Character Art

Character Art dump thread.

I'm currently in the process of organizing around 4500 ish pieces of character art, trying to make it so I can actually find things if I need them instead of aimlessly hoarding them. Currently organizing by fantasy, modern, or science fiction, then organizing by race, next by "occupation", then by gender. If anyone has other suggestions I would gladly hear them. I'll be dumping stuff as I organize and may occasionally ask for input about folder locations. Enjoy!

Tits as OP to get this started.

Other urls found in this thread:

Elves or the BBEG folder?

Feel free to add to the thread if you want, I'll always take new additions to my collection.



>If anyone has other suggestions I would gladly hear them.
Hydrus Network. Tags.

Oooh, that's pretty. I'll snag that and move shit over as that seems much more efficient. Can I put it on something like an external drive and just store the whole program and the files on there?

I don't know.
I tried working with it when it came out, but with a collection of 50k images it was just a bit scary, wondering whether I'd ever get done tagging them all. And so I lost motivation.
I'm still waiting for the day when I switch over for real. (even though it's probably never going to happen)

I'll just read through the help doc and see what I can figure out.

That's understandable. I'm looking at 4.5k and it seems like a lot to get through.

Guess I'll just post stuff while I get this hydrus thing figured out.

what the fuck is this select around the street signs captcha? I know I haven't done a dump in a while but that's just retarded.




Appreciate ya

I didn't like you posting all by your lonely self.
But I have to go to bed now. I'll see what you dumped tomorrow.

Well have a good night then. Hopefully I'll have something new for you when you get back. I'm sure some other lurker will contribute before too long.









In light of my recent discovery of and subsequent enjoyment of Shadowrun, i'd like to request futuristic/cyberpunk style art.

Thanks in advance.


this is doable, I just have to look around a bit as it is one gigantic folder currently.


Thank you, i appreciate the gesture.


Ehhhh, I suppose this could be cyberpunk.

This one is more akin to a futuristic soldier. Yay or nay?


Post apocalyptic survivor, or cyberpunk street rat, yeah i can dig it.

All of my fuckin' yay, she'd work as a HTR team leader or the designated marksman for same.


Back in a moment. Pups are in need of food and being let out.




spoiler in case someone's at work I guess

>Character art dump
Okay, so I bring you MusiaƂ dump





Holy shit... and this was all posted on Veeky Forums once?

This one is definitely my favourite. I mean they are all great, but this one adds extra humour to it.





Really diggin these future riot-cop/HTR-team lookin' dudes.

Me too


Glad to hear it!

I just in general have a thing for futuristic body-armor and compact automatic weaponry.




The design makes no fucking sense, but sure looks cool

Sick art, but man he looks fuckin' DONE with his job right about now.

But in the future, tacticool is all that matters.


A-Are those PILEBUNKERS underneath it's hands? Excuse me, I need a change of pants.

Spoiler that shit.


I'm more into "in the retro-future, tacticool is all tha matters" angle. So if you are playing CP2020, you need tacticool. Otherwise, it kinda sucks.




Short food break, be back in a bit. I'll probably go back to generic fantasy stuff after that though as finding needles in a haystack is a pain and I keep finding steampunk instead of cyberpunk.




fap fap fap

>If anyone has other suggestions I would gladly hear them.
I'm unemployed and bored out of my mind. I'd happily tag them if you upload them somewhere.

Well if thats all it takes...


They are stupid, impractical, downright retarded but. Holy shit do i love the damn things.

Because sometimes, your victory just isn't complete untill you pork the bad guy up the arse with a giant metal stake.

Not sure if this counts

Kinda diggin the WEHRMACHT-3000 in the background.

Anyone have any decent (as in not just a bikini and jewellery) female Egyptian art?


Why is her leg plugged in to her vagina?


Thats obviously a vibrator hooked up to a battery charged via motion. Do you even into futuristic sex-toys?

I just find the shit and save it. I don't ask questions. Though I could assess that her internal systems in the torso contain the power source and its actually providing auxiliary power to her leg augmentations.

I unfortunately dont seem to have any more of them pilebunkers.

I know, not what you were looking for. It's hard though. The desert is hot and even male warriors and such didn't wear much more than that waist wrapping stuff and maybe a helmet kinda thing.

Then why wouldn't it just run internally, that just seems vulnerable to breakage.
Seems more likely

Friend, you are putting too much effort to make sense of a picture of boobies.



I have a serious problem with art. nearly 8000 unlabeled pictures, and a multitude more scattered in boards on Pinterest. Wat do.


... Unsure if magical martial artist, or just a raver.


Wait... is that the chick from '08 Prince of Persia game?

Probably both.
I don't know. Maybe?