You are a Giant. Born into a society of humans, dwarves or other hominids. It is your sacred duty to protect your family and your home.
Giants have protected society since the ancient age of dragons. Where the strength of man drove the destructive creatures to near extinction.
While the dragons of old are no longer as numerous as they were thousands of years ago, other massive hostile beasts roam the world, And mankind will always prey upon itself when the weight of civilization cracks the ground beneath it.
Last thread Giants take traits similar to societies they are born from. A mining community may spawn a giant that has ore deposits in their skin. Or a nomadic society may have the features of a herd animal common to that region.
Joshua Perez
Also post giants.
Hudson Nguyen
Luis Ramirez
If all giants are sworn to protect Can evil giants be a thing?
Jeremiah Murphy
I'd think so. Being sworn to protect A leaves room for creative interpretation concerning B over there.
Thomas Thompson
Giants are sworn to have put the best interests of their community foremost in their mind. usually this amounts to their defense when Behemoths start getting too close to the village.
however some giants may decide that they need do cruel things to their village because its "in their best interest". Like a terrible parent. They could easily become controlling tyrants.
Zachary Price
They're sworn to protect their own community. Sometimes that might involve doing bad things to other communities.
Joseph Nguyen
It should be noted that the "average" giant is roughly 3x the size of the race that spawned it.
So what about this here map? we gonna carve this thing up and start putting in territories?
Tyler Rodriguez
Primal rage but with less qt characters i see
Bentley Roberts
Really like your concept OP. Contributing giants that may or may not gel with the setting.
Joshua Gonzalez
Hekatakonkeires, which I am almost certainly not spelling correctly. Are you envisaging purely humanoid giants or would there be regional variations?
David Cruz
Gavin Brooks
Themeatically similar to the old Black and White game
Adrian Reyes
So if a community is surrounded by cities or the like so that nastiness doesn't reach it would it's giant be free to wander a bit or just get fat and lazy?
Benjamin Baker
It'd probably depend on the giant. I can picture some getting lazy, some going off to do other things, and a few deliberately causing problems that they can then save the town from (lure in a few giant-sized wolves from the nearest forest, say).
Blake Clark
Obviously, the harpy is regular sized.
Benjamin Reyes
/d/ please go!
Grayson Lopez
Not those kind of bad things.
Gavin Torres
We should probably work on hammering out any sorts of variety in giants if we're going to keep going. I think the idea last thread was Normal, Air/Water/(Nature)/Earth/Fire, Celestial, and Infernal. What sort of variance would there be between the types, in terms of ability, and what exactly causes a giant to align itself?
Kayden Scott
>variance Well, Normal Giants are about triple sized and would be pretty normal humanoids. They'd also be the most common, most likely. While the elemental giants would be different enough to distinguish themselves. Like your picture, a frost giant would be quite immune to cold and be found quite regularly in the frozen tundras and mountainous areas. Maybe sea giants would be like a giant merfolk with legs, but still have fins and maybe gills. They'd most likely hang around coasts. Celestial and infernal giants would be quite rare. Maybe only appearing in areas with a tie to divine or abyssal beings.. like there might be an infernal giant guarding a hellgate, while the celestial giant would be protecting a holy city.
Lots of regional ties to the type of giant, with the most lower powered ones being little more than a regular giants except with wings or gills.
Julian Hill
I like the idea that a giant would align themselves over time. Maybe the common giants would be generalists, and as a giant attunes themselves they become more specialized and begin to look more and more like the "ideal" version of that type of giant.
The frost giant was just because I felt like contributing a picture, but I feel like if we're having elemental giants, frost should be some sort of subtype. Maybe a giant who picks up multiple elements becomes a sort of blend? So frost could be something like water/air, you could have a magma type thing that's Earth/Fire. The problem with that is how Nature would fit in. Maybe it could be a non-elemental type, like the celestials and infernals.
Michael Jenkins
Well its been stated that Nomadic Giants often develop features of herd animals, possibly like sheep, oxen, or goats. Though any changes like that might be superficial.
So horns, patches of wool, or even cloven feet are within the realm of possibility.
Noah Watson
Just curious, but is this from anything or just random art?
Robert Butler
So we got snowy death place to the upper right, Temperate to the left, and tropical to the south.
With a shotgun blast of islands here and there. That said... I want to imagin that the small blob island in the bottom left is the size of texas.
Christian Baker
Hudson Powell
The Behemoth Beasts should be half animal, half living weapon. Like no animal should ever have to evolve in such a way to be this offensively built.
They might be drawn instinctivly to large groups of people, maybe looking for that same energy that spawned giants.
Liam Roberts
Perhaps behemoths should be spawned in a similar way to giants, just for animals instead.
Jaxon Powell
check the image: clearly it meant -that- kind of bad things, and that's a no-no.
James King
Does that bottom territory have a pentagram carved into it out of rivers or am I just seeing things?
Also, really like the creativity of these threads, really wish I had ideas to contribute, but for now art will have to do.
Luis Foster
Turns out I don't actually have much giant art.
Dominic Barnes
Levi Gutierrez
Wyatt Nelson
I mean, if the idea of "the bigger the population, the bigger the giant" is still a thing, why couldn't the galaxy have it's own giant?
Dominic Evans
Why does it have 1 boob?
Adam Moore
>Giant >WIngs >Horns >Claws rather than fingernails. >Tail >Possibly fangs, probably just sketchy art.
Giant Bards Must Be Stopped.
Robert Phillips
Didn't seem like we'd decided on a name for the setting so I just called the previous thread Giant Guardians when I archived on suptg.
I really like this idea. Like rocs or Thunderbirds could be spawned from eagles, various leviathans from fish, and stuff like monster hunter's Pelagus type monsters from mammals. And then really strong or special monsters with elemental abilities, something like Zinogre, could be spawned more rarely.
Tyler Smith
Meant to reply to
Leo James
Having seen the original image I can assure you they're both present. Look for stuff by Mikoyan.
Nolan Jenkins
The Frostland Vanguard
In the frozen northeast is a small kingdom of bitter frontiers men and stout hunters. Their game? The last known gathering of the ancient dragons of old in the Star Scraping Peaks. They train, and prepare, as the very first line of defense against the ancient enemy. Their pride and joy is their Giants, weilding their legendary Redwood Longbows. Wrought from the mightiest trees in world, these bows loose missiles that can split Galleons in half, or so legend claims.
Most Giants belonging to the Frostland Vanguard very angular faces, and sprout eagle like feathers along the tips of their ears and jawline.
Ian Kelly
Hey, so question, what happens when a village decides they don't like their giant? Like, could they hire other giants to get rid of them? Would those giants supplant this current giant?
Chase Morales
Exile him/her and they become vagabonds. Either doomed to starve, or scrounge together a new home for themselves.
Adrian Moore
Contributing art.
Gavin Morales
Ideas for giants:
Massive chubby giant/giantess who mostly lounges around all day. Giant of an ancient sprawling metropolis that serves as the capital of a powerful trade empire. Has taken to politics, religion and hedonism due to lack of actual fighting - most monsters were driven off centuries ago, and few are powerful enough to get through the lesser giants to threaten the capital. If one does, it would undoubtedly kill the city's giant with ease.
Hunter Sullivan
So what stops them from turning around and stomping all over their old village when they get exiled? The new giant is gonna take a while to grow up.
Easton Wright
A lean, scrappy wolf giant living in the freezing far north. Small for a giant, 20 feet tall. Nomadic after her village was killed, not by monsters or raiders, but by cold and hunger. She travels around, hunting for food and serving as an occasional mercenary for other villages.
Connor Rivera
Also, another thought occurs: are dragons giant kobolds? Like, does one kobold in a generation or something grow to be the dragon protector of its tribe? If not, are there giant kobolds? What's their relationship with the dragons? Do the dragons recruit them to fight for them? Are giant kobolds bugbears? Elite warriors serving the dragons?
Elijah Hill
A certain sign that a giant has failed to perform in its role is when a new giant is born into a village.
Gavin Jackson
A giant not for a village, but for a military castle that was built in an important passage through the mountains. They grew up around soldiers and generals, fighting not only monsters and raiders, but other giants attempting to cross the mountains to attack the towns on the other side. Tough and disciplined, with little patience for weakness. Not as protective as other giants, trusting the castle to be able to protect themselves.
Kevin Miller
No, but, not like when the giant is doing a bad job and another giant is born - what happens when, regardless of how good they are at protecting the village, the giant is an asshole and the village tries to get rid of them? What's to stop the giant from literally stomping on its enemies, including the new giant? I'm okay with the answer being "Nothing, the village is screwed" BTW.
Alexander Mitchell
No there isn't anything stopping the giant. Except maybe the giants of nearby villages that they are allies with. Or perhaps the village is warlike enough they can take the giant down. Though probably at heavy enough casualties that the place is doomed anyhow.
Gavin Bell
A very old, very clever liche decides to cheat. He raises vast swarms of undead - then has them do nothing more than putter around a necropolis, pantomiming the lives of ordinary people. Mr Zombie wakes up, eats breakfast made by his rotting automaton of wife, and hugs his two and a half (literally) kids and pet zombie dog on his way out the door to work at a mill that grinds nothing, then shuffles back to his family. This happens for a thousand days, in several thousand run down, abandoned homes. Until one day, the experiment pays off, and the liche gains a gigantic rotting automaton to call on.
Ryder Jenkins
Do giants die of old age?
Isaac Rogers
Is there only one giant per town after they get 100 citizens and proper worship/preparation? Or do much larger cities with smaller suburbs get more giants? Or a more powerful giant?
Jose Jenkins
I heard the bigger the city, the bigger the giant. Although the idea that different parts of a city, if different enough, could get separate giants is interesting. The rich merchant's quarter gets one giant, the sprawling slums get another. Like chicago for example.
Wyatt Fisher
Why not just have all those minions go searching for a dead giant to reanimate?
Connor Cox
Here's a question: is this whole deal limited to sapient races, or does any sufficiently large colony get one? for instance, anthills, beehives, or termite colonies?
Ian Wilson
Because a giant zombie isn't as dangerous as a zombie giant. Zombie giant's are regular zombies with the divine touch of gigantism to make them much, much stronger. A giant zombie is just a zombie on a bigger scale, with only the liche's magics to give it strength.
Zachary White
Well it was more along the lines of Bigger society, more giants. But exceptionally large socialites, like say a city with over a 20,000 people in it, might get a Titan every 100 years or so.
Jayden Allen
That could be where monsters come from. A huge herd of buffalo for example, or a massive gathering of penguins?
Charles Jackson
Also, taking the idea further towards its logical extreme, what about plants? Would all the trees in an immense forest generate giant magical trees? that might be pretty cool.
Ryder Bailey
YES. That sounds awesome.
John White
Gabriel Bell
How about this? it takes some number of residents to produce a giant, yes? how about the bigger ones start showing up when there are enough giants in an area to produce their own giant giants.
Josiah Rogers
... Interesting idea, but you'd need at least 100 giants, or 100,000 humans, to get a "titan". And they'd all have to be working together.
Aaron Morales
Stuff like Titans should be extremely rare. Like One per continent.
So Titans could be like the culmination of an entire Nation's population.
actually, yeah, I'm not sure about the one per continent figure, but they should be a lot rarer than one per 10,000. In the 14th century, England alone had like 4 million people or more. by 's math, that means 40,000 giants, 400 titans, and 4 of the next step up, if there is one, in England alone.
Honestly, just having it be based on simple math is probably not the best way to go.
Xavier Hill
Well The 100 people for one giant is less of a hard and fast rule for subsequent giants and more of a Entry requirement.
I think its entirely possible for a community of 1,000 to have no giant. and a community of 102 to have three.
Austin Allen
welp looks like there's going to be a crusade in the near future
Oliver Flores
Exact Math calcuations should be left out when determining Giant populations. It should just be a simple statement.
The higher population, the greater chance of a Giant being born.
Though i think the 100 people minimum should still stay.
Lucas Ross
Yeah. I think tying behemoths to the local wildlife would work nicely. They probably wouldn't have the same code as normal giants though, being that they wouldn't be there to protect others of their kind.
Maybe instead behemoths happen in an inverse. When a species or group of animals is threatened to an extreme degree, like deer being overhunted or suffering a plague, you'd have really good odds for a Behemoth getting born. Whatever the problem was, the behemoth is born with natural abilities to help against it. It won't be doing this consciously, but for pack or deer animals it would be protecting its kin more directly, while for more solitary creatures it would have some other effect that prevents it from simply out-competing its own kind.
Essentially, a Behemoth is a natural response by any species in the face of extinction, and they are great at balancing out an ecosystem.
However, as a caveat to that, it's likely that a behemoth sticking around for too long would swing things in the other direction, and cause a surplus of whatever species they were benefiting.
Sebastian Williams
Will this be written down anywhere if finished? I'm hoping we have another Veeky Forums gets shit done bit with this and it not getting lost on the bookshelf like the bug rp everyone was super into for a while.
Jeremiah Peterson
Well Trips user, you might be on to something here. Though i think that is simple one reason a Behemoth might appear.
Think of it as Nature's revenge. Giants have allowed civilization to grow beyond tribes and cavemen. as forests fall for industry, Behemoths become more common.
Jeremiah Davis
I like the inverse numbers for monsters thing, gives the giants more monsters to protect their villages against as the cities etc grow in power and size
Xavier Davis
Man, this dude really loves drawing futa.
Jordan Gonzalez
And Soldiers, Hunters, and Giants rise to hunt the beast, whether it be through complaints or simply because it's in the way.
I like to imagine that there were events of Behemoths being wipe out for the sake of gains, resulting in extinctions and/or a radical change.
And maybe the spirit of the behemoth becomes so angry and dreadful, it becomes corrupt or corrupts the land and/or beasts. Like if humans find a way around the behemoth's protection it could become something akin to the Pig God in Princess Mononoke, or if it was killed, become undead.
Eli Bennett
Yeah. It works really well as a sort of foil. It also means that there's a good reason for the wilderness to still be around, and there's a method to helping prevent behemoths from cropping up.
Having it be sort of like nature's revenge fits nicely. Giants are trying to carve out existence for their people, Behemoths are instinctively trying to crush everything back into the status quo of wilderness.
Ryan Bailey
So this begs the question. What kind of wildlife lives in this new world? And how close to the animals nearing extinction does the Behemoth have to be in form, i.e. could an octopus kraken appear due to overfishing of trout, for example?
Jordan Bell
I don't think it has to be too close.
Benjamin Wilson
I think it scales more on a local level, and it isn't exacting. If there's a few dozen bears in a stretch of woods, and some big game hunter manages to bag 5, that might be enough to trigger a Bear behemoth come spring.
So an overfishing of trout might get you a Trout Leviathan rather than an Octopus Kraken, but if the leviathan takes out a few octopi before getting beaten by the giant of the fishing village, you might see one crop up afterwards.
I don't imagine it'd be an exact science. Anything that could threaten a local wildlife population could trigger it, it's just that the more severe the threat the more likely a behemoth is.
If the system for behemoths also views a lack of any civilizaton as a baseline, that might also mean behemoths will sometimes spring up for no reason, as the scale is still off balance from pre-human numbers.
Jayden Myers
>game Correct, there was only one.
Liam Thomas
I'd be interested in reading that, got a link?
Aiden Carter
well fuck me.. I now want to make a giant luchador character and wrassle dragons into submission.
Now I just need a good name and theme
Hunter Richardson
Is this the same guy who keeps making those, "every town has a giant" threads?
David Wood
This is great, would like to see the Northern Crusades retold with giants.
Jaxson Myers
I love Tsumugi
Dylan White
they could be a common enough occurrence that the average giant should fight, or at least placate, one at least once a year i think.
Ryder Collins
how smart are giants?
Jace Lopez
It's a continuation of the threads, which is being contributed to by many people on Veeky Forums so it's probably the same person, yes
Daniel Scott
Community-normal. Which of course depends on the community. Giant of a podunk village? Simple, but kind. Giant of a military outpost? Instinctive tactical savant, can't hold a conversation for shit. Giant of the City of Cities, the Holy City where the Royalty lives? Scheming genius that can manipulate people like no-one's business, believes that her station requires her to be both pampered and expected to protect the Kingdom for evermore.
James Perez
Pretty sure user was asking if such a thing exists, rather than advertising it.
Also bump for cool setting idea
Ryder Jones
I'd imagine that the majority of giant weapons and other equipment is made of wood, stone and bone. Metal equipment would be every expensive to craft for Giants but would be the most effective equipment.
War clubs, axes, and Behemoth Bone weapons would be the order of the day.
Xavier Butler
I can appreciate widespread use of those Aztec axe-club things.
One thing, there is one piece of armor I'm sure every giant of a village that can afford it will have: metal boots. Losing a fight to a mundane wolf that went for your Achilles Tendon would suck. Cloth boots would work there, but won't save you if some jackass with a spear tries to lord over the townsfolk and prove his place by stabbing you.
Honorable mention goes to the codpiece, another good thing to have made if there's enough metal around. The rest you could get by with a mix of cloth and leather patchwork.
Dominic Peterson
Gear made from behemoths sounds the most effective. Wood armor would probably be the most common, since it's easy to work and relatively light and durable.
Metal would probably be reserved for giants in cities or big mining/smithing towns.
Noah Moore
Wooden leg armor+boots, clogs, or other reinforced legging would be most important, if the giant typically goes against smaller opponents.
Also there's more than one kind of club. In fact you can make swords and such from wood with a cutting edge. or line a stick with teeth or sharp rocks to make swords.
Michael Ward
So are all the monsters in the setting Behemoth? Or are dragons a separate kind of entity?
Joshua Peterson
Dragons i think get their own special attention. Far more lethal and destructive. Dragons wouldn't be connected to nature in any way like Behemoths.