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I updated Lavender, and here's two strawpolls for your voting pleasure:
Updated build! Assuming I got new points right, I'm at 68. I could take Elder Gaze, but I'd really like to find away to trade Drudge Throng for Personal Sect if I could find a way to make the points work. And I'm not 100% sure that my realm choice is best, since I'm still developing exactly how I fit into the world.
Queen Saralindra Helviiryn, Fallen Angel, Mother of Spiders
Pedigree XXXXX
Status XXXXX
>Vagina (1)
>Plush (x3)
>Psuedodevascent (Angel)
>Ouroboros Metabolism
>Godly Cleanliness
>Lernaean Hymen
>Gate to Ecstasy (x2) w/Plush x2 each
>Reproductive Channel (x2)
>Synergism (no Specialty)
>True Name
>Title (x3)
>Primordial Woad
>Abyssal Ink
>Celestial Charms
>Nuptial Torc
>Regal Array
>Filthy Lucre
>Drudge Throng
>Chaq, Spider-Goddess
>Amazing Spider-Parasite (Chaq)
>Prime Mate
>Throne's Shadow
>Cult Figurehead
>Fertility Idol
>Get kidnapped to be bride of Teiatat.
>He turns me into beautiful magical Angel.
>Seems like he's being nice, but turns out he enjoys seeing Pure Angels get corrupted into Fallen Angels.
>due to being Metapsychological, I cycle through stages of Angelic Purity and becoming a Fallen Angel
>Teiatat gives me to the Spider-Goddess Chaq so that she can use me to produce healthy spider spawn who will serve Teiatat.
>I have status as an Angel and am a prestigious symbol of Chaq's stature in Teiatat's court.
Not sure if as a Prime Mate of Chaq, whether she keeps me purely for her own use to make hordes of spider spawn or lets other powerful and influential Brides/Gods/other beings have access to me in exchange for connections, favors, or whatever else is very important or valuable to Chaq.
Just missed you.....
Aw yiss. Been too long since we got polls.
New from last thread or same as last thread?
It's the same as last thread
So should I keep on keeping on on the realms?
Why would you rework progeneration?
I think you should take my earlier suggestions about not making them seem like a cage, more or less. I cannot side with either answer on your poll because I neither want to be forced to work on a human scale or force others to deal with my ambitious, space conquering scale.
It was mentioned a few threads ago that some people would appreciate being able to mechanically customize offspring more than they can now.
Yeah, I'll stress that these options are only the starting points, and players can break free of such things if they really want.
How do you go about saving each and every CYOA with the same filename (differences in file extension notwithstanding)?
So a couple threads ago there was an art genie and a Beri Christmas cyoa, did either of those get finished and posted? I don't think so, but I am half blind and half dumb.
He uses the operating system iCouldntCarelOS
Did the genie CYOA ever get finished?
We won't get Beri's until x-mas, and the petulant genie is MIA
>We won't get Beri's until x-mas
Damn, a 10 day wait. Guess that's one reason to look forward to the holiday.
Derp, clicked the wrong thing on progeneration poll. Voted "keep the same" instead of "more granular", I'm having one of those days, fuggin head cold. One think I'd like in that section is a bit less exclusivity. For example their are plenty of things laid in mass clutches of eggs and then pupate later in life; including many insects and depending on interpretation things like snakes or tarantulas shedding their skin to grow larger.
I didn't vote one the scale thing because I think that one should depend on the bride and with plenty of room for in between those two extremes. Give a bit more freedom for the player to determine what their story is like?
Is the name of puzzle genitalia a reference to Oglaf? If so kudos.
I might let you pick one present to open early on the 24th (allowing for possible last-minute repicks). Or I might have to tweak the entire release upon figuring out my holiday plans, if I even have any.
Well after much compression and moving around of elements I've finally managed to get this bad boy to a somewhat manageable level. If it comes out a blurry piece of shit mess I'll delete it and get to work on moving it around to several different pages, but lets cross our fingers and hope that's not the case.
I've been using pretty much every single instant of free time to work on this bad boy since monday and the image hunt has spanned at least a dozen websites. There were a few more sections I wanted to add, like a climate section adding meteorological phenomena and a section dedicated to guns, and of the sections that did get in a lot of them got some content cut out for the sake of balance. Despite all that I'm happy with the finished product and it's pretty much exactly what I had in mind when I started clicking away at the word document at three in the morning a month ago. I'm sure it's readily apparent, but it was based in the old island survival CYOAs.
I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.
For progeneration, all three strategies could, for example, lay eggs. The difference is that the first one has a host accept them, the second has them in a nest, and the third has them hatch quickly so the offspring can get to pupating faster.
I'll try to keep both scales in mind, i suppose
And yes, it is a reference to Oglaf
Damn it, namefagging remains far too difficult for the imcompetent likes of me.
So if you want to go herm both your first penis and vagina are free? And how does Puzzle Genitalia interact with the upgrades on the integrated genitalia? Say for instance you integrated a vagina with lubrication and a penis with a knot so you'd have an ovipositor so you could put your fertilized eggs into others; would the resulting children be extra smart or would one of the upgrades make just make the other redundant?
Ok, as I mentioned I'm not as my sharpest right now and now that you point that out it makes sense. Still more variety is usually more fun, at least for the player. If you don't want to do it to keep from exponentially increasing your work load that's fine.
Yeah, herms are free, too. I'm not sure how your little scenario works, but I think that in this case if they weren't entirely redundant you'd at least see some diminishing returns.
Can you elaborate on what the options mean on the polls?
Still a WIP?
Looks pretty complete to me.
If I get enough feedback to merit working on it some more, then yes. I'd definitely be up to reworking some things to make it more fun for people to play.
If people are happy with it as is then I'm more than willing to leave it as finished. I don't like works that are eternally in progress since they make me feel like whatever I'm doing will become invalid come the next update.
>I'm not sure how your little scenario works
Are you familiar with what a psuedopenis is? Sort of like that but with a knot that can ejaculate out fertilized eggs after being inseminated.
Some people want a more elaborate, granular progeneration system where instead of choosing a general strategy, they customize the progeny that results.
Also, some people are dissatisfied with how I am approaching the Realms and want a less restricted way of starting out.
My problem with that system is that it kills variability. The father doesn't decide what comes out, and I can't decide how my native reproduction works as a rule. Instead I get into too much detail about how kids always look. It's so boring and same-y. If I'm an interstellar whore-priestess I want some variety in what I'm splatting out.
You posted your non-lewd adventure OC at a terrible time user.
Yeah, it's too bad people can't talk about two different things in the same thread.
Am I correct in assuming that the cosmic scale thing is an option that let's you go to a place with multiple connected worlds?
EDG when I get home I will post my build that I have been saving for the new version! Might be really late though
create 2 spinoffs that go either way.
It is what it is, if people like it then it would make me very happy, but if it happens to be that it never makes it farther than this thread, at the very least I had fun writing it all up and putting it to gimp.
I love waifus, but never waifus alone. For me a waifu is made all the greater by the adventure I'll share with her. I wanted in some small way to transmit the feeling of going on a grand adventure with waifus.
The Player Character decides what comes out unless its with another Bride. Then, they have to negotiate what happens. Unless I'm misreading your concern.
No, it just reword things on a less personal scale, less day-to-day worries and more long-term plans. The Labyrinth will stay, but i'll mash together cult and stronghold and find a third option to fill the gap.
I saved it, user. Don't despair.
/cyoag/ isn't all waifus all the time, it just ebbs and flows.
Damn it all to fucking hell, I need to learn to pick up my handle again when I come back to this thread.
Working on updated my bonded sisters build. The build itself is more or less done but now I'm modifying and adding to the character descriptions to reflect the changes. Gonna be a while but I have a few clarifications if you don't mind.
The description for Puzzle Genitalia says "Some Brides even go to far as to become sexless for a time." Yet the option requires 2 genitalia. Is there any reason why we couldn't just take 1 genitalia and use Puzzle to basically turn it off and on? Basically I want to spend a point to allow a sexless bride to spawn a penis from time to time.
It seems heavily implied that you can only take one Stigma, but that's not actually stated anywhere that I can see. Most of them are obviously exclusionary but I wanted to take both Rising Star and Rebel on my build. Just Rising Star works fine on its own if I had to pick one but you might want to add Exclusive: Order or something the the first five options. Or not, if it works like Neoteny/Mien/Atmosphere.
Good shit all round, definitely like where you're going with this though I'm more on the "cosmic scale" side. I kinda pictured it as a very... Dune trilogy-eque universe with a lot of infighting, politics, trade, secrets, that sort of stuff but on a very large scale that utterly dwarfed all but the most influential individuals.
>The Player Character decides what comes out unless its with another Bride. Then, they have to negotiate what happens. Unless I'm misreading your concern.
The suggested section change is "Decide how your kids always look." the current one is "Decide reproductive strategy." The first kills variety.
Terrible time actually, its that time in the year when everyone has free time to shitpost on the internet, complaining and whining about being alone on Christmas and New Years eve/day or other non-sense.
This is the time when waifu, comfy and lewd discussion hits their absolute peak.
Still don't see why we can't have both desu.
I like it as well. It's a good successor to the old hell-island CYOAs, and given a very nice visual polish, to boot.
I'm still considering my build, you make a good balance between taking on too much difficulty and forcing the player to consider doing without.
What sort of Realm do I belong in? I'm thinking that Cult Figurehead, Fertility Idol, and Personal Sect don't really work for me. I'm pretty sure I'd be kept in Chaq's court, but idk where'd that would be. What sort of stuff do you have in mind for the Politics section? Do you think my stats reflect my position? I was thinking about (once again) Getting rid of Throne's Shadow and the three 1 point you-know-what upgrades so I have one more status. What do you think about the spoiler and how I should apply Prime Mate?
Sorry for so many questions. Just excited about update.
How does it kill variety when it's completely up to you how they look already? There's infinite variety if you want!
you are the same user that made the newest basement CYOA?
if so could you post the lastest update? I don't know if the version I have id the lastest
>How does it kill variety when it's completely up to you how they look already?
Because how they look will be restricted to the options I picked in the CYOA.
You taking ideas for realms?
Sorry, I'm not sure what cyoa you're talking about.
I made a nightmare waifu cyoa and a dark souls waifu cyoa, this is the third cyoa I've ever made. It's unlikely I'm the user you're looking for.
Looking forward to it
HAHAHA hell no
Okay, I'll work that in
No, you can take as many as you like. Crimson Kiss + Crystal heart makes for a venus fly trap, for example. The onus is on the player to make it make sense.
If the vote swings far enough I'll try to make it satisfy both concerns. I don't want forget the sex-pet builds because, well, my personal build is one of them
The suggestion is "build categories for your kids to fit into" and the current is "decide what kids fit in the offered categories" But yes, I feel the change would limit variety.
Mind if I think about all this for a bit? I'm being bombarded in this thread and I'm arguing in another as an user
Sure, I'm always open to ideas, but I don't know if I'll necessarily be able to work them in.
>hell no
Just mini spin-offs. You will get a better sense of which of the two you prefer, for a tiny amount of effort.
I already know which of the two three? four?I prefer, but these polls are me considering making concessions to what the thread would prefer in making their own stories. I know the story I want to write to this, but I'm taking a more meta approach in building this story-prompting thing we call a CYOA
How about a realm That's like the Monster Girl Encyclopedia what with monster girls raping men and making them their husbands and turning women into monster girls.
That's not at all what I meant by realm, and in any case I don't think it would be possible to incorporate that idea into my CYOA
k thanks is only that that user said that he wanted to make an adventure CYOA
>and turning women into monster girls
Just once I want my dream of decent monster girl on human girl yuri realized. Just once.
you would want it to be at least three. You might want to "drop the lowest" to make it always three, but that might get precarious over time.
I take it back. Using already extant options you could very well recreate Monster Girl Encyclopedia (Bestowal coupled with thrallmaker, work it out from there)
As with a lot of suggestions, though, That's a story in itself, rather than an element you could make into a story.
Age Regression CYOA:
>Easy (+20)
>Retroactively Fit In
>Barely At All
>Genie Wish (+20, One Option Free That Costs Les Than 15)
>Body: Scrawny + Petite (+7)
>Face: Girly (+1)
>Chest: Flat (Free)
>Bottom: Flat (Free)
>Genitalia: Male (Free)
>Strength: Level 0 (+4)
>Intellect: Level 4 (-12)
>Wisdom: Level 4 (-12)
>Fast Learner (-5)
>Sleepyhead (+4)
>Charm (-3)
>High Metabolism (+3)
>Magical Boy (-7)
>Parents: Married Couple
>Father: Nobleman (+20, +Luxury Options Half Cost, -Requires 3 or More Hobbies, -Requires 3 or More Disciplines)
>Mother: Witch (+20, +Magic Options Half Cost, -Requires 2 of More Tier Two Disciplines)
>Stepmother: Guardian Angel (+20, +Lewd or Luxury Options Cost 3 Points Less, +Baby Options Provide 3 Points More)
>Caretaker: Nanny (+12, -Requires 1 Extra Routine and Punishment in addition to Parents Requirements)
>Bookworm (-1)
>Airhead (-1)
>Pet: Single + Exotic + Familiar (-11)
>Polyamorous (-15)
>House: Manor (Free)
>Bed: Fit for a Prince (-4)
>Bath: Hot Springs (-6)
>Lounge (-6)
>Pool (-8)
>Garden (-6)
>Maid Service (-3)
>Enchant (-5)
>School: Private Academy + Arcane Academy + Academia Obscura (-18)
>School Clothing: Academy (-1)
>Fancy Wardrobe (-2)
>Fine Dining (-3)
>Comfort Food (-6)
>Force Fed (+6)
>Music (-6)
>Literature (-4)
>Arts and Crafts (-4)
>Ignored: Normalize (-14)
>Cassandra (+5)
>Extra Cash (-2)
>Fortune (-6)
>Bathtime: Tier 2 (+6)
>Bedtime: Tier 2 + Cuddling (+7)
>Dressing: Tier 2 (+6)
>Time Out: Tier 2 (+4)
>Confiscate: Tier 1 (+6)
>Private Humiliation (+6)
I like it, particularly the Other nemesis and the cryptids.
>dark souls waifu cyoa
I'd like to see that.
Escapism CYOA:
>Typical Fantasy
>Talent: Magic
>Credentials: Magic University
>Pet: Blue Dragon
Comfy Powers CYOA:
>Lovely Dreams
I didn't mean the mechanics from there affecting you I meant as a place to find breeding stock.
Here you go. I wanted to add more dark souls 2 and 3 waifus, but I couldn't write anything down.
those are the only three cyoas you've ever made? i would have thought you were some long-established author from the quality of the cyoas you put out. you're already one of my favorite authors.
>The "Queen"
-Flare (69)
-Pillar x3 (60)
-Spines (59)
-Prehensile (57)
-Knot (56)
-Ouroboros Metabolism (54)
-Godly Cleanliness (52)
-Ejaculation (50)
*Addictive (47)
*Aphrodisiac (44)
-Aesthetic Mutations (43)
-Commanding Mien (46)
*Rapid Maturation (43)
*Swarm Heart (40)
*Monarch (37)
-Title x3 (25)
-Argent Spark (23)
--Argent Blaze (18)
-Regal Array (15)
-Filthy Lucre (11)
-Personal Sect (7)
-Bonded Bride (4)
*Ascending (1)
-Spoiled (2)
-Nightmare Cycle (8)
-Mating Dance (4)
-Stigma of the Rising Star (16)
I'll pick realms and stuff when they're added upon more. For now, it's time to make my bonded bride.
>Mind if I think about all this for a bit?
No problem!
I like it. It's very well done. It suffers from "why would I want to do this to myself," but is well done enough that I found it worth reading anyway. I'll make a build, but not immediately.
As it sits, the best realm for you would probably be the labyrinth, as a garden-dweller. You could probably come up with a sub-society that appreciates living treasures. I think your stats are just fine, all things considered. Frankly, I'm surprised, they're all at least as good as my personal build's.
Prime Mate is one of the point-dumps I've come up with to help people tweak their stats. It can take any form required to increase your pedigree. In your case, it could represent more exotic donors to give the spiders more desirable traits, or it could be direct upgrades to your character if you want to keep it monogamous.
Oh, yeah that's definitely more something that's part of your story than an option I could put somewhere. Perhaps you could fluff a purchase of "Prime Mate" as access to such a world?
I am uncreative, please feed me CYOA concepts
cyborg soldier waifu cyoa
Brain flavor CYOA
Lucatiel best girl
But a Priscilla is fine too
>Brain Flavor CYOA
Please explain
Inverse isekai (genre where you wake up in some random fantasy world). That is, someone from some random fantasy world shows up here. If they're from your typical high magic setting, they might marvel at our technology and impress us with spells. Or maybe we're the primitive past & they are from a more advanced future, perhaps where we have some innate abilities they do not. You could pick which person you want. Maybe you pick them for their powers. Maybe you want the cutest waifu. Regardless of who you pick, they'll live with ya & be friendly, unless you give them a reason to do otherwise.
A CYOA about how all different kinds of brain taste.
but like what would be the options?
Which brains to eat.
They all end in spongiform encephalopathy.
something comfy and lewd
There's fuckin' monsters everywhere, and shit needs cleaning up.
Luckily for you, you and several others gain a pocket dimension that you can fight in, complete with thematic abilities.
oh, so sort of like this CYOA
Redwall CYOA
I think there's a different word for that
but what would be the difference?
Do a "You are teleported to Mars" CYOA set in the John Carter setting.