Yo, fa/tg/uys, got any good stories of shit like this? I had a hard day at work and i want hear some stuff bout ordinary folk becoming heroes because by how my work is, i generally feel like some generic NPC in someones game.
Ordinary NPC's that end up being fucking awsome thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Expect a lot of made up nonsense
It isn't up to the NPCs to become awesome mega heroes
Its up to the players
An NPC becoming a badass is just the DM fellating himself
Well, an NPC could become a uber hero due to lucky fuckin rolls.
The most notable one that came to my mind is from a game almost 5 or 6 years back. It was an SRW game and in the midst of combat against the Wing Gundam, Custom GMs, and various others, one lone Zeon enemy mook managed to dodge, crush, and luck his way through till nearly the end. He died in the last two rounds, though we all agreed had he made it through we would have elevated him to name/face status.
My RT game had Jesus Ork (as he was named by the players), a random ork who, despite having pathetic agility, managed to dodge a player's shooting for 4 round before finally taking a meltagun shot to the chest and getting vaporised. Jesus Ork died for your sins.
There was also a random kabalite warrior that the PCs ended up recruiting after the rest of his squad got killed in a firefight (they took him captive to interrogate, and decided they could just hire him as their guide as he had no particular loyalty for his former boss), who got upgraded from faceless mook to named NPC, but never really did anything particularly badass.
What were the other PCs reaction to the hilarious rolls by the randork?
I once played a normal guy who was just incredibly lucky in Barbarians of Lemuria. My career path was Laborer(1)>Slave(1)>Scribe(1)>Merchant(1) and i constantly solved problems by just being a dude. I got the locals in a swamp village to give us shelter and food by offering to fix their bridge. I got the guards to let us into a palace by convincing them that something fishy was going on. I even once dragged our Axan barbarian out of harms way while our jungle hunter provided cover fire. It was comfy as fuck.
His name was Roy MacHanner, and held the fucking line. ;-;7
Well. About 2years ago my players had a quest to save some random backwater fishing village. They ended up giving one of the villagers a silver longsword they had looted sometime ago and took him with them to slay the local minor bbeg (they intended to use him as a bait). That villager actually managed to kill the bbeg's pet dragon wyrmling due to some lucky rolls, while the player were occupied in killing the bbeg. From that day onward the villager got the name Jonathan Silversword the dragon slayer. I later fluffed him begomin a hero in the world and some of his lifes stories have popped up in later campaign.
My wizard, Wilfred Wilson. He is a farmer, plain and simple. Has simple pleasures, likes all of his food plain.
One day, he found a monk lady holding a book on his property. He nursed her back to full health and she gave him the book she had. She decided to stay with me as she felt she owed me her life. She was a sun soul konk and one of the PCs.
It was a spellbook she stole from a dude who attacked her monastery. Wilfred spent some time looking at it and figured out how this shit works (20 int).
The story is that there was a war some years back, and I was trained by another player in our backstories to use farming implements as weapons. I kind of owed him a favor for that, and he came back and my favor to him was that he recruited me.
My character is physically fit with a strength and dex of 16, tough with a con of 14, smart with 20 int, but very oblivious and has a strange and off putting personality with a wis of 9 and a cha of 6.
When I roleplay this character, I talk in a monotone voice with random inflections in the words. I know that inflections are supposed to help portray emotion, but I can't figure out how I'm supposed to do it. On the trinkets table, I got an alabaster mask (found once again on my farm) and wear it constantly. The spell book I posses had a random assortment of spells in it chosen by the dm. I then went into the arcance tradition of the school most prominent in the book since it would make sense that those spells had the most influence on my character. So he is an abjuration wizard.
In combat, I am on the front lines because of how I was trained and that farmer strength and mentality makes me comfortable hitting things up close. My arcane ward protects me enough that I have never had to dip into my real hit points as it regains points with uses of spells from the abjuration school. Mirror image + blur or protection from good/evil has been a brutal combo for me to tank hits for the rest of the party.
Having fun playing a plain guy
Someone please dig up the tales of that Adept in a game of Dark Heresy that managed to get amazing luck and crit-gibbed a demon to death, and after countless adventures managed to become an Imperial saint.
Can't find it on 1d4chan wiki, maybe I'm using the wrong keywords.
So in world the PCs has been part of the military for five years. They had joined up with an old farmer after his family died due to the war (first his son, then his wife and daughter). Over that time period he rose after several great victories (along with the PCs).
These included:
>successful breaking of the siege on Korgut Mire
>miraculous snatch & grab operation of enemy high command intelligence
>defeating a force out of Denehein in the field outnumbered 2 to 1
These ere in part due to the PCs and in part due to the farmer bro. The PCs eventually began running the spy network/KGB where the farmer rose to a commander.
The PCs then found out some things and tried to betray the nation and convince farmer bro to come with them, he refused. They got into a fight. Due to lucky rolls Farmer bro killed two of the PCs and forced the other two to flee.
Here you go, the tale of the adept Grendel. Links to the archived thread on the bottom of the page.
It was a short lived RT game but I played a seneschal and had two attendents who we just called Dude A and Dude B.
later we just took to calling them Dudae and Dubi
In my very first session I ended up spending 6 rounds in one on one combat with a bandit while my friends killed his friends. In the end it was just the two of us swinging and missing each other (while on fire). I ended up just convincing him to surrender and he went on his way.
Then he came back several weeks later saying he owed us a life debt and would show up from time to time to help us out. In the end, my character became king and he became one of my generals.
Then he sacrificed his life by flying an airship into a dragon to save us.
>beefy shark man thug
>crit fails during first encounter so badly I ended up letting him go
>crit fails second encounter
>doesn't bother attacking the third time we meet
>marry him
In the wilds our party saves idiot farmers son thinks his grampas sword is magic artifact that can kill anything. Three sesions misses evry attack finally. Labds a hit crit roll insta kill. We can see dms rolls only ever manages to to hit when enemies are almost dead always enough tobfinesh them no evident dice tilting. We identify sword while dude sleeps no magic. From that point on we secretly enchanted his sword with something new in every town and eventualy bargained with a celestial to make it a for real artifact all without npc figuring it out
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I've always wanted to have one of those 'weaker than the party' DMPCs who can help the party occasionally but never steal the spotlight. You know, the kind of NPC that would charge to fight the BBEG and get killed for the sake of demonstrating how evil and grimdark the world is? If only I could figure out how to get my players together...or figure out how to DM without just having random ideas at 2AM and calling them 'setting notes.'
We had a tag along npc in on campaign. he was slightly annoying, fairly cowardly, but he was endearing.
Goddrick Goodard, a gnomish commoner of the 20th level. he had been blessed with long life by his mother, a powerful wizard and was over 400 years old, but had never ended up with any inkling of the power. She died in an experiment that ripped a hole into the astral plane around their home. nothing was left, otherwise he may have ended up fairly wealthy.
The only outstanding thing about him is that he had outstanding knowledge checks. He had a +4 int bonus which gave him 120 points spread across all skill checks. he literally added over 20 points to any skill check.
but that aside, he spent his entire life working dirt jobs. A stroke of luck allowed him to overhear our party whilst wandering and we drug him with us. He tended our camps, got a 1/20th cut of treasure and helped us whenever we needed help with research. He eventually became our lead librarian too. However, on our last adventure, the BBEG had managed to breech our stronghold defenses and we were making a win or lose stand. Our tank (the guy who literally played big brother to this gnome) was just about to go down, the rest of the party already down. This gnome, who we had trod over for years in game, rolled an initiative to step between the tank and the BBEG. He took the full force of the hit, allowing her an AOO, felling the BBEG.
While he lay dying, he just smiled and whispered something to her and died.
She never said what the gnome said, but she built a carin outside the stronghold for him and left it.
Goddrick helped save the land and our party.
We were a low lvl party and were getting ambushed on the road. Things were going badly and we had been pushed back and yet another part of the ambush showed behind us. In our panic we realized our horse tied to our cart was vulnerable.
Fearing the financial loss we couldnt afford of the horse and the lack of ability to pull our loot cart we try to fight our way back. But to slow and we see the horse over run. Shit shit shiiiiii..... What... Horse comes out not a scratch and triumphant on a pile of corpses . In fact the damn thing is so worked up we us it to flank the remaining.
Damn horse becomes the unofficial 5th member. Hell we keep dragging it into death and it keeps coming out. Honestly it was more effective then all of us combined.
We had a pc leave the group and he stole the horse on the way out sadly.
Had a bartender get his bar trashed by the BBEG and he just followed us the rest of the way after we riled him up.
BBEG had mind control out the asshole which he used to become a politician. The power only worked in such a way that would make people obsess over him rather than follow him.
Guy convinced a crowd who were mind controled into loving the BBEG during an inauguration to storm his evil castle to personally tell him how much they loved him.
They all ran into the BBEG while he was monologuing about his plan and the bartender called the guy out on his plan, convinced the crowd the BBEG did not love them back, and caused the fanfare to turn into a riot that executed the BBEG.
Once threw a single bandit at the party of level 5s as a joke encounter. They were eating dinner, he walked up to them, said hi, threw at knife at one of them. He crit.
Gunslinger pulls out rifle, crit fails, gun jams.
Fighter attacks, crit fail, hits the knifed party member, downs them.
2nd Fighter attacks, misses normally.
Bandit goes again, hits the gunslinger
Gunslinger charges with bayonet, misses
Fighter punches the bandit out with like, 7 damage.
Everyone is embarresed by the encounter. One of them ties the bandit up to his horse and intends to take him to the guards. We all forget about him and they wind up accidentally bringing him on their fate of the world quest. Once he knew the stakes, they convinced him to come with them. His name was Wile. E. Knifemen.
One time, we found a girl who had escaped indoctrination into some assassin temple. She led us back there, but we got ambushed. So this girl, who had -1 all stats, no levels or anything, this girl runs up and jumps on an assassin and grapples them. The rolls were open, and that assassin was grappled around and kept out of the fight until we'd cleaned up the rest.
Needless to say, my grappler character was impressed.
>Rogue Trader game
>Making an expedition on a new planet to find a lead on an ancient treasure.
>A series of terrible rolls take out most of the armsmen we brought with us.
>Reach the final showdown, only one armsman left, a traumatised rookie who was nearly eaten by an indigenous predator.
>Suddenly, the rolls turn around, and the armsman is kicking the ass of the Eldar rangers we've encountered.
>'Jimmy' is given fate points, and immediately promoted to Lieutenant.
>Accompanies us on every away mission from then on.
Fuck yeah Jimmy
Due to our DM fucking up and rolling off the wrong table, our halfling monk once opened up a trunk to find a Giant Badger sleeping inside. DM later told me that he just rolled with it, expecting the badger to die in the first fight we got into. But whatever, our monk got a mount. And the dice gods were with that motherfucker, because he seemed to crit on more than half of his attacks. Not the monk, the badger. Once got separated from the monk during an ambush by a goblin raiding party, managed to not only survive against a pair of dire wolves, but even wound up crushing one of their skulls.I would swear it was DM fiat but the rolls were in the open. Eventually we wound up decking that little shit out in mithral barding and having a druid Awaken him. His name was Bertram, and he was our War Badger. I miss that campaign. It was stupid, but fun.
The PCs were stuck in an gladiatorial arena in the Underdark thanks to some asshole Drow. The Drow released a bunch of kidnapped villagers into the arena with the NPCs and a bunch of starved/crazed animals (NPCs all lvl 1-2, animals lvl 3-8, PCs lvl 6) We tried to protect the villagers as best we could but a nondescript farmer got grappled by a sabertooth tiger and proceeded to dodge and crit the tiger two turns in a row, dropping it below half hp making it leg go and flee from the farmer. He ended up dying but we all got a kick out this young farm hand being like "LETS FUCKING DO THIS" as a huge CR 5 tiger pounces his ass.