New Zealand prices edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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New Zealand prices edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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first for upside down
What is a good counter to Bonesplitter arrow spam?
I've heard blocks of concussors or lance dragon knights for sigmarines.
take it with a pinch of salt, I don't play faggots arrow spamming.
best counter s not to play them
What are some non-traditional schemes that'll look cool for Bloodbound for a player who doesn't love Khorne usually but wound up with half a starter set?
And...what if you're dwarfs? Artillery then? Gyros?
For the record I pretty much don't play this person anymore because arrow spam faggot BUT it would be entertaining to do one more time if I could at least be reasonably sure I might win.
bad game
Black actually works fairly well on them for me. I don't play bloudbound, but a person I play against often has them with black and iron colors. It makes them a little less crazy looking, kinda more cold blooded. For whatever that's worth on them.
oh you're that dwarf fella who footslogs.
didn't you have a problem with it like a month ago.
Well I ain't got the foggiest how to help you with dorfs until hopeful next year when NEW DORFS
you could feasibly out range them, or abuse artillery but it won't be fun, you'd have to go HARD to thin that horde and it will end up being two gun-lines poking each other and would be decided by rolling, terrain and that other sort of thing
TL:DR pray to sigmar for dorf railguns and tau shenanigans.
That sounds like probably me, yep. Actually I'm branching out into Wood Elves, but my army is still small at this point. Sisters of Avelorn, Sisters of the Thorn, Glade Guard, Spellweaver. I figured I'd probably throw Eternal Guard/more Glade Guard in there next.
Here it is guys, my Warden King in Steamsuit. I am so done painting my army, but I still gotta do all the bases. This guy will be getting 50mm base, as opposed to the 40mm he has right now.
Dwarf Miners. They can pop up anywhere.
Looks neat. Where did those arms and legs come from?
not him
the legs are mega armoured nobs
the hands are from the castilian walker.
>help me my scissor always loose vs the rock, but leaf is totally okay and balance and you shouldnt buff it.
Dear dwarf fag.
Take any of the other 50 factions that have cavalry and rekt the arrowboys.
Oh, and literraly ALL your Xbow outshoot him.
Also, Maybe you should try to assasinate the big boss with a cannon/grudgebearer so that the arrowboyz loose half their shooting.
you should really learn to play.
Your codex is THE codex to shoot hero off the table.
What are you targeting with your artilery ?
Whats the rest of the list ?
Kastelan robots, yeah. The manz legs I used some plasicard to cover up some of the ork pants to make it look more armored and mechanical. But most of the model is the Gyrocopter
Almost anything. Fast cavalry, high defenses (2+ rerollable save), hit modifiers, ressurecting slain models
Just don't bring a shit list and you won't lose to that cheese
50mm might be too small, maybe go for a 60?
posting the first part of my awful bad fanfiction about my mary sue general.
An eerie fog shrouded the field. Loche tapped Agganon’s shoulder and whispered into his ear. “An’ how much further be it? I can’t see me own feet in this fog.” Agganon stood silent for a moment trying to recall the words his wife used to describe her visions. He then turned to Loche. “A score of paces forward. Stay your whimpering for now lest the enemy catch wind of it.” Loche nodded and motioned to the men to follow the General at a silent walk.
Sure enough, about a hundred paces, the men started to hear the muffled march of an unseen force. Agannon motioned for the group to stop and kneel. He whispered a command to Loche. “After thirty paces more, break into a charge and start the drums and chants.” Loche turned to his men and started repeating the order.
After a long moment, the General motioned for the group to rise and started walking forward. Though they did not voice it, each of the barbarian soldiers counted their steps. Never in their life had thirty paces felt so long.
And then it all went into a frenzy. The barbarians charged forward into a group of terrified freeguild guard.
At any other time the freeguild would have been well equipped. Their arms and armor that far exceed what the barbarians could muster. Yet on this day they the barbarians had surprised freeguild. The freeguild soldiers had only time to a club or dagger before readying their defenses. It wasn’t enough. The barbarians carried sturdy round shields to compensate for their lack of armor. Their hearty physique allowed them to shrug off a injuries that might slay a smaller man. The freeguild had no answer for the barbarian attackers.
Fuck new zealand and its prices, Australian prices are the ones that matter. Kuntwi's are notorious for being cheapskate fucks that wont spend money unless they absolutely have too. Hell, the entire ANZAC thing is paid for by Australia to begin with.
We should just make them a territory. It's more than that colony deserves.
The barbarian general, Agganon, was the champion of the Tribe. He wore a suit of armor, no doubt a prize from one of his many victories, and wielded a longsword in both hands. He moved through the battle cutting down the unprepared freeguild with ease. One stood before him, both hands clutching a halberd. The man prodded and poked at Agganon, but he sidestepped the blows. The freeguild soldier then pulled back for a greater strike. Agganon seized the opening. He leaped forward and drove his sword deep into the man’s chest. He batted the halberd aside before pulling his sword from the man.
Agganon could hear the thunderous footfalls of another group from his clan. The barbarians often split their raids into two groups. One group would flank the enemy, and give signal to the other. The main group would strike head on. It was a tactic that had proven successful on many occasions. Agganon's group had been the flanking group.
Agganon also heard the sound of cavalry charging forward. He grinned. He was certain of victory if the skilled barbarian horsemen had joined.
Agganon gazed around the battlefield. The freeguild company was dissolving around him as they fled in all directions. The marauders under his command showed them little mercy. In the fog he could just make out an armored man barking orders. Agannon grinned and approached the man
The man word a full suit of armor with a tabard about him bearing his personal heraldry. He carried a large war hammer. Perhaps this man would be a more interesting opponent than the broken troops? Agganon raised his sword, and the man opposite him raised his war hammer. Agganon shouted back at the man. “Your god is out taking a piss is he? He isn’t with you now.” The man stopped for a moment, raised his visor, and returned a few words. “Your time will come pagan,” the man snarled. Agganon thought it was all bravado and gave one more statement before charging forward. “Then let that time be now!”
Agganon swung first with a blow from the right, but the man blocked it with the haft of the hammer. The barbarian followed up with a thrust which the man deflected by twisting the hammer. The man followed through on the movement, bring the hammer up for a swift strike from below. Agganon dodged straight back. The blow missed him by just inches. This man was no amateur.
The man used the added distance to adjust his posture to a move defensive stance. The man knew that a missed attack with the hammer would leave him open. His armor would afford him some protection, but wondered if it would be enough.
Agganon moved forward again, feinting at a strike from the right and then striking from the left. Again, the man deflected the strike. The man started to move to counter attack, and Agganon, sensing he was in danger, stepped back to avoid it. Predicting this, the man did not follow through with the blow. He instead held the hammer straight in front of him and lunched forward. Agganon didn’t expect this. Even if he had, the hammer had such mass that deflecting it would have been difficult. The thrust with the hammer struck Agganon’s breastplate head on sending him stumbling backwards. The man raised his hammer as if to strike again and took another step forward.
Agganon knew that a blow like this would prove fatal. He reached forward with the thrust in hopes to force a defense from the enemy. A defense might stall the attack long enough for him to recover. It worked. The man again moved his war hammer to deflect the blow. Then the man did something else, which surprised Agganon even more. The man took another step forward.
Agganon could now see the man’s face in clear detail. The man was in his forties. He had a trimmed black beard. His face bore scars from battle, but nothing so severe. The man threw his hammer to the side and drew a dagger. The man’s left hand now reached for Agganon’s throat, while he raised his right for a fearsome stab.
What units get 2+ rerollable? That sounds awesome. Or is it just 3+ with mystic shield?
For that matter who gets 3+? I think the best I've seen is 4; I must be looking in the wrong armies lol.
Black with some bleached bone armour that you've done a little bit of burnt umber wash over.
metallic green and gold. (Goodlge christmas beetle.)
Opalescent purple/blue with metallic red trim.
I think you need to work on your sentence variance.
you really didn't set much of a seen
>free guild
perhaps giving a regimental name to that group would serve you better.
Agganon sensed that at this distance, his long swords was also of little use. He dropped it and reached for his own dagger while twisting to the side to avoid the man’s grasping hand.
The two wrestled in the mud for a full minute trying to drive their daggers into each other. The man shoved himself up and backwards. He reached for a weapon and grabbed a one handed sword dropped from one of his men. Agganon stood and retrieved his own sword. With no shield in his free hand, the man assumed a broad ward.
Everything after that is a rough outline and needs a lot more work. a handful of sigmarines show up and start kicking asses. The sigmarines end up losing, but it is a very narrow victory, with the barbarians losing a half a dozen men for every one stormcast. Agganon gets his arm cut off and is forced to retreat.
60 is too big. 50mm is fine. It's supposed to be representing a dwarf lord on shieldbearers, and its footprint never would have reached 60mm, even 50 is too big for what it represents, but i figured since they never defined the round size for the dwarf lord on shieldbearers, i have a little leeway.
I am really amateur at this
no worries
I'll finish building this thing on my table and i might dig into the meat of your thing.
see if i can't give you fuller criticism
a story outline would also sort of help
mind you i'm no more a professional then you.
Im in NZ and always order On wayland with a Po Box from UK.
I dont know why people dont do this.
im not even paying a third of NZ MSRP
>this fucking nigga
Finished him up. Name my warrior chamber, /aos/.
He's got a Fleur de Lis on his left shoulder, for what it's worth.
The TL;DR version of the story is:
A tribe of Chaos Barbarians sneak through some realmgates into the realm of life. On a really foggy morning, they attack a company of soldiers so they can raid the town the soldiers were defending. However, the story really only tells the last bit because I am not very good at writing...
What happens after is that some storm cast pop up to protect the faithful of Sigmar. The Barbarians win anyway, but only through heavy losses. The General suffers a serious injury and has to run away.
Wait, Moonclan Grots get a 5+ save if there are 10 shields, or is it 10+ models and there is at least one shield? Bad Moon Icon grants 4+ when combines with the shields in the shooting phase. 20 models give a +1 to wound rolls, 30 models give a +2 to wound rolls, so Nets wound on 3+, and Spears on 2+!
So a mob of 30, 10 arrows, 10 shields and spears, and 10 nets sounds like a good idea to me!
Also, for units like these, square bases actually make sense to me.
Chamber of the Argent Dawn
What are New Zealand prices?
found the person who has been baiting with wow discussion
Sounds alright. I was thinking of calling them the Chamber of the Golden Dawn, and acting completely oblivious when people get mad about it.
Can't mix arrows with spears.
from the top 1/4
> first things of note.
I stressed the introduction, Erie is a poor choice and it doesn't particularity introduce the setting well enough, you could do well to paint up the scene a bit more.
An old writing teacher said, use things that could be physically felt or understood rather than abstract adjectives. I gets into people's skin, itches almost, teases muscles, it can be good coy shit for faggots who enjoy atmosphere.
there is very little build up or weight to the opening of the battle.
We don't really have a description of the chaos marauders, it'd help to get a sense of how they look and how his arm looks.
Why the fuck are humans marching out into the middle of nowhere under-equipped?
also you ought to make it clear that there was much difference between your lord's tribe and their enemy.
Adding warlord or other more extraneous titles has always been chaos's thing. don't go overboard with edgy shit, just whatever fits.
you seem to be using 3rd person limited, perhaps you ought to inject of his personality into it
thanks for the feedback! I'll be sure to give it another few passes.
Your little tale inspires me to tell a small tale of Gobsnik. Anyone want to hear how the rivalless warboss made enemies with a tree?
the conversation between the war-hammer wielding man and chieftain or warlord or what have you is a bit poor. I'm not sure if it really flows consider revising, that's as per your discretion.
The fight needs to be reworked, i think.
I'll admit i lose interest with it but i am a bit fucked right now.
no worries.
I'm always wont to help, especially when i ought to be writing something of mine.
You can't?
No. their rules state that you can either take stabbas with shields and nets, spears with shields and nets, or bows and slittas with nets. Nets mix with all weapons
Ive missed so much models and so much opportunity.
both huge dragon, both incarnates, the empire boat...
So dear fags, order before they pull the plug on everything you like.
>ive already contacted chinaman, but he doesnt have any of the models from mosntrous arcanum.
Yes i play Destruction.
the fimir are safe. the noble LITERALLY just came out this year
Take Bugman + 30 quarrels and pop anyware u want , take miners- same thing , take ironbreakers with runepriest to stay alive , some wrariors and canon/ grugde trower and done
Mm i guess i can save 2 hundred then !
Still waiting for the fimir musician, fimir standard and fimir dirarch.. but HH took the spot and i guess i wont see them before a loooong time.
Yeah, they spoiled what appeared to be two other fimir models earlier this year. It seems fimir are gonna be expanded to their own subfaction like chaos dorfs
Also I found a chinamen Troll hag on ebay, should still be on there
Check your grammar, there's a couple of sentences that are just subjects. I'd also come up with something else to describe the Freeguild guys. Think about what your barbarian tribesmen would call them. General should not be capitalized, it is not a proper noun.
Your statements about the battle seem pretty broad, and bland. Focus in on the details, show don't tell. What did the Freeguild general's hammer look like. Agganon can hear the thunderous footsteps of the enemy approaching, but we can't. Give the reader a set of eyes, ears, hands, etc. to experience what's happening.
Try, and provide a little more variety in both your sentence structure, and when referring to characters. I understand that the opposing general is a man, but what else can he be described as.
Overall, I like the concept of some barbarian dudes just trying to make it in the insanity that is the mortal realms, but your writing lacks any flavor.
Complete Miniature Virgin here
Do I get Seraphon or Slaves to Darkness "start collecting"?
I've sorted my pros and cons for both factions in my mind. So I feel I won't be disappointed with either. Do I go with the really incredible looking chaos warriors in plate with their shields and that cool chariot and sorceror?
Or the vibrant textured cool ass lizard men with a fuck hueg dinosaur that gives younger (and current) me a huge fucking boner every time I look at it on the website.
What are tiers looking like nowadays
everyone plays chaos, go with seraphon
Can you guys explain to me why centigors aren't a part of brayherds? And why they suck?
thanks for the advice
hopefully next week I won't have to work late every night and I will actually get some time to work on this stuff
or work on my army for that matter. Hard to do that when I am working 12 hour days every day.
I hate the thundertusk minis, would you all allow count as?
>I want to play an OP army but don't like the aesthetics or lore
What would you suggest that isn't as OP? It can't be Khorne knight levels
if you want an army that moves forward and deletes things but isn't mortal wounds everywhere, try the new ironjawz battleforce with the ogor that attacks twice
because that there is some crazy shit
Not seeing the battleforce you're talking about
sorry it is a gargant, not an ogor
also it might be sold out in the UK
There are lots of ways to get a 2+ save. Saurus Guard, Kurnoths, Dryads, Dracoths, etc.
The biggest weakness of Arrowboys is that they are small models and won't get line of sight to important targets, so they have to shoot the enemy front line (unless you're stupid enough to leave your key units exposed).
You can abuse this to your advantage by putting a shield wall type of unit at the front to absorb the shots, then close the distance and finish them in melee + battleshock.
This is such a good deal.. You pay $179 for the 2x5 brutes and 3 gruntas purchasing separately
absolutely glorious
that looks amazing, great job!
do you plan on adding any blood to him?
Since you posted the fluff for your dudes, I feel like doing the same.
I've seen your post more than a few times, but I haven't seen any model.
Post some juicy Beastmen.
I will do when I get home. Just a warning though. I got the beastmen a few years back when I was playing fatnasy, so my painting skills weren't as good as they are now. So they might look like shit
>Chamber of the Golden Dawn
Do you think its "cheap" to cut both mangler squigs to get 2 out of 1 box ?
Would you mind someone fielding 4 mangler squigs assembled as such ? (maybe using fanatics with ball cutted to make it more belivable)
Mangler Squigs are specifically Big Squigs being used like large Fantics.
I'd say no unless you do add a little more to it otherwise they just look like Big Squig hoppers.
the two stacked on one another look kind of silly
but I'm not sure I'd want to play against four mangler squigs
GW specifically mention Mangler Squigs in their official AoS event rules.
One on a base? Not fully assembled.
Go for it.
every gobelins player i know do this.
mainly because 1 on top of another on FAILCAST is way to prone to breaking.
Not many failcast can endure a summer in spain desu.
this model in particular always end up bending/melting on the feet.
It's also absurdly topple-prone. GW's official stance is pretty ridiculous.
It's pretty fucking obvious why GW's stance is the way it is.
They don't want people getting a 2-for-1 value out of a purchase.
Which kind of tree?
If the inanimate kind, yes. If the animate one, also yes.
Rate my 2,000pts Moulder list:
1 Abomination Hell Pit
4 packmasters
8 * 36 giant rats
Pest-control needed/10
Would be fun to see that run against a necromancer/corpse cart/zombie/wolf list at the same pt value. Also, it would take 80 hours.
Point costs formula for my 40k -> AoS project some people asked for last thread
(.5+.1x bravery)((movement - 4) + (wounds x (8 - save)) + ((attacks x (7 - to hit) x (7 - to wound) x (1+ .5 x rend) x (range/12 if greater than 12) x damage)/6)
Ignoring rend (wounds x (8-save)) x .5 per rend ignored
Flying movement/2
Transport capacity (10/transport capacity) x (movement -4)
Make your own thread for this homebrew shit and get the fuck out of the general. This is for rumor mongering, list posting, WIP and shit posting only
Especially because it involves 40k. I don't want that cancer poisoning AoS when it's barely off the ground
>Make your own thread for this homebrew shit and get the fuck out of the general. This is for rumor mongering, list posting, WIP and shit posting only
>shit posting only
>shit post
Here the pictures I promised.
On the first one we have Kraagarr Twinblade (left) and Gorax Spirithorn (right).
And once again, I was a bad painter when I first painted my beastmen, just FYI
And here are some gors, obviously not all of them. But this will give you a general idea on what they all look like
Here are my 3 bullgors, my cygor and my Gargant
And lastly we have my newest fantasy models that I bought for AoS. It's Risgat "the rotlord" and a swarm of Nurglings that cheerfully dance around him.
And as you can see, my painting skills have improved a great deal.
Here is what I didn't take pictures of
>The rest of my Gors
>My balewind vortex
>My chaos spawns
All the Greater Daemons from ForgeWorld have now their own rules:
>mfw they're just regular greater daemons with more wounds and a better save
howling griphonnes.
Hellpit Abomination is trash
You only have 2 Inspiring Presence for 8 horde units
Pure melee with low rend, won't be able to break through an enemy shield wall
Wanting to start up Skaven. I have Spire of Dawn, 6 Jezzails, and a Skaven Warlord. Now what?