'Kay, Veeky Forums I'm bored, Let's do a creation thread
Roll me a D4 so we can see if we are a bunch of chaos fuckups, imperial dogs, or filthy xenos.
'Kay, Veeky Forums I'm bored, Let's do a creation thread
Roll me a D4 so we can see if we are a bunch of chaos fuckups, imperial dogs, or filthy xenos.
no replies, even more bored
Rolled 3 (1d4)
Okay, xeno it is.
Roll a d6
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Tau Cadre, it is then... Here's hoping for a farsight Enclave
1d10, Please?
Rolled 8 (1d10)
we are from the 3rd sphere of expansion
(I know jackshit about the tau, so this will be fun)
Another D10 for homeworld terrain
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Desert, we live on a desert... well I was not expecting that
Another D10 for Tactical Philosophy.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Tau can be fun thanks to auxiliaries
Mont'ka, the killing blow.
auxiliaries, I knew the tau had them... but that the extant of my knowladge, besides the memes, of course.
Would you kindly, roll a 1d100?
Good god, EXTANT, that triggers my inner grammer nazi.
Rolled 71 (1d100)
Preferred tactic: Hybrid with stationary units supporting mobile ones
Well, at least we're not boring!
Another 1d10.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
It'll be fine
Our primary function is adaptive, okay, not sure if our leader is flexible, or just crazy.
1d10, again
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Our adherence to the greater good is, average, great.
1d10, For amount of auxilaries
new OP needed, gotta go to work early tomorrow.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Nighty night
G'night old OP, we hope you sleep well.
Well seems we are a majority Auxillary Cadre. We are unusual.
Roll a d20 to see what kind of auxillaries we are.
Bumping with tau art.
>tfw Civ threads are a faint Veeky Forums memory
True. But old Veeky Forums remembers.
What I really miss was old/tg/heim. We had a legitimately fun couple of weeks before it died.
Rolled 14 (1d20)
Thank you sir, the mjority of our auxiliary are Morralian Deathsworn.
Roll d100 for our preferred enemy.
>Morralian Deathsworn
Rolled 83 (1d100)
They are odd looking. I can't find much on them.
Our preferred enemy is Eldar!
Knife ears must dislike us for some reason...
Roll a d10 for Cadre leader.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Ethereal get!
And ethereal got. I'm impressed.
Roll d10 for our glorious leaders personality.
>Called it
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Rolling for angry/ruthless due to him/her being frustrated beucase the auxiliaries do not do things the "right" way.
Our leader is "Alhosive" (means reclusive)
Let me type this all out.
Can anybody find any fluff on these guys beyond being part of the Empire? I'm not finding anything.
We brave few are on the forefront of the Tau empire. Our people claimed these lands during the 3rd and most recent expansion, with a mixture of diplomacy and martial skill.
Our new Sept's home is a desert world, in a system not so very different from those of our ancestors, but home to a strange indigenous population.
Our Sept fields an irregular force with irregular tactics. We follow the old ways of Mont'ka, striking our foes where it hurts most, but in a way totally our own.
Where our progenitors would use a force of Tau and drones, we have allied with these Morillians and they now form the backbone of our forces.
So truly do they believe in the promise of the greater good, those who join our forces take the mantle of 'deathsworn', to spread our peace or die trying.
Our new allies are well found, as we have also found new adversaries here. The ancient Eldar call this system esentia and have run a near bizzare campaign of tricks and subterfuge against us ando our allies.
These new foes are well matched however, we have the tactical brilliance of our own Aun' Alhosive. Her leadership and Morralans tenacity have allowed us to meet the Eldar blow for blow, and carve out a home here.
All I know is that they come from the angriest tau planet because of magic sun shit.
What should we call our new desert sept?
If that's all we have, then I'm stumped about how we're supposed to fluff a regiment made up of xenos with no fluff. I mean, are there at least any battles they've been in? Any friends enemies we can use to guess their personalities?
None that I could find. My google-fu is weak tonight. Guess we have to do it ourselves.
But alas, I also must also get to bed.
You elegan/tg/entlemen have been great.
If someone wants to throw this all on 1d4chan we can work on it more tomorrow, otherwise, this was fun and remember its all for the greater good.
Holy shit, I did not expect this!