Magic Items Thread

Post magic items, OC or stolen.

>Lather Armor: An ordinary armor, that when activated starts producing lots of foam and suds, like from a bath. This magical foam will instantly clean anything it covers in mere minutes, and vanishes after about 15 minutes.

>Horn of Basting: When this horn is sounded, all roasted meats within 20' become flavorful and juicy.

>Hourstone: A stone that changes colors every three hours as the day progresses. Experienced users can determine exact hours and minutes from the subtle differences in the colors.

>Expelling Boots: These comfortable, airy boots eject rocks, grit, and water for the wearer.

>Tinder Hatchet: Any wood you cut with this axe is instantaneously dry and easy to burn. Acts as a normal hatchet in combat, albeit any limbs it hacks off are dry and easy to burn.

>Swamp Drake Sword
>This bog iron sword sheathed in alligator leather is heavy and pitted with rust, and yet will not break. Although it seems like a normal sword, instead of cutting it violently rips and tears the flesh of an enemy, snapping tendons and pulling bones and muscle apart.

>Paste of Vantablack [shit name i know]
>Smearing this on anything will permanently stain it black
>Glass will become opaque and let no light through
>Even resists scrying, it's like lead
>don't be like the last dickhead who tried to use this, remember to wear gloves.


>Beggar’s Fire is a magical inscription placed on roughened animal hide that can be struck on an object like a match to cloak the object in flame. In truth, Beggar’s Fire is a blanket term for a great many similar magical hides, and can produce such effects as applying lightning or corrosive acid. Occasionally it has been sewn into purpose-made gloves or pauldrons so that a warrior might strike their weapon with it at a moment’s notice. Beggar’s Fire can be purchased as strips of the rough leather, or as specialized gloves or pauldrons. The gloves can be struck on an enemy to damage them with the associated element, but a warrior might also strike his weapon on the pauldron of an ally without disrupting him in combat.

>onyx leech figurine

This crudely crafted figure is reminiscent of a leech one might find in a swamp. If one touches the mouth of the figurine to their bare skin, it will react by draining them of some blood, but also remove any poisons currently coursing through their veins. (temporary -1 to CON per use, can cure poison 3 times per day)

>smear entire self with goop
>be invisible at night/in caves
>be immune to scrying

I'm not seeing a major downside, other than being mistaken for a drow. And that can be avoided just by disguising yourself before going into towns/civilized areas.

>Templar's Truncheon
This heavy mace is made of solid granite, wrapped in crossing rings of iron. Oddly enough, when wielded, it weighs far, far less than it does at rest. It only deals only nonlethal damage to most targets, but when used against undead or demonic targets, it becomes frighteningly lethal.

>Light Mace - 2d6+2 Nonlethal damage
>Weighs 45 lbs when not wielded or wielded by evil characters, 3 lbs when wielded by any other
>Deals an additional 1d6 to undead and demonic enemies. All damage to these targets is lethal.

Even better
>be Drow
>smear self with it
>walk around during the day like it ain't even a thang

My favorite ones are low level flavor magic that i can give to players without affecting balance, but the players always get a kick out of it
>unassuming silver bell that when rung heals all creatures within 50ft is healed by 1 point, 1 use per day, cant stabilize unconscious creatures
>a old silver mirror that shows a reflection of you but of an idealized, prettier version of you

here is my favorite one from my 5e campaign

>Halberd of Enumeration
>whenever a player scores a critical hit with this halberd an exact copy of that player's character appears in an empty space adjacent to them. Until the end of that player's next turn they control this character in addition to their original character. At that end of that turn all but one of their characters instantly vanish unless one or more of those characters has scored a critical hit.

the basic idea is that it's the movie multiplicity with michael keaton.

sounds more like phantom lancer, honestly

oh yeah, somebody brought that up the last time i posted this. i've never played dota before.


I was running a fast and loose game with some friends. One of said friends had a pet ferret.

>player makes their way to a hallway with mounds of treasure at the end of it with a peculiar looking glass sphere that could fit in a man's palm on a pedestal in the center
>player thinks it's obviously trapped and sends ferret down the hall hoping it wont trigger pressure plates
>ferret gets to the mound and player tells it to grab the sphere
>ferret dissapears on contact
>player begins to worry
>calls out to ferret
>after a few moments he feels something crawling up his leg
>freaks out initially but then realizes it's the ferret
>asks for the orb from the ferret
>it drops it in his palm and the ferret reappears
>player stays visible
>touches the orb back to the ferret
>ferret disappears

It was meant to bind to whoever touched it first and whenever they had skin contact with it they'd go invisible. I didn't expect the ferret to grab it.


here are some i have saved from previous posts

>Captain's Lifehat
Shaped like a regular captain's tricorn hat, but when removed and
placed upside down on a body of water at least 5ft deep, the hat
transforms into a row-boat which can hold 3 medium creatures.

>Golden Apple of Truth
Gold-coloured apple (golden all the way through, not just the skin).
Anybody who eats from it can only tell the truth for 24 hours.

>Flute of Animal Enchanting
Play a tune on the flute, nearby animal gets tamed if it fails a
will save and will follow the user. Lasts 8 hours.

> boots of water walking
A pair of boots that are somehow always wet/damp

vantablack is actually so black that if there is a light source in a cave, even a little bit like starlight, then the vantablack pops out to the eye as so unnaturally black as to be disquieting...

This seems like a good thread for this:

One of my players recently defeated a sub-boss and acquired a weapon i described as a "Black Axe"

Said Black Axe is filled with the essence of a great old spirit of the night itself, which has immense power, and itty bitty living space. it's not evil, but OH GOD do first impressions not tip you off to this. Basically, an Ancient King defeated the Night and bound it's essence to the Weapon because *reasons*.

It's going to come to my player on the night of the new moon, in the darkest part of the night, and impart to him a portion of it's power, but only a tiny portion.

You see, this is the first magic item my party has acquired that is more powerful than a potion or scroll (they are only level 3), so I don't want him to get a flat +1 weapon. instead i want a kind of Legacy Weapon...

I'm debating what to give him for the first perk though, something below +1, and then it would just *grow* as he gained favor with the great old spirit of the night.

So: Debate which of these powers seems like a good first step?

>The axe grants the user one extra first level spell slot, which only refreshes after the moon rises.
"my blessing is not without value, accept it and you will find power."

>Once per short rest, when you crit with this weapon it casts Command on its target with the word "grovel", DC 12
"They will plead at your feet, whether they deserve mercy is your choice. I will watch,"

>The bearer's vital signs, such as a pulse and breathing, are masked by this weapon and are undetectable by non-magical inspection.
"The darkness can hide many things... perhaps you could be one of them."

Of course, after a few more game sessions, it will become a regular +1 weapon, then slowly gain more minor / major abilities as he levels, but, do you like the idea?

Either the first or third one. What class is he? Do you think he plans on keeping it?

Dwarf Paladin, Lawful Good, and he explicitly told me that he wouldn't have anything to do with any kind of evil entities, so this is me just baiting him a bit. The Dark is not Evil, very much not evil, but it is inherently secretive and cloying.

Also, he f'ing loves this axe, and called dibs on it as the Yeti champion (a reskinned bugbear chieftain) went down. He's not "lawful stupid", but he does want to be a big damn hero. I ran the idea of a "legacy weapon" past him, and he seemed really into it.
