>Pick an artist
>Pick three of your favorite pieces by them
Let me start out with a few classics as well as personal favorites.
>Pick an artist
>Pick three of your favorite pieces by them
Let me start out with a few classics as well as personal favorites.
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Chippy's 3 alara sisters
It was a hard choice between him and Ron Spencer.
Most of his cards would make bitchin' metal album covers.
I should probably add this one is a bit of a cheat as this artist literally has only 3 cards in the entire game, but goddamn are they great. It's a shame she never did more.
Lich's Mirror is fucking beautiful
I swear I thought Rakdos Shred-Freak was done by Raymond "spikes on everything" Swanland
My favourite artist is Seb McKinnon because he is one of the few current-era Magic artists that actually makes art in a heavily-stylised artstyle as opposed to attempts at photorealism
Aaaaand forgot to attach pic
He's one of my favorites too.
Funnily enough, some of my favorite pieces of his are very realistic, but the difference is they A) are still clearly drawings as opposed to strange photos but B) look actually realistic, not in terms of the actual picture, but of what is being depicted. No absurd swords, no armor ten times as big as humanly possible, but simple yet effective art.
no shit, i also was about to post seb. I never really looked at the artwork on cards until SoI prerelease and I pulled pic related. He is such a perfect fit for Innistrad. All of his artwork feels so... cold? River trawler gives me fucking chills.
What WoTC did to Quinton Hoover is a shameful tragedy.
If you don't think rk post is one of the greatest Magic artists ever, you're an idiot. I also could have done this with only black cards, but Lightning Angel has always been one of my favorite cards.
What'd they do?
Avatar of woe is one of my favorite cards. I love that art
good taste, my top three for him are Ichorid, Tamanoa, and Unmask
Abyssal Horror is probably nearly on that level but loses points because it never gets seen.
choked out his style
go look at the cards he's done, the most recent sets are unrecognizable
he wrote a letter begging wotc to let him do his style which many people loved
I don't understand why they've made such an effort to standardize the art, sure early wotc quality control maybe wasn't so good, but that's not a good enough excuse to try and exorcise any uniqueness if the quality is there
And the one he is infamous for
I really like his stained window style.
>No absurd swords, no armor ten times as big as humanly possible, but simple yet effective art.
Well to be fair his first published card literally had a humongous boobplate but I still like it
Just googled Richard Swanland, why does all his artwork look exactly the same...
remember to use scryfall.com for big ass scans
It's Raymond "Brown Spikes" Swanland, get it right.
Phil is 100% the best. Only matched by Kaja. Orcish Librarian comes to mind.
>Steve Argyle
Not even once
steve argyle waifus, best waifus
Look at those breasts man, why did they shrink with each new iteration though
wotc isn't happy with exposed breasts on main characters.
they don't have a problem putting basketball boobplates on chandra tho
Chippy's bretty gud. I especially love his art for the islands in Shards of Alara.
Argyle is hit or miss.
Folgios for life.
Swanland's version is better. Just saying.
I know exactly what you mean about the coldness. There's something very down-to-earth and... moribund? about his work.
Here's an interesting fact, the german name of Take Down is Herunterholen, which is a euphemism for jacking off.
It's not on a card yet, but Clint Clearly's new art for Candelabra of Tawnos looks fucking incredible.
Chris Rahn is the fucking man.
>Swanland's version is better. Just saying
De gustibus non est disputandum
the Swanland's bloodbraid looks like a grimdark generic angry bitch...also to much black in the paint and that light photoshop effect is bullshit....
as is (um)wichsen what originally meant to swat/knock something/someone down
I mean, yeah, its still stylized, but it still looks physically possible, a lot of the armor in this game is so wide that the boob plate on this piece would be the narrowest part of the plate.
Anyone else notice how the best artists tend to have 2 or 3 distinct styles? With Prescott you have your choice of soft similar colors and lots of curves, bright colors with curves and lines, or dull colors with lots of motion.
Very high contrast, i like it
>Candelabra of Tawnos
They... are reprinting this shit? You need only 1 mana to have infinite with a mana enchant on it, surely no?
We're not sure, but its on the reserved list so if it is it will be online only.
On the subject of powerful cards, has anyone else noticed Tedin is capable of creating works that don't have floating balls?
I don't care if he's a Nazi, those circles of protection were awesome.
That's kinda rk post's thing, his backgrounds are usually flat and muted but the subjects are really bright and with super defined edges. They pop.
He also never capitalizes his name on the cards.
Who /guay/ here?
Hamm, represent.
Mea quidem sententia est I can not into latin
Although I'll admit that I prefer Argyle's version in concept (portrait vs. RAWWWR ACTION SHOT) the anatomy and/or perspective is so bad in so many different ways that it ruins it completely.
Choo-Choo motherfucker!
Love me some Terese Nielson, but second favorite has to be Min Yum, shame most of his cards are shit
I don't care for the Foglios but that Goblin King is great and Coffin Queen is neat, too.
Svetlin Velinov's work just has this... TEXTURE, you know? Like you could use it in place of sandpaper.
This nigga got taste. The cover art for the 4e books was my introduction to being a fa/tg/uy, and it cemented my idea of "this is what fantasy should look like".
/guay/ reporting
I need to get those lands from C16
Anybody else here /Jacobson/?
Honestly the boob plate part looks tacked on, like someone in the art direction said "this is good and all but you this is a woman and women have boobs so where does the armor show boobs"
And then Seb just painted those on
Love me some Drew Tucker.
Murk dwellers had such cool art.
How to become MTG artist? You can send them your pic for example "Here this is my dragon if you like it pay $100" or you have to do all those corporation bullshit like having tons of portfolios and start as assistant and leveling utnil they finally allow to draw something for them?
You should put a request ticket in to Wizards directly desu famicon. That would probably be the best way to get a real answer to your question.
Also, do you have any art you've made? If so post please.
>multi million dollar company shouldn't treat art like a business, it should be about free love and communism.
Fuck off, hippy.
When did I write about free love and communism?
I recall watching a video of an MTG artist talking about portfolios, and I am pretty sure he mentioned that he sent them his portfolio and they deemed him worthy. He brought up specifically though, that your portfolio should show variation, don't just draw dudes in armor looking angry at big lizards, branch out a little.
>they finally allow to draw something for them
There's a snag there.
One cannot be an 'mtg artist'; at best they can be 'an artist that works a lot on mtg'. Much like other professions that work on commission, building a name for yourself is key because the commissioner needs assurance that they aren't paying for the labor of some unskilled peasant.
Now, what you're asking for is a bit different. Your goal is to be 'allowed' to make an mtg card, not to get paid for it. You can't send them random artwork because they want specific things; that's why they hire artists to do specific things. Your best chance to get your name in a card is to pack your best portfolio, hop on a plane to wotc hq and go 'hey big fan I want to draw a card for you for free, here's an indication of my skill level, can I draw a card for you please?'. Next best thing is to do this by email but unless you're renowned or have a very strong portfolio you'll be thrown in the spam bin.
Also who /peter mohrbacher/ here?
>Richard Kane Ferguson
I was a big fan of his more abstract cards. Part of that was no doubt that I played a lot of blue, and so saw Boomerang/Dissipate a lot. Part of that is certainly the bold use of colors, and the images being abstract enough that it requires a bit of looking to even follow what is going on.
/Scott M Fischer/ reporting
I fucking love this kiora
and this