Which class would he be, Veeky Forums?
Which class would he be, Veeky Forums?
Cleric, clearly.
But who would his deity be?
Fighter 1-5, Barbarian 5+
Berserker obviously.
What show is this? I've been trying to find out.
Yes, I've been going berserk trying to find out what show this is, can you just tell me what the name of the show is?
If I were to stat Guts he would be an Epic Character. The reasoning is that, Midland is very poor in magic items and related gear, Berserk characters have little to no Wealth (in the WBL sense). So the power of marial class levels ends up being very devaluated at the higher levels (after all, much of the power of DnD characters come from wearing the wealth of entire kingdoms in the form of magic bling).
To do what he does using just feats and sheer stats/atributes you need to go epic. A non-epic martial capable of doing everything Guts does needs magic gear (various atribute enhancers, etc etc)
Warblade//Warblade gestalt, to get enough maneuvers, several levels in barbanrian, some in Rogue and some in Fighter,
Has strong build, power attack, leap attack, great cleave, whirilwind attack and shock trooper.
The Dragon Slayer is probably a huge bastard sword with Ghost Touch and Evil Outsider Bane and + 2 bonus. Guts has EWP: Bastard Sword.
Berserker Armour is +5 Mithril dwarven craft half plate. Wearing it gives you the class features of a Frenzied Berserker 10.
Depends on the system.
Solomon Kane.
That's not doing it. I'm really just losing my mind over this and working myself into a frenzy trying to figure out what this show is!
It's not Solomon Kane. They're not on Mars fighting a Princess.
Can you just tell me what this is?
Holy shit youre a fag, Solomon Kane is from Cimmeria.
No shit, but the zeta beam takes him to Mars so he can fight the Princess of the Elder Gods, retard.
Just tell me what the OP guy is from because it's driving me to fits of rage!
>Black Swordsman
Fighter/Rogue multiclass
>Golden Age
>Conviction onwards
Fighter/Ranger Multiclass with favored enemy (spooky shit) who gets his hands on some Hellknight plate that can cast "rage" on him.
In 5e he'd be a 16th level Fight (Champion) with a magic greatsword and artifact-tier platemail
>no levels of Barb at all
I swear to fucking god you people...
he gets fairly angry, but I wouldnt call it a rage
Boku No Pico.
During the eclipse he's so overcome with rage he cuts off his arm.
Well he had to Action Surge somehow
Wait until you get to the timeskip
I've seen a couple episodes of this actually! So does the main character get buff later on, after the buttfucking? Where's the swords and Fantasy monsters?
I mean, I'm not saying this isn't enjoyable too, but where's the rest of it? Like the Fantasy shit.
He gets buff afterward, yes, and he kills the guy who assraped him.
>So does the main character get buff later on, after the buttfucking?
Ok, joking aside, have you really read any Berserk?
He gets buff and kills all the monsters after the buttfucking
I hope to god that you really don't know the series, because the irony is hilarious.
The buttfucking in Boku No Pico seems pretty consensual. When does the rape happen?
>Ok, joking aside, have you really read any Berserk?
The fuck are you talking about? I'm not going berserk now, I know the show is Boku no Pico.
>tfw you realize Guts is a living, breathing personification of male homosexual rape anxiety
Sure thing buddy
He goes insane and struggles with his hatred. He doesn't fight topless screaming. The actual "Berserk" rage comes from the armor much later on. It's even called the berserker's armor.
His arm was destroyed and he was pinned, and he didn't get stronger from getting angry.
One of the fighters in my campaigns got mad and cut his arm off to regain his mobility. Doesn't mean he has to suddenly be a Barbarian because he got angry.
Guts does his best when calm anyway, unless we're counting the armour which is magical anyway and not part of his class.
Corey + House: Reloaded
> "At last I understand. I AM the Corey + House: Reloaded."
Are you really trying to do a "Who's on first" with this? It's kind of a reach.
What about his fight with Rosine? It seemed like his rage won him the fight.
Barbarian ≠ Berserker.
Hes only a couple levels max in barb probably for the Rage and extra HP padding.
Its not like barbs are all RAAAAGEEE all the time, they have a rage mode which turns on as a defensive / offensive ability as does Guts even before the berserker armour.
1 barb / warrior / rogue
Guts definitely has a rage mode i mean look at his insanely shit life from literally day 1 but more so hes been trained as a skilled and tactical warrior and infiltrator so he doesnt have much barb in him.
5e fighter, champion archetype.
>physically unrivaled
>trains extensively
>still not an academic fighter (battlemaster)
>crits on a 19-20
>Ranger, Favored Enemy (Demons)
>Alignment Neutral Evil
He was trained as a solder and mercenary since he could basically stand, hes insanely well trained.
opps meant for
No way hes a ranger...
Yeah he was. fancy maneuvers or techniques are not his emphasis and thats the point of the battle master