I'll just leave this here.
Ajani, Swole As Fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>Favorite planeswalker now joining the Jacetice League
oh, great yeah just what I wanted, thanks WotC, on the bright side maybe he'll be a positive influence on them
If we're lucky, Phyrexia will kill off a few Walkers.
Or Bolas, provided he doesn't join himself.
I can't imagine what the flavortext for that would be.
"Until all the Multiverse is subject to my whim, I will keep watch."
If we're lucky Gideon and Ajani will leave the Gatewatch and do their own thing, broing through the multiverse, being swole as fuck.
"I have an hour off for lunch, yeah, I'll keep watch"
I would give my left eye for WotC to introduce another, much more powerful and competent planeswalking group. A bunch of old walkers just hanging around and amassing power.
>"B-but where were you during the Eldrazi?!"
>"You kids had to pick up your mess. You let them out and you had to put them away."
probably more like this
"Until you kids stop fucking shit up, I guess I've got to babysit you"
What oldwalkers are actually alive ATM? There's Karn, who could well be urza power, who else?
Don't know why anyone is surprised. I thought it was a forgone conclusion as soon as i saw he was on the plane. They'll get all the major recurring walkers before this is done mark my words. And then they'll all go fight Bolas together. That's the endgame.
Sorin and Liliana are oldwalkers, technically.
Jaya Ballard might still be alive SOMEWHERE, but they will never ever revisit her because she'd steal Chandra's thunder.
There's, obviously, Bolas.
There's a whole bunch of other people who were introduced during older ages of Magic and never properly killed off.
Of those, the likeliest to show up (even though still vastly unlikely) is Dakkon Blackblade, due to the Blackblade being mentioned in Korlash's card.
Already commented on it yesterday. When it was posted.
50$ says the site you took the picture from also has a posting date. Read them.
Is this really Maro trying to push a planewalker group? It happened way back in the day with the nine titans but latest for super short time and had minimum meaning or impact. Really feel like this is some old hat trying to push his old theme out again.
They wouldn't have to be named or talked about in the story yet. It's clear we dont know most of the walkers and let's assume there were more from when they were immortal then we have seen. If their sparks ignight at the same rate as the gatewatch was then that means several per generation. Do that for thousands of years and there should be a metric fuck ton of them exist. The multiverse is a big place they just need to introduce them the right way. Perhaps have them busy dealing with threats that make the eldrazi look like children
Wow I hate typing on my phone. Typos galore
>Is this really Maro trying to push a planewalker group?
Where the fuck have you been for the last three blocks?
The abs look so retarded, who draws these things.
How big is the Multiverse anyways? Is it infinite? Could you Planeswalk from Plane to plane forever and never accidentally run into the same plane twice? Are we just seeing one small section of planes in the Multiverse, a small curve that runs from Atlazan to Zendikar?
Infinite worlds with a planeswalker born 1 in every million. There's a ridiculous number of them.
>a planeswalker born 1 in every million.
I read this as "1 in every million different worlds" and thought 'that can't be fucking right.' 1 in every million sentient, living beings.
Yeah, I thought i'd phrased that wierd when I posted it. I feel like one in every million seems extremely high given they have special snowflake status. I'd always thought it was a more a one in a billion type thing. You'd get maybe ten of them alive in one plane at a time.
These are pre industrial revolution worlds, even ravnica probably only has a billion souls on it, and that seems generous
How the fuck can dominara be the centre of an infinite multiverse?
As an astrophysicist this triggers me greatly
Planeswalkers these days don't actually seem too much more powerful than a powerful non-planeswalker can get.
>oath of abbs-jani
So there's an infinite number of Planeswalkers then. I mean, a lesser amount than the infinite Planes, but still. So there could be another entire group of Planeswalkers who have their own group who have made oaths to watch the Multiverse from Eldrazi like threats and they will never meet the Gatewatch just because they'all never run into eachother. There are groups of Oldwalkers who lost their powers during the mending and have no idea why or how.
And we'all never know their stories because the Jacetice League exists so they can make a movie.
>this nigga here wants homelands 2
Wanting to see whole new planes that aren't involved with the current group of Nuwalkers doesn't mean I want a horribly designed set.
Or Garruk
That sounds lame.
>pre industrial revolution worlds
Magic. Magic exists. There's magic.
Stop trying to equate it exactly to real world logistics, especially when it comes to quality of life and being able to support a population.
Garruk was a good boy.
Nigger ravnica is post industrial and dominaria used to be farther than modern tech until it became post apocolyptic.
>"Hey, have you seen the Multi-verse news?"
>"Yeah, all the talk of this Gate Watch. I'm getting real sick of it."
>"Me too. What makes them so special?"
>"Well, they have saved several planes."
>"You know what, let's do it."
>" Do what?"
>"Let's save a plane or two. that way people will be talking about us and we can be famous."
>"Yeah, let's do it. Let's save the Multi-verse"
>The Gang releases New Phyrexia.
that would be ugin's oath
Doing up custom dayman and nightman planeswalker cards right now
>The Gang as Walkers
yah with the next set already known this is almost certainly what is going to happen
Isn't that what Nahiri, Ugin and Sorin are supposed to be?
>Frank stop!
>Yeah man, what the hell are you doing?
>Have you guys seen the hips on the big white one? I couldn't resist and neither would you`
What colours would the gang be?
Charlie- Black and Red
Dee- Esper
Frank- Black and Green
Dennis- Black
Although frankly only Ugin's really got any room to talk down to anyone after the shit Sorin and Nahiri pulled.
keyword: competent
Dee: mono B
Frank: BW
Charlie: R
Dennis: BU
Mac: GR
Charlies mom-boros
Macs dad-mardu
Macs mom-white
Country Mac-wUbrg
Seems good.
Ultimate or general design ideas?
>Charlie - something with rat tokens/haste
>Frank - sacrifice stuff for life/cards
>Dennis - something, something implication
>Mac - ???
>Dee - Gideon like indestructible Bird transformation
Mac would be all about gettin huge with +1/+1 counters. With an ability that if he would die, he loses the counters instead.
>T1: Green source, Oath of Nissa
>T2: White source, Oath of Ajani
>T3: Any untapped land, Chandra Torch +1 add RR, Nissa Voice +1 Plant Token, Go
Seems Good.
Clearly a setup to create negative sentiment towards him, resulting in less community backlash when he got replaced by Elf Hitler.
>Charlie Kelly not Golgari
You people are retarded.
Can't wait for Ruinous Path to rotate. I've had enough of hate towards planeswalkers
Next set is Nicol Bolas's house.
Pretty sure some planeswalkers gonna get fucked up my dude.
Oldwalkers are scared as fuck of each other. Most of them prefer to work alone.
Refer to: Sorin fucking Liliana's shit up when she first came to Innistrad.
I love how this is a combo with Rain of Gore.
There's this little set called Oath of the Gatewatch. It might give you a clue to where the story is headed
Not geometrical center, more like a mystical nexus.