How do you like your kobolds, Veeky Forums?
Or do you want cutebolds instead?
How do you like your kobolds, Veeky Forums?
Or do you want cutebolds instead?
I don't really know about the others, but I generally picture kobolds as wee lizard men.
Bumbling lizard-goblins. My own personal invention is that they are born of unfertilized dragon eggs, so any dragon lair will be just filled with the buggers either eking out a living stealing from or worshiping their parent dragon.
I like cutebolds, I'm sorry.
Short lizard man but without the sex change thing, makes 'em too much like sea cucumbers.
Like this.
So, simply because kobold threads always take a turn for the lewd, I was wondering: kobolds are, at least from 3e on, believed to be some kind of watered down strain of dragon, right? And both dragons and humans are known for being capable of mating with anything.
So, on that train of thought... if a human and a kobold did mate somehow, do you think such a union could produce offspring? If yes, what do you think the results would actually be?
...Actually, on that chain of thought, I remember there was this online comedy article describing various things that a kobold tribe might do in response to the PCs depredations. Two of the more silly options were "they switch their level of the dungeon with someone else's" and "they offer up their most beautiful kobold maiden as a kobold sacrifice to the terrible adventurers". Anyone know where that is?
Have something from my setting.
3ebolds were a mistake
That's a goblin, son. And a particularly ugly goblin at that. Give me draco-bolds any day; at least they're visually distinct from the damn goblinoids.
As a kind of goblin.
We have the lizard kobold, ratmen Kobold, cutebold, but what's the one in the back? The DA page doesn't give any information regarding pirraƱa mouth goblin.
That do be the original "kobold as another name for cave-dwelling clever goblin" kobold, mate.
Part of a caste-based society of dragons and dragon-like races, on the very bottom of course. More adapted to live on the surface, a bit smarter, and greedier for treasure than the DnD lore suggests.
What skaven does on this picture?
Weird blue-skinned goblins that are at home with poisons and metals.They're the smiths of goblin-kind, capable of working the goblin ores.
I think that's supposed to be a Japanese-style dog-kobold.
Japanese Kobolds
More like this.
Cute slightly dog but still lizard bold?
I wish he would do another rezzik adventure.
>shilling dogbolds this hard
I'm sorry no one likes your shitty goblin ripoff
yeah we fucking love kobolds!
You are all filthy gem lickers.
I want to play as a wizard or sorcerer kobold pretty bad. He'd be a little guy who's curious about outside of the dragon and the hoard. Maybe he was caught stealing books and somehow escaped to the outside world.
I had an idea for a kobold sorcerer once. Backstory being that he accidentally cast a light spell once, and from there became obsessed with light and the pursuit of it. I was going to have him dig out the eyes of everything he kills and eat them, in hopes of absorbing the ability to look into light without pain like the surface-dwellers do. Never got a chance to play him, though.
Yinglets are acceptable kobolds
As they were originally intended: reptilian/draconic. They were always supposed to be such, but the artist doing the illustration in 2e took the description literally and drew them as some kind of hybrid monstrosity.
I want the cutebold meme to die already.
fuck they're hot
Soviet or pic related.
Would you a very fancy lad?
Most of my kobolds are devout dragon worshipers who hope that, through honoring their dragon lords, they will be reincarnated as dragons themselves or given blessings by them and their deities.
They are normally the heralds of dragons and are eager do their bidding. Many people try to give kobolds a wide berth, unless they want to be taken up in the affairs of dragons.
The dragons in settings I run tend to be very much like ancient politicians and strategists, aiming to play the long-game on their fellows and manipulate lesser races to their will in the process. Kobolds who do their duty exceptionally well are gifted with draconic abilities ranging from wings to breath weapons to even being gifted a longer life span.
Behind almost every war or great change in the world is a dragon, or sometimes multiple. However, their reach would not be nearly as wide as it is without the devotion and servitude of their kobolds.
2ebolds suck.
1ebolds all the way!
I've been working on my own style of kobold.
With mixed results.
And I save everyone of them I find
Short and scaly monotremes with an oriental flavor.
Are there any kobolds that are based off of good dragons?
>That feel when someone is collecting your kobolds.
I have no words.
I guess I have to keep producing them now.
>tfw I have a reoccurring Kobold npc that keeps showing up in all of my campaigns
>tfw I just god done adding him to my current game too