How does one create an original fantasy setting that is both fun to play in and fun to create?
How does one create an original fantasy setting that is both fun to play in and fun to create?
I'll bite
Me too!
The simplest method is to examine what you've heard before, and make changes until it is something you have not heard before. All while researching different fantasy settings to make it fun for yourself.
Another way is how the ancient peoples did it, just look at natural forces and personify them to magic. You can have fun by learning about physics and stuff.
Stop giving a fuck about being "original", and instead make one that genuinely interests you.
But what if you don't even know what you like anymore?
What if original creative fiction is the only thing that interests us?
I mean, what you're saying is a little silly. "Choose between all these books you've read before to read again forever."
Then read more books,watch more movies, and play more games to see what you like.
Something that I enjoy is cold war like situations. It's peaceful between nations/people with tensions rising or people wanting shit to go down.
Because if it's not interesting or fun then who really cares?
>Then read more books,watch more movies, and play more games to see what you like.
But how could any of those have been made without at least some originality?
Most "original" settings come about because they're attached to a good story. The story gives weight to the setting's elements, and gets people emotionally invested in them.
You don't start by writing the setting. You start by writing a solid story, and building an original setting around it.
Originality is overrated. Just focus on telling good stories, in your own voice, and the originality will come on its own.
They took various sources of things that inspired them and put their own twist on them.
Avoid Veeky Forums like the plague.
So back to making the setting, are we doing this for a possible game or just an excuse to shit post?
If novelty is the only thing you like about a genre I don't think you like the genre in the first place.
Only a narcissist would dismiss a genre of fiction with literally hundreds of years worth of writing and assume they've already exhausted all the options that are 'new and original '
Tabletop game.
OP here- I basically want to make a high fantasy setting, a bit 'noblebright' if those thematic term are still relevant, but nothing too childish or lame. I have no experience with high fantasy though, nor much worldbuilidng, I need something to express my custom homebrew ruleset through that is enjoyable.
So I think top to bottom approach is best for world building. Figure out the major stuff then work on little details. Like kingdoms,monsters and what not.
Since its noble bright I assume we have our token human kingdom,dwarves and elves at the very least
'Childish'ness has no tie to genre. I would advise you step back and reevaluate what you actually want your game to be about since you apparently can't divorce your preconceived notions about specific settings from your own creative ideas
And yet novelty IS all I care about.
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of modifications to the row boat. Yet I may still prefer the invention of a motorboat to them all.
Reading many different versions of substantially the same thing is uninteresting. The anti-originality is often just corporate shilling to sell copy-pasted products.
I can practically guarantee you haven't actually consumed enough fantasy media to make those claims
>>I need something to express my custom homebrew ruleset.
>> I basically want to make a high fantasy setting
>> I have no experience with high fantasy though
How did you develop a custom homebrew ruleset for something you don't even know properly? ANyway, if you really did something solid there you could start to expand from that, for instance what are the mechanical rules for your magic system and what kind of fluff would support them, repeat the same steps with everything and you have a setting.
Do not be so dismissive, to get saturated of a genre is not all that hard, the point is that he probably got tired of most of storytelling devices commonly used in fiction/fantasy.
Of course I have. I have refined tastes in fantasy, something that was important before corporate advertising started pushing "subjectivity" and "non-criticism".
I can taste the acrid flavor of regurgitation very shortly into the research of a work, and know that the consumers' lack of taste for it has lead to great stagnation in games, anime, movies, books, etc.
But please feel free to regale me about how I cannot possibly have such an opinion about what I enjoy.
Can't tell if bait or serious
It's serious, but it's not really worth paying attention to.
Literally everyone who reads fantasy goes through their "man, I'm so sick of elves!" phase where they get needlessly offended by the basest of shared surface elements to an entire genre of works.
He'll grow out of it.
>that he probably got tired of most of storytelling devices commonly used in fiction/fantasy
Tell me user, was YOUR village destroyed by an evil warlord? Are YOU out for revenge?
Or are you an unreliable narrator who merely plots to obtain the throne of byzantium, I mean king's landing, I mean xianyang olympus where your father sleeps under the vizir's "medication"?
>And yet novelty IS all I care about.
spotted the postmodernist
>He'll grow out of it.
You know not of whom you speak. I am already dead. All the remains is a hatred as eternal as Hestia's flame, that no mortal man may stifle. I have come to the true belief that it is all crap, and I await the next generation of authors who like myself bathe themselves in contempt sufficient to drown out the dross of yesteryear.
Noble children to deliver us from the fetch quest and the vengeance quest. Who are apart from the dogma and tradition of the past. Who write FREE!
Stop worrying about whether or not Veeky Forums will judge your setting and just put stuff into it that you and your friends will think is cool.
Only ERP settings are as much fun to make as fun to be a part of.
would a hypno sissy erpg be original ?