Of all the D&D classes, which would best capture the essence of a Disney princess?

Of all the D&D classes, which would best capture the essence of a Disney princess?

Prove me wrong.

ranger or druid for the animal companion, and then multiclass into bard for the singing magic.

>>Snow White is a Bard
>>Mulan is a Fighter
>>Merida is a Ranger
>>Elsa is a Cold Sorceress
>>Moana is a Rogue

Why do I suddenly wanna play in this campaign?


Mulan is a rogue as well. Her disguise rolls are through the roof.

A warlock, duh.

>Merida is a Ranger

Yeah, she sucked alright.

Her Mom was her animal companion, it's hard to show off when your parent is in the dungeon with you

Nature domain favored soul Sorcerer.



/prove it

Cons :
- Disney princesses tend to sing a lot
- their songs tend to manifest reality-warping powers (instant choreography, inspiring feelings around them)

Cons :


But seriously the power all disney princesses share is their amazing personalities.

In addition to that Bards are versatile enough that they can do all of the things talks about.

in the Ravenloft supplement there was a True Innocent PRC that pretty much got Disney powers.

other than that fpbp

Gestalt bard/whatever

Priestess of Loviatar.

Yeah seriously

/Thread as fuck

Pre-Mulan it's exclusively Bard. Starting with her, things get much more complex.
Especially since she wasn't even a princess to begin with

I think she just has a lot of circumstance bonuses to passing as male.

Talking Animal companions?



I looked it up and Mulan does meet the requirements.

Is Human or close enough
Can sing
Apparently became a Royal/Noble because of the Emperor's blessing.

Also, because she could beat up anyone who said otherwise.

How to know the author never even touched BDSM gear, but wanted something edgy.

>Only humans can be princesses
Check your privileges!

Don't worry, the Mammal Inclusion Act will help with that

It's obviously eelskin, you dolt.

We're all very impressed with your post, though.

Her class then?

Still (fortunately) not a princess

Not him, but I guess you never saw eels IRL

Still wouldn't work out.

I'm just sick and tired with how BDSM is treated as a resident way to "spice things up" or make something appear "rebellous" and "edgy"

What's wrong with edgy?

Let's put it into some easy-to-digest situation.

Imagine everyone extensively and continously uses tabletop gaming as portraying people as loosers with no social skills, all looking like bunch of weirdos and completely unable to distinguish reality from their imaginary adventurers. Also, don't forget to mention that it's evil to play tabletops, because that's equal with worshipping Satan.

Is it now a bit more understandable?


Well, BDSM is probably the most normie-friendly, but still exotic and adventurous seeming kink out there. It's normal enough that most people can at least kinda see the appeal, but still carries that aura of "beyond the norm", I guess.

Fighter/Barbarian multiclass

Try being into bondage and having to deal with this shit on daily basis and you won't ask anymore.

>Imagine everyone extensively and continously uses tabletop gaming as portraying people as loosers with no social skills, all looking like bunch of weirdos and completely unable to distinguish reality from their imaginary adventurers

That pretty much does happen all the time. Only in recent years has the hobby broken into the mainstream somewhat, but the image of buck-toothed, pimply, fat nerds sitting in their mom's basement, throwing dice, sipping apple juice out of Star Wars plastic cups and shouting something about impaling goblins and casting Magic Missile through a thin mist of spittle still persists in the minds of many, many people.

>Also, don't forget to mention that it's evil to play tabletops, because that's equal with worshipping Satan

Also happened, obviously but that died throughout the 90's for the most part. Although I'm sure that somewhere in the USA there's still people firmly believing that RPGs are the devil's work.

Bard, Druid, or Fey Pact Warlock. Depends on the particular Princess in question.

Have you ever heard about about irony?

>Try being into bondage and having to deal with this shit on daily basis and you won't ask anymore

Everyone has to deal with that shit, though. I work in IT, I like tabletop, roleplaying and boardgames, I code and tinker with hardware in my spare time.

I mean, sure, I also like to go out on weekends and keep myself in shape like all the normal people, but whenever I describe my interests to people they do get a certain image in their minds, and it's not flattering.

I'm also a Dom, if that matters

>about about

But yeah, I get your point. It's just too easy to single out this one thing people have some sort of prejudice toward, or that's commonly associated with a certain image when that applies to pretty much everything in some way or other.

What about Jasmine, Mulan, Kida, Merida and Rapunzel?
And if we skip the pointless sequel, Mulan isn't even on the list, since not a princess

Nope, not really. I just don't see what's wrong with so called 'edgy' games/characters/stories/whatever.
Calling something edgy isn't really a criticism

>the image of buck-toothed, pimply, fat nerds sitting in their mom's basement, throwing dice, sipping apple juice out of Star Wars plastic cups and shouting something about impaling goblins and casting Magic Missile through a thin mist of spittle still persists in the minds of many, many people.
>implying that isn't reality
>implying that that doesn't describe the game night of everone involved in this conversation
Nigga plz

>Calling something edgy isn't really a criticism

It kinda is. Edgy isn't just used to describe something dark, or brooding, or macabre, but rather when the subject matter is handled poorly. Dudes with sunglasses and trenchcoats and katanas aren't inherently edgy. The Matrix used that aesthetic a lot, but it wasn't about that, it was just part of the artstyle and therefore isn't edgy.

However, when your entire narrative or character focuses on how radical that shit is, or how badass someone is for murdering people, well, that's edgy.

I've got a reverse situation, since I've got a hard time convincing anyone that yes, I do play tabletop games, yes, girls play games too, yes, I know how to optimalise a warlock, yes, it's possible to not look like shit and still being into TTRPG, yes, you can have a job, study and still balance it out with your hobby.
Pretty much a reverse form of ostracism, because, duh, it's obvious that girls don't play games and if they do, they must be some sort of dyke landwhale, because, because... I guess Westley was right - life is pain.

Not for me, I'm into bondage alone

Female, humanoid, main character, who is attractive, sings/is involved in songs, has animal companion(s), has a male main character of noble birth/higher standing who falls in love with her.
How is she not a disney princess?

>I didn't watch their respective movies
That leaves us still with Mulan, Kida and technically Merida.
Still not a bard nor druid.

Mulan could be a bard with lot's of points in disguise, with some in rogue/arrior-ish skills.
Kida might be a mage, or a druid who specializes in some sort of water shenanigans.
Rogue, obviously, that or a bard with rogue skills.

Judy can't be a princess because Zootopia is a democracy.

Mulan fits more as a Bard that Multiclassed into Fighter through the story.

Doesn't stop us from throwing those terms around.

Heck, I can see her arresting a Noble and a crown lands on her head, then she Chuck's it because princess crowns aren't for her as she puts on her police hat

I'm pretty sure my Grandmother is in the "table top is evil camp" given her views on harry potter.

Ask her about it. Ask her until she's still alive. One day you will realise you didn't asked her a lot more important things.

Also, my grandma was much more forgiving than my parents, since she realised that:
- it's a game
- it requires other players
- ergo, I'm spending time socialising with my peers and not doing drugs
Meanwhile my parents were freaked out, because I was "wasting time on stupid games" rather than studying.

Mulan has to be a Fighter - she's the only Disney princess who's had military training.

My mom's in the 'D&D/Harry Potter/Halloween is evil' camp. I've told this story before, but when I was a preteen I wasn't allowed to play D&D, so I just made my own system up and forced my little brothers to play it with me.

>Playing with younger siblings
>Not just going out to play with others
>Not just finding where is the nearby place organising games
Shit man, you ought to be really stupid as a kid

Wow, I envy your childhood. You really don't know shit about over protective parents?
>wasn't allowed to leave house when parents weren't home
>wasn't allowed to go out of sight of the front yard until ~15, so I had to ride my bike up and down the same street or I'd get in trouble
>wasn't allowed to go anywhere with friends unless a parent MY parents knew was with us
Shit sucked yo. Little brothers were the only people I had to play with really
still run a weekly game for them, and they're still my best friends in the world, get rekt son

You know this all falls under abuse and you should have call proper services when you were still a teen... right?

Not D&D, but this thing is excellent.

This is really good

>Not him, but I guess you never saw eels IRL
You're right.

I've never seen a mermaid IRL either.

Nice circular logic you've tried to apply here, friendo.
Shame this board is adult only and this trick works on kids up to 10 years old

Uh, how? That seems like a pretty strong word to use user
How would any of that classify as abuse?

Yeah, when I first saw it I expected it to be a joke class, but no, it's really well-designed, and capable of doing a lot of different Disney characters, especially when combined with another class, since it cross-classes quite a bit.
I had someone lined up who wanted to play it, but they flaked at the last minute and dropped off the internet.

>Being a house slave
>Not abuse
>Denied contact with outside world
>Not abuse
>Overbearing and overprotective parents denying basic independence
>Not abuse
Newsflash, since you are probably American - abuse doesn't have to be sexual or physical.

Thief-Acrobat with CHA as highest stat.

Strong words are the best to describe strong situations. Like being fucking unable to leave house. Who are you? Some secret brother Carrie had?

Thief I can understand... but Acrobat?

>Laughing about being treated like a cattle by own parents
Yep, they've fucked you up pretty hard. And I guess I now at least partially understand from where autists unable to handle basic social interactions show up on Veeky Forums and in gaming clubs.

I dunno. I never thought about it that way, I always just thought my parents were a bit too controlling.
Kind of wish I'd saved the smug reaction pic now tbqh


Controlling parents will tell you to get back home at 7 PM and ground you for a week if you are any minute late.
Abusive parents won't let you go outside at all.

Being American has nothing to do with it

Stop stop stop I'm not sold on this.
If this is really a type of abuse then it's got to have a name.
So like let's say 17 year old me wanted to call up Child protection services and stop this shit. What the fuck would I even report?

Fuck... I guess I will finally convince rest of the group to try something like Princess Pillowfighter. The only reason they didn't want to play PP was because how stupid the rules were. With this...

Thanks for posting, man!

Disney Princesses are almost all rogues, with some multiclassing.

Alora - Rogue
Snow White - Rogue/Bard
Mulan - Rogue/Fighter
Merida - Rogue (mother is not an animal companion, it's just a rogue with baleful polymorph)
Elsa - Sorceress, high level
Arielle - Rogue
Esmeralda - Rogue
Black Princess - Rogue
Rapunzel - Rogue
Jasmine - Rogue
Anastasia - Rogue

Bard might capture the essence, but Rogue captures what they actually do. And Rogues can just take Perform - Singing and Use Magical Devices.

It kinda does, since States are one of few places in the "first world" where children aren't taught or trained in their own laws.

That you are an underage on adult-only Vietnamese internet imageboard.
Also, that your parents abuse you and then you proceed to describe how. Even if they won't qualify it as abuse, they WILL send a social worker to check on you within next 1-3 weeks

>Disney Princesses

Also, she's an outright Thief. And who the fuck is "black princess"?

>Everyone lists Mulan as princess

Have I've missed something? I mean she is not even nobility and just gets back home in the end. Shang is at best low nobility, it at all and they just hang out - maybe - in the end.

Mulan has the blessing of the Emperor. Good enough for Disney.

So did her father. Didn't turn him into anything else than old war hero.

>States are one of few places in the "first world" where children aren't taught or trained in their own laws.
Have you ever been to the US, or are you just a Eurocuck who only knows what /pol/ and /int/ tell him about it?

I'm 22 fuck nugget
Anyway, thanks anons. I never really thought about things like this. Not really sure what to think right now. This is all kind of surreal.
and yes, I am American

Been for half a year. Would drop much quicker, but I was obligated to pay back shitload of money should I break the contract faster than the natural expiration of it. The country is unironically and without any pointless bashing just fucked up. Spend last month just travelling around to kill the time before the contract is over, using all the leave I've accumulated for first 5 of working.

Well he didn't save China, did he?

>half a year
Wow, that's like so long. You're clearly an expert on the deep nuances of American culture and I should just back out. Just... WOW. I can scarcely imagine what living in America for SIX WHOLE MONTHS would be like.

Where are you, New York?

Don't just take our word for it. Look up standard abuse tactics...assuming you have open access to the internet, of course.

>I'm 22 fuck nugget

I think you missed the joke there, dude. That's what he would tell 17-year-old you.
I'll grant you that it was a pretty weak joke, however.

I'm from the US and the average high school student I went to school with (at the "good" school in town) had only the most vague understanding of the basics of our constitution and laws. They don't teach much, and what they do teach, they don't teach very well.


the froglover one?

>Tiana goes on Veeky Forums
>constant frogposting

I'm not sure what to make of this new headcanon you've given me, user.

Despite what other people in this thread are claiming, this is not abuse.
Your parents seem a little over protective, but entirely within the range of normal for america. Different parts of the country have different standards, but particularly if you were the oldest child, this is entirely normal. I wouldn't sweat about re-framing your parents as abusive in your mind.

She's part of the franchise

Not him, but Americans are experts about the whole world while never leaving Bumfuck, Kansas in their life, so... yeah

Yeah, but so is Jane. And I don't see Jane being posted anywhere as a princess.
Unless it's some weird /aco/ porn with her and Cpt. Amelia.

When I was growing up we used to joke about those guys.

>I'll tell ya whut ya do 'bout the Middle East!
>I'll tell ya right now!
>All ya gotta do is glass them ayrabs!
>Nuke 'em till they glow and shoot 'em in the dark!
>Problem solved!

Jane and Esmeralda used to be part of the franchise but were later removed. Aparently Megara joined recently

I know the feeling but...

This user gets it.

I wonder how much time you've spent in your entire life outside your own state, not to mention country. Did any of your god-awful news stations already told you what to think about it?
I've lost count with how many cock-sure burgers I had to deal during those 6 months. Having an opinion about just about everything and everyone, with relation to reality being below 10% and never even leaving the metropolitan area they've lived.

Boston. Then Columbus. Then Menneapolis. Then, when I took the leave, I tried to reach Pacific and I had to get back due to visa expiration soon after getting to Portland, without a chance to reach Astoria (always wanted to visit it just for the sake of Kindergarten Cop reference).