Anti-mage feats in 3.5

So, i'm making a fighter using an oversized greatsword. overall, pretty run of the mill.

However, i was wondering if there were any feats a simple fighter could take to help them against mages (besides the mageslayer line). Anything that makes their life harder, if not actually harming them.

Items and such are also welcome. Unfortunately, its core rulebooks, complete (minus psionics), miniatures, and unearthed arcana. Somewhat limited.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mageslayer feats


To be fair, we're starting at level 2, so mages don't hit their stride for a long time.

The feats are still a joke. Besides, you don't even qualify for them at second level.

Best anti-casters are casters bud.

no fucking kidding. And i'm aware i can't get them at level 2, and i don't even have the required spellcraft.

I'm not retarded, i'm just asking if there's anything that makes their life harder.

I'd try to motivate you, but sadly, is kinda right.

Talk with your DM, if he allows the ultimately broken Unearthed Arcana, he could also allow Tome of Battle, the only book with martial characters capable to compete in power with low-tier spellcasters. Warblades and Crusaders are still miles below Wizards and Druids, but you'll be working with a tier 3 class instead of a tier 5 one.

Other than that, Magebane is a thing for weapons, and look into getting SR somehow.

For an user who doesn't know much about 3.5:

What are those feats supposed to be, and why are they a joke?

This is much more helpful.

Unfortunately, despite including UA, he probably won't include ToB. Still, mage bane and SR aren't bad ideas.

They are supposed to give you a chance to pierce magical protections. Which they kind of deliver. Feats are actually okay. It's just that they are completely inadequate against non-retarded wizards.

So the feats themselves aren't a joke, the joke is trying to be a mage hunter without being a mage?

Mage Slayer is a feat that makes spellcasters unable to cast defensively while you threaten them. It's useless unless you have reach, because they can do a 5ft step out of a 1-square common threat zone. Other feats of this line let you ignore magical AC protection, but you're assuming you got into reach, are still alive to attack him and no other tricks are being used.

If you plan to follow the mageslayer feat line, grab some reach weapon plus armor spikes to threaten 10ft, and try to buy an unlimited(or at the very least 3/day) Enlarge Person item just to be sure you won't let him escape. Some Conjurers can flee like hell.

that is indeed the joke, but at the same time, it isn't gonna stop me.

I said "Besides mage slayer"

They are supposed to help non-magical characters fight magical characters/monsters. Instead, what they give you is really not all that good. The main Mage Slayer feat requires that you take two ranks in a cross class skill that you won't be using very much and have a Base Attack Bonus of +3 (which usually requires a third level character, possibly higher). In return, you get a piddly non-scaling bonus to Will saves and casters cannot cast defensively when they're near you. Nobody really uses the cast defensively rule, and if they do they aren't a very competent caster to begin with.

The other two feats in the line aren't much better. Ignoring all magical protection seems pretty damn good, and it is when the situation arises. But then you realize it's a melee attack and any caster worth his salt isn't going to let anyone get that damn close to him. Same thing with ignoring magically induced miss chance. It's highly situational and really not worth it. The abilities these feats grant are just not worth the tax.

second part was for

>ignoring magically induced miss chances

That one later in the game is pretty good when everything has blur or displacement or something.

Drow gets SR, right?
Well, boost your saves like all hell. Fortitude will be your strongest anyways and Reflex is kinda useless, but Will will be your biggest challenge.
This is a fine, although very expensive, way of making sure you don't die when shit gets real. Most casters won't try a second death spell after you survive your first failed save.

You'd think so, but it only works for spells and spell like abilities. Monsters like Displacer Beasts or Invisible Stalkers have miss chances as Supernatural abilities, which the feat does not overcome.

man, thats something i've noticed in 3.5. Everything works right until you read the fine print.

Unfortunately, i'm a half giant and can't change that if i still wanna use the huge sword. Also unfortunately, i don't get any of the psionics based stuff, but still get the LA. All just to get powerful build. Its the only thing even remotely near core that would let me get that, and the only thing the DM is likely to allow.

Unfortunately, he's pretty strict on changes to things, and will fight tooth and nail against anything. I barely got that.

Your DM sounds like a shitter. That LA is there because of the psionic shit half giants get. To remove that and keep the LA is bullshit of the highest caliber.

they argued that stomp works regardless of psionics so i could keep that, regardless of me saying i'd get rid of psionics wholesale to drop the LA.

But then they went on to say that powerful build alone is worth LA 1 on top of being giant type rather than humanoid.

both of which are complete bullshit because PB is not that strong and the amount of things that target humanoids specifically is laughably small.

Seems like you're playing a losing battle then. To remove half the race's bonuses and still have the same LA is cheap, specially for a martial character.

I assume you want the weapon for aesthetic reasons, but LA+1 is really expensive. You could just get the Monkey Grip feat or save money for a Strongarm Bracers(3000gp, cheap), both of which let you use a bigger weapon. You could retrain Monkey Grip later, too, thanks to UA. That would be a better option than forfeiting a level for the crappy version of Enlarge Person that doesn't even give you reach.

I'd just like to note that Powerful Build doesn't stack with Monkey Grip OR Strongarm Bracers, so you're really only losing by choosing PB here.

Actually powerful build and monkey grip do stack

Powerful build stacks with other effects that would increase your size

Show your GM the tier list. Show him why fighters are shit bonus feats are fucking garbage. Oh boy i get a +1 to hit.

Oh the wizard can now make his attacks do 150% FUCKING MORE DAMAGE

I already brought up the fact that wizards bend the laws of reality just to get their morning coffee.

It was a no go.

He's pretty wishy washy about his arguments, but he sticks to what he said, which pisses me off.

PB says that, but both are pretty specific in their writing: They only allow you to wield a weapon one size larger than YOU are.

Unlike Enlarge Person and Mighty Wallop that directly increase a weapon's damage by one size, the feats we're talking about only increase the weapon size relative to your own. They don't stack by nature of wording.

External sources:

He's fucking stupid. Your GM is fucking retarded.

Play a fucking hulking hurler. Let's see the wizards beat a Reflex DC of 10+your attack bonus. Then they take 500d6 damage.

Wait... he doesn't allow complete warrior either?

Just play a war hulk its practically the only viable thing you can do.

Your dm is shit.

Seriously complete warrior is probably the best book to make a viable fucking melee guy and he doesn't allow it what the fuck is wrong with your gm

Find a way to have an Anti-Magic Field, OP. Make those cancerous, space-time violating pieces of shit do actual work for a living like the rest of us.

OP, if your DM will allow a Pathfinder feat, there's Master Craftsman. It's not anti-mage so much as a boost to your monetary resources, but it's worth consideration.

Master Craftsman gives you +2 to a Craft skill and lets you substitute your ranks in that skill for a Caster Level for the purpose of qualifyng for and using magic item creation feats like
Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Craft Wondrous Item.
Brew Potion

and any other magical item creation feat in the game.

This will at the very least give you the potential of a much wider tool-kit to deal with just about anything, spellslingers included.

Alternatively, Racial Caster levels count as well, so you could just pick a race with any SLA and use that to take the same item creation feats without Master Craftsman feat.

If he Is willing to consider PF feats, there's Cut From the Air and Smash From the Air. The first one requires Fighter5 and lets you use Attacks of Opportunity to block ranged weapon attacks. Smash From The Air requires Fighter9 and lets you block ranged attacks from weapons, siege weapons, and spells as long as your attack roll is higher than the attack roll of the enemy who's lobbing things at you; wouldn't save you from a Cloudkill or Cone of Cold, but it'll cut a Mailman-Build caster's spell list in half by giving you a good shot at negating ranged touch attacks.

Back to items and gear for a second; I cannot stress it enough that having utilities is invaluable to you. If you can afford it, look through the DMG and pick out bits and pieces, odds and ends that no one really looks into because they don't help with standard optimization procedures. Figurines of Wondrous Power can be creatively wielded in a number of fashions for example; mounts, impediments, counterweights, summoned allies, etc.

The most powerful aspect of casters is being able to handle just about anything if they're prepared for it, but nothing stops you from angling for that same style of preparation.

Feat: Overbearing Zealot

You shout "MAGIC SUUUUUCKS" so hard the casters around you auto-fail their concentration checks. You can do it as a free action.

Operating in an AMF hinders the Fighter because he will have no gear boosting his stats, saves, or supernatural tools to combat the fact that the wizard can put up a Wall of Stone around the AMF, which will not be Removed by the AMF, and then opening a bit at the top to vomit water elementals into or wait for him to suffocate if he can't dig out fast enough or the like.

Druid is actually the one who can pull that shit by having the spells and abilities needed to get close where it'll matter and then using Planar Shepard levels to drop both wizard and druid to commoner status via Concordant Plane links, then let the animal companion maul the wizard while his familliar wiggles its nose unless he went Improved Familliar at which point it becomes a pokemon battle.


True, but powerful build does also say you are treated as large basically whenever it would be convenient to you. The fact that you don't get a penalty for it would basically mean that you are large, for the intents and purposes of using weapons. I would say its convenient to be able to stack it and monkey grip.

sure, its a bit of roundabout thinking, but neither ability outright denies stacking, and powerful build even allows for it. if you are considered as large and use monkey grip, i don't see why they wouldn't stack.

No, he allows complete warrior. That just doesn't really help.

>if your DM will allow a pathfinder feat

he won't.

As for looking through odds and ends, i always do that. never know what kinda neat knick knack will actually be useful, after all.

your best bet would actually be to play a cleric

While the Arcanopath Monk redux does come to mind as a mage killer dealie, that's obviously not much use to anyone who isn't taking monk levels. Sorry OP, all I got.

Just get a ring of spell turning once you can afford it.
It completely nullifies most worthwhile magic.
And enemy casters will probably screw themselves over on accident when they try to cast something on you, not knowing you have it.

With that item, a level 10 fighter can easily kill a level 20 wizard.
Or the wizard will end up killing himself.

Wait, your DM is allowing you to take just Half Giant, but not allowing psionics? Sounds like someone is just afraid of having to deal with a new ruleset he isn't used to!
I'd suggest you a psionic mageslaying build (start off as psion/erudite/wilder, grab 1 fighter level, get into a full attack bonus PrC like Slayer or Sanctified Mind, grab mageslayer feats, fight up close and personal, watch casters suffer).
Thing is, you just won't be an effective mage hunter if you can't even get Maneuvers. ToB would allow you a good chance if you pulled serious bullshit and abused the Diamond Mind discipline (spoiler, it's the best one), but as things stand...
I'd recommend ditching the Greatsword. Grab a spiked chain, make it tripping. Grab Improved Trip, Combat Reflexes, get at least a +3 Dex bonus (12 and a +4 item works fine), Power Attack, Wolf Berserker (UA), Mage Slayer, and something to improve your Reach (I'd recommend PrC'ing into Warshaper. It would really help if you ditched the Half-Giant for being a Changeling, alternatively, get a level of Bear Warrior, then take Warshaper).
Tripping builds are a pain, with Mageslayer even casters will feel that pain. Your DM will hate you.

> Anti-mage
> 3.5
I feel sorry for you, OP.

Start trading your big sword feats for big bow feats, then multiclass into sorcerer, take the arcane archer prestige class, and shoot anti-magic fields at people

Your master is either really conceited or a caster fanboy.

Anyways my advice would be to open up the complete adventurer, roll a druid, and go for master of many form. That way you get your huge guy with even larger it giant, troll, or whatever (you might want to look up war troll). And that without lvl adjustment, plus extras.

Versatility in form beats any feat against casters....though the best thing against a caster is still a caster.

If your DM is really a prick, and your feeling devious, go for barbarian and fenzied berserker.

Once high lvl enough you can lean back as you take damage, botch your willsave, and accidentally wipe your whole party, onehitting everyone in their surprise round with 150-300 damage per swing.....

>shoot anti-magic fields at people

>Sounds like someone is just afraid of having to deal with a new ruleset he isn't used to!

yeah, but no one wants to deal with it anyways, so thats not a big deal. My issue was powerful build.

I was trying not to powergame, if at all possible. i was trying to go with an interesting concept, but 3.5 says fuck that, i guess.

Also, i asked, he won't even allow tome of battle because he's too lazy to read it.

>Other feats of this line let you ignore magical AC protection
How many forms of magical AC protection are there really besides Mage Armor et al? My memories of 3.5 are that buffing AC was largely pointless when you can fly/turn invisible/become ethereal/summon a wall of whatever/etc. It was one of those "numbers are for mundane peasants" things.

If you want to make a wizard's life harder with feats your best bet is taking Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, and maybe Blind Fight. Those are not going to make a wizard's life "hard", mind you. But it may at some point possibly help you survive getting fucked by something and that's about the best you can hope for.

>for a long time
Arguably the druid and the cleric already hit it back in 1st level.

How to be a mageslayer?
Mystic Ranger.
You basically get FE mages aka anyone who casts spells.
Then pic the feats that give you FE bonuses to Saves, AC, Hit, etc and put every FE bonus to Mages.

Is it perfect? no, but having +8 to hit, damage, AC, initiative and saves against Mages is helpful.

Also if you multiclass into Scout for Swift Hunter you can deal a lot of damage.

arguably, yeah. But they don't get a lot of casts per day, so they aren't OP yet. They get some potent moves, but they can't use em a lot.

>The fact that you don't get a penalty for it would basically mean that you are large
Unfortunately that's not how it goes, and you're still Medium for Monkey Grip even if you can "be considered as Large for some purposes".
Also, you gain a whole level of a class of your choice by simply not being retarded and wasting your time with a LA+1 thing that will be useless as soon as you get 3000 gp. At the very least, that level is a +1 BAB and some saves plus class skill, so you'll actually gain something by going the Monkey Grip route as its penalty is more than paid off by the extra level.

My all-time favorite item for a martial is the Bulwark of Antimagic from the Draconomicon. Sure, it's a tower shield and that sucks, but once a day is all you really need to turn a caster into paste.

I fucked up, I meant Arcane Hunter, not Mystic Ranger.

Your DM is the Ultimate Shit DM Championship Winner of this year. I bet he also hates barbarians for "being too OP at low levels".

Also, that's a thing. Go Barbarian as your 1st level, it's a decent "don't die until level 4" class.

i would if we didn't already have one.

That said, he talks down about almost every martial class but barbarian. "Why would you go fighter? why would you go rogue?" and so on and so forth.

He won't refluff anything at all, at least for me. I asked if he would drop the evil alignment requirement for assassin so i could use poison without poisoning myself. That was a no go.

Then there's the half-giant thing i said above.

He's got a hateboner for rogues because he says they are useless outside of being skillmonkeys.

Honestly, i feel like i'm just fighting against him in this.

That's funny because Rogues are by far the best 'martial' in the core rulebook and the only one of them capable of being optimized to the point of being a T3 class without relying on ACFs that are stronger than the class itself.

>Not ToB
>Not Psionics
>He wants to mageslay
Pfffhahahahaha, good luck

Maybe ask him if he can throw casters 5 levels below yours

When 50% of the M&M is immune to any damage you deal you aren't the best. The best core martial is and always has been Barbarian.

Grab Spirit Lion totem and Whirling Frenzy barbarian and you're more than fine.

>NOT best when they can ignore that issue with truedeath crystals/wands of gravestrike/plantstrike/penetrating strike

You're pretty much fucked then. That guy is right about rogues, you're fighting a losing battle and every post you make just stacks more and more shit against you. You won't be a good mageslayer at this pace, not even a decent one, most probably an utter shit one that can only kill level 1 sleeping wizards.

Your best option if you still want to mageslay is to ask to be a Cleric, pick Monkey Grip as a thematic flavor and go slay Arcane casters. You can have the fluff of "being a god's servant that hunts down witchcrafters and impostors to purify the world", which is leagues better than "normal guy that knows jack shit about magic tries to beat reality benders with a big sword".

Even if you are able to deal all your sneak attack damage (and to some you can't because they can't be flanked, they see invisible, etc), 10d6 is just fucking 35 on average, that's what my Barbs usually deal before they reach 6th level

>I have to spend 10K for every enemy immunte to me which are like 6 creature types
Bro, at 8th level you have like 32k

Xstrike wands are 750 gold.
Penetrating Strike is an ACF that trades out the shittiest Rogue class feature for having 50% SA damage against every immune enemy, which is still a lot if you bother to take the correct feats.

1st level wands are 750gp for 50 uses. A weapon can have 3 wand chambers. Do the math.

10d6+20 with no magic items and a single feat.

frankly, i'm not even sure i'm gonna play at all at this point.

Every idea i wanted to do is shot down by either raw or fluff. It isn't even about mageslaying at this point, its that he's fought me on even the most mechanically unimportant shit. He flip flops on either just to say no, almost.

i'm probably blowing this way out of proportion, but when everything i've wanted to do has either been shot down by rules or fluff, or just talked down on by the DM incessently, i just lose the will to play.

Two weapons. You can usually full-attack every round after the first, and even the first round too if you're lucky. Flanking is simple after level 6. Poison can be used and weapons enchanted to empower poisons. That's a whole lot of attacks to hit, each of them doing sneak attack and possibly poison. You don't see the bigger picture that is a rogue build, probably because you're used to the simple Barbarian builds.

No game's better then bad game, and I personally rate 3.PF, even with DMs I normally love, as bad games for these very reasons you're seeing in this thread.

Best of luck, mate. Have a Saber.

To be fair, I'd say your DM is an asshole, but you're also trying to do something hard in a very inefficient way. This is 3.5, you'll need high-level tricks to deal with the strongest people in the game. A fighter is simply not enough to kill wizards, clerics and sorcerers consistently. You CAN do it by optimizing like hell, but you'll still be taken out by a caster with half your optimization. In your situation, you can either pick a strong option and refluff it for yourself(as opposed to trying to make the DM eat it) or do your original character and ask for higher level loot drops.

That's not much, 2d6+50 without magic items and a single feat (power attack) with the fact that I don't need extra feats or magic items to damage expecific types of monters and that changing 2d6 for 2d4 and Keen will make me deal a lot more on crits.

Btw, the number above can be achievable before 12th level.

You can't actually hit with that unless you're Shock Troopering and it's much easier to stop a charge than you think.

>You can't actually hit with that
Hit by dealing that amount of damage or hit by To Hit (Bab+Str)?
Because I wasn't shocktrooper, I was a Shifter Barb/Warshaper/Weretouched Master/Rageclaw with 50 Str.

Lion totem and whirld frenzy barb btw.

Seconding Hulking Hurler.

Again, even completely forgetting the mage slaying options, the issue is that even the most basic ones i want he won't budge on any sort of refluffing, regardless of its actual mechanical importance.

i tried greatsword, which i suppose was understandably shot down. But then i tried to ask if i could use assassin without being evil, for the purposes of monster hunting, so i could use poison, that was also shot down because "Hurdur assassination is evil". considering the evil alignment holds no mechanical import on its own that any other alignment doesn't also do, i find that bullshit. Not to mention the difference between a murderhobo band and an assassin is a contract. Captain lawful stupid can get away with smiting anyone "Evil", but i happen to know how to poison a weapon and all of a sudden i'm worse than hitler?

Then he talks down on everything i've tried. I know being pure martial in this game is basically asking to be underpowered, but i'm not asking to be balanced. I just want to do interesting things without certain small requirements that fuck it.

>I'm comparing your base class with one of the most optimized combinations of splatbooks and PrCs I ever found on minmax forums, why don't you see my base class is better?


Yeah, time to just pack it in, and find a better game.

>I was a Shifter Barb/Warshaper/Weretouched Master/Rageclaw with 50 Str.

>Lion totem and whirld frenzy barb btw.

I literally just walked into this topic to see this.

3.5 is fucking dumb.

Even with Barb only 35 (-10 to damage compare to the other build though) Str is more that achievable, also Lion Totem Whirld frenzy barb.

Also thanks, wasn't sure it was that good of a build but your post makes me feel proud if it's one of the most optimized ones.

You can always have your "mage hunting" as a personality thing instead of a mechanical drive, and just have a pretty competent character that just so happens to jump the enemy caster before his minions. I'm sure your DM will stop shooting down optimization ideas if you stop focusing on picking things specially to fuck a single group of enemies that are probably the DM's favourites.

Those are the lenghts you have to go to compare to Druid or Cleric, or Wizard, single class the 3 of them and still they'll beat your ass if the players are half decent at casters.

The DM isn't even aware that i was thinking of anti-magic options.

He's shooting most of my stuff down wholesale based on his own faulty idea of versimilitude.

>Even with Barb only 35 (-10 to damage compare to the other build though) Str is more that achievable
Without magic items? nope

>Roll an 18
>Pick a race with +2 to Str
>20th level Barb gives you +10 Str while raging
>Every +1 per 4 levels go to Str
18+2+5+10= 35

>he thinks he is going to roll an 18
>he thinks he is going to reach 20th level

Wow such a creative and fun magic item! I can't WAIT to use this in my games.

why has nobody told me this existed?

I've always wanted a cool way for fighters to deal with wizards.

The other user is using 10d6 for sneak attack, unless I assumed wrong and those 10d6 weren't sneak attack damage.

You can get 10d6 kinda early if you add the weapon and some SA classes, but the 10d6 point was made by the first barb player in an attempt to make rogues seem weak. The strong side of rogues lies in the fact that he can combo his SA with many things like 2 weapons and poison use, so his whole point of "10d6 is weak" falls flat. That's expected of someone that sucks barb dick btw

>magina picker
fuck you. i pick riki then

>Blame the other user for using non barbs in his barb
>"You can totally get 10d6 without being later levels full rogue"
And once again the optimizers suck cocks because you're ignoring the rules of your challenge. Good job both.

And yeah, he's kinda right, flat bonus is better than die bonus.

This is why 3.5 is such a shit game and why a shit DM just makes it worse.

See? You're ignoring half my point. A shortsword adds 1d6, +1d6 for every +1 upgrade. You can also get the Craven feat and other stuff that increases damage. Forgetting a rogue has more than just his SA as damage is a common misconception for non-rogue players.

And the other user wasn't even a 20th level character and still had 50 Str but you jumped at him for not being full barb, but you somehow can be non rogue as long as you have sneak attack from other classes, see the hypocrisy?

Now you're pretending to be retarded. I noted how you can do it full rogue, and only mentioned PrCs because that other guy thought a Barb1/Anything10 is still counted as only a barb.

>Implying dealing damage is important once you pass a threshold
My monk, yeah, monk, dealt 76 (8d8+20) damage on average per hit at 15th level, guess what? I was still shit anyway

Fuck, didn't multiply that, +40 actually. It was 4d8+20, but due being decisive strike I doubled the damage, so 8d8+40

At the levels where a martial being anti-anti-mage isn't a cruel joke, the way you do it is by neutralizing the mage. This means killing them or otherwise rendering them unable to take actions

Straight murdering mages is relatively simple, since it works like murdering anything else a martial can reach: big weapon, Power Attack, everything that makes Power Attack do more damage, charges. You have the Completes open to you and Unearthed Arcana, so you can rock the basic Supercharger build.

A one-dip in Barbarian gets you Whirling Frenzy (UA: +1 attack in a full attack while eaging) and Lion Totem (Complete Champion: can Pounce on a raging charge). You then want Leap Attack (CAdv: successful jump of 10 ft on a charge adds +100% damage) and later Shock Trooper (CWar: Requires Power Attack and Improved Bull Rush. The Heedless Charge option lets you sacrifice AC for Power Attack damage).

With that, just two-hand a weapon, get a good Jump score, and enjoy doing 3x damage per point of BAB and AC sacrificed, as well as your standard Strength and a half bonus for two handing.

Be advised: this will potentially make mincemeat out of anything your DM throws at you, unless they know the system well. It will also potentially make the other players feel bad about themselves something fierce.

...Do you not understand that most of that build's power comes from stacking. PrCs like cordwood?

Alright, let me break this down.
>Halfling Rogue with the Racial ACF that gives +1d6 ranged SA at the expense of 1d6 melee SA.
>Deep Halfling for Darkvision
>Craven feat to add +Level to SA in exchange for -2 to fear saves
>Penetrating Strike to get around immunities
>Two Weapon Fighting, Quickdraw, PBS and Rapidshot because duh

You buy a lot of acid/alchemists fire flasks. You throw them at people. You do [W]+SAd6+1d6(Halfling)+Level(Craven) twice as a full attack hitting touch. At level one, that's 3d6+1 X2.

Once you get some money under your belt, you buy a Ring of Blink, ensuring you will always have SA, since you catch targets flat footed with it regardless (which got nerfed in PF because reasons). After that, you either get fancy acids from splat books or find a way to Shrink Item colossal acid flasks and cast GMW on them.

When you hit level ten, due to a funky writing of the Bonus Feat ability for the Rogue, take the Epic Feat Perfect Multiweapon Fighting and double your output.

So sticking with a core L10 Rogue, you can pump out something like 4d6 (colossal flasks)+5d6(base SA)+1d6 (halfling)+10(Craven)+1(PBS) damage a shot, up to five times in a non Haste full attack (BAB+PTWF+RS). Adding spells like GMW, Hunter's Eye or attack number multipliers makes things get silly.

One of the requirement of epic feats is having 21 level, user, even if you have 3 of more hands and 25 Dex

Why are you still playing 3.5, 13 years after it came out, 8 years after it went out of print?

Because some people saw 4th edition and recoiled with such horror that they refused to proceed forward with it.

I am fairly sure that my local group will try GURPS or move to Savage Worlds or even FATAL before they give a new D&D edition a chance.

Fuckin' MaidRPG got okayed above 4th ed.

Honestly, something like this was my plan to start with. I was gonna use a huge greatsword, till semantics kicked in. I was gonna power and leap attack. I didn't even think of lion totem, but thats a good idea. if i even play, i probably will use this, solely to spite the DM and his monsters. He won't allow me to do the fun interesting thing, then i'll just slaughter his shit and ruin his fun as well.

I meant more things that hurt mage quality of life. Things that'd make them cast defensively, or waste spells on nothing.