MTG January ban list predictions/wishlist?
MTG January ban list predictions/wishlist?
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is banned.
Emrakul, the Promised End is banned.
Gitaxian Probe is banned.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned
Doubling Season is banned.
Actual predictions:
No changes to any format.
Realistically speaking, no changes to any format.
No changes
Meme list:
Treasure Cruise is banned in Frontier
Dig Through Time is banned in Frontier
Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy is banned in Frontier
Join us for the new and innovative Frontier Format in Pro Tour: Hour of Devastation(tm)!
God please just kill Gideon and Emrakul already, please WoTC
Wish list for modern
>gitaxian probe banned
>a piece from dredge banned
>bloodbraid elf unbanned
>jace tms unbanned
>Things I lost to and need banned to protect me: The wishlists
referring to modern, this.
maybe only Splinter twin but is a guilty pleasure
>doubling season
I fucking wish... it's just going to get more expensive as fancy walkers are released with better support. Then again, wizards might pack it into a premium jacetice league product and charge a thousand bucks for it.
a BBE unban also means ancestral goes back on the ban list. WotC is terrified of temur cascade being OP.
Glistener Elf, Inkmoth Nexus, Lilliana of the Veil, Tarmogoyf, Collected Company, Voice of Resurgence, Nobel Hierarch, Emrakrul Eons Torn, Thought Seize, Fetch lands
Kinda kills the whole premise of a "casual format".
EDH is dying in my area because of how fucking OP Atraxa Superfriends is.
Is your meta too lazy to play Zur or even reanimate thief of blood? Atraxa never struck me as particularly outstanding, but I can see how you can slot in a few fetches and doubling season then go to town.
Elf and Inkmoth: one or the other
Lili, Thoughtseize, and Goyf: No. Jund isn't anywhere near banworthy right now.
CoCo, Voice, Noble: lol why?
Emrakul: ....I guess a pre-emptive hit to Oath of Ajani.dek? Pretty sure it's just another hype meme, it's just Eldritch Evolution mania all over again.
Fetches: Go play Frontier, kid.
$$$Jund$$$ isn't banworthy. Podless, Albino Twin, and Grishoalsack arent even good. And why the fuck would you hit a mana dork??? Seriously?
These bans aren't intended to hurt specific decks, it is to remove really broken cards from the format. It's to lower the over all power level of modern. I think it would be healthier of modern didn't have so many "auto includes" for each color when it came to deck building.
Except Fetches. That's mainly because they allow decks to spread themselves thin into a bunch of colors to get the best value from each. The intent of banning fetches is to make wider mana bases less stable, as currently the only real punish to this deck building strategy is blood moon, which only allows red decks to reasonably hose high color variation decks.
The only deck I think that needs a real hit to it in modern is Dredge atm, but I don't know the deck well enough to name a specific card without just crippling the deck. I still somewhat hold the stance that dredge loses to proper side boarding though so I think we just need to wait a bit and it will probably die down.
See, its really hard for anyone to take you seriously when you talk about "broken" cards but give no criteria for what qualifies something as broken. It just leads everyone to understand "these are cards that user doesn't like for arbitrary reasons and without saying them he's called cards broken." You can't just randomly ban cards outside of their contexts without considering their impact on the deck formats they are part of. You can't, for instance, ban Inkmoth or Glistner and pretend its not a targeted ban against Infect. You can't ban Goyf and pretend its not a targeted ban against Zoo. If you just willy nilly ban cards without context )or more likely, pretending to ignore context) you're just introducing bans for bans sake and not really fixing anything.
I'd like Simian Spirit Guide to go the fuck away, but it's not happening.
Stoneforge Mystic is unbanned.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned.
Mind Twist is unbanned.
Actual Predictions:
No changes to any format.
Not to mentioned he banned important cards from tier 2 decks, namely CoCo, Naya Zoo, and Jeskai Nahiri. He's probably just salty went 0-5 at his local Moden tournament and lost to the above 3 decks, as well as Jund and Infect, with his shitty ass brew.
Ancestral is worth losing to get back JTMS, BBE, and potentially SFM.
JtMS is too busted
>What I want
Gideon banned
Emrakul banned
Copter banned
No changes
Ponder unbanned
>What will actually happen
Fucking nothing
Standard: Hymn to Tourach and Strip Mine are banned.
Legacy: Fastbond and Strip Mine are banned.
Vintage: Fastbond is banned.
Ponder is banned? When did this happen? I played against ant yesterday and they cast it, wtf is going on
Copter isn't busted, the lack of decent removal in Standard is what makes it a problem. Just give WoTC a chance, for all we know AER could be bringing us better removal.
Gideon and Emrakul, on the other hand, need to go.
Wanna know why people get salty about Modern?
Because their shitty ass "Creatures: The Tappening" Standard "strategies" don't work in Modern.
gitaxian probe banned
simian spirit guide banned
dredge piece banned
BBE unbanned
JTMS unbanned
Splinter Twin unbanned
Entire format
Everyone is sick of people asking for lili/snap/damnation reprints, just let the format die so people can shut the fuck up about it
>other formats dont count
Speculator thug detected
All cards with Phyrexian mana are banned
Nothing will ever change, Wizards are afraid to do what's best and ban fucking Emrakul because they have zero backbone. Who cares if Emrakul makes every round go to time, right?
If doubling season is your top priority... it sounds like you're just frustrated by recent Atraxa flavor-of-the-month.
>Casual format
Casual format doesn't = low powered cards. It is "casual" because it isn't as consistent and efficient as formats like Modern. Even a precon deck can defeat someone swinging about some $2000 blinged-out thing. I see it any given EDH night.
Pic related is a pretty good summary.
That would be true if there was an item in Mario Kart that made you instantly cross the finish line.
Standard: Nothing
Modern: Some random card nobody actually plays banned.
Standard: Nothing
Modern: Nothing
Commander: Original dual lands banned.
Frontier: KTK, FRF, and DTK banned.
What did Fate ever do to you?
Mario kart is considered one of the beat racing games on the market both for casual and competitive play.
January is my birthday so I hope goyf gets banned so that I can buy all the copies I want for my casual playgroup. >:^)
Mario Kart is only considered a good competitive game when you literally remove everything fun from it just like Smash Bros. If it's not good on its own then it's simply not good.
I don't want anything banned I just want a 20 card sideboard. There's so many decks in modern right now that it's difficult to prepare for all of them.
tldr all the decks you cant afford?
theres fetches there too , what point are you trying to make>
Aetherworks Marvel can completely fuck off, I don't give a shit if it kills an entire deck. That card is absurdly retarded.
The following is all just opinion. I don't make my statements off any sense of experience or reason before for this issue I feel like I can't. I could be convinced otherwise.
I don't want a format where the best solution is upping the sideboard count to 20. Like, if you want a format where your sideboard options are always solid that's basically the Vintage metagame.
I like that Modern is fulfilling its purpose as Legacy-Lite in that you're just going to be blank to some decks. In that way you don't really feel like you picked a wrong deck so long as you pick one that is sufficiently strong. I understand the problem is that the strong decks feel like shit and for the most part I agree with that but I would rather we cut off the power levels at the waist like carpet banning all the benchmark cards to hell like Goyf, Hierarch/Birds of Paradise, Goblin Guide, and Bolt and completely dismantle Affinity and Infect. I own these cards/decks but I feel like they're setting the standard for card quality way too fucking high. I actually like Grim Flayer as a card because it just does a ton of shit, but I don't like cards like Goblin Guide. I am dreading the fact that when Infect comes back to Standard we are almost certainly going to get a 1-mana 0/1 with Infect and Prowess.
You're probably right. Honestly I don't enjoy filling a sideboard with hate cards that just shut down someone's entire deck. Stuff like blood Moon, graffigger's, and stony silence aren't fun to play with, or against. Resolving an "I win" on turn two isn't a great experience. At the same time it seems fair to use against decks that put all their eggs in one basket. My hope was that being able to consistently shut down these decks via sideboard tech would be enough to bump them to tier two. I'd rather decks like affinity and infect be considered "risky, fringe, all-in strategies" rather that format dominators. I don't want to take away someone's deck if that's how they like to play, but I don't like to see the format run by crazy unfair decks either.
Hmm didn't mean to respond to the aetherworks marvel post there
No one gives two shits about Standard.
Modern: Temur Battle Rage and/or Mutagenic Growth, all Dredge pieces, Ensnaring Bridge banned, JTMS unbanned.
Legacy: Counterbalance and/or Terminus banned.
EDH: Island
Affinity isn't a "risky all-in strategy", it's the most redundant and resilient aggro deck in the history of the game which has for obvious reasons trouble with Null Rod, which should have never been printed into Modern.
Neither is Infect, the deck plays a tempo game with intimidation factor and the potential for nut draws, no competent pilot ever tapped out for a Blighted Agent without protection when it's their only threat. Playing 12 threats and 8+ cards which read "your threat stays alive" more than they do "kill on turn 2" isn't all-in.
The true #yolo decks are Suicide Zoo and Kiln Fiend, which are viable only because there's no Twin to punish them and slow down after sideboarding to run Spellskite etc.
People already dedicate their sideboards to artifact hate, opening up more sideboard slots would make them add counters to other stuff as well, it wouldn't make any big impact on affinity.
>Everyone just generates blue with nonbasics
What was your plan? To stop people running Dandan and Gush?
>banning fucking bridge of all things
Hate that it stops you from tapping your creatures sideways?
8th edition is a crock of shit that should be relegated to Legacy and you know it. Too many cards from that set stop people playing Magic when they resolve.
Because non-creature combo doesn't exist in Modern's (lol Ad Nauseam and Storm), Ensnaring Bridge 95% of the time just reads win the game g1 and "you cannot win without drawing your artifact removal" in g2. Unlike Chalice and Moon it doesn't punish any particular playstyle but the entire field minus Lantern for trying to have wincons. It doesn't make for interesting gameplay or deck building decisions.
>Proliferating in your end step for 5 mana is strong
Joke's on you the only creatures in my standard deck are 4 Torrential Gearhulk.
Just run a dedicated planeswalker hate deck that directly counters atraxa superfriends. Just build a deck that Atraxa would only have a 1/20 chance of winning against.
Then you play it for a while, problem solved.
A really nasty enchantment prison deck used to dominate my area, lots of people started playing it too.
Then I made a W/B/G enchantment hate deck running about 20 sub 3CMC "destroy all enchantments cards", and loads of other hate like aura flux and aura thief, +10 low cmc counterspells.
After a while of me playing that deck against all the enchantment fags the meta stabilised again.
Nothing, I just think that if Frontier is going to survive it needs to become something other then Tarkir Constructed.
>I don't play abrut decay
You deserve to lose
>hurr everyone should play bgx
ITT: Pic related
All I want is for the EDH rules committee to ban Deadeye Navigator so we can see a chance of getting Prime Time, Sundering Titan, and Sylvan Primordial back.
He can't afford to pay 10 cents for a Glistner Elf? :)
>Implying Burn doesn't exist
>burn is combo
Perhaps you should euthanize yourself.
I never said it was combo. I said it doesn't lose to Bridge.
It does after Lantern has a setup (or just lands Witchbane Orb) since now 2/3 of the burn deck does nothing.
4 mana end step proliferate, lifelink, vigilance, flying.
>"casual format"
You deserve to lose for that.
Just play breya combo, or narset edh and stop complaining
>It's to lower the over all power level of modern.
Frontier awaits you scrub
Ban stuff until monocolor decks are viable in every color.
We have house ruled ban on dedeye for a few weeks and it made for a better game
Remove Emrakul please. A format that revolves mostly around who can mindslaver the opponent and ruin their board the worst is not fun to play or watch. With a new and really effective black board clear coming in the next set too things are looking bad for everything that isn't running the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
That or just print some FUCKING GRAVEYARD HATE.
>Vintage Balance unrestricted
A man can dream
Standard: Ban Gideon, Looter Scooter, Emrakul
Modern: Ban fetchlands
Legacy: Ban original duals
Vintage: Restrict original duals
That's the wishlist obviously. Realistically they're not going to do shit.
All of the standard ban idea have been wrong, with the exception of Emrakul.
There is nothing inherently wrong with gideon. The problem is lack of good removal. There is nothing inherently wrong with Copter. The problem is lack of good removal.
The best Gideon/Liliana hate card is in a fucking shit meme deck. And it isn't really that great of a card (Flamelash). The real bans should be Emrakul, Spell Queller and Liliana.
Delirium would still be a very good deck. Ishkanah has proven to be a FAIR card (albeit very powerful) that doesn't need a card like Liliana or Emrakul to be an all-star in whatever deck it is in. There is a lot of resiliency in delirium. Liliana is what makes the deck stupid. Liliana is what makes the deck so difficult to beat.
Emrakul is just too strong. Though, I'm thinking Disallow is going to be a 4 of in any deck, which might be just enough to stop Emrakul decks from rampaging.
Queller is what needs to go. Putting a counter on a 2/3 FLYER for 3cmc was absolutely stupid. Just fucking stupid. It would probably kill u/w flash, but that more or less proves my point.
>There is nothing inherently wrong with gideon or copter
Yes there is. They're both floating miles above the power level of the rest of the format. If you throw in artifact hate that's good enough to deal with Copter, you make all of Kaladesh's other artifacts fucking worthless as a side effect. Same applies to Giddy, though in his case I don't actually give a fuck if planeswalkers become dollar-bin useless through introduction of some card that completely shits on them. That'd be refreshing, seeing decks that don't run walkers for a change.
>You deserve to lose for that.
No. Fuck you. EDH is NOT a format for tryhard netdecking faglords. EVERY OTHER FORMAT IS YOURS. LEAVE THIS ONE ALONE.
Copter is useful and good. It does not break or warp the format.
Gideon can be answered. He's not easy to answer, and yeah probably deserves a ban. But Liliana/Queller/Emrakul are the real problems.
Who uses SSG?
I wish Land Destruction was viable in modern. Give me Sinkhole. Armageddon. Hell Winter Orb. Just something to lock someone down.
Play Blood Moon decks or lantern control if you don't want your opponent to have any fun
That's not really the same to me though.
And yeah, I've got Lantern Contrl plus I run Bloodmoon in my Affinity board. Just wish there were some decent land hosers besides Boil, Flashfire, and their ilk. Boom//Bust just ain't enough.
Jace, BBE, DRS, SFM, Jitte, Artifact Lands, Glimpse of Nature
Mother of Runes, Counterspell, Innocent Blood, Birchlore Rangers, Price of Progress
EDH is a fun casual format. Trying to play it competitively is stupid due to the cost (original duals) and the randomness that comes from 100 card singleton decks.
White (Soul Sisters), Blue (Mermaids), Black (8 rack), Red (burn), Green (infect). No bans needed, you can thank me later.
>Queller is what needs to go. Putting a counter on a 2/3 FLYER for 3cmc was absolutely stupid. Just fucking stupid. It would probably kill u/w flash, but that more or less proves my point.
I would weep tears of joy, but it will never happen.
>what is naya or og red burn
Or you know you could stop being butthurt about one of the few hoses in modern.
Deadeye is not fun however it has its deserved place. My beef with commander is Coalition victory and worldfire being banned both slot into decks that currently are not very strong in comparison to the respective tier of decks.
Do people really feel like Standard is at Cawblade level? Standard bans aren't things that happen very often.
It's not the prevalence of a deck, but the ubiquity of Emrakul.
Liliana isn't a problem. Gideon is the real power walker. Liliana is just a side bitch, and not even all that much better than the interchangeable red whores i.e, Chandra and Nahiri
NASCAR vs another NASCAR isn't even CLOSE to playing Magic (in any format). That implies every deck is nearly perfect in terms of balance with no bad matchups. Mario Kart would actually make more sense for every format.
Is modern meant to be legacy lite though?
I think that a lot of the problem of modern is that you don't have a lot of really strong universal answers.
I mean, for all the stuff you talk about "being blank to some decks", it's very rare that you have zero game against any given deck in legacy.I play Death and Taxes, and I have never ever felt just as helpless in legacy as when I used to play modern.
Legacy is probably a fairer format than modern is in its present state.
As for bans
Unban Jtms. Bbe, SFM.
Reprint Baleful Strix, Counterspell+Fow/Daze. Perhaps a version of Tec Edge that doesn't have the 4 or more restriction.
Unban Earthcraft
Emrakul needs to go in standard. The only way to beat it is to go under it, or play your own Emrakul. Gideon is annoying but you don't need to deal with a cast trigger.
>You want to balance Modern
>By printing Price of Progress in it, a card as one sided and game ending as Blood Moon, perhaps even more so considering Burn is already T1
Great fucking job numbnuts.
>Emrakul: ....I guess a pre-emptive hit to Oath of Ajani.dek?
What does Oath of Ajani and Emrakul have in common?
The problem I have with Deadeye is that it's an enabler to abuse every etb trigger ever for extremely cheap. If I remember correctly, the very reason things like Primordial and Sundering got banned was because of that very loop. Not to mention the infamous Palinchron/Drake combo.
Yeah, it costs 6 but packs a 5/5 body with it too and can save itself from targeted removal as well. I just think that if it was banned, we could see a chance of having things like Primevial Titan and Sundering Titan back.
Just play the based angel.
Waifu/10 but i prefer old sigarda