What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>tcg without a global marketing campaign
Good luck bud

It's a japanese TCG. What the fuck do you think went wrong? This shit is to Veeky Forums what korean MMORPGs are to /v/

The makers could not balance it.

Speaking of, I haven't been paying attention to it recently. Did any of the Frozen Casket rulers turn out to be hideously overpowered like Dark Alice and Reflect/Refrain?

I don't even know. Most news sites stopped reporting on things. Apparently Gwiber turbo still exists and is T1.

It uses the name of a staple Magic Legacy card, to remind you of a tcg you could be playing that isn't in danger of falling into obscurity.

It's a CCG.

Unstoppable power creep that devolved into a gigantic clusterfuck of weird interactions without any rhyme, reason or balance

ReRe and other balance nonsense killed international competitive play, which was being fueled exclusively by player desire to play the game, and had almost 0 incentive to actually be played outside of "I like this game".

Apparently the game's been recovering, but I doubt it'll ever reclaim what little it had in NA. Which sucks because that means that W/S, possibly the WORST way to make "Weeb Bait The Card Game", will go unchecked.

>W/S, possibly the WORST way to make "Weeb Bait The Card Game"
Care to explain why it's the worst?

The balance is probably some of the worst I've ever seen in a card game, and I've played most of the ones on the NA market. Specific series have leaps and bounds of power compared to others, which is a BIG no-no when designing any crossover anything.

And I mean leaps and bounds. Kancolle structure decks with little to no modification could sweep fully customized decks of all the other series without even breaking a sweat. Tournaments in some areas are literally "Are you running Ship Girls? Am I running Ship Girls? Yes? No? I scoop to save us time."

It's the exact same game Bushiroad always makes.

>Balance Issues: R/R, Gwiber, Baha
>Secondary market issues: This was great for the players since the game was so cheap, but it removed the incentive for stores to carry much product

Damn shame, since I really liked the game mechanically and I personally liked the art (excluding the cringey vingolf series)

So, just natural power creep?

On top of all of this, the artwork is literally just ripping promo art and screenshots from the media (in many cases, not even HQ screenshots). Way to spit in the face of any collector looking for artwork of their favorite characters. Even the other Bushiroad games at least got the artwork going for them more often than not.

The mechanics aren't anything great. Many of the cards are essentially pack filler. The only real mechanical merit the game has is the system where you can damage yourself to draw harder at the start of your turn. It's a case of a neat mechanic in a shit game, though.

It crept too hard too fast, and cost too much for the speed. The average NA player is NOT going to buy in as if they were a brand-new player every other month. It's just not sustainable. YGO only gets away with churning out new decks ever 3-6 months because staples don't have to be re-purchased.


I played the VC video games, and the artstyle was kind of charming I think. However, the CG looks hideous on cardboard. It's still slightly better than the knights engage cards.

At least pic related was a super fun ruler tho

>We're doing Vingolf VC
>hmmm, there's alot of character in VC, which one should we put in it?
>fat pregnant lady
>fuck yes, fat pregnant lady

God that looks horrible.

This looks generic as fuck

>On top of all of this, the artwork is literally just ripping promo art
For WS, your mileage may vary depends on the series.
Persona series, disgaea and old idolmaster series have pretty climax cards. Dunno about new ones though.

They thought they could compete against MTG with waifu's when MTG already had the best waifu.

Why do people post that image of Elesh Norn? Not hating, just curious

Everybody gets butthurt when you bring up pricing incentives for stores.

>"Is Yugioh dead, if so, why is Yugioh dead?"
"Because FLGS' didn't want to maintain community health at a cost."

Wizard's Soul TCG when?

I want to fuck Piruruk

Yeah, look at all the initial butthurt comment on that tube video.

It is not magic.

>mfw I paid $300 for the UltraPro exclusive promo Pricia, box and playmat

>Dark Alice
She almost never showed tournament results except as a weird Riza head.

Charlotte is pretty big in a combo/control shell because 4x Riza 4x Melder broke the game and aggro can no longer exist.

YGO's not dead, though? Why do people claim this?

It got confirmed as THE best selling TCG worldwide, finally beating out it's western uncle that didn't want to be related to it. Wizards is probably STILL kicking themselves over telling Kaz to fuck off 20 years ago.

Konami makes retarded decisions, sure, but that's literally every card game, and even if competitive is retarded casual play is some of the best we've had in years.

>tfw seriously contemplated paying the 300 plus markup for that box
Dodged a bullet there.

I just sold the box itself for $100 for a friend's cube.

Doesn't make it hurt any less though.

I'm still a little butthurt on that to be honest. It's actually pretty decent art/playmat and they limited it to a 500 print run for a weeaboo convention in commiefornia.

It was supposed to be normally released at some future time but I don't think they ever did.

Are the promos any good? They look like alt-arts of the Pricia that was in her structure deck, but the image makes it hard to tell.

It comes with a couple boosters and a handful of random promos.

The main draw is the Pricia, which is in fact an alt-art of the Seven Kings Pricia.

If the game really is dying, then the box and playmat is the only valuable thing off it.

Although I like the box I was too afraid of damaging it to use it like I would any other carrying case.

The playmat is my favorite thing out of it though.

>It's just alt-art of a card you could get in a structure that you can only run one of anyway.
I don't understand collectorfags sometimes.

I don't know why you're so hung up on the precon, it originally came out in the SKotL expansion after all.

I probably like it for many of the same reasons I find expensive cars attractive.

>you can only run one of
Yeah and it's the face of your entire deck.

I just don't understand why you would want a more expensive card that offers no mechanical advantage over the less-expensive version. It's not like the cheaper versions are ugly or anything, either, so it just seems like something to do literally for the e-peen.

Sure you understand, it's premium.

Because it looks good.
Why do you think that people use playmats that aren't solid colors? They're a lot cheaper, they're just as functional, but you rarely see anybody with one.
Why do you think people bother with alt-arts or foils in general?

I bought 2 boxes from my LGS for $30 total, so there's that.

Granted, I bough a shit set (I hope, the cards were trash) so its possible the game is good. Probably gonna go down tomorrow and see if they're selling any more cheap shit.

Plus I know of one place back home that sells it, so who knows, I might embrace my inner weeb.

What exactly did you buy?

At $30 that sounds like a Vingolf release, which is less of a box and more of a sealed set.

At least I was able to get the Athena tiddy playmat and Athena is cheap enough to where I could buy some foils for maximum tiddy.


Yugioh article by Sun Tzu's only living disciple Patrick "I have a perfect hand, but end up outright losing the game because I didn’t fully read Magical Spring" Hoban.

Should explain some things.

>Implying I don't know Patrick "I haven't been able to so much as make top 16 in an 8-man tourney since the Releaser fiasco" Hoban.
>Implying he's even actually read The Art Of War
>Implying I'm even willing to give Amazing Ripoff Gags pageviews, let alone on Patrick "I ripped off an MtG player to sound cool about YGO" Hoban.

Hoban get the fuck off of Veeky Forums and go back to figuring out how to become relevant again.

To be fair, if you don't play yugioh, you probably don't know about Patrick Hoban

That's such a dumb comparison. The proxies make you less engaged because you might need to look up wordings and you need to remember what they're proxies for. Meanwhile, common versions of non-foiled cards have the wordings, have the artwork so you immediately know what card it is. So not only does this not prove that higher rarities make you more engaged, but it makes me question this fucker all together.
Not only that, but if proxies are allowed then we can assume it's just playtesting between two friends. The environment is going to be much different than if you're in a tournament with money on the line and non-proxies in your deck.

People don't listen to this guy do they?

He's only relevant to YGO players because of how infamously shit at the game he is while still posturing as if he comes home from every tournament like
>Oh Billingsworth, today's tournament was so dreadful.
>I took home all 17 gold medals, AND the silver medals too, but they made me give the bronze medals to some poor people.
>Why am I so cursed with skill at this card game?
>Woe is me, the most skilled player and deckbuilder in existence.

The Releaser fuck-up was the best thing that's happened to the "pro scene" in a long time, because it shut most of the ARGfags up.

There's no money on the line in YGO tournaments, but otherwise you're correct.

No, only retards listen to this guy. He has openly admitted on multiple occasions that he bends the rules to give him wins, but a public and on-camera event had the entire competitive scene get wise to his bullshit. Now he can't make so much as top 50 at a 10-man locals.

He's been spouting bullshit for years.

ARG had money prices.

>The Releaser
I want details. I'm not foreign to Yugioh, but I haven't followed any pro scene it may have had in years.

Yeah, until their golden boy fucked up and Konami C&D'd them for trying to make their own format.

I mean, they still probably have cash prizes, but ARG's lost a lot of their credibility.

as someone that just looked at the two just now, i would say the top one has slightly more detail if you actually pay attention. Its more... vivid? something like that.

Honestly, it's not much to tell. Hoban and some other guy were dueling in a YCS in the middle of Nekroz format, and they both agreed to side out their copies of Dijin Releaser of Rituals (a really contentious card at the time that eventually got banned). Hoban sided in a second copy he had, and used it to win the game and ultimately the match.

It's not illegal to do this, but everyone present agreed that it was a really shitty thing for him to do after making a show of solidarity with his opponent. Combined with previous allegations of cheating and other sly tricks he's admitted to in his ARG articles, and nobody is willing to give the fucker any slack anymore. ARG themselves even had their president announce publicly that they were pursuing allegations of cheating among ARG competitors not too long after the incident.

7 kings of the realm. These were boxes, not vingolf. I had no idea what was in the set but figured at that price not much could go wrong.

Sounds like you need to git gud.

I bet you also think Vanguard is entirely luck based.