What are the secrets or opinions you avoid talking about on Veeky Forums for fear of vitriolic reprisal?
I'll start: I really like rules-lite and/or narrative RPGs.
What are the secrets or opinions you avoid talking about on Veeky Forums for fear of vitriolic reprisal?
I'll start: I really like rules-lite and/or narrative RPGs.
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a regular game that I've basically lost interest in. They brought me into the group to be a secondary DM and do a bunch of the worldbuilding, but I'm bored with the game because it's Pathfinder and it sucks dick at high levels. And low levels. I just want to play another system, but everyone else is having fun. So I do it for them.
A number of years ago I did some writefaggotry that was very popular in the thread and I was quite proud of.
Every so often I peruse the screencap threads to see if the screencap shows up.
Sometimes it does.
I screencapped it myself and included some of the praise for reasons.
I still play in freeform RPs. In fact, it's really the only roleplaying I do nowadays.
I like Drowtales
>I haven't painted since 2000
>Haven't entered any painting competitions since 1995 (no national ones since like 1992).
>Lost all my models moving house
Most of the painting advice on TG is bollocks, washes are for people that can't shade and highlight properly. Airbrushes are great but a lot of people ruin good paint jobs by using them badly. It often looks more like the model was left out when you had decorators in than an intended effect.
I avoid talking about it because I don't have any competition level examples at the moment.
I'm drawn to tragic female characters and, if given the freedom to do so I would exclusively play women either running from something or with a death wish.
My prime non Veeky Forums roleplay character is a sue because I don't know how to create compelling characters.
I hate how one of my friends roleplays and how he can barely get along with other group members at times because he is socially autistic. He has an inferiority complex to top it off
I hate another one of my friends because if he's not leader he'll bitch and whine, one time he started saying "I guess I should just quit the campaign" and another time starting PvP over a small issue of who should be first in line. He also has a inferiority complex because the first guy is better at DMing
I would tell them both to stop it, but in the past when I told them in a more subtle way, they didn't listen and gave me some bullshit overblown reaction
I like quests and think they should be on Veeky Forums.
I have no issue with women in gaming as I'm a functioning adult
I have very little issue with the push for inclusiveness as it doesn't actually impact my life and seems to be some distant nonissue since the only time in ever encounter it is when autists on this site dredge up insane blog posts from Tumblr
I have no issue with class systems, dm fiat, not tracking xp, and casually using encumbrance rules
I firmly believe 95% of the 'issues' people post here (edgelords, how do I kick player x, help I've tried nothing and nothings changed) are specific to shitty teenagers since only them and terminal autists could possibly tolerate the kind of shit that apparently goes on in every other game group but mine
> I'm drawn to tragic female characters and, if given the freedom to do so I would exclusively play women either running from something or with a death wish.
You might just be me.
>I have no issue with women in gaming as I'm a functioning adult
>> I'm drawn to tragic female characters
Since we're on the topic of women, I love Role Reversal settings like Ooku.
Amazon rulership, 3-1 male to female ratios, vanadis and warmaidens everywhere, Athena floating around.
It's fun, especially if you play games with professional women.
I have never played Dungeon World and would quite like to
I also want to play Apocalypse World or MC it
I'm a total polack sexist and even I don't give a shit about the push for women in tabletop gaming. Tabletop gaming is great in that you can just take or leave stuff as you and your friends like.
I DM and don't track exp just levelling people up when they've achieved something or got to a secure resting spot after some encounters does for me and no one complains in my games.
I like dwarfs, dislike the way most elves are played and actually don't hate, avoid and sperg out about any game i find a flaw in.
In my most favorite rpg (warhammer fantasy 2e) i especially like the most hated part of the magic.
Also I play almost every week, sometimes twice a week, and don't just read the books. I also like collecting a lot of games and don't just play 3 things for everything.
The few games I've had fell apart because I was too lazy to GM.
I wrote a few fun RPG systems and never used them either.
I cosistently believe that I'm the best role player in any given group, and obviously my character must be the leader and the protagonist. Sometimes I am right, and it happens, but not always.
My DnD group is 7 people including me and the DM. Aside from us two, only one of the players actually knows how to role play. The rest of the bunch spout memes, forget plenty of info, metagame without even being aware (for example one of the party members is a noble, who was exiled by his brother whom for the time being is the minor evil guy. The moment we hit level three he said in character "I think it's time we take down my brother" ) one player does nothing but rollplays, the other can do nothing but spout memes and play edgelords. Another player is a minmaxing rogue. The noble player i mentioned talks in a forced deep voice that sounds autistic as sin, and doesn't understand the barest concepts of playing a character that isn't a mindless automaton. Because I make an attempt at roleplaying, the party has forced my character into being the leader, and follow him around like a group of dogs.
Let it be known that my character is a giant orc EK who is a complete genius, but has no wisdom, and even less charisma. He hates elves which there are three of in the party, and has to babysit the rest of the party whenever they're outside of combat.
I like my party outside of DnD, and the DM is a cool dude. But my party is slowly killing me.
And before it's asked, me, the DM, and the other roleplaying friend have tried so many times to try and get them to do anything, which always results in a few minutes of stilted dialogue before devolving into what I've described above.
I used to fulfill this role (because the other players were really bad), nowadays I prefer to step out of the spotlight and let other players have their shot at being the protagonist and pushing shit forward so that everyone can have fun/learn how to play properly.
>>mfw when entered an ongoing table and was put several levels behind with the task of being a not-revelant character.
>I DM and don't track exp just levelling people up when they've achieved something or got to a secure resting spot after some encounters does for me and no one complains in my games.
Thats how it should always be. I have never met a person that was against this. It fixes tedious bookkeeping and prevents the players from just seeing creatures as big bags of EXP. If I wanted to deal with that shit, I'd be playing WOW.
>avoid talking about on Veeky Forums for fear of vitriolic reprisal?
The beauty of Veeky Forums is that there is NOTHING I avoid talking about here. It's free speech heaven.
Unlike the real world, which is incredibly censorious and viciously punishes politically-incorrect opinions.
I'm extremely superficial, to the point where reskinning fantasy races like halflings and gnomes into something I enjoy takes me from hating them irrationally to really liking them.
I'm the guy who keeps suggesting to replace gnomes with gremlins.
I don't believe characters can be too special snowflake or too edgy. The only thing that matters is being convincing. Sell me on why your six winged heterochromatic catgirl has to taste the blood of orphans daily and curse like a sailor and I'll accept it.
When it lacks consistency that's the only time it's a problem for me.
I play Infinity and in 95% of cases I genuinely prefer the previous generation of model sculpts.
Try starting a thread about elves being okay and not necessarily for special snowflakes, or about 40k not being the objectively bestest tabletop game ever, or about which D&D edition is the best, then we'll talk.
I like D&D 4e
On that note:
>I've never met an elf player who was as turboautist as the stories here would have me think
>The proud cave scotsmen dwarves are stale and overdone as fuck
>I've never played a game of 40k in my life, I just like the setting
>Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved was an objectively better Pathfinder than Pathfinder and the only reason it's not the default 3.75 it's because of the author's inability to focus on a single project for any lenght of time
I DM partially because I love entertaining people and partially because I don't think I'm good enough to actually write fiction.
I view tabletop as primarily a source of entertainment, and, yes, like a video game, because games like D&D are the grandpappy to video RPGs.
I play DH first edition and have no intention of switching to the second one any time soon.
I wish to be the little girl.
OP didn't ask which topics were controversial, he asked what topics people were afraid of discussing.
I have no fear of discussing any of these things here and I think 5E is objectively the best D&D has ever been. The other things I don't give a shit about.
Ooh woo-ooh!
There is nothing fucking wrong with dnd. It's a game. If other people enjoy it leave them be.
I fucking hate dwarves. Hate hate hate. Mostly because of Veeky Forums. Also, there is nothing wrong with elves or tieflings. Dragon born are shit though.
Sick and tired of anons bitching about gw. That's all they do is bitch like a bunch of little girls. Deal with it or just shut up and walk away from it. So its not perfect, so what? It can still be fun to play, and the minis are still pretty good.
Play Apoclaypse world
Do not play dungeon world.
It's like how D&D is good but d20 modern,fucking sucks.
What about arcana unearthed?
Go back to your containment board
I wrote pic related
I actually intend to publish my homebrew setting one day, and believe it can suceed.
I'm good-looking
But also have depression and am overweight
If heres a 3-1 male ratio, why are the amazons fighting? That just sounds like women would be more precious and thus kept from fighting. Itd make more sense to have fighting women if the ratios were reversed.
What about it? Evolved is pretty much just the director's cut of Unearthed.
I've been tabletop gaming since the 1980s. I hate narratitive rules light non simulationist games. Gygaxian and a traditionalist.
I hate anime for the most part particularly the soap operaish girly faggot stuff with no mechs or guns. I hate the cringy fringe pale dorks with thier pagan shit, trench coats and minimal muscle mass.
I love going to GenCon every year but there are so many morbidly obese unbathed dorks there.
Furries are trash. Mutant animals are cool! I can't explain the difference very well after all both are illustrated representations of anthropomorphic animals but I know it when I see it.
Furries differentiate between anthros, beastfolks with a culture, and furries, porn fodder. I assume you mean anthros since they're much more tasteful and interesting.
Women fair poorly in pre industrial societies when it comes to combat. Female melee fighters particularly in a medieval world is a trope I can barely stomach.
Not a furry, don't know the difference between any of those terms. I like TMNT and GammaWorld style mutant animals but most of what I see on tg/ is noticeably NOT that.
I really want to play an ERP campaign, but I'm too nervous to look for one.
I've bought like 300-400 dollars worth of miniatures but I'm too scared to paint them because of fear of painting them badly, getting paint on my stuff, and accidentally inhaling paint and glue and get poisoned
>not wanting to die by using lead painting
whoa, what a pleb
That reminds me of my controversial opinion that I like to have (rare, but existence) female melee combatants that are just as effective as their male counterparts.
I've handwaved this for at least humans in my setting because they're not human on a biological level.
Why would you hide that? In my experience tg is super defensive of 4e
I enjoy the "Excuse me Commissar threads", especially how that one (I think it's one) user gets so anally annihilated over them.
I'll suck your dick if you find one
I've got 3 warhammer armies, but I have never played a full game of warhammer.
I don't enjoy the process of painting, but I do love admiring my finished models.
I think OSR is stupid. Video games do that sort of gameplay better than tabletop ever could, and the trend towards lighter, more character-driven, roleplay-centric stuff is simply people recognizing what PnP is good at and vidya can never replicate.
I'm pretty open about that though. The secret is that I can't shake the nagging suspicion that the whole thing is rooted in blind nostalgia and baseless elitism. That or you people are too autistic to roleplay well.
I've always wanted to run one but figured it would get too weird.
Besides, I usually PbP because my time is limited and I prefer to have time to think out my posts.
You give me a format and system and I'll think about it.
I agree on your second and third points. Hard.
I like playing every format of MTG and would like to see more people just enjoy the game instead of foretell doom with every new spoiler or policy change or banning. But I also endlessly shit post in every MTG thread I come across.
Except legacy general, those peoples' lives are one big shitpost, there's nothng I could add.
I've had a hand in nearly every thread that actually Gets Shit Done for about the past four months, usually by starting them.
Around 50% of the threads I make gain enough traction for a second thread. 1 out of every ten becomes big enough to gain a following.
I want Veeky Forums to be as creative as I know it can be.
Fucking planescape.
There is that one guy that starts a planescape thread every few weeks, but he's got a weird anime fetish that he can SEE turns other people off (not just myself), but keeps posting it anyway.
Destroys his own threads because all he does is recant his parroted knowledge of lore or his own house rules, and shoots down anything remotely interesting, then suggest something out of printed lore and exactly page number instead of an user's idea.
Can't he make separate threads about it anymore because eventually he shows up and start passively attacking people with is own opinions. Reasonable sure doesn't know he's doing it, but it still happens.
Guess it's more of a complain about one guy. But it's enough to make me give up on posting anything PS here on Veeky Forums.
I actually have no idea how one would go about playing one, I just think it would be hot
Hate to admit it, but neither did I. Closest I got was a condescending asshole who always played himself as an elf.
That's why you make them cave Jews
Same here. While people hate on the grim darkness, nothing really compares to the overall feeling of it.
Eh, never liked anything 3.PF myself. Tried it when I was young and never got into it becasue it had far to much shit you had to learn. Didn't get into PnP until 5e.
That system differences mean a hell of a lot less than having good group dynamics. Give me a good group with a shitty system any day over a group full of powergaming autists and turboretards.
I'll give a way more controversial opinion:
3.PF isn't THAT bad. It's heavily flawed and there's no reason to play it now that 5e exists (short of being too lazy to learn anything else), but it's basically functional. People just complain about it because at some point we all decided it was cool hate, so insecure twats all compete to see who can hate it the most in order to fit in. They're no different than the 12 year olds who go on Youtube and whine about pop music in the comments sections of Queen videos.
>12 year olds who go on Youtube and whine about pop music in the comments sections of Queen videos.
I hate these people so much. Because I was one of them
I am secretly aware that 99% of all awesome moments ever told on Veeky Forums related to roleplaying games are only there because of lies, or extreme GM fiat.
I am keeping this information to myself and tell you this only in extreme confidence. Use this information at your w-
I like the cypher system. Alot. That Numenera.
And every time I hear the top two complains about it --Which I will not repeat here, because that is not the point of this thread-- all I feel is shaking that user, and asking "Did you read the WHOLE book? Like ALL of the pages!? Because it feels like you didn't!"
And it triggers me so hard- thus I can't not post about it. I mean, not liking the system? Sure that's fine. The common complaints about it? Madness.
All of us were born in the wrong generation at some point, user.
Surprisingly deep comment.
A good campaign is close to being a soap opera.
Adventure is overrated.
Are you me? Pretty sure that animoo-PS autist is Shemeska or his twin brother, and man does he fucking ruin PS discussions here.
It's like trying to have a Forgotten Realms campaign with That Guy Who's Memorized Every FR Novel In Existence And Treats Them Like Religious Writs.
I have Virt's Email address.
Story is more important than combat. And stealth hasn't ever been good
Nobody wants it for anything.
>I have Virt's Email address
Who is Virt? I see this come up SO often.
I hope you're infrequently signing him up for shit, sometimes for free trials of actually useful things
I repost two screencaps that were made of my posts in the appropriate threads. I only mitigate the shame with the knowledge that I didn't samefag or cap it myself. Posting it is fine, right? Right?
virtualoptim. A shitposting faggot. Like a modern-day Lanced Jack or Spanish Flea, but without the avatarfagging. He's gone again now, didn't really stay around that long.
So more like a modern-day scaredofshadows?
I forgive you.
Well there's a name I haven't heard in ages. He still running the original flavor Veeky Forumsstation?
He didn't roleplay as a werewolf or anything though, just as a contrarian idiot.
He finally got banned, didn't he?
More like his constant battles with his psychological issues caused him to become disgusted with his behavior here and move on to do it somewhere else.
No but I think I remember seeing a "User was banned for this post"
What's wrong with pathfinder at high levels?
Over a year ago.
Not that user, but my own opinion and reason I moved on personally, is that it gets bloaty and overpowered fast.
I laughed
This gave me a good chuckle, thanks user. I forgot the exact post he was banned for
there was also this
Everyone feels that way, user.
The shit painted ones are he only way to learn. Besides, they're fun to look back at. I've got a blood angels tac squad with so many layers of paint on them you can barely tell what's what.
>implying the rest are any better
Fuck 5e desu. Its wearing the skin of old school d&d but with none of the heart or teeth of the originals. 2e og all the way
I don't even play Veeky Forums games
I really like dnd 3.5
I can usually make anything in it and add rules as I read new stuff that would seem cool in my setting
What the fuck? Did he actually post this?
>Using a voice modulator to express a serious opinion
Yep, that's the old master baiter at work. Can't even use his real voice when telling off people on the internet.
>Are you me?
I have no strong feelings about Skub one way or the other.
>All it has is downvotes
All of my laughs.
I played doom and cookies last night
it was okay
Randomly rolling up your character's stats is a worthless, outdated mechanic that has no place in modern RPG design. It results in an unbalanced party, minmaxers can't optimise properly, roleplayers can't always create the exact character they have in mind. You can layer on all kinds of additional rules and safety nets to try and get around these problems, but at that point, you might as well just use Points Buy and make things perfectly fair for everyone. The only advantage rolling has is it gives people who are rubbish at creating interesting characters some built-in strengths and weaknesses to hang a basic personality off of, but for everyone else, points-buy is an objectively better system.