what the fuck teeka
I assure you it's not. Just sell before the sheeps do. Sad day for my coinfu.
Should be illegal as fuck... I hate him
selling stellar at 20 cents is like selling eth at $50
Yeah... either way I'm not selling..
I bought XRP, ADA and XLM last night. Most money I've made in my life and I did it in my sleep.
Sell now and buy later retard.
>hurrrr durr dump a coin with actual use cases that HAS IRL IMPLEMENTATION IN PILOT PHASE
If anyone believe OP'S FUD you deserve to stay poor.
fake as fuck he actually said TO BUY xlm. who posts this stuff? don't fall for this stuff newfriends, buy the fuck out of xlm right now
>sell XLM right now..
Great idea!
How so?
His calls are always on point and makes a lot of people money
Because it's market manipulation and screws over people outside of his cabal.. Literally just a knock off pajeet Illuminati
So what? Im not gonna just sell because "Big T" commands it. Think for yourself you sheep. XLM has so much more room to grow. You gonna pink wojack seeing your lost gainz
Lol. So many predators on Veeky Forums trying to fuck normies out of their $$ actually kinda surprised how successful they are in fucking over idiots. It's so easy to pull up the charts and see they're fuckin full of shit.
prepare to get dumped on fool
Meant for
Well, there are socially dysfunctional people on Veeky Forums... Social cluing is not our strong suit.
Nice try OP, just bought more
it's real guys
the teeka leak is true and verified by multiple palm beach leak sources, but who knows if this faggot retard is right, his group is a whale group but its still a small whale group amongst real whales who dont write retard newsletters for seminormie geriatrics
Im willing to bet XLM is too big for him to actually influence.
hey now some of us are actually grateful for the tips. thanks homie!
I just dumped mine into btc. Thanks.
Not even breaking support...
yeah, I sold mine. Not very many. but Ive taken some profit. will buy back when it hits around 900.
thanks for the tip. was about to put another £100 in with my small time bong bucks, i will hold fire and buy the same for less.
wow so fake. Even if this is real teeka told his investors to leave Monero at $80 and then it MOONED to $300+ USD. But this shit is beyond fake. If you sell then enjoy getting BTFO
He's always right because it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
Fuck this shit. What's the point of a "profit alert"? Everyone who bought XLM knows it's currently rallying, they can sell if they choose. Teeka damn well knows this will crash the market, fucking cunt. This would've easily hit 3k sats within the next few weeks, and now it's fucked.
Eh. Just gonna hold.
Wait wtf, is this real?
Holy shit at those red candles
It's not fucked from a Teeka call. Like previously stated, look at the XMR call. His BUY signals are self-fulfilling prophecies, his sell signals are garbage.
There's big news on the horizon.
20k. Holding without any fear.
Still not breaking support... I wouldn't sell, autists.
>his sell signals are garbage
It's already crashing bro.
I can't believe this dickhead. Tells his subscribers to invest in a coin then actively works to crash that coin a few weeks later.
I appreciate your tip, user. I don't shoot the messenger when he gives me bad news.
Do you even do basic TA???
now is the time to buy
nice dip
His sell call might be good. We are no dealing with a shitcoin here. So its a good opportunity to buy more when dips.
Yep, bottom of support, rode along it and now it's up 20 sats
Its not market manipulation
Pajeets using pbc rumors to pump their shit coins like powr or pot is manipulation
if lumens go down i'll get my money back soon enough seeing as how its actually a legit product and not a fly by night pajeet pnd. so i'll risk it.
So many weak hands. Thanks for the cheap bags, will go straight to my lambo fund.
As if PBC members don't 'leak' shit on purpose...
They leak on purpose because they want to share info with other people
Not everything is a pump and dump, rakesh
So should I sell this deadcat bounce?
>Defends Pajeet
>Calls me Pajeet
that only works if you can all the peaks and dips successfully. sometimes thats easy to do, other times its a tough call, especially for noobs.
I sold. You can't beat the normans.
yeah its dumping. sigh
Is anyone here a paying subscriber? Aren't you kind of pissed off by this?
Personally I wouldn't want sell signals at all, unless they were an advance warning about an impending crash caused by some external factor. This action actually fucks over his subscribers, I don't get it.
That was a hell of a moon though eh boys. They way those walls got eaten up was breathtaking.
No not really, I chose to put my money in this instead of Ripple and its pump was prematurely stalled by this P&D group.
He called a sell for monero at like $80 or $120 or something
>do nothing vs timing the market near perfectly
OP here, 100% agree.
Thanks for the heads up btw.
Fucking kek. didnt you retards watch wolf on wallstreet? Dont you understand?
you never know what's going to happen. all signals groups value risk management over moonshots. you're risking 136% gains(a fucking lot) for the slight chance that it goes up higher.
this thanks OP. Got out with some gains
teenagers on Veeky Forums with $20 invested wont understand
>you're risking 136% gains(a fucking lot) for the slight chance that it goes up higher.
Ok but as an investor, that's a decision I can make myself. I don't need a "profit alert" to tell me the value of my investment has gone up, of course I already know. Unless he has serious reason to believe it will crash,he shouldn't take an action that will almost certainly diminish the price before many of his subscribers even see the call.
maybe he's only trying to lower the price to buy the dip. or because someone who did want to buy the dip paid him. marketing gurus can manipulate markets and thats "problematic" if the guru can be bought. and when the gurus advice becomes self fulfilling prophecy then the guru can be bought without losing his reputation for accuracy
>Hi this is investacenter! I have this amazing stock called Steve Madden
fucking retards. You pay the price when you join pump and dumps. This guy is shorting stellar on polo. I gaurentee it
if you could make the decision yourself you wouldn't have bought pbc. despite what you might think, most people DO need to be told when to sell. look at the iota people "5 dollars, 6 dollars, 10 dollars eoy". its easy to get caught up in your gains while you're ahead but this is crypto. today's 136% gains is tomorrow's 30% loss.
Thanks for the update OP, appreciate it. However I am not selling my Stellar because egghead said so. Will just buy more on the dip.
yeah but so far it hasn't crashed below a previous 35 degree upwards meme line establlished between 8am and 1pm today and in fact seems to now be moving along that line as it comes out of a dip. and looking at the order books i'm seeing a thick stack of buy orders.
so i'm unsure. we may be overestimating the power of this kids rumour mill circus
Yeah I bought back in. I don't think this is over.
This... It's just a bunch of faggots that want to fud for le ebin trolls
cool peep bro
the logo is literally a rocket ship. how could we fail
Someone has a 2 million lumen sell order on Binance.
lol do it. buy back in
this has been a stable .18+ all day. why should I listen to this asshole?
check the charts
Already up 100 sats
Its the same guy again. I wonder what his endgame is. Faggot keeps the price down.
get rekt normie bitchs
if by up you mean down
Up from the dip.
annnd maybe coming down again
the coins are a fickle mistress
Sold again. Made a few hundred on that bounce but this is too much right now.
I'm back in this is no bounce.
But that Wall...
Nigger, I bought in last night
The hell was it? Looks like an exit pump
Whew.. That was fun. I'm out to live the rest of tonight in peace.
Great fucking day. Good luck out there guys. Still has a lot of potential.
I'd guess someone threw up that wall to accumulate. When they're ready they'll take it down and all hell will be released. At least that's what I want to believe.
If it breaks through 1300 resistance, then i'll buy back in. Been too unsure since it hit 1200 ish so ill just spectate. Too much stress for me.
Guys may want to look at putting in some into ADA.. I watched a sell wall of 50 btc get eaten in seconds @ 1300.. Kinda chilling around there now, but did hit 1400 after that wall getting eaten.
Me too. This is impossible right now. Hopefully it tanks a bit and rallies back up to this point so we can ride the wave again.
This thing perfect for swing trading right now? It's just going to keep bouncing off that wall?
Just careful and follow traditional double top...it's gonna come up ~1050 sat so keep on watching.