Is your character a legend?
Are they born from fire?
Can they hurl a boulder farther than a catapult?
Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
Is your character a legend?
Are they born from fire?
Can they hurl a boulder farther than a catapult?
Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
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Give us some goblins to start for Christ's sake!
Technically I guess. Does one shotting their leader count as that?
Did you base this off that commercial for game of war?
No, because my characters aren't just a collection of shallow platitudes.
Is your character as swift as a coursing river?
Do they have all the force of a great typhoon?
Are they as strong as a raging fire?
Would you say they're as mysterious as the dark side of the moon?
Not a legend but certainly a celebrity. All the heores tend to be celebrities before to long.
>born from fire?
She remembers feeling like she was on fire, but eyewitnesses described it as lighting that struck her.
>hurl a boulder
She could. She isn't sure where her strength caps out but it was about the time she was bench pressing three tonnes she even started to feel like she was being tested.
She got the four before she ran out of heavy objects to lift.
One research group will be getting to testing her throughly in the next few months but for now it remains somewhat ambiguous.
>defeated an entire army
Yes, but she cheated.
She had several anesthetic bombs she carried into what almost became a blood-bath between a cartel and police.
She also knocked herself out in the process but what're you going to do?
Yes to all.
Nope, nope, nope, and nope.
Though given time, she'll almost certainly become a legend, and could learn spells that could accomplish the last two.
Have they ever caught a REAL superhero?
Have they ever used a disguise?
(tiny sax intensifies)
Yes, thank you for explaining the reference, we were EVER so worried someone might not get it...
No, I'm not a 10th level druid. I can't become elementals.
no , but he kicked both demons and angels in the crotch while making bad puns and getting out of those fights with a few chunks of flesh less on his body.
also he outsmarted boolit on multiple occasions
Yes to the first one, no to the latter (yet).
>born from two legendary heroes from the previous generation
>already minor legend status due to this, is widely expected to do as well
>constantly has to deal with expectations and internal struggles
>also with mother hero sometimes showing up and sharing terribly embarrassing childhood stories
No, And he was level 27 martial.
Fucking 3.5.
No, he's a bog-standard Dragon-clan samurai trying to find his way in Rokugan.
He's devoted to his country and the empress, yet despite this he's constantly overshadowed by the shugenja in his party at combat and the Scorpion (filthy dogs) in his party at social situations.
He's lost countless allies and friends to various assorted monsters and human enemies, yet still he endures, staying true to his ideal of never killing unless its absolutely necessary
Despite everything he still aspires to become the Emerald Champion, his dream to stand beside the empress and aid her in any way possible.
>Is your character a legend?
He's an extraplanar dance super star.
>Are they born from fire?
He's a hobgoblin, of course he was.
>Can they hurl a boulder farther than a catapult?
He did once, it a boulder carved into the shape of his head. He then a second one launched from the catapult at the enemy.
>Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
He self described as an army, so technically yes.
4e best edition
But nobody wants to play it.
Underrated post
>Is your character a legend?
My character is barely even competent
>Are they born from fire?
>Can they hurl a boulder farther than a catapult?
I don't think they could hurl a boulder at all
>Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
I cannot give you a single instance where they have ever defeated anything with a single blow.
You aren't looking hard enough.
>basing the quality of a game and its players by how big the playerbase count is
Statistically this means more shitters and quitters. Smaller niche games with harder to grasp mechanics means you'll have more dedicated players who stick around and at least try to research the material they're using.
My character is a living legend.
This is before we knew who the BBEG was, and was later used to justify his attempt to kill us.
We were going up against the BBEG's army because we were cunts to the GM and his (actually pretty good) story and he had to punish us for our shitty behaviour.
The BBEG gave us a chance to surrender.
My Level 5 shitrat Barbarian punched him in the dick, got a 20, then asked who was next, seccond 20 for intimidate.
So the thief stole the BBEG's wallet and we fucked off to go start our tavern which was a fusion of stripclub and pizza parlor in a neighboring town.
Can he get down to bussiness?
My Orc samurai ripped a dudes arms off then beat him to death with them because he shattered the family sword. I'd say it's pretty memorable
My bard has visited every brothel, both known and unknown, in the world we play in so yes
It may well be so.
I'm not judging anything, It's just that I've never met someone interested in playing 4e.
>Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
He sucked a king's dick to end a war, so yeah, he actually ended a war with a blow.
My character is a son of Loki and he defeats entire armies with a single lie.
yup. with portals. has literally dropped people into outer space like that.
see above.
>Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
Does a small barricade of peasants count? It was at least 40...
Are they 27 years old?
Scion 1e please go.
Nah, Dungeon World.
>Is your character a legend?
He's wanted by Interpol?
>Are they born from fire?
Both parents were drunk on fire water, so yes.
>Can they hurl a boulder farther than a catapult?
Depends on the dynamite budget.
>Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
He punched a general in the face once, which caused enough of a fracas to let the other side seize initiative and win.
I feel like you're lying but I really, really want to believe you aren't.
>Can they hurl a boulder farther than a catapult?
Who cares about catapults when a trebuchet can launch a boulder over 300 meters?
It's not as funny or jokey as i made it sound, really.
>Character was a prince of a kingdom in war with another
> party was almost entirely wiped out after a particular battle and my character was the only survivor.
> I had spent a few points to make my character be quite handsome (he was the face of the party)
> He was captured and brought to the enemy king
>I tried to convince the king to spare my kingdom and after a few bad rolls, he decided he would not kill the entire royal family (my character's brother and sisters and father)
> IF my character would humiliate himself before the entire court by sucking him
I did that and the king's army spared everyone, simply conquering the kingdom as leaving my character as the ruler of a protectorate.
I had plans to play as that same character again, but he was killed by one of his siblings.
As i said, not as funny nor interesting as i made it sound.
Also, not my native language, sorry about anything wrong;
What did he mean by this?
I never make characters that are legendary or important by virtue of their birth. The closest I'll come is a noble's bastard child or something. It's more fun when they start off getting kicked around and have to carve out a niche for themselves.
My character made more money placing bets against the party than anything else.
>Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
>Not defeating an entire nation with a single salvo
Step up
Why not a bastard's noble child?
My character became the BBEG for our next campaign. Does that count?
>Is your character a legend?
Well, uh, technically, uh, nah.
>Are they born from fire?
>Can they hurl a boulder farther than a catapult?
Nuh, nah.
>Have they ever defeated an entire army with a single blow?
They are number one.
No. He killed lots of babies with fire though...
This one he did? He managed to destroy canada by pouring jack daniels over a nuclear control panel
Time was, he used to be the strongest person in the setting and saved the world. After failing badly though he broke from the fall, and has never been the same. Now he's kind of just an alkie mentor to the new wave of heroes. Without his distinctive gear no one knows who he is, so he can go about generally unnoticed. In theory there's nothing stopping him from returning to greatness and reclaiming his spot at the top, but he'd rather let the new generation of heroes do that.
My character is only a 2nd level monk in PF. She has 20 str though so maybe she can toss a small boulder. Not sure how far though.
made me chuckle
He did so with the press of a button. Authorizing the orbital strike.