Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1229: Ass Duff Juh Ump Edition

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Acronyms are easier for one to remember and use in casual text. Also that's not a nice thing to say to a guy. (For those who didn't catch this dudes meaning he was saying I was mentally disabled because, or that I was a part of the Disability Resources Department (DRD) I can't tell which is more insulting the fact that he may be saying my sanity and mental stability is in question or that insinuation that I'm a part of the Alphabet Soup)

Nah I'm just how I am and I could give less fucks about some dickwaffel like the shitposter or the guy making disability jokes up here. If you live life with no regrets then you've done well. I want that and I'll seek it in my own.
Tldr: You do you and I'll do me. However when stupid shit happens I might just point it out because idiots being idiots both amuses me and makes me wish to comment.

Also a general update on the Mordehiem City of the Damned Jump. I've decided, since watching the posting patterns of some folk on the IRC and here, than I'll post my work in progess only after I finalize my first draft. It seems that sifting it out piecemeal has a detrimental effect on Jumpmaker morale.

Kill me

You were making a good point for a while there, then it just devolved into pure salt.

It happens. I am, after all, only human and I too have emotions.

Just get all the salt from last thread. That's like four heart attacks.

Even being there isnt enough

Probably not a good idea to be too pushy about things on these threads, but I really would appreciate people's opinions regarding a question I posted last thread.

>I've been juggling the idea of starting a new chain for a while, and I just wanted to ask as someone who's never played or watched anything Pokemon, whether it's worth trying to jump or if I should just settle for using an easy IP I'm more familiar with as my starting jump? I'm not too worried about the power levels, because I have a decent idea of how dangerous/harmless the setting is. I'm more preoccupied by whether I can make an interesting story using just cursory knowledge of the setting.

Regarding Infernals, do you think its in bad taste to have a recovering yandere companion be a Scourge or take Adjoran as favored?

Pokemon is a fun jump but if you dont' know anything about it you can start somewhere else no problem.

The guy was just asking you to stop going into power levels discussions between jumpers, no need to be a prick.

Question about Exalted, what are motes? Also, can you have more then one charm? I'm trying to figure out Exalted so I can jump Infernals properly but I can't seem to find much information online.

Well, that depends. What kind of story do you want to start out with? If you want to start out with a bang, Pokemon might not be the right starting jump, but something that allows your jumper into their new nature as a, well, jumper, it would work pretty well. Plus, the perks are really useful, and you can grab your first companions there.

They'd probably go back to being a yandere with Adjoran's influence, to be honest.

You should probably Jump something else if you aren't that familiar with Pokêmon. As long as you don't jump it later, it's completely fine. Just remember to get a memory perk.
Yes. Do it.

Regarding the possible Trillion jump, let's be fair in the fact that if the Sword Valley dungeons or rest of world were more fleshed out, everything would be golden.

It's almost like Zettai Hero Project

Oh I thought he was talking about how I was calling someone a shitposter... Didn't know that talking about which Jumper had the most Jumps under their belt was a no-no.

I think it's more you talking about who the most powerful jumper is that's a no no. Especially in the midst of a long shit storm.

Motes are basically MP in system. They're the smallest workable amount of your essense. Not the rating, but rather your energy level.

Charms are kind of like supernatural techniques. You can have as many of them as you want. Some are permanant and are always on, others take motes to activate.

Oh, okay, thanks user, that makes sense. So the more Essence you have, the more motes would be available? Is there a ratio of motes to essence, like one mote to one essence or two motes to one essence?

Someone free me from this hell


YOU'RE to slow to escape your fate.

Strange, isn't it?

>Just remember to get a memory perk
Where can I get a good memory perk besides pokemon? I didn't get savant on my first jump.

>Disability Resources Department (DRD)

The DRD Department is the Department of Redundancy Department Department

Because you were being redundantly redundant, twice.
Kind of disappointed you didn't get it.

I expect better from a namefag.

Bad Taste? No really?
Bad Idea? Oh fuck yes.
There is a reason Gamer didn't import Chara as a Scourge, despite the fact she would be MAGNIFICENT at it.

Different Exalt types have a different ratio of Essence to Motes. Also your "Virtues" and "Willpower" contribute to how much Essence you have.
Virtues being Valor, Temperance, Compassion, and Conviction on a scale of 1 to 5, 2 being normal human.
Willpower is 1-10, 5 being normal human.

Akagi comes to mind, since it's pretty much mundane.


Look Out He’s Got A Nose! - 200 cp, discount Silly
Officer, a nose is not a deadly weapon. It’s not even mildly dangerous. It’s not even accidentally dangerous. Unless you’re pinocchio. Anyways, you can now be taken seriously - maybe even deadly seriously - with a makeshift weapon. Nay, not even that. A mockery of a weapon. Put your hands in the air, I have a banana! Er, gun!

Is the infiniverse already taken by someone, or is it free?

Has this ever happened to you?

It depends on what you are. Solars get a whole lot of essence, Infernals end up with less than that, but more than gods.

Essence level determines how big your gas tank is. It's not actually a measure of motes since each level is different between exalts. Which is confusing since motes are essence, but not when the terminology is used like this.
There's other factors to mote pool as well like willpower and your virtues, not to mention charms that expand the pool.
You want to get those by the way. Motes might as well be your HP bar in Exalted since perfect defences are so important.

Isn't that the muskets of infinity or similar CYOA by Choice of Games?

is it any good?

I really don't think that has enough information for a jump.

Oh, alright, that works I guess. Thanks guys, this should help for the Infernals jump.

Here, this is the game's numbers


Search for "Essence Pools"

Sabers of infinity and then it's sequel, guns of infinity. Yes, it is. It's one of my favorite IPs, and is definitely worth the 5ish bucks they want for them. You could spend more than that at a freaking fast food place.
The wiki's too barren, yeah. But that's not my only resource. I just posted that because there are other infiniverses out there.

How do Exalts actually learn Charms? Is there a limit on how many they can know?

The wiki makes it seem like it's not even a complete game with how it mentions being a planned series and only having 49 pages.

I actually have Sabers of infinity, I just haven't gotten into it for whatever reason

Thanks Justice! So personal is the amount I can directly use, but what does peripheral mean in this context? It usually means on the edge of something, but that doesn't make much sense here.

I just finished the first game, never tough I would see it mentioned here

What's the difference in personal and peripheral?

Oh, but yeah this is the complete jump, I just barely managed to finish it before the stroke of midnight

Enjoy, erryone.

Digger if you keep producing jumps like this I might have to waifu you.

I can answer this one.
Peripheral Essence is 'loud', it more or less is immediately obvious to anyone that magickishit is at play
Personal Essence can be used without being easily detected

The wiki barren and has very little in it. The series isn't done, but the abilities of the cast aren't going to increase; it's a black powder low magic story, not shonen. Feel free to tell me there's not enough for a jump once you've played the games and read it's sprawling forum.
It's a good one, especially considering it's price.
We're terrible nerds here. There have been a few really obscure IPs flying through before, so why not one more?

Heck yeah grew up with this stuff. Cool to see the classic in the Chain if it get through but it looks nice to me.

Aren't I the greatest in the whole wide world?~

Personal motes are those you have total control over.
Peripheral motes is stuff you don't have quite as good a grip on. It works the same, but using it ignites your anima banner and you go all DBZ.
More motes means more of a lightshow, but you get benefits depending on your caste after a certain point.
Basically when you use peripheral motes everyone knows what you are and stealth is no longer an option.
Night castes can dampen it a little and there's charms to do the same, but they're not cost effective or very effective in the long run at all.

Depends on the exalt. Some learn through meditation, some just practice something repeatedly and learn a charm related to it, for Alchemicals Charms are physical things they attach to their body.
No limit except for Alchemicals.

Personal Motes are the ones stored in your body, Peripheral are the ones you can draw from the world around you in short-notice.
Your Anima stuff only activates from the use of Peripheral motes, otherwise they are mechanically the same.

Oh thanks. So there's no difference in the actual potency or what they can be used for, just how flashy and obvious it is?

So about the boosted Master Plan, does that mean we'll find ancient evils that didn't exist in the canon setting of a jump?

Though some charms that refill your Motes specify they they fill one specific pool first, but other than that no other differences.

Only in Forgotten Relams. And it was Mystra so her dying because I breathed to hard doesn't count.

You guys have been really helpful and awesome, and you have my thanks. In return, have this thing I found.

I have been temporarily freed of the shackles of the torturous, grinding, soul-consuming process that is the american education system

as such, process on the Sailor Moon jump will accelerate in speed and quality as I begin to reread the manga. Watching the entire anime, start to finish, would take too long.

No problem bro. I like helping people, and Exalted is a setting I love and love talking about, so win-win.

Good luck, Nika the Moth! Also if you could include a fanfiction "drawback" that'd be great. Canon companion option too, please.

Yeah. Peripheral is a bigger pool for that reason

Yeah. If it seems weird, try and remember stuff like anime filler or whatnot where things that existed apparently in the but never came up again and have no real relevance to the 'plot' as a whole
It works a lot better in settings where supernatural things are an existant thing, but in purely sci-fi places you'd probably find things like sealed evil AI or an immortal madman scientist if you want to roll it that way
Mundane worlds like GTA and Black Lagoon probably just directs you to very esoteric yet powerful individuals like cult leaders and the like
Still, if supernatural things EXIST as a whole(even if not the type you end up finding and enslaving) then you're way likely to find them

>I like helping people
That is justice.

If your tl;dr is almost as long as your regular point, you've missed the point of a tl;dr.

>no tails doll drawback
I'm not sure if I should be happy that I don't have to deal with it or sad that I can't.
I suppose there's always generic creepypasta

Yes you are! Surprise Digger, it was me! You were the real best girl the entire time!

Seriously thank you this made my night.

Make sure to watch the Abridged version too

I try? I know I can be a real asshole sometimes, and have fucked up ideas. But I try to help.

I know, I just remembered there was this whole "That's not justice" joke for a while, so I reversed it because I think you're a cool, helpful guy.


For those of you who took the 'pull guitars out of people's heads' perk in FLCL, what's the weirdest guitar you've come upon?

Have you ever pulled a guitar out of one of your favorite characters? What'd it look like?

I like that, it sounds cool. Now I kind of want to use it in Naruto to find that demon hydra thing from the fourth movie without having the movies be canon, thus removing anyone else who might have known about it. ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU.

>For those of you who took the 'pull guitars out of people's heads' perk in FLCL, what's the weirdest guitar you've come upon?
Now I want to pull the guitars of all 49 other Infernals.
And maybe the Third Circles.

Does something count as death when it only destroys your body and your soul is mobile and independent?

Can your soul still affect the physical world? Then you're golden.

Pretty sure that's the exact definition of death user.

Not if you have a perk for that. Otherwise, it's not any different from dying in a setting where you become a ghost after you die.

What do you mean? Can your soul possess other objects/people or regain a physical form?

For Bad Future and The Eaten Time do we get to go to the regular version of the setting for 10 years after fixing time?
I'd imagine it works kind of like that, but I'm curious especially about what happens if we take both.

Oh yeah! Forgot to mention.

How would you feel about an End Roll Gauntlet after I'm finished the Sailor Moon jump?

A Gauntlet based off the rpgmaker horror game, End Roll?

Basically, you have an extended sleep in a dream world of yours, populated by various npcs, canon characters, companions, and other people. These are just dream manifestations of those people and not actually them, though.

It's a journey largely filled with huge levels of symbolism as you work through any issues or hangups you had, and also there's symbolic enemies you fight that will help you work through your problems and suppressed trauma.

I mean that there's a point where your body basically just becomes a suit of armor/clothing for your soul. Like those regeneration perks that can restore your head, all they've really done is incapacitate you, if even.

So it's a Yume Nikki fangame?

So just a small announcement, after some brainstorming with AncillaAnon we decided to co-author a Civilization Beyond Earth Jump.

Already got an outline and it shouldn't take too long all things considered. If we're lucky we could have a christmas present for you guys.

Fingers crossed.

Sounds fun, though some people will naturally dislike that it's a gauntlet. I could definitely use it as part of my chain, something for my jumper to go through, maybe with a final choice between either staying a goofy saturday morning cartoon villain who actually helps the good guys or being a genuine villain and using my powers to threaten the worlds I visit.


Someone mentioned Mob Psycho 100 earlier and I'm looking at the IP itself, hadn't heard of it until now. Just from marathoning the Anime on Crunchyroll I gotta say it's pretty neat. Drop-In could be the Con-Man with a Heart of Gold. Base ESPer off the golden boy and little brother. Have a spirit option cause they seemed neat. Then have a Psycho Meter (Mob) capstone booster how's that sound for a thing I just threw together.

Sounds awesome NikaMoth. Hope you can hit the tone right.

>Civilization Beyond Earth Jump.
Time to join Best Faction.
Purity/Superiority for Life.

Can companions buy items?

You're not making it any easier to stop waifuing you.

If you can fully fix time, yes, you get the normal jump

But you have to realize though that the two stack in a not good way

For one thing, every "present" and "good future" zone is now ALSO a bad future zone
and they each have the same situation as the bad future as seen in the drawback
That means an absolutely stupid amount of badniks, and multiple sets of Metal Warriors
as well as the full might of at least a dozen fully functioning Death Egg manufactories with EggRobos by the hundreds

If you can get the time stone's mended it ALSO counts for ending the bad future
It's just
Gonna not be easy having a bunch of victorious eggmans at the height of their military might after you with little to no Freedom Fighter backup, at least for jumpers who haven't gotten some time and training under their belt

Sounds like fun.
Why is everything on fire, covered in vaguely tumorous material, or Metal, and why is it all growing so fast?

And you wonder why you're the thread's waifu why?

I'd rather you stop taking jumps until you can treat them seriously rather then 'throwing things together'. Your work so far has suffered noticeably when you just pick things up on a whim or try to force it through at high speed.

Not entirely! While they share the same themes and are part of the genre, End Roll is more about dealing and working through your guilt, and forcing yourself to confront your problems than than walking around looking at weird stuff. It's also more of a traditional RPG.

I don't want to spoil much about the game, but the protag is...basically someone who has a really big reason to be guilty of the actions he's done.

I have no idea why people keep waifuing me. I've only made four jumps. And two of those need updates.

Three once I have enough time to take up TopHatAlthalus's offer to image the Evo Search for Eden Jump

Well I was just pitching the idea to see what people would want with all the stuff that I'd thought of just in case someone wants to take the IP before me they'd have at least an idea. I'm not claiming it as it is. You are, however, right I have had some flaws appear from moving too fast.

That's pretty nuts, but it's nice that solving one solves the other.

I want basically everything in this jump but I was kind of worried about not being able to actually experience classic sonic at all if I went ham on the drawbacks.
Thanks for explaining, and great job on the jump.

Without spoiling too much,

The protag is a traumatized kid who did some really bad stuff because he had no idea how to cope with his trauma. The game is about him realizing that the way he's going about it is bad. The dream is showing him how badly he hurt others through his actions, and has him work through his issues, I believe. I haven't finished the game yet, admittedly

Well, End Roll as a setting isn't exactly jumpable but it seems like perfect Gauntlet material.

And that's a very interesting dilemma your jumper's going through. Good work thinking that up.

Awesome. That game has some really cool stuff in it. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. I'm guessing you'll work the Affinities into perk trees, somehow?

Will there be a 0cp option to import a civ from a previous jump?

was trying to figure out symbolic versions of Alice's Issues. The whole goddess of growth via consumption thing is starting to chip away at her sanity meter. I

Me and Ancilla are discussing how to handle them right now. Currently thinking that there will be a dual origin between Affinity and Focus. So you have scientific purists or militaristic harmony or whatever. We're just trying to figure out how to work the math and mechanics so the structure makes sense.

Wasn't really planning on it, but I can note it down to mull over.

Where can I get some one-ups?

As long as I can have all sorts of weird tech, I'll be happy. I'm definitely bringing Artificial Alloys to the jump so I can produce my own firaxite and floatstone. The electrical engineer in me salivates at the descriptions of their properties. Xenomass is nice, too, but magnetic monopoles are where the amazing stuff is at.

Super Mario, Universal Monsters, Creepypasta, Bayonetta, and others I can't think of right now.

It's not your jumps that made you cute Worm_user!
It's your heart

Here's a list of one-up (1-up) options in the chain. Wait, what? We have /how many/ one-up perks and items? More than twenty?

Skull Rebirth (Skull Man)
Extra Life (Scott Pilgrim)
1-up (Super Mario)
Mediumcore (Terraria)
Eternal (Creepypasta)
Blessing of Death (DC Occult WIP)
Tower of Naraka (Asura's Wrath)
Back From the Grave (Generic Universal Monsters)
A Bad Dream (Rust)
Down, Rebirth (Custom Robo)
Wakestone Shard (Dragon's Dogma)
Respawn (Killing Floor)
Jumper-grade Cortical Stack (Eclipse Phase)
NWoD Mortals (Purified)
Kisk Stone (Aion)
Divine Charm (Hero Union BBS)
Horcrux (Harry Potter)
God Tier (SBURB; conditional, unheroic or unjust death)
Self-Sacrifice(Disney Princess; conditional, risk life to save someone from something that would kill you)
Red Hot Shot (Bayonetta)
Enter the Gungeon (A Shot Through Time)
Save-scumming (Generic Dungeon Crawl)
Cortex Command (Backup Plan)
God Hand (Fate)

Skullman, Scott Pilgrim, Hero BBS, Terraria, Mario, Universal Monsters, Custom Robo, Rust, Sims, Tales of Symphonia, and Tales of Phantasia.
They've become increasingly common recently.

>Wasn't really planning on it, but I can note it down to mull over.
