How do two rogues show affection or love to each other? What would their weddings be like?

How do two rogues show affection or love to each other? What would their weddings be like?

Reverse pickpocketing gifts

It depends on what kind of people they are, not their class.

They steal each other's hearts.
Then they die.

It's like that story about the comb and the watch chain, except instead of selling their hair & watch they just steal the comb and chain.

> Show affection
Theft and sneaky things. Things go missing from the surroundings, and end up in one rogue's pockets. They'd steal small things from each other, just to show they cared.
Affectionate tripwires in doorways, sneak attack flanking manoeuvres to present them with a confession note while disguised, etc.

> The wedding
Nobody knows. Nobody's ever seen one. The closest thing documented has been one where a pair of rogues were to wed, but just after 'you may kiss the bride', the bride was revealed to be a pig in a dress, in disguise.
The groom turned out to be a pig in a suit, in disguise.
Then the priest turned out to be a pig in disguise as well, and the canapes were poisoned with very low doses for flavouring.
Meanwhile, the rogues in question made off with the wedding gifts and were never seen again.

Rogues have never really understood the concept of gift-giving. If they want something, they steal it, or steal the money to pay for it if they can't just steal it. The only way they can justify being given a gift with their Rogue worldview is by stealing it before it can be given to them.
The correct etiquette for giving a gift to a rogue is to walk around with it in a pocket, or lock it in a closet and turn your back.

Lupin III got married.

Thief weddings are actually highly ritualized kidnappings.
In the case where both parties are thieves the ceremony becomes a complicated game of SpyVSspy with each trying to subdue the other.
Thief weddings can last for months as each evades capture from the other.
In some cases thieves will accidentally kill their bride to be, in others thieves may think that their deceased fiancee is merely pretending to be dead as part of a long con.
I once met a braggart from Bridgetown named William smithy, 69 years old, spent 3 decades of his life in a tavern waiting for his bride to come and kidnap him.
On the eve of his seventieth birthday he realized she wasn't coming. He bought a finger of whiskey console himself (a rare thing indeed to see smithy buy his own drink).
He put the fire water to his lips and instantly succumbed to effects of deadly night shade.
The barkeep was his bride all along!
Unfortunately for ol' smithy, she forgot where she left the antidote decades previous.

>How do two rogues show affection or love to each other?
>What would their weddings be like?

Same as anybody else, except that they steal and wear each others' rings every time they touch.

I heard of a similar anecdote with Adam Johnson, the poor bloke of Rusty inn. Tale said he was a thrifty man waiting upon his love within the rusty inn, after years of waiting he finally got a sign from her. Her famous tea was sitting at his spot nice and hot. He took a nice sip and was knocked cold.
The lass came by and took him away, only to find out that the man was dead. The tea was laced to knock the poor bugger out, but it was filled with nuts. Poor lad didn't know what hit him. Turns out the guards caught up to her and the judge of the town condemned her to life in prison.

The Judge came to her the very next day and revealed to be Adam Johnson. The bastard swapped with the judge and outsmarted his bride.

Secret glances, locking little fingers together when the rest of the party isn't looking. Hidden affections (Pats, pecks, pinches, that sort of thing), sneaking little gifts and notes into each others' pockets, saying "I love you" in Thieves Cant, and sneaking off during long expositions to split their share of the loot before the rest of the party sees how much there actually is.

You know. Just Roguish things.

it is adorable.

the rogue sneakily evades the guards on the wall, uses a grappling hook to climb up the tower, shimmies under a couple windows, jimmies the lock on the one leading to a darkened room, lockpicks his way through a couple doors, follows the blueprint he memorized after stealing from the town archives, makes his way into the storage room, pulls out a dust-covered and neglected chest, uses the key he pilfered from the countess and unlocks the only thing left between him and her inheritance.

inside the chest is a note with his wife's callsign and "see you tonight for dinner honey"

>How do two rogues show affection or love to each other?
Oh, you know how it is. Little wink here, little pat there. The missus gets annoyed when we make it too obvious, so most people don't even know we're a thing. Makes it much easier to fleece the suckers[/spoilers] properly distribute the loot when we're a quiet couple. Plus, keeping it on the downside like that makes the alone time, much, MUCH more special.
>What would their weddings be like?
Very well funded by very generous "donors". Thanks for that, the wife loved the dress...and the ring...and the necklace...and the wine...and house...and...well, you get the idea.

Low-key affection, dates typically include desecration of tombs and contests to see who can fleece more valuables from nobles.

They repeatably teleport behind each other.

not gonna lie, desecrating tombs and graverobbing are almost physically repulsive to me after reading Throne of Bones

Anyone have that comic of the thief who makes a bouquet out of shit he stole for the girl he likes?

Below the church of thieves there is a maze with two entrances and no exits. The thief couples enter separately and must navigate through a dangerous series of traps, guards, monsters, and puzzles. The Maze always ends inside the local ruler's throne room, where The Thief (pick a diety of rogues and thieves) binds them in a ceremony known as "Stealing the Heart". Each thief is pick pocketed by The Thief of that which they treasure most. In many cases it is a keepsake or a trophy that the two lovers exchanged. They are then recognized as married and there numerous associates etc. are allowed to celebrate at their favorite tavern.

>Affectionate tripwires
i laughed