/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General

/wbg/ discord:

On designing cultures:


Random name/terrain/stat generators:

Mapmaking tutorials:

Free HTML5-based mapmaking toolset:

Random Magic Resources/Possible Inspiration:


Random (but useful) Links:

A Blog Devoted to Exploring and Explaining the World of

Military Science Fiction:

So You Wanna Build A Rocket:

Tips on writing Military Sci-fi:

Fantasy Name Generator:

Fantasy world generator tools:

Historical diaries:

A collection of worldbuilding resources:

List of books for historians:


Medieval Demographics Made Easy:

Medieval Kingdom Demographics Generator:

D&D Specific Kingdom Demographics Generator:

Town demographic generator:

>Should a fantasy world follow consistent physical laws or should it be as fantastical as magic allows it to be?

>Interspecies mating: does it result in babies?

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Previous thread: Does anyone know any good books on medieval navies and shipbuilding?

>Should a fantasy world follow consistent physical laws or should it be as fantastical as magic allows it to be?
Consistent physical laws if you're trying to make a believable story out of it, without relying on Ex Machina or general asspulls. Same reason you have a well-defined magic system.

>Interspecies mating: does it result in babies?
Uplifted races (Dwarves/Halflings): no, Human + Elves or Beastmen: yes, Beastmen amongst themselves: yes.

I would like to renew discussion from the previous thread regarding the science fiction applications of a portal technology. So far we've determined its useful for unlimited energy, interstellar space travel, and coolant venting.

Previous posters have suggested applications in directed energy weapons and man-portable railguns, but I don't see how the recoil problem is solved in railguns, nor what advantage DEWs have over bullets. I'm not arguing against that- I just don't see the applications yet.

My original post detailing the technology is here:

>But I understood the main problem with railguns to be the lethal recoil. How would you solve that...

I don't claim to be a railgun expert, so I don't know how much of this is applicable, but I think it's probably worth looking at how existing non-railguns solve their recoil problems.
>balanced recoil distribution (AK-107)
>recoiling barrel assembly (AN-94)
>downward recoil redirection system (TDI Super V)
>long-recoil bolt and recoil springs (AA-12)
>the design of every recoilless rifle ever made

Any moving part designed to absorb, carry, distribute, or redirect recoil forces can probably be moved into a portal, sending the recoil where it can't affect the weapon or the user at all.

I guess I'm cross-posting this from /gdg/:

I want to make a magic system where you have actual rules about how different reagents and components react to create potions, alchemical concoctions, etc. so that players can make their own potions on the fly with the ingredients they have on hand. I might also want to extend that to spells, though I haven't yet figured out how to handle component costs.

I'm thinking of either doing a point-based system for convenience, or making it so that the effectiveness of potion-brewing decreases with more ingredients you add.

The question I have is: I haven't encountered an RPG yet that has such a system. Is it too complex to expect players to use as opposed to just buying potions of health or poisons of whatever?

Should I even bother?

You can use microportals to replace printed gold circuitry in computer chips. The electrons just move instantly.

I feel like you may want to look to Vidya for inspiration here. Have various ingredients with stock effects associated with them, that can be combined with those of similar effects into a potion.

So if you have a healing root, and a life berry, you can mix those into a weak healing potion. If you add more stuff, it can get stronger, up to a cap. However, to add some complexity, you could also put in certain ingredients that don't mix well together, and certain ingredient combos that may give you a secondary effect rather than the primary one you were expecting.

There's a thought. You could get convoluted space densities, which allows reformatting of anything that requires surface area... Cooling once again comes to mind, as does biological processes and certain organizational problems. There's probably some flashier tech that you could create with it but it hasn't come to mind yet.

The thing about railguns is that the recoil is *arbitrarily large*. We could make a railgun with the recoil of an AR15, it would just be pointless (no added benefit). The point of a railgun is to fire projectiles that can literally shoot through a mountain (or a moon, if we took to a cosmic scale). So while railguns are useful for getting arbitrarily large acceleration values, the projectile pushes back on the railgun just as hard. There's a reason we mount these to cruisers and *not* to land based installations.

Suppose the rails shunt into a portal. This means what the user carries is actually a rail recovery and aiming system- some fixed end point that a retraction mechanism pulls the rails back to. But the other end of it can't be empty space or nothing would stop the rails... and recoiling into an ocean or some-such is likely to lead to a leakage problem for the portable cannon user.

(hmm... note to self. Literal oceanic flood grenades... maybe call them Noah bombs).

Maybe you cold try and use a high gravity system to recover the rails, but you're gonna need a loooooong chain. Hmm... maybe a neutronium containment system on the other end of the portal... problem then is that gravity diffuses back into the portal and you get a vortex.

(hmm... vortex grenades... man you could seriously mess up a planet with this stuff).

((Well, at least I'm getting ideas out this dialog- thanks! Though a lot of these are sorta shitting in your own nest since you can't really turn the portal off... guess you'd need a mechanism to move it into and out of position, which could easily get out of hand if it falls into the sun))

I was considering something like a pseudo-chemistry with a pseudo-table of elements, where ingredients had some attributes that combined together to creat effects.

So in your example case, you'd have a healing root of the type X with the quality of healing Y amount of points over time, combined with a berry of type A with the quality of preserving something for B length of time, and mix them together with fresh water to create a potion of healing that counteracts disease. Or if you dried and powdered the root and mixed it with the juice of the berry, you'd get a salve that stops bleeding. Or something.

I thought Tyranny had an interesting way of combining spells, though it seemed limited compared to what you get out of D&D.