Dawn of War 3 Ork Reveal
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Liked it. Shame rts fanbase overreacts so much about DoW 3.
not sure if i like the buzzaw animation. sure it's nice to see when it actually attacks but it looks too electric
also needs more dakka
What's the campaign going to be like?
they said its going to be linear based around the 3 races, so you play one mission as space marines, the next as eldar, etc. said it would be like 30 something missions I think, with mostly traditional basebuilding in all of them, and probably a hint of the first expansion race at the end, like with winter assault.
>hint of the first expansion race
I wonder if it will be chaos or necrons.
That's a cool looking Gorkanaut.
I'm not impressed by the gameplay in the slightest. Did they ask an intern to make that trailer? It's so static.
And is it me, or are all the models in an unit exactly the same, without any cosmetic difference? They look like clones.
most likely necrons because of the whole last stand bit
>That method of deploying boyz from transports
Looks propa stompy b0ss
when is this coming out
>Bomb squigs
probably around may
Holy shit that boy mob
I wonder how the IG would look then
Nice dubstep, but it's not propa orky.
Gameplay looks very good.
So what the fuck
at 1st I thought they were copying Star Craft
now from the looks of this it does look like a fucking Red Alert 3 mod
Why is base building such a big deal? Is it really that important for people to manually build their unit production buildings? Why?
base building=bigger armies (more buildings to make units=more units being made at a time)
without being able to make your own bases, it makes the game feel even more generic, like dow 2.
Because base buildings determines what are you going to get, and when.
Too shooty 0/10
On an actual gameplay note, the Eldar came out of that looking like a bunch of pansies, which I assume is because they're supposed to be microed instead of left to slug it out. Also you could see the computer seriously chugging with the full mob on the screen, here's hoping they optimize before release instead of after.
Yeah, I felt they went a bit overboard on attack particle effects there. I imagine they'll tone that down at some point, it'd be distracting as hell in real gameplay.
That is from the base game.
Don't worry you'll be able to tell them apart by how they walk.
Still It's nice to see that the orks get the same screen obscuring clarity effects as the SM and Eldar.
>tfw there's enough shooty, but not enough choppy
Honestly, I don't know. I thought DoW II's one base system with upgrading tiers was much better.
That said, this looks like a fine combination of DoW 1 and DoW 2. I always appreciated how the series only gets a sequel when they want to change up the gameplay, while expansion packs deliver more of the same.
>without being able to make your own bases, it makes the game feel even more generic,
You mean like 90% of RTS games?
After 40k gets rebooted into Age of Emperor.
I'd prefer if they put in base building, but the different buildings are at pre-determined locations
you know, like you start off with your crew and some servitors, and a headquarters at one end of the map, then you go forward a bit and there's a spot you can build a chapel-barracks, go to the left and there's a relic you can capture, keep going and you find an enemy pile o' gunz, which you can knock down and build over, etc. etc.
essentially take the points from DoW II and make them useful for something other than looking pretty and restocking your cannon fodder
RPS just posted their own article on Gorgutz - here's what he looks like now.
>Bad Moon
>other arm doesn't have an extra large twinlinked big shoota on it
>MFW RPS claims this is Gorgutz
...and here he is in motion - the oil dripping from his Klaw is a nice little touch.
>yfw the first expansion is I.G.
it looks pretty, sparkling like a fuckin rainbow unicorn. Those saw animation and Stormboyz choping slashes looks fucking riddiculus.
Another to avoid.
Cool music.
The article's a direct interview with one of the devs - they said that there's actually an in-universe reason for his (and the rest of the orks') changed color palette. Something about shifting loyalties?
Gorgutz has never been particularly flashy, has he? I figured if he changed paint jobs, it'd be more green and black.
If the first expansion is anything but Necrons or Tau I'll rage
I'm already raging
They haven't been in a DoW game since Soulstorm, not counting the Tau Commander in Last Stand mode.
First expansion should be Ad Mech
I think Chaos/IG should get in before AdMech. Then again, if it were up to me, the Eldar wouldn't have even been one of the first 3, with Chaos taking their place.
Fair enough. While I like his power klaw, the rest of his right arm looks a little too cartoonish to me, and he really needs to get his dakka back. He definitely got an upgrade to the iron gob, though.
It doesn't impact anything in singleplayer but base building puts in another strategy aspect in multiplayer, afterall this is an rts.
Jesus christ this game looks HORRENDOUS. There's so much unnecessary flashy bullshit going on at all times it's literally impossible to read what the fuck is going on and react to it during the battle.
They need to take a fucking lesson from Blizzard and tone the effects the fuck down to have a readable game state in which to micro, for fuck's sake. What a waste of a great IP.
Where the fuck is the gore?
This. Especially when most of their criticisms boil down to "I don't like the aesthetic" rather than anything regarding gameplay.
Game looks awful.
>no nids
Gg game sucks
You stupid cunts. Since when has an otherwise good game been resigned to the trash heap because it had a tad too many particle effects? You morons look for any reason to immediately shit on anything having to do with this game whenever anything that isn't a carbon copy of DoWII comes out.
They can't go for photorealism with the scale of the gameplay they're trying to accomplish, and do remember that for as pretty DoWII was, it died and SC2 lived, because SC2 was a stronger game mechanically. And the aesthetic for DoWIII isn't even that bad, you pessimistic fucks. I swear half the time I think I tabbed into /v/ instead of Veeky Forums with all your bullshit.
I second this post. DoW fans are being insufferably bitchy right now.
I don't like that they brought basebuilding back, but that ship has sailed, so what's the usender of complaining about it?
>I swear half the time I think I tabbed into /v/ instead of Veeky Forums with all your bullshit.
Up until this post I was sure this was /v/ tab.
basebuilding brings far more complexity and variety to the game then "do I have this unit stand fight and die to stall, or retreat to regain strength". That shit killed my boner for 10 years.
At least you're voicing an opinion about the actual gameplay, and not just saying that you won't play it because of graphics alone.
The aesthetic is great, wtf are they on about.
Is there any other faction reveals of this format or is this the first?
I'm a long diehard fan of DoW, quite like how its going desu.
SC2 lived because Blizzfags are the stupidest niggers ever to nog.
DoW2 got hit by the 4e effect. It's a really good game.
That's true in principle, but when I want that degree of strategy I play a different game. The thing that drew me to DoW II in the first place, apart from the IP, was the small-scale squad-based tactics; that's the stuff that sets it apart from its peers. If it was a Starcraft-like that I wanted, I would just play Starcraft.
>inferior as an e-sport to original sc
>the whole 3 games concept
>hope that you weren't into sc1's lore and story 'cuz blizzard here is gonna rape ever living fuck out of it
I loved DoWII, but it would be difficult to argue it's multiplayer was more accessible than SC2. I think it's a big deal how they're going for "responsiveness" in DoWIII, because 2 could be so clunky with basic unit movement and commands.
Hate these cunt developers go on about personality and art style of the character being so important when I bet you 100% that the real most important thing (the original voice actor) hasn't even returned. Those voice actors are a huge part of what made these characters so popular.
Everyone hated Gorgutz soulstorm appearance (same with Gabriel Angelos in the first DoW2 and Eliphas in Retribution because different voice actors)
Don't forget how they raped the aesthetic into gay faggot World of Furfags shit.
The three games as-concepted was fairly cool, when they were actually going to be mechanically different from one another to a much larger degree. It's the execution that's lacking.
The lore thing really is unforgivable, though-- though why anyone expected different from modern Blizzard is unfathomable in hindsight.
Isn't the quote from the first trailer about the Necrons?
>which I assume is because they're supposed to be microed instead of left to slug it out
All Eldar units (Infantry too) have Shields that regenerate. The moment those are gone you ''should'' move them away from the battle. This isn't really a trailer but more like different Ork unit showcase clips.
Dont like the overly cartoony effects on the weapons. The ork melee sparklytrails look almost as bad as FFXIV ninja attack effects before the developers fixed them.
And that turned off just as many DoW1 players as it brought new. I couldnt even play it past 10 minutes, it was not even the same game.
>2 could be so clunky with basic unit movement and commands.
True dat. I can't count how many times I lost a tank because the driver had to pull a u-turn and face his rear armor to the enemy rather than reversing.
I haven't read the BL book it's from, but I assume it's about Chaos, given the speaker.
Are sync kill still in or did they remove them because whyni tourneyplayers?
>Dont like the overly cartoony effects on the weapons. The ork melee sparklytrails look almost as bad as FFXIV ninja attack effects before the developers fixed them
You'ze a git.
Its amazing how developers add different armor values to vehicles, but dont inclide dedicated reverse button.
Removed to cater to the whiny esports crowd.
Or that.
Really? You don't like overly cartoony shit? On fucking cartoon mobs like orks?
I wish they gave us to option to play this as a turn-based game instead of real-time.
The RTS fanbase needs to STFU and realize that a great genre is suffering from a lack of game / support diversity.
rike it, but i bet those deff dread will never last that much against that big ass eldar...
They look proppa, except i see a Wierdboy, Bigmek, and that Dread as hero units.
>Wheres da zoggin boss at ya gitz?
Look for Gorgutz's arm in the trailer and you'll find him.
Whoops. Wrong image.
One of the major recurring complaints I see about DoW III is that abandoning all of the innovations from CoH and DoW II has turned it into another generic 'dudes standing in the open shooting until one side falls down' Camp Bastion Simulator RTS.
>play one mission as sm, next as eldar
Wow that sucks, I hate Eldar and don't care much for Orks. I'd rather not be forced to play as them.
I thought i saw it during the big shoota mob at the end its just strange hes never really featured.
I guess they wanted to put the dread elite front and center to start it off?
I dont want my soldiers to sparkle unless they are eldar of shining dildo craftworld.
I dont whant fotorealism either, I want DOW1 with better graphic(but not to a Witcher 3 level) so I can run 300 Boyz in to 200IG and have fun.
I want proper cover system.
And If by any chance they manage to slap in Champion customisaton from DOW 2 Ill be rly happy.
That game wont be a E-sport so dont make it fuckin Starcraft reskin.
I think that's what he is saying.
At least it looks like they did remember to include abilities and stuff that actually matters. Still, I am going to miss the more tactical side of DoW II
Name me one other fanchise worth a shit except Starcraft 2, and competitively even that is now loosing ground to Oldschool Broodwar.
I agree with you but as things are right now any RTS with hype, the potential for an acceptable launch, and longevity is welcome imo.
>ork boys litterally launched from their vehicles into battle
>best klan palette
>those koptas
>dat dakka
>deff dredds with drills
now I only need the voice lines
What the zog
Wheres the fucking banner you cunts?
where the fuck is his dakka??!?!?
Yeah. That's still literally what generic means, right?
The only design I like is Macha
Gabe and Gortgutz look like shit now
Ill ask does the game still have Kommandos?
DoW 2 unit styles like Catachans,Storm Troopers, and Kommandos wouldnt work
>implying it wont be Chaos
>inb4 implying that Chaos isn't the true BBEG faction of 40k
So what you're trying to say is that DoW3 is more unique than DoW2 since it shares the same mechanic that 90% of all RTS games have, while DoW2 does something different.
Base building has a large impact on multiplayer for a multitude of reasons
>It makes scouting much more influential
>Harassing buildings to mess with the opponent's logistics becomes a thing
>buildings takes space. Taking space means your base has to grow. When a base grows it becomes harded to defend since it covers a bigger area
etc. Basically tons of high level Starcraft were only possible because of base building.
DoW2 doesn't do anything different though. It's just company of heroes in WH40k but without the tank micro.
On the one hand the movement animations look good, the music seems cool and I'm getting an awesome C&C3 vibe off this.
But I'm not seeing sync kills, the units have a lot of attacks where they spin in circles and the particle effects and weather effects make it difficult to see whats going on.