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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Adept edition
Favorite Use?
Favorite Powers?
Favorite Ware?

>Favorite Use?
Hacker adepts.

>Favorite Powers?
Commanding Voice.

>Favorite Ware?
Muscle Toner.

Yes, each of those are for very different flavors of adept.

Has anyone read Cutting Aces yet? I heard it had some info on Istanbul (now Constantinople). I'm running a game set there, so I'm looking forward to having some material to work off of.

Is a hacker adept actually competitive with a traditional hacker?

They're not just competitive, they blow them out of the fucking water with dice pools between 25% and 75% larger than a traditional hacker.

The Improve Ability power alone can get you an additional +6 to a hacking skill out of chargen, for example, for 3 PP - or +7 for 3.5 PP if you take the Exceptional Attribute (Magic) Quality.

I don't know about you, but +7 to my Hacking skill compared to the non-Adept version sounds pretty fucking great to me.

What happens if technomancer tries to put sprite in your cyberlimb?

Anything from extra dice whenever using it to critical glitches, depending on the type of Sprite.

Say its an enemy techno. Can they take control of it or brick it? How does a cyberlimb defend itself?

>Can they take control of it

>Brick it?
Yes. A Sprite using Electron Storm can brick a device.

>How does a cyberlimb defend itself?
Depends on the power used, but it will often boil down to "User Mental Attribute + Device Rating" or "Device Rating * 2" against the Sprite's dicepool.

So chummers, what's the DV for throwing a pair of human legs at somebody? (STR)P?

Bare Fleshy human legs?
Armour-Encased human legs?
Shiny Chrome legs?
Pelvic cradle attached or popped from the pelvis?

I mean I have no idea what the fuck I'd use personally, but I imagine context would help...

ignoring the reactionary responses the the main problem I see with this is that both decking and spellcasting are skill intensive and would stretch you very thin, it might work better in Karma build (5e).

>Favorite Use?

>Favorite Powers?
Traceless Walk

>Favorite Ware?
Datajack, Smartlink, fill to 1 Essence with Bioware

It's in the pastebin. There is about 50 pages on Constantinople, I have not read them though so can't telll you if they are any good.

There is a table for improvised weapons on page 22 of Run & Gun, but curiously Metahuman Body is not on it. I would say [STR)S, no way you're dealing Physical damage with that soft meat.

>Metahuman Body is not on it
I think they don't want to encourage "i take a motherfucker and beat another motherfucker with the first" kind of playstyles

4e Arsenal had Metahuman Body as Reach 1 Damage (BOD/2 +2)S

Boomerang, Power Throw, Hydraulic Jacks.

>There is a table for improvised weapons on page 22 of Run & Gun, but curiously Metahuman Body is not on it.

A very good point user. There is the entry from 4th Edition Arsenal, would that be a straight port over? (Not familiar with 5E)

That is almost the same value for determining how much cover a corpse provides.

>A very good point user. There is the entry from 4th Edition Arsenal, would that be a straight port over? (Not familiar with 5E)
Do they have some for each metahuman type? Cause I imagine a troll hits harder than a human does.

If you can throw a damn troll in the first place chummer.

From Arsenal -
>[...] offers a sampling of possible weapons and their potential effects. Gamesmasters can adjust these effects as appropriate and apply negative dice pool modifiers of up to -3 when the item is exceptionally clumsy.

I imagine +1/2 damage for a Dwarf or Troll (Aren't Dwarves meant to be fairly heavy for their size?), base for Human/Elf. Possibly -2/3 for the difficulty of wielding a Troll at least. Suggestion for Orks anyone?

One of the legs was chrome, the other one was fleshy. Our brute street-sam smashed a dude for 22P when the guy was already on 10 boxes filled up, and the target rolled no hits on the soak test. I played it up for comedic effect that the entire top half of the guy's body was turned to a red mist. Now here we are.

Aiight, sounds good.

I think it looks close enough, but to keep with consistency's sake I'd go with the (STR)S idea.

From a cannon, maybe. Though that's probably a different chart.

>I think it looks close enough, but to keep with consistency's sake I'd go with the (STR)S idea.

Yeah, it'd fit. I think I prefer (BOD/2 + 2)S, but using the BOD of the poor bastard I'm hitting someone with. That'd give a nice range of damage for using bigger bastards for more damage.

I can if I'm a giant.

>using the BOD of the poor bastard I'm hitting someone with
chummer I think that is the intended reading
bigger the motherfucker the harder he hits

Yeah, that's the way I read it, but if it doesn't specify you'll always get someone arguing

You'll get people arguing even if you specify.

>Favorite use
Mystic Adepts

Elemental Weapon (I like flaming swords)

None. I actually like to take a prejudice against people with 'ware.

I believe those are a thing. Can't really recall, I'd have to dig into the 'ware supps.

>I believe those are a thing. Can't really recall, I'd have to dig into the 'ware supps.
They are, I was listing actual 'ware.

Cool, guess I don't have to dig through to find them now.

So did anyone else notice the trigger warning in Chrome Flesh? At least, I think that's the one that brought up mental illness.

Yeah, I did. As someone who suffers from mental illness I appreciated the sensitivity and the disclaimer

Man, how are you not insulted by trigger warnings?

they just said? They actually suffer from mental illness and it's a nice gesture when the developers say they're going to touch on a sensitive target and want to make sure it's not gonna blindside anybody, and that they hope they haven't treated it in a cavalier manner?

But I am in a similar situation and trigger warnings insult me deeply.
Fuckers acting like I can't keep myself stable and conforming is an affront to all the work I put in to cope with it.

Personally I found it mildly insulting.

I may have PTSD but that does not mean that I cannot read about PTSD in a fictional setting.

I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it was an honest effort for those that may have trouble facing the fictional depiction of their condition. If I didn't then it would mean it is pandering to SJW types who know nothing of mental illness outside of what they adopt to become special snowflakes and shit up communities and hobbies they are not part of.

So what your saying is it...
Triggered you?

Being triggered by trigger warnings is like bitching about people bitching. A mildly hypocritical protest against silly bullshit.

Moving to a more inflammatory subject, how good are Mystic Adepts? I can't decide if the utility of being able to cast the occasional spell is worth it. That said, I also don't see any real negative to being one over a normal adept or mage.

You do realize that content warnings are more intended to prepare the reader of stuff that's ahead, so they can mentally prepare and less a "oh you are too fragile to read this, just skip ahead 3 pages, honey"?
And if someone actually can't deal with some stuff isn't it nice that they don't have to fuck up their day by accidentally reading about it?

To keep it thread related:
How are you handling mental illnesses in your characters and how do you handle them "getting over it" if you ever pay off the negative quality?
One of my NPCs is currently struggling hard to keep her OCD in check, because the PCs keep on fucking up everything. She's a capo in the new yorker mafia and tries her best to make everything run smoothly and efficiently, but then one of the players who's the Don's daughter just starts a war with the Yakuza, constantly wrecks her car and apartments and on top of that pisses on the MDC.
The resulting chaos is slowly driving her nuts and she is getting more and more unstable.

They sure seem like the second thing.
The passage called "mental illness" is enough to warn someone.

Sorry for derailing.

A pure magician will be better at magic, and a pure adept will better at his focus, but being able to do both to a decent level is sometimes pretty good. Your build will be veeeery karma expensive, so there's that. I think they're fun.

>didn't post carlos.jpg
No dignity.

Roleplaying a mental illness is extremely difficult. Mostly because most people have no idea how it would affect their character.

What I usually do is have them roll as appropriate and then give them advice based on what I know of mental illness and it's effects on the human mind. It would be useful to brush up on your psychology for this.

So, assuming I focus more on the Adept part, I wouldn't be as good as a straight adept but the occasional spell slinging would be useful? I prefer to do an infiltrator with Adepts, they scream ninja to me so I answer the call. I just don't know if going MysAd for invisibility is worth it.

MysAd also get to summon spirits, which can be pretty neat.

>Symbiosis Metagenic Negative Quality
>Traveler Lifestyle
Brilliant, or brilliant?

I played my first Shadowrun session yesterday (and it was my first tabletop session, too) but I was really sucking at the roleplay aspect despite the fact that I love character-focused things and put a lot of thought and love into my character. I stuttered a lot in conversations with NPCs and I couldn't really think of interesting or funny things to say on the fly that would fit my character & flesh them out. Will I get better at this as I play more?

Yeah, it kinda works, I ended up boosting edge up to the maximum so I would be able to boost all of my rolls to a semi-respectable number.

Generally yeah, just dont try to hard. As you get more comfortable you'll get better at dialogue.

>didn't post no_dignity.jpg

Does anybody have a concise way to understand Taking Cover and/or a houserule that keeps me from having to slow my combat down to the speed of bread molding?

What caliber is that minigun? 1mm?

Do you have specific spells in mind, because unless you do you might be better off sticking to pure adept, mystic adepts are a huge karma tax assuming you don't restrict their initiation options, an even bigger one if you have to join way of the magician to access mage initiations. You won't have to invest as heavily in magic skills raising your potential for other skills and won't face the drag factor of spell sustaining penalties.

So how hard is it to make a cyberzombie? I ask because I'm currently planning a run where the team has to capture a rogue cybermancer who is apparently self taught and using pretty unusual methods. He's made himself a whole gang of horrible janky cybercreatures and is basically a classic fantasy necromancer. Corps want to know how he does it, so he has to be caught alive.

Cover gives bonus to defense, either a +2 or +4, and eats a simple action. As you gain the cover bonus as long as it makes sense, ie. as long as the object is helping you. you are taking cover behind a thing right? And not your troll? You can shoot unimpeeded from behind cover, so use it chummer.

Gotcha, I'm guessing the +2 is for "OK" cover and the +4 for "Good" cover? The cover can also soak damage itself, right?

As big as you want, omae.

>+2 is for "OK" cover and the +4 for "Good" cover
Pretty much

The cover dies when the GM wants it to. No hard rules about stuff like that.

Well, i suppose its possible he stole the research, or asked people native to the metaplane of death what gives and how da fuck everyone else does it...

but its rare as shit and took some freaky-deaky ass shit, blood magic, direct help from a dragon for a decade, etc.

I think i'd like to see a Toxic tradition twist on this concept. Spirits are one of the few things that can give the other great big powers a runabout, and one of them stirring shit up is something to explore.

>No hard rules about stuff like that.
Shooting through barriers and destroying barriers on page 197.

Yeah, I was being unclear. I meant stats for stuff like pillars or tables or what have you.

Oh right, yeh.
You'd have to start with the given barrier ratings for materials then fudge it a bit depending on other factors.

You gotta specialize them to get them rolling perfectly. Choose spells and adept abilities that overlap in purpose, don't try to diversify in what they can do, force multiply.

it's your game, but the way I'd handle it is this.

Crash 2.0 gives you so much room for folks to have slipped through the cracks. Imagine an Aztechnology guy, was in Denver at the time of Crash 2.0, already trying to avoid both Ghostwalker and Aztechnology because he just wanted out, but more than that, he wanted to hide in the best place that Aztechnology couldn't get at him. Then crash 2.0 happens, and his records are all gone, he blitz's. He's a shaman who has connections and the know-how to get at the relevant metaplanes, and he starts doing some janky ass shit. Moves to wherever you need him to go, because fuck remaining near an angry ghostwalker now that Aztechnology doesn't have the ability to find him.

He's not self taught, he's just crazy, toxic, and desperate, out on the fringes, and half mad.

Well that sounds cool. I've never used spirits but they were useful when other players used them. I usually focus on the ninja adept or cybered up street sam. Figured I'd mix it up a bit while still sticking near something I know well.

A couple utility spells for infiltration and sammy use. Thinking Detect Life, Invisibility, and Stealth all sound good for infiltration. I never did mage so I'm not sure which spells are best. Stunball looks cool but I'm also a huge fan of fire, so I might just grab Flamethrower and Fireball for giggles.

>Make a cyberzombie
Extremely hard. You need the proper place to do the ritual, people smart enough to pull it off, and plenty of drugs to keep them from dying when you finish binding their spirit to the corpse. That's just the starting point.

So becoming a Mystic Adept I would need to specialize rather than generalize? That sounds counter-intuitive since a fusion of mage and adept screams that they want to be a generalist.

MysAd can be a generalist, you just have to spread your dice reeeally thin, and that's a bad idea. You need to build so that your mage stuff supports your adept stuff, letting you do things that normal adepts can't do. I think you're on the right track with the spells. I'd suggest picking up Heal too, rather have it and not need than the opposite. Also, physical mask is a wonderful spell.
And spirits are 9/10.

I know it is, but the way you gotta think about it is like this.

"I'm a cat burglar, I want to have EVERY option to be a cat burglar, that means I need spells, adept powers, and equipment,"

You generalize the sources of your abilities as a mystic adept, while focusing on what you do.

See how that works?

>Adept edition
>Favorite Use?
>Favorite Powers?
TBA once we have the Infected pdf.
>Favorite Ware?

Like I was saying, what I was thinking was grab some spells that cover my weakpoints. To the best of my knowledge there is no adept power that makes you invisible. So I can get a spell to make me invisible, have the mage learn these spells, or wait on the hacker. Which I'd rather not wait on the hacker or have our mage bother with spells just for me to do stuff.

What I'm shooting for is "adept that knows a spell or two" similar to the example was giving.

It made sense when I thought about it. I was just pointing out that at first blush, it seems counter-intuitive. Sorry that wasn't clear.

Keep in mind that the way the game is designed a mystic adept is a spellcaster first and an adept second. If you're considering it because you want to build the character the other way around you're not gonna like the result.

I just wanted a physical adept who could cast heal for my paladin fetish but its just not worth the karma feelsbadman

You'd probably be better of learning Empathic Healing for that.

It'd be a better investment of your points to make your sneaking dicepool better than to try to add an invisibility layer on top of it.

I do, I was just making sure user knew what they wanted and what they were prepared to skimp on

Hm...in that case I might try to make a mage who can blow shit up. I dunno. Never done a straight up mage. Adepts are the closest I've come to meddling with magic.

Well like I said earlier, I wanted MysAd so I could start in on mage stuff without abandoning adepts completely. This is because I'm very familiar with Adepts but I know almost nothing about being a straight up mage. Figured MysAd would be a good place to start.

I would disagree, invisibility allows you to sneak in clear line of view when you just would not be able. This isn't skyrim, where enough stealth skill makes you functionally invisible, if you're logically able to be seen the GM is within their rights to shoot you. and an invisibility spell (or rather improved invisibility, as the ubiquity of electronic sensors makes it mandatory) is much easier to get than ruthenium.

If you want to be slinging spells in combat situations you need to invest heavily in magic, but if you put a point or two into it you can cast some utility spells out of combat, where you can take the time to stack up positive modifiers and try again if necessary. And I suppose you could do invisibility that way, although if memory serves the amount of successes you get on it is directly equal to how hard it is to see through it.

If something's so heavily guarded that literally every possible access route is under direct surveillance 24/7, then it'll also have astral surveillance.

It could still be worth going mystic adept, especially for a combat mage for the reliable initiative boost and improved ability on combat skills. Plus it will mean you won't have to totally across astral combat as you can't go astral and need to take astral perception to perceive astrally.

While that's kind of true, but I'm more thinking about open areas, or limited corridors which can exist without being ultra high security, and while be alternate routes invisibility opens more paths up to you.

Wait are you serious? You obviously have no idea how cheap cameras are. It is very easy to have 24/7 surveillance and for a very cheap price.

Anyway, how is this character being built Priority, SUM to 10 or Karma?

Rebuilding your adept as a mystic adept just to have improved invisibility is way overkill to beat a regular camera, though.

It doesn't even have to be under surveillance 24/7, there just has to be some inconvenient jerk there at the time you're trying to perform the mission

Pretty much the exact reason I want it.

I thought MysAd got astral perception due to the Mystic part of it.

Priority. Planning on magic being A (maxed at 6)

New character.

One of my players is new to the game and wants to create a Throwing Shit Adept. I'm not very familiar with adepts. What advice should I give him? (5e)

Any particular metaype in mind? Bear in mind that E has to go some where.....

Probably Human since that's E. Maybe Elf but I figured that since I'm going to do some magic I might want some more cash for gear. I figured it would be a bit more skill and attribute heavy than pure Adept so Resources and Metatype are the least important.

Pretty much, if you're prepared go minimal gear, it might be worth bumping up to elf as the extra point of agility will come in handy, plus you can ignore Cha and free up some points for your important stats/or get a boost for a Charisma based tradition. What Tradition were you thinking?

And no, you want to astrally perceive, you gotta take the adept astral perception power.

No clue. I've wanted to do Norse ever since I got Shadow Spells but that isn't exactly conductive to being a sneaky ninja. If I went elf then Path of the Wheel would fit very well. I'd just worry that "minimal" gear would turn into "no" gear.

Well we're going to have a proper mage so they can do the spirit killing. At least in the beginning.

So you never actually get a neighbourhood, and always suffer penalties?

What is the best archetype to build for a brand new player who wants to learn the ins and outs of the game without being an anchor to the rest of the team?

I too like the idea of the Norse mystic adept, specifically a Giant Norse adept, but it is kind of hellish.

The "proper"mage is all well and good but if you're an infiltrator odds are you'll be somewhat out on your own at some point. They could follow you astrally though.

So, is there any reason to take full cyberlimbs instead of partial cyberlimbs as a Street Samurai? Sure, you get a few extra points of Capacity, but then you have to use the cyberlimb's (janky) Strength/Agility instead of yours. On the other hand, a partial cyberlimb gives you the ability to use the cool cyberlimb-only cyberware (e.g. cyberlimb gyroscopes, digitigrade feet) as well as to hide your illegal cyberware (e.g. cyberspurs), while still letting you use your (almost certainly superior) physical stats.

Also, is it just me, or is it pretty easy to make an ork street samurai who's almost invulnerable?

Reaction 5, Body 7, Strength 6, Wired Reflexes 2, Reaction Enhancers 2, Reakt Geneware, an Armor Jacket with Gel Packs, a Helmet, Ballistic Mask, and Forearm Guards gets 11 dice on their dodge roll (equal to or higher than the attack rolls of all but the most elite enemies), along with 20 points of Armor. Is there anything other than a mage fucking around with spells that don't require an attack roll that can hurt them?

Street Sammy probably. Your basic thug who's job is to kill shit. Easy set up is to get a troll, throw on body armor, and pick up a big gun. Throw points into BOD, AGI, and your shooting skill of choice. Then you just stand in front of shit and blow it up.

I know, I saw it and I wanted to do a hulked out street sammy adept build. Go full berserker mode. Even better if I could get my hands on an oversized sword for full weaboo. I'd even consider taking the Dependent quality.

That's why I said "At least in the beginning.". Since I could use spells I was thinking of throwing in some mild spirit killing abilities later on in the game.

An equally cybered troll

A sufficiently large bomb... electrical attacks will mess your day right up.

Or a technomancer with skinlink and enough sunk into hack on the fly and the right echos.

I asked before but no one answered. Does anyone here do anything with that runnerhub reddit thing?

I ask because I am months away from playing for the first time and since I am the only one in my group with the time to learn the rules I'm going to end up being GM first- probably for a long time.

I'd really like to be a player at least once before then and someone offhandedly mentioned runnerhub in one of these threads. What is all of your opinions of it?

You use full cyberlimbs as an alternate source of stat points, as to get a full suite upgraded you'll need A resources which will usually preclude A stats. If you use the ignore torso str/agi for characters with four cyberlimbs, it becomes somewhat viable, even if it isn't optimal.

>Is there anything other than a mage fucking around with spells that don't require an attack roll that can hurt them?
Radiation, chemicals/drugs/toxins, microwave painades, etc.

Armour is good, but it's only a fraction of what you may want to protect yourself against in the sixth world.