Flyrants will be garbage next codex edition

Flyrants will be garbage next codex edition

>Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)!Wl5DAbCb!TYxZG4CgX_x-NJu7JBwbZQ!2tgBUTYI

>Older stuff in PDFs:!BxI1HSgI!0tKymKh9RZTzGpgIA5EyCg!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ

>As current as the FAQs get

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE CLOWNS):!wx4BiKhD!YhnAf1BqSmAB8dO6xDM56Q!c4pGAJDb

>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

Other urls found in this thread:

R8 my list?

++Chaos Space Marine CAD++
Typhus - 230

20 Plague Zombies - 90
20 Plague Zombies - 90
20 Plague Zombies - 90

+Lord of War+
Magnus - 650 [Warlord]
Void Shield Generator - 100

++Daemon CAD++
Herald of Tzeentch - 45
11 Blue Horrors - 55
11 Blue Horrors - 55
11 Blue Horrors - 55
11 Blue Horrors - 55
11 Blue Horrors - 55

++Heralds Anarchic++
Herald of Tzeentch - 45
Herald of Tzeentch - 45
Herald of Tzeentch - 45
Herald of Tzeentch - 45
Herald of Tzeentch - 45

Total: 1850

you're a big meme

Armageddon edition

Missing a Blue Horror unit/10

Tau cheeselord gets BTFO by World Eaters + daemonkin puppers + Cyclopia Cabal KHORNESTAR

Is that your Steel Legion army? Tell us about this game, how did it go?

It was a custom 16,000 point apocalypse scenario I wrote to try to make the game less of a superheavy slugfest and give lighter units more importance in the early game.

It was fun, but ran into some problems late when I realized it was impossible to make a reserves-based game on this scale - there just isn't enough room on the table edge for reserves to come in after a few turns.

As far as the narrative goes, it was effectively a draw. Orks and Imperium split the objectives 50/50, Imperium had the air Orks had the armor. We had to end it with two turns still to go before the store closed.


How much is a warp charge worth? Generally speaking, you can purchase them for 25 pts, but they come attached to tax units. So what kind of units should I be buying to get lots of warp charges?

sorry for ruining last thread
>Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms will have rending next edition
>>nothing else changes


It you want a psychic based army just commit to it. Every unit should be giving you warp charges or be something you are going to buff with warp charges.

could somebody provide the post where Reziel said about plastic SoB?

and the user who said he lost his job?

Statistically, Magnus's points in hydras (that is to say, 9 of the bloody things) should blow him out of the sky in a single turn (well, 6.75 wounds vs the 7 on his profile). Where you get 9 hydra models, or what you do with them afterwards, is your problem however.

I want to make an army that focuses on leadership. Slaaneshi psykers can give me a lot of good penalties for low leadership.

You could mass aircraft. They get full BS against air targets but aren't left looking retarded when the sky is clear.

Night Lord Decurion with Hellturkey formation and an allied Slaanesh Cycloptian cabal. Maybe throw in some Dark eldar or Harlequins.

It's a nice idea, but please bear in mind that the majority of armies in the game either have ATSKNF or Fearless.

Looks good. How long did the game take to play?

Forgive me if I am being stupid guys, but where does the game lay out what counts as a sonic weapon and what doesn't for Kakophoni formation bonuses?

And stuff like the new symphony of pain spell.

Like, I get the sonic blaster, blastmaster, and the doom siren, but what about the 'sonic' witch fires on the slaanesh discipline? We haven't been counting them as sonic weapons, but I wanna make sure we aren't shorting my mate.

from 11am until 10pm

>one-shot magnus with hellfrost
>everyone talking like this is the space wolves pulling off a stunning victory
>These are the fucking rules writers

So this is why chaos/orks are always shit

What's the of worshiping Khorne? The other Gods give all sorts of superpowers while he only seems to make you angry and retarded.

Sonic weapons are Sonic Blasters, Blastmasters and Doom Sirens.

>Tsons about to be tabled t3
>b-buy our stuff, they're good

Kakophoni formation doesn't include a psyker anyway, I thought.

its a core choice for the new rapture battalion for emperors children, and you can take lords of the legion to get sorcs

I think that is the thing about worshipping khorne that is really unique from the other gods. 'Zerks are really just there for the glory.

Only the Kakophoni get the sonic weapons bonuses though, right?

Khorne's blessing is essentially supernatural martial skill. You worship Khorne if you want to be the warriorest warrior who ever warriored.

Yes. But who cares?

Fearless and atsknf don't make people immune to leadership debuffs do they?

I was in the restroom when that happened. What exactly happened? How did that guy roll to get him killed?

I just had the following conversation with my Wife

You know that Games Workshop stuff you were gonna get me for Christmas
Did you get it yet?
>No, this weekend
Don't bother

I asked Santa for some 1KS... never fucking mind

That should happen if you take Magnus and he gets owned.

It has about 5% chance to remove him from play.
Twitch is spamming cancer in response

Khorne works a little like Crom in Conan - he values individual strength and expects his followers to rely on themselves and not him. He still has a few boons he offers though, like weapons and artifacts that help limit sorcerors to even the playing field.

He also makes you angry. Like, REALLY fucking angry.

Critical thinking isn't one of your strong points is it?

Well at least it's lore accurate

Did the thousand wrongs player not fly magnus?

The flying wolfbus scored a lucky wound with his Helfrost Cannon and Magnus rolled a 6 on his toughness test. All told that was about a 3.5% chance of happening.

Fucks sake, guys, we wanted to demonstrate their shitty rules writing and we managed to do it in the opposite direction, and the guy who wrote Magnus' rules is just as happy as the rest.

Are you allowed to take the GSC formations outside of the Cult Insurrection Detachment?

I want to run Tyranids with GSC allies (As I don't' have enough of the latter to run them as an army on their own) and was planning on taking the Subterranean Assault formation. However, I'm not sure if you're allowed to take it outside of the Cult Insurrection.

This is probably a stupid question, but I'm new to formations and stuff.

twitch / warhammer

Thousand Sons gonna get tabled before turn 3, lol

Chaos remains fucking garbage compared to the favoured Sons

Well, now we know how to kill magnus

as long as its not primary
and you dont get the bonuses from the decurion
you just get the formation rules

Wonder if the dice are loaded just to prove a point.

I wish to see the most broken and OP armies vs the shitties one. See how the fuck they can defend that bullshit.

The fucking damage control by the commentators

>H-Haha... le Dice Gods
>Magnus dying in one shot is why I play this game!
>T-This should be FAQ'd hahah...
>H-Haha #Ikilledmagnus h-haha

7th edition summed up in a single fucking game.

Theyre literally talking about how magnus is the only good thing about the Tsons

Why did a Wolf fag write Tsons rules again?

Yeah, I just found in the epub where it lays them out in the armory.



Everyone demand an orks vs eldar bat rep

That's what I figured, thanks!


One of the silliest things I've seen in a GSC list is running 2 First Curse formations at once, one from the Insurrection, one standalone, and the Broodlords join the Genestealer units from opposing formations so both are Shrouded on Turn 1.

Now the game is over, with the Thousand Sons being wiped out in Turn 3, they're just memeing and talking about shit...

fuck me

Imperial Agent SoB no allies or Ork no allies bs Eldar Jetbike scatter laser spam or Wraithknights

>not having faith in the emperor
Heretic primarch ID'ed by a flying bus.

Tratior legions status: BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

What? Can I get a quote?

R8 no h8
Lord goes with bikes and run in the center to buff cultists. Priest goes with a cultist unit that doesn't infiltrate and move fast with mindveil to buff them.
Should I change the lord wargear?
Add flamers to cultists?

Also any ideas for a lord on bike conversion? I don't like the regular bike models

Decimus, Prophet of the Night Lords - 225 pts

WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD10 SV 2+/4++

Warlord Trait:

* One With The Shadows (Re-roll Cover Saves)


* Bolt Pistol
* Frag Grenades
* Krak Grenades
* Malcharion's Bolter (Range: 24", S: 4, AP: 4, Assault 2, Twin-linked)
* Stormbolt Plate (2+ Armour Save and +1 to Cover Saves)
* The Blade of Angels (Melee, S: User +1, AP: 3, Master-crafted, Rending, Shred, Two-handed)

Special Rules:

* Fear
* Fearless
* Navigator Blood (Can re-roll Perils of the Warp)
* Night Vision
* Precognition (like Sigil of Corruption)
* Psyker Lvl 2 (only Divination)
* Seer (like a Spell Familiar and casts Divination powers on a 3+)
* Stealth
* Veteran of the Long War


I dropped Champion of Chaos because I think it's Night Lords fluff rape.

Due to my calculations this Character and his Wargear is worth about 270-280 pts but can't be more expensive then
Abbadon can we? So I settled for a (fair?) 225 pts. Willing to go higher but compared to other "canon" Lords I think it's fair.
He's got normal Chaos Lord stats with great Sorcerous abilities and nifty wargear. But still I'd probably keep him out of combat
and rather cast Divination spells, so the cool sword is often wasted.

My goal here is to create a character faithfull to the fluff, not OP for the sake of it and accepted by most non-sperglords.

Tell me what you think. I'm in the process of building him and want to bask in Veeky Forumss wisdom.

Always happy for feedback.

>we want a battle of the speediest!
>Ork kult of speed vs a fast eldar force
>Boyz in trukks and bikes vs scatbikes

The guy who wrote the Space Wolf Dex is literally saying he writes rules that only work on "ridiculous sixes" because he hates rolling ones on 2+ saves.

Hell, I like fun rules as much as the next guy, but that's a bit much.

Pretty sure that dude from WarhammerTV said that

Oops, my bad. My memory is a bit shoddy.

>chat memeing like the game isn't already over
>A-Ahriman can still turn the game around!
#internet references

This is awful, watching this I hoped they would balk at their own shit but instead they're just rolling around in it.

I dunno if Helfrost itself is the problem so much as how prolific it is. If it were only on a handful of weapon options it wouldn't be so bad but when you can mount them on a flying troop transport's scatter gun it gets a little retarded.

Aye. My Skitarii have something similar (Init test, but otherwise identical) as a relic CCW that has no AP and is S6 at most, and I've found that nice and balanced.
The wolves have it as a special weapon at range on S8AP1 weaponry that can be on flyers.

Fucking hell... they've forgotten a key point of the scenario...

Sorcerers are supposed to explode and they forgot.

This is so shoddy, SO shoddy

Do space furries counter space wizards?




I'm not sure if they were running Death from the Skies, so the wolf bus could hit Magnus normally.

That's what happens when you take a 650 point model to a 1850 point game and lose it to random chance.
Now what would have happened if instead there had been 650 more points of terminators/rubric marines/Tzaangors?

11 flame templates and 11 large blast

Khorne smiled upon this day.

>what an amazing game!
>well, to everyone who was saying magnus was overpowered I think you have your answer!
>but that's what's cool about warhammer, the sheer, awesome, randomness!

He still would have lost because 650 points more of terminators is like 10?

I have a sneaking suspicion that they told the guy to not use the stuff like Gaze of Magnus.
I mean, the Helfrost was insane, but he could have put several D shots into Grimnar and didnt.


>This is why I play Warhammer LOL

>What a great game!

Brand new gleaming army DECIMATED, TABLED before the end of Turn 3.

Just imagine if this actually damaged their sales.

fucking hell

On the bright side, the narrative game with Ultramarines vs. Genestealer Cults was much better.

Who won? I didn't bother watching past XENO BEASTS

Please tell me they didn't say this.


Lord on a Demonic cyborg-horse? WHFB Chaos Knight models are pretty nice.

I think I've already replied to you yesterday, but I'd swap the Helbrute for Havocs w Autocannons and run the Dark Apostle naked, attached to the Havocs. He doesn't get Infiltrate anyhow, a Helbrute without formation bonuses is meh, while Havocs can put out some long range firepower. And I'd give Plasma to the Chosen, while Melta (and combi meltas) to the vanilla CSM.

They said

>What an amazing game
>This is really going to upset anyone who purchased Magnus
>Magnus isn't overpowered
>This is why I play Warhammer for moments like this
>Wasn't this amazing
>The Dice Gods were cruel!!!!!

Veteran of the Long War seems a bit odd, given his age fluff-wise, but I guess it's compulsory if you want to use the NL traitor legion stuff.

It's fine if you don't plan on the Lord to do much else except buff, and I'm not sure how much good the Helbrute will do you but I get it he's a tax. Overall list looks okay.

Consider running Lost and the Damned with Typhus somewhere in the future, turn all those respawning cultists into plague zombies

>In an alpha legion decurion

Even the rule designers and studio staff are waacfag cancer cunts

>I almost bought 12 Assassins
>4 Culexus

>I exclusively play 7 droppod SpaceWolves turn 1 deployment zone

What exactly is your point? What damage is being controlled?

If anything, GW is just confirming the game is better played casually and for narrative purposes than it is for WAAC

well he is Alpharius

Veronica, You glorious Bitch

No. Very unlucky dice does. Thats the inevitable consequence when your thing is being expensive and having rerolls.

Reposting from the previous thread. Updated my Black Crusade army to Word Bearers. Let me know your thoughts?

++Word Bearers Grand Host [Primary]++
+Chaos Warband+
Sorcerer of Nurgle on Palanquin w/ Force Axe, ML 3, Malefic Tome - 190 [Warlord]
Tzeentch Lord on Disc w/ Lightning Claw/Powerfist, Aura of Dark Glory, Scrolls of Magnus and Spell Familiar - 235

5 CSM, Meltagun and Combi-Melta Champ - 95
-Rhino w/ Dirge Caster and Havoc Launcher - 52
5 CSM, Meltagun and Combi-Melta Champ - 95
-Rhino w/ Dirge Caster and Havoc Launcher - 52

3 Terminators w/ Combi-Plasma and Power Axe - 112
3 Terminators w/ Combi-Plasma and Power Axe - 112

3 Bikers of Slaanesh w/ 2 Bike-Mounted Meltaguns and Champ w/ Lance - 111
3 Bikers of Slaanesh w/ 2 Bike-Mounted Meltaguns and Champ w/ Lance - 111

Helbrute w/ Multimelta - 100

3 Spawn - 90

Helbrute w/ Multimelta - 100
15 Cultists - 70
15 Cultists - 70

++Daemon CAD++
Disc Herald of Tzeentch w/ ML 2 Paradox, and Exalted Locus of Conjuration - 145
11 Blue Horrors - 55
11 Blue Horrors - 55

Total: 1850

Everything is Word Bearers. My Sorcerer joins a cultist bunker, and my Lord either joins another Cultist unit or the Spawn; the HQs grant Obsec and Crusader, and the Sorcerer can either summon or buff. The Lord took Scrolls so he could be a "backup" Psyker, and I find the spell lottery is fun. I might just drop it for more Spawn though, but meh.

Everything else is MSU and summoning as a means to provide attrition.

What's more fun? Playing a shooty army or playing a stabby army?

Eeeeh he might break a vehicle or two. Power fist always comes handy if you are near the enemy
Other guy
Wouldn't I have more chance of buffing the cultists if I brought two characters in the front?
Hope to get the buff warlord trait too... cultists with furious charge, zealot and 6+ fnp? Yes please!

Oh fuck that's BRILLIANT.

Time to finish my purestrains.


>Play shooty army, sit in one place and dont move, shoot until enemy is dead

>Play choppy army, run towards static gunline and get shot to death and lose

So the best option is to play a shooty stabby army?

But what would constitute this "martial skill"? Speed? Strenght? Resilience? All those are already covered by the other gods.

I think it's pretty obvious what he meant.

They stopped talking about the game and just started chatting shit.

They stopped talking about the game because the shitty rules meant their new army of the Month got tabled before the end of Turn 3.

It went from a Battle Report to dank memes to avoid the subject matter