Veeky Forums let's make an imperial guard regiment, we haven't done that in a while.
Roll me 1d10, Please?
Veeky Forums let's make an imperial guard regiment, we haven't done that in a while.
Roll me 1d10, Please?
Rolled 1 (1d10)
We serve.
OP, you there?
Actual Imperial Guard. That's nice.
Here, I'll continue Creation until OP comes back.
Roll 1d100 for Recruitment Criteria.
We are a true regiment, Drilled and trained to fight the enemies of mankind! Hopefully.
1d100, for recruitment criteria.
I was out shitter
Rolled 77 (1d100)
Rolled 19 (1d100)
Dubs for reroll?
Gangers: They fought each other in the slums, now they fight a true enemy.
That's actually kinda cool, well, if we're mafia style gangsters.
This post mocks me.
Forgot Nature Of Recruitment.
Roll 1d10
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society.
Well shit, I mas hoping for elite tithe. well when life gives you lemons.
two 1d100s, first for home world, second for home world terrain.
Rolled 89, 35 = 124 (2d100)
For the Emperor!
Rolled 49, 12 = 61 (2d100)
Why isn't there a prison world option?
Jungle death world versus desert shrine world?
Who wins, first, dub dubs, or quads?
we are from a desert shrine world, cool.
Roll another 1d100.
name the planet, if you want to.
First wins
Rolled 39 (1d100)
Inb4 space Middle East
>desert homeworld
So what you're telling me is we're essentially Isis for the Emperor
Called it!
That tallarn
Light infantry. scouts, and guerrillas?
Roll 1d10, please?
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Please don't be shock and awe.
Shock, and awe... the dice gods are being dicks to you.
another 1d10, please?
>It's shock and awe
Allah Akbar!
If it's a 1 then I swear
Rolled 7 (1d10)
forgot dice
Rolled 6 (1d10)
bruh pls
Ork Infidels not wanted
Well it wasn't a 1. Kind of a shame actually.
Okay. That's... Fine... But still in line with ISIS.
Really, any but 10 would be in line with ISIS.
Undisciplined: Will follow the Emperor but don't expect them to bow to authority figures.
This Beautiful, and unexpected. 1d100, For special equipment
Rolled 46 (1d100)
I honestly don't know which one would fit our ISIS guard best.
come on distinctive fighting style.
Rolled 65 (1d100)
>inb4 scimitars, bombs, or planes
>Rare heavy weapon
What's the most ISIS big gun you can think of?
Rare heavy weapons. I was kinda hoping for this one.
Would you kindly, roll another 1d100.
Rolled 22 (1d100)
BORING. Somebody reroll this
Regiment Creed: For The Homeworld, Boring.
If someone else wants to reroll, go ahead.
No. Allahu Emprah, motherfucker.
The west side of the galaxy is too decadent and evil
you were hoping for 41-65, 76-80, 86-90, or 96-100 weren't you?
SAM's i guess.
Everyone okay with For The Homeworld?
Seems like it.
Gimme two 1d100s, one for enemies, one for Allies.
Maybe. It would be alright if it was IRA though.
Maybe something that lobs bombs?
Rolled 57, 39 = 96 (2d100)
They fly Valkyries into the enemy
Gonna point out that Tallarn's thing is being a bunch of different Muslim stereotypes, including ISIS.
Rolled 69 (1d100)
Rolled 9 (1d100)
wait wait wait, one try at a reroll for "For the home world" If i can get the dice to work
Eh, not much better.
Tallarn's thing is tanks.
damn it.
That's Mordian Iron Guard.
For the Homeworld is fate
>Ecclesiarchy and Eldar
Everything keeps lining up halal
The eclair hierarchy(Ecclesiarchy) are our friends, and dem darned Elfdar are our enemies.
That's still For The Homeworld, Buddy.
Mordian is infantry.
yes it is, hence
Well, we have Space ISIS. And I never thought /the/ would ever try it.
The Bakr Chosen Sons?
Does anyone want to create the eldar that we hate so much? Because I do.
I meant/tg/
>inb4 just western europe and america
Though it would be great if the eldar end up way worse than the ISIS implications
If you do want to make the eldar, a 1d10 would be most appreciated.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
these eldar were firs encountered, in the 38 millennium.
1d8 for Craftworld biome, please.
Rolled 1 (1d8)
This craft world Is a jungle. Okay, so far so fine.
1d10, For most popular path, Please.
I'll develop storage ISIS if nobody else does when I get back from work.
All right, matey.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Space ISIS
Path of Shaping: This Path, related to both the Paths of the Seer and the Artisan, trains Bonesingers, who are skilled at manipulating the psychically-reactive wraithbone that is the Eldar's primary construction material.
That's actually pretty cool, watch as these eldar are hippies, and Spehss ISIS just attacks them for no reason
1d10, please?
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Pls no I want space isis to have some redeeming qualities
>Attacking Eldar abominations for no reason
>Implying them being godless xenos isn't enough reason
You did note! Allahu Akbar!
Craft world military: Endangered
I, have no words.
1d8, please.
Rolled 7 (1d8)
Well fuck let's go all the way evil
Favored autarch tactic: shock and awe.
Well then, okay.
1d10, would be lovely.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
what would be cool? Jetbikes?
"Most Common" forces: aspect warriors
Roll me a d10 for said aspect warrior type.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Come on Banshees!
Dark reapers. ow the edge.
Roll 1d10 For Craft world hero.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Oh cool, no wonder ISIS hates them
Craft World hero: Spiritseer
Meh, Hoping for autarch.
1d8 for deed of said spiritseer.
Rolled 5 (1d8)
Rolled 5 (1d8)
Ameri-dar here we come
Lost in a Warp accident, only to reappear every now and then, haunting the enemy's champions and providing prescient (some would say supernatural...) advice to the Craftworld's leaders.
Cool, maybe this is why Spehss ISIS hasn't destoyed them yet, the spiritseer tells them when Spehss ISIS is gonna invade
1D8 for allies, and then 1d10 for enemies(besides spehss ISIS)
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d8 + 1)
Fuck wait, ignore that roll, I fucked it up
They are allies with Necrons? Fucking what.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
This has become full of fuck
Enemies (exepting spehss ISIS),Orks!
Should we do the 'Crons, or The Orks First?
Fuck it, 'Crons were rolled first we doin' 'em first.
roll me 1d10, please.
anybody there?
Can someone do a quick run-down of this?
*NAME PENDING* aka Space ISIS, is an imperial guard regiment specializing in Shock And Awe tactics, using a type of rare heavy weapon. they are undisciplined, preferring to do things individually, obviously causing a large amount of infighting. They have the ecclesiarchy on their backs, and they hate the nearby Hippy Eldar.
The hippy eldar have a tiny military, which makes all the stranger that they can repel Space ISIS's attacks. Said tiny military is mostly made of dark reapers. The eldar population prefer the Path of Shaping, Making Beautiful statues, or terrifying war machines.
They, somehow, are allied with necrons. And are routinely attacked by Orks, and the nearby imperial guard regiment.
Is that a good summarizing of what happened?
>rare weapon is whatever transport they can get stuffed with bombs and piloted by servitors with the order to ram enemy positions.