Well, /mtg/?
Well, /mtg/?
Other urls found in this thread:
Guess I am a faggot.
Fuck Creatures: the Tappening and whoever made this chart.
I really want to be, actually.
Creatures: The Tappening is a meme, though. The top decks in standard are a midrange control deck and a combo deck, and that's the only thing that said meme really applies to, though.
I haven't really kept up with standard for a while now, I flaked out after Khans block because it was too creature heavy.
I don't blame you.
And don't get back into Standard, it's still balls. It's just a different sort of balls.
Actually Kaladesh limited does suck because of creature overload.
How is U/R smug fedoralords? I don't get the reference. (it's my second fav after W/R)
>Mono R
>Not the paragon of enlightenment.
Try again.
>smug fedoralords
You misspelled "pro tour winners."
>Merfolk Player
>SUPER Boring
>Smug Fedoralord
>Master Race
Thanks user
>5 colors
>play slivers exclusively
What's that say about me?
> boros
> master of anything
Faggot smug fedoralord master race reporting!!
>mono black doesn't exist
i will fuck you with a god damn rake, we do too exist, we are the edgelord supremes and typically high tier players.
Someone's triggered
>not that kid with the silk screened flame shirt, fedora and chain on his wallet
Every fucking kid in school, I swear to god.
Give me a solid blue/black deck
I want to become the biggest faggot possible
Turbo faggots play Black/Blue mill.
My enjoyment comes from others displeasure. You are feeding me user.
too bad i have no idea how to build a mill deck but here goes nothing
I use to be a woman, now I'm just poor
I've played since 1997. You cannot deny that magic has become more creature focused since then.
It's not necessarily a bad thing. Creatures used to be garbage really. I just wish they would make other spells more viable. Bring back two mana counterspells and four mana board wipes.
Not him but this deck has day two grand prixs
Which if you don't follow competetive magic means it's pretty good
I wouldn't fucking play it but here it is
Elves master race reporting in
Apparently I'm Chinese, who knew
>I don't exist
>BG master race reporting in
I like my graveyard a lot.
Yeah, I always knew I was super boring, anyway. It's just a fact of my life.
Hell I don't even play UB and I don't think there's any color combination that comes close. Plus it's the color of Storm/Doomsday. Can't go wrong.
Also GB is shitty midrangey retard stuff and everything that's wrong with recent Magic. And RW is mostly always a pile of steaming shit.
Apparently I'm chinese now. Fuck.
Uhu.... new woman then.... nice, send me free booster boxes.
I guess I'm okay according to a poorly made picture on the internet. My life is so validated right now.
Wow, at first I thought that image was bullshit, but we have living breathing proof it's correct right here!
Poor Master Race reporting in
Master race reporting in!
Everyone ready to have a fun time!
>Born from White South African Family
>Consider myself an Orzhov
Fuck, better start learning Mandarin.
>sharing the title of master race
Boros is supreme.
Poor and boring in modern.
Master race in commander.
This describes me accurately.
Looks like I'm okay!
Huh. Looks like I'm a woman.
>no 3 colors
Shit list
Rakdos Master race reporting in...
Guess I'm also Chinese now.
Hijacking a dumb thread.
How would you describe players of each color and combination, anons?
>W -
>U -
>B -
>R -
>G -
>WU -
>WB -
>WR -
>WG -
>UB -
>UR -
>UG -
>BR -
>BG -
>RG -
>WUB -
>WUR -
>WUG -
>WBR -
>WBG -
>WRG -
>UBR -
>UBG -
>URG -
>BRG -
You first
>Reducing oneself to some mana
Sliver master race reporting in
I guess I'm boring in legacy, and super boring in pauper.
You know what you want to play user? Pauper teachings.
No creatures, your wincons are evincar's justice and curse of the bloody tome.
I guess I'm a Smug Fedoralord faggot who plays merfolk.
I might be a part of the master race, but at least I'm not a women, or Chinese.
I guess I changed sex, then.
What about white/blue/black or other combinations? In my example, Super boring chinese faggot?
What if I play pentacolor, or pure artifact?
Is it really that obvious? Because I am new in MTG and I choosed green deck
This needs 3-color options tho
I've been playing mtg since 97 and I still like to use green decks. That chart is shit.
simic master race reporting in
gimme them delicious +1/+1 counters mmmmmm gobble em up
You 2 are alright
>his favorite deck isn't a b/g dredge
I don't exist.
fuck, my favorite is red, but i mainly play legacy merfolk. I hate blue.
Git good.
What is colorless? Artifact/MUD/Eldrazi players are a special kind of person.
It is. That isn't to say you can't be an expert and play monogreen, just that monogreen is the commonest deck for the noobs to choose as their first.
My UR Arti deck is so great tho
>Master Race
>Master Race
>Don't Exist
>They're okay
>Exclusively Chinese
But I'm white.
Then you're boring.
>BR BG player
Not surprising desu
>>W - Boring
>>U - Boring
>>B - Boring
>>R - Boring
>>G - Boring
>>WU - Less Boring
>>WB - Less Boring
>>WR - Less Boring
>>WG - Less Boring
>>UB - Less Boring
>>UR - Less Boring
>>UG - Less Boring
>>BR - Less Boring
>>BG - Less Boring
>>RG - Less Boring
>>WUB - Cool
>>WUR - Cool
>>WUG - Cool
>>WBR - Cool
>>WBG - Cool
>>WRG - Cool
>>UBR - Cool
>>UBG - Cool
>>URG - Cool
>>BRG - Cool
>>WUBR - Fun Loving
>>UBRG - Fun Loving
>>BRGW - Fun Loving
>>RGWU - Fun Loving
>>GWUB - Fun Loving
>>WUBRG - Tryhard
Naya and Temur are my favorite color combos, even though I usually end up drafting Boros or Gruul when it comes to limited.
What does that make me?
>love green wedge
I'm an okay master faggot.
Turbofag... I mean, Turbofog player here.
>They're okay
Gee, I wish Wizards agreed with you...
We used to be competetive.
Guess I was Chinese during Innistrad, weird.
>9000 hours ms paint
>Paying top dollar for a card you can print yourself for nearly free?
Why do you faggots do it?
>"watch my pronouns"
>Chadbrochill that is Naya
forgot the cancer
i am clearly fishing for hate.
just bait bruh, you can change the picture, this is a debate
Naya tokens and monsters is fun as fuck
>W - Want to control but don't want to play blue. Alternatively, honourable baddies.
>U - People who desperately want to play competitive solitaire
>B - Depends wildly on the set, to the point of lacking any identity.
>R - People who don't actually like playing and prefer the waiting time between rounds.
>G - People who miss the simplicity of when they were learning and just enjoyed smashing face. Alternatively, people who have an unhealthy lust for elves.
>WU - People who don't want either player doing anything all game.
>WB - Removal addicts.
>WR - These poor, poor schmucks.
>WG - People who like having creatures on the field but don't want to play aggro.
>UB - People who get off on having other people watching them masturbate to their own degeneracy
>UR - The Fedoralord comment was spot on here. They're all smug know-it-all types.
>UG - Synergy addicts? I'm not sure, Blue/Green is as hard to pin down as mono-black.
>BR - Crazy idiots and lovable scamps.
>BG - People who want their graveyard to be their hand instead.
>RG - Creatures: The Tappening (The real one, not MaRo's addiction to boardstate clogging)
>WUB - Artifact babbies.
>WUR - Fedoralords on next-level drugs.
>WUG - Blue Green, but even more.
>WBR - The only way to make Boros viable.
>WBG - Netdeckers.
>WRG - Good looking, attractive people who are fun to be around and will always, always lose.
>UBR - The Degenerates to end all Degenerates. Everything bad about UR and UB taken to an aggressive extreme.
>UBG - "Competitive Commander" players.
>URG - People who love gimmicks,
>BRG - Surprisingly boring people.
>WUBR - Rich, Brainless Goodstuff
>UBRG - Rich, Brainless Goodstuff
>BRGW - Rich, Brainless Goodstuff
>RGWU - Rich, Brainless Goodstuff
>GWUB - Rich, Brainless Goodstuff
>WUG - Blue Green, but even more.
That should read as 'White Green', but even more.
post list...
and if you have teh time
shit on my deck / colors
this is pretty spot on.
no arguements.
validates my experiances.
Haven't played Naya in standard for a few cycles, but I had been running voices of resurgence, a few Trostani, a couple angels of thune, a couple assemble the legions, some Domris and Xenagoses, boros charms, usually an Elspeth, ghor-clan rampagers, and stormbreath dragons.
I know there was other shit in there but thats what comes to the top of my head - I won a bunch of FNMs with it in a very heavy mono-black, mono-blue, and BW/Esper control heavy meta.
So like...what am I if i play all 5 colors in one deck.
I play slivers [for fun].
nice both the dubs and the wins.
assembles and charms have a way of wrecking my table.
you have more $$$$ than brains, and your prolly just a casual kitchen table guy.
>not playing tri color
They were really damn good against mono-black at the time, and the boros charms saved the game really often against BW/esper control.
I just felt the meta was a little stale and running Naya was a bit more fun for me and the people I played against, even if probably about 1/8th of my games I got mana screwed.
Oh, and I ran those 3 cost 4/4 trampler/uncounterable elephant men too - those were great
I am a woman. I never knew. o_o
was it spot on !
it was spot on wasnt it.
where's jeskai/bant you hack
MAGA !!!!
seems legit
>"I almost had you"
Yes - now THAT'S Naya.
so then
WRB - Boros is dead, long live boros
>UBG - "Competitive Commander" players.
I just like critters, synergy, and interacting with my graveyard.
You are now aware of the fact that playing more than two colors is for degenerate idiots.
Yo hey Naya is fun for everyone
i guess im super boring, but at least a win
you forgot my favorite, WBR