Death Is For The Living, It Has No Power Over The Damned
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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Death Is For The Living, It Has No Power Over The Damned
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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1st for gilneans a shit
Go the fuck back to sleep, Windrunner.
Stromgarde > Gilneas > Lordaeron > Kul Tiras > Dalaran > Stormwind >>>>>>>>>>>> a literal pile of shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alterac
also this
>Mfw we could've tried to raise Kil'ruk as a horseman but Blizzard didn't notice the opportunity.
the death knight champions do kill Empress Shek'zeer's soul in hell. The Paragons owe us one
>undead Klaxxi Paragons leading gargoyles and frost wyrms against the Legion
my fucking dick
>tfw Sylvanas is going to join the Old Gods when she finally bites it
elves, not even once
Where do the souls of fel corrupted folk go? Do they become playthings of the demons in the twisting nether?
depends on how corrupted.
races that are passively corrupted on a small scale like orcs and belves seem to get a normal afterlife, but the more you do the dew, the better the chance that you end up in the Nether instead of with your ancestors or the Light or w/e.
Last thread died just over halfway to bump limit.
I'd say it has plenty of power over the damned. Is that not what we are?
Is there a fan Warcraft RPG yet? I keep seeing these threads but it's only discussion about the lore and WoW's crappy story and the official RPGs are pretty shitty since they're just reskinned 3rd edition D&D. Being able to play a naga from the Dark Factions book is pretty fucking cool though.
I don't think there is, and I'd like to see one, but neither I nor anyone here has the perseverance to see it through.
No one could succeed. The cause is hopeless.
>Last thread died just over halfway to bump limit.
happens some times. People that post in this thread seem to have odd schedules, some times no one is around for just long enough that it dies.
there have been fan efforts to port Warcraft stuff into 5e (including in this very thread IIRC), but no full fan game
>Previous thread got archived with 192 replies only
>Thread pic was Nozdormu
>Nozdormu's HS card effect is limiting turn time for both players to 15 seconds
Deepest lore?
Are they ever going to update silvermoon or the exodar or are we stuck with the BC models forever?
When they will, it'll likely happen along with Northrend (which is as likely as legacy servers, so not really) and Outland. Unless they will make some CoT entrances to old areas, or updates to areas once you will reach certain level, via phasing.
God knows what we need is undead taffy chewing twats from the worst part of the lore in pandaria. I'm sure that wouldn't be distractingly out of place in the Ebon Blade at all!
Why? Do you really want them to apply their shitty modern day overworld design to old zones where it wasn't a need for a set piece every five yards obscuring your vision of nice things to look at? Tbh I'd rather have old models and a decent atmosphere than new ones and an absolutely shitty level design.
Personally (the user directly above), I think that at the least they could update some of the questlines, so the flow of time could be felt.
I really hate that player DKs cannot have the classic Vanilla Ghoul as their pet. I liked the underbite with the bottom row of teeth looking like a line of tombstones.
The wrath era ghoul just looks like a retard with a long head.
I just want them to update silvermoon so that it's a city instead of cardboard cut outs. I'm fairly sure that's why you still can't fly there, because if you could you'd see that the facades of the buildings are 2D stage props with no actual roof; which is a shame when compared the the spectacular areal view you can get of stormwind for instance. not to mention that I would like to at least be able to explore the ruined half of the city if not have it fixed and included
I would like if they made it possible to fly there by adding more geometry and possibly a general texture update to silvermoon, otherwise it's pretty much fine.
>not to mention that I would like to at least be able to explore the ruined half of the city if not have it fixed and included
Eh? The ruined half is the area full of broken you walk through to get from the level 1-5 cradle to the first town.
Also apparently the issue with flying there is if you could fly you;d be running into the underside of Outland somehow.
Same with Azuremist/Bloodmist isles, those DON'T use cardboard cut-out design since you can climb on top of the exodar and it's still all there. The problem is they're in some sort of limited BC instance.
>Draenor is FREE!!!
>Oy blyat Boris'ka why are we cheering?
>I don't know Vledim. I do know my siblings were butchered and their guts worn by his soldiers.
>And me sis soul was raped by a void ghost thingy summoned by his Shadowmoon fellows.
>Cyka let's me rip his head o-oh it's over now?
>Don't fly off Khadgar dont fl
How are we going to stand against the Legion with Genn and Sylvanas hatefucking each other instead of combining their forces to make a front?
The worst part about this was that HFC went on for so long that everyone eventually got a ring. I'd be fine doing Khadgar's bitchwork if It was as exclusive as Shadowmourne
>7.2 will have a next DK world police chapter
Not everyone, just everyone who had the patience to stick around for that tripe.
>How are we going to stand against the Legion with Genn and Sylvanas hatefucking each other instead of combining their forces to make a front?
Literally 7.2
I guess it never clicked that the 1-5 area was the other half. It seems like it should be bigger
because the Broken Shore neutered the Alliance and Horde armies so badly that they're completely irrelevant anyway
they learned their lesson and made the raid quest line in Legion both not increase player power and only doable in flex and mythic
>pretends to be a thread about tabletop games as an excuse for posting on the wrong board for no reason
>only ever talk about the videogames
You're the worst at pretending to not be shitposting.
>tfw Blizzard pretending that WoD never happened made it even worse retroactively because it ends with Yrel promising to help us fight the Legion but there's no way to actually get her back
Hopefully the extended class campaigns fix this. Paladins go to AU Draenor to mop up some leftover demons and bring Yrel back? Warriors get to go round up Grom and the remnants of the Iron Horde? Priests get to hang out with the arakkoa?
Video game mechanics are rarely discussed and the video games as a whole are because they're the largest manifestation of the story. Where are fictional lore threads meant to go? Veeky Forums?
>Where are fictional lore threads meant to go? Veeky Forums?
Can you imagine the fallout if everyone wanting to discuss Black Library books were forced to migrate there? It would be fucking glorious.
One thing I've thought would be interesting would be a campaign set in Pandaria, but during WoD or Legion. Even after MoP there's still plenty to explore, and the aftermath of the in-universe fiasco of War Crimes would let the GM be pretty loose with faction restrictions if he wanted. Let's face it, after Garrosh escaped, plenty of soldiers on both sides said "fuck it" and deserted their idiot kings
Even if the mechanics were discussed, they're great to translate in a lot of scenarios. When I had my players adventuring through Northerend during the Wrath of the Lich King, you bet I had the game running on my comp to show them scenes, NPC's, field info and after a quick refresher on the boss mechanics, running them through the fight in a similar fashion handled in initiative.
One of the brightest parts in the campaign was where our Int-dumped Tauren who'd been acting as the visually-impared gnome oracles main protector and transport hurled her off a ledge in Ahn'Kahet, The Old Kingdom because the Faceless One they were facing had an Insanity mechanic.
Rather than just say "You all fight illusions of your party mates!," I had each player place a token somewhere on a big map of the chambers without telling them why. Once they were placed, they were to take their tokens' place, having been teleported there, and replaced by vile creatures of the void....except the power-house Tauren who rolled the lowest will-save and now believed nothing to be out of the ordinary aside from strange creatures coming from the distance to attack him and his "friends."
The Players handled in marvelously.
Also had a bit of a situation later on where the human in the party sweet-talked the Scarlet Crusade by offering them Naxxramas and the orbital weapons of Ulduar.
>Discussing the socio-political impact of thrall vs Garrosh and Varian vs Anduin on /pol/
>yfw we detain meme'ganis
inb4 Bolvar just goes full Lich King and unleashes the plague on the Broken Shore
>Saving the azeroth
>ghost varyann
Can demons be made into undead?
Would depend on the kind of demon? Couldn't see an infernal getting reanimated, but in HFC the mannoroth encounter starts with him being basically a skeleton.
Varian is too busy tapping that sweet Overwatch ass in the Nexus to come back.
>Get absolutely spoiled by how good the DK story was.
>Can't wait to try out some of the others!
>You run away and brew beer, and have an akward party.
>the end.
They litually just had to take the plot of ANY kung-fu movie and it would have been fine.
These threads are objectively better than a good 1/4th of the other threads on Veeky Forums. I'd take a thousand of these over one fetish thread.
Even if they can't, the Legion would still be at least moderately inconvieneced if all of their Bloodtotem and Felskorn allies suddenly turned into skellingtons
>Priests get to hang out with the arakkoa?
IIrc they threw their lot in with the druids
These threads are objectively off topic
Yeah, but I want to see ghoul felguards chilling out with a pit fiend lich.
The Scourge as bro tier defenders of Azeroth is one of the few good things to come out of the lore recently.
>tfw you will never see Arthas and his knights of the Ebin Bants siege Khadgar at his meme castle.
>pit fiend lich
You overestimate magical abilities of Pit Lords. They are way too dumb to master such magics.
And are completely incapable of being bro tier.
Oh fine, Pit Fiend Death Knights then. With Eredar Lichs.
>separated for millennia the Draenei and Eredar are finally reunited under the banner of the Scourge.
As the scourge are globalists ...
Guess we know who will be heading up the Argent Crusade in the future then.
>buy my water filters 100% holy light blessed and plague free
>What ANDUIN WRYNN isn't telling you is that all of Darkshire's problems can be traced back to Contrails released by government griffin riders!
>this is an emergency transmission from the heart of occupied Lordaeron.
>this is Alexios Jones of Infocrusades.epl, and if you're receiving this broadcast, YOU are the resistance
>Sturmwhind Mhedia
Dragongate is not real. There is nothing to suggest that the nobility are secretly black dragons bent on the destruction of the world to please an ancient and malevolent god.
>The priest are our greatest allies
don't worry, those tentacles aren't evil
I've got reports from HIGH LEVEL SI:7 sources that say Bolvar is still alive and leading the Scourge. You know what? I'm just gonna stop right there
>implying anyone except paladin-cucks will obey to them
Based pally "cucks" are the ones resisting the EBPD
Now with Kel'Thuzad as the put upon police chief?
Blizzard is too busy making huge pauldrons to make decent lore
>Based pally "cucks"
>DK attacks Last Hope Chapel
>DK pls, corrupt Ashbringer
Yeah whatever, I will be behind over 9000 daemons in my Nether borthel with Eredar twins
Mah nigga, Blackharvest unite!
Being Medivh's apprentice had to suck.
>Demon Hunter class order campaign
>Do not go hunting any demons
>Instead complete Illidan's shopping list
>Only Demons you deal with are former Demon Hunters
The only redeemable part about it is that it feels like the X'era quests are actually complementary to the campaign and not the random nonsense of DINDU NUFFIN they are to other classes.
>You are tasked with rebooting Warcraft from the beginning.
>Can be for whatever format
>Has to include all races with associated characters that showed up until RoC. You can scrap the ones afterwards or whatever.
>Has to start with Orcs from another world invading a land in Azeroth and its events leating up ton it.
Other than those, do whatever. What would you do?
I quit and find another job
I did like the "press X to tell Kil'jaeden to fuck off" moment.
The exact same thing up until the frozen throne, then probably start changing some things
Can someone give good recap of all Class campaigns? I am only roughly familiar with DK one so far, and general way of joint campaign of Priests and Paladins.
From what I've played so far:
>Paladin (and parts of the Priest campaign)
Hunt down Balnazzar, kill him in Netherlight Temple after he tries to murder Velen (not sure if he's permanently killed, thoguh), we make first contact with the Army of Light through Lothraxion (Holy Dreadlord).
Find the Elemental Lords of Azeroth, convince them to join the Earthen Circle's efforts to defend Azeroth. Therazane and Neptulon are first, then you resurrect Thunderaan (of [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] fame) and put him in charge of the Air Elementals. Finally, you go to the Firelands, "choose" which new Firelord contender you want in the lava bathtub, and kill Rhyolith's son because he's the less amicable of the candidates for the role of Lord of Fire. All of them hang around the Heart of Azeroth once the campaign is done.
Malorne isn't seen since he reappeared in Cata. After searching for materials to summon him, you find out that he's trapped inside the Emerald Nightmare. Enter his dreams, relive part of the War of the Ancients, "kill" Archimonde, and free him.
>Warlock (mine is only at level 102, so I've barely begun it)
Seems to be focused on rescuing the Council of the Black Harvest. Don't know anything else.
First of all I'd shape the geography and timeline to make sense, because god damnit is it absurd. The whole Frostwolves in Alterac bit is just stupid. Then there's the fact that we have basically the entire span from Hammerfest to Capetown but two thirds is moderate climate when we look at the eastern kingdoms. Also I think magic and the otherworld need an overhaul or remain complete mysteries.
So here goes:
>Warcraft 1
>Draenor is a single continent on undisclosed world
>It's basically Australia but worse
>Orcs live mostly in mountainretreats huddled together with Ogres, Draenei and Arakkoa because they're the least lethal habitats, with enclaves in swampregions and certain plains
>Naturally there's territorial issues because fuck off that's my mountain
>Kil'Jaeden exploits territorial tensions to send Orcs into the Green Chimpening and tapping the kool aid to disrupt Draenei society so he can give their arcanists the kool aid and elevate them to sorcerous demonhood, giving him buddies like Archimonde
>Contacts Sargeras on Azeroth so they can stage their magic sucking coup on the world, draining it of all life
>Sargaeras/Medivh open the portal
>Orcish raiding parties harass Elwynn for a couple years, bring home goods and women to be used as bargaining chip to convince more clans to join THE HORDE
>Garona is born, then magically aged by Gul'Dan and mindswiped to be used as infiltrator
>War begins, Stormwind falls, Medivh dies
>Elwynn is still very sandy and arid, so Orcs decide it's time to go and conquer some more
>Warcraft 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Not!Europe Northern Kingdoms are rallied under Lordaeron, they fight back orcs to their homeworld
>Draenor blows up, scattered orcs are rounded up and held in internment camps
>Are kept quiet with black ale and generally having withdrawal symptoms from coming down from years of kool aid
>Thrall happens, Exodus to Kalimdor
>Warcraft 3
>Keep all of it
Addendum to Warcraft 3
>Scourge is made up of both living and undead participants as the Cult of the Damned rewards only diehards with undeath and raises the already dead, the middle section of cult members is more useful alive plus they can sway large groups of military to accept Ner'Zhul as their lord and saviour
>Arthas kills his dad and replaces the administrative body of Lordaeron with Scourge loyal subjects
>Scourge has massive numbers but is still contained in Lordaeron, has to withdraw immense manpower to support the Legion in Kalimdor so what's left in Lordaeron is but a fraction of the entire force to hold things together
>Satyrs are a part of Nelf society rather than outcasts, although unliked, like Ghettoniggers
>All Furbolgs die. Fuck those shitpieces.
>Arthas and Ner'Zhul truly become one at the end of tFT, as in: Their collective memories have mixed and thusly shaped a new personality, but speaks with Arthas' voice because it's his body and his vocal chords
>Kul'Tiras occupies Theramore and doesn't let go, however contains their military assaults against Durotar thanks to Daelin listening to his daughter. Cold War on Kalimdor ensues
Thanks, that's some beginning.
>Hunt down Balnazzar, kill him in Netherlight Temple after he tries to murder Velen (not sure if he's permanently killed, thoguh)
I think it should have killed him permanently, with the battle happening in the Nether and all.
>Netherlight Temple
>Demons couldn't find it for ages
>They finally located this bastion of Light in the Twisting Nether
>After a Void God was reconverted to Naaru
>smash the portal in Dalaran
>every single warlock gets trapped in space
>>Warlock (mine is only at level 102, so I've barely begun it)
>Seems to be focused on rescuing the Council of the Black Harvest. Don't know anything else.
you rescue 3 members of the Black Harvest, recruit 2 outside warlocks who have refused to join up to now, then summon the Eredar Twins to Dreadscar Rift to enslave them, cure Shinfel Brightsworn's curse, and deprive Mephistroth of his prized servants
To be quite frank, I don't trust Blizzard with their lore that much nowadays. I truly believe they might ignore the whole "demons only die in the nether" just so they can make yet another "X WAS MERELY A SETBACK" joke.
>and deprive Mephistroth of his prized servants
Does that include someone besides Thal'kiel's bony head?
the Eredar Twins are supposed to be working for Mephistroth until you kidnap them, but based Thal'kiel is reward enough desu
Bumping for the sake of thread's survival.
Do nothing but call myself lore and quest lead-god-emperor, force everyone to call me that.
Get metzen and a sack of coke each year in a cuckshed, he writes the main lore
What would you prefer: On topic shit or off topic crap?
I hope the thread will be still alive in the morning, and more people will share their experiences with Class Campaigns, as I asked for here
I like these threads so much I wish we would have more similar straight our lore discussions of other universes too
I dropped Legion pretty early on, but the Warlock one started off with you replacing Karenthed basically with Jubella saying more of less you killed him so you're the best that the Harvest can think of to replace him.
The a gnome goes and fucks everything up again and you and Ritselyn have to gather the council again and gather the other Warlock cults under one banner.
Would have been pretty cool. Also you have an army of Wrathguards that keep asking what worlds you want them to put to the flame.
Was way better than hanging out in a cave with Thrall while he has an identity crisis.
Suddenly Khadgar's position as the meme wizard makes sense
It took me this long to realize that Sargeras' motives as of Chronicles are the same as this scene.