Dead giants

I need pictures! Pictures of dead giants!
Dragons, monsters and even gods at some point die. What happens with their remains? They become an amazing part of the fantasy landscape!







Does Bionicle count?
Because the entire setting was a dead giant as I recall.


Sure, why not?










... But why build the city on the giants corpse...

Because they understand the advantage of building a city on high ground, just like EVERY OTHER CIVILIZATION THAT'S EVER EXISTED.

Somebody needs to post that page from Old Man Logan. You know the one.



But it's on metal, and probably a very strong and resistant metal. Not easy to work with at all.

Not to mention no vegetation will grow on it. Also a huge lack of nearby drinkable water for the population.

And there are normal hills and mountains on the background.

They purposefully cost to desecrate the giants corpse by building a city on it.

I hope it wakes up one day and kills them all.




That's not dead though.




sure it is



Here user.





Its not a issue if you got plumbing and pressured pipes.
Its a gigantic unproductive waste if you don't have that.
Water is a bitch after all


Maybe it's a giant inactive robot?


Thanks bro



























>Ahmed, we can't-
>Give me a moment
>It's a matter of logistics! It won't fit on th-
>Let me have this!

Okay now that would be horrifying

Telescope and probe technology finally advances sufficiently to get extremely high resolution photos of Saturn's rings, only to find that they're not made of stone. They're bone.

Life can be sustained inside that giant, there's a tree growing in one of the holes in the shoulder and there's roads leading into the arms and legs, suggesting there's an interior. Perhaps inside the giant is the machinery and shantytowns that keep the city above operating?



Great book. Still need to read the sequel.





Also my first tought. Some room of coming up with reasons though. Corpse has desirable magical properties or something.

What happened?


Everything that could went to shit.



Beat someone else's wife this time? Betty Ross?

Antman got shot


Man, that comic was weird.
"I'm going to defeat this apocalyptic interdimensional explosion by BEATING IT INTO SUBMISSION!"



god I love that movie



I like this one. Lot of potential stories there.
