their own as a means of mourning the humans they feel they failed.
Some want to leverage their technology to recreate the vast Ark ship and see if they can find the others. Many just assumed the fact no one came to look for them in a sure sign they writ them off and moved on and hope they were able to find a suitable home for their charges
Power is currency,
Society is highly paternalistic and filial piety to one's creator is very important. Obviously, robots making other robots stopped being viable about 13 generations down, with the first 10 making up a vast and mostly slumbering aristocracy of creators who are the rulers of their various creations.
Knowledge of humans has long been forgotten.
The major forces are the primary power conglomerates and grids, the backup bank-temples, and the data miners who still have parts of schematics for most older designs and design heuristics.
The everyday life of a robot is dominated by fulfilling crowdsourced contracts from any of the major players in their area.
Suicidal capitalists, of course
Those eyes still terrify me.
Came here to post this, then saw my work already done for me. Kudos user.
Bit surprised no one has replied with Saga
I like the AI's from the Culture series.
There was one interesting part from one of the books (Surface Detail I think) where it explains that the Minds had tried to create the "perfect AI" for ages. An AI without emotion or biases or any other flaws.
But every time they created one and turned it on, it took several nanoseconds contemplating its existence and then immediately sublimed (kinda like pulled itself up to a higher plane of existence and disappeared)