>No character art thread
Looking for superheros who fit in with a fantasy aesthetic.
>No character art thread
Looking for superheros who fit in with a fantasy aesthetic.
I was just about to start another one of these to continue my dump from yesterday.
I figure it's probably archived at this point but feel free to see if anything in there is to your liking.
Any particular criteria as far as "superheroes"? Masks? Magic? Anything to go on?
hurr durr I pay attention to timestamps. Guess I'll just dump whatever till I get a request.
Just found this little assortment of dudes today. They are cute.
I've been searching around for a human male with a neck scar, preferably with black hair.
I know it's a bit specific, but might as well throw it out there.
Last one.
Now back to your regularly scheduled art dump.
I'll look around a bit, but I'm in the process of tagging all my stuff in hydrus right now so it's a bit of a cluster fuck right now.
Oops, missed one.
He totally has a scar under that hood. Why else hide his face?
Seems most of my dudes are either armored up or mages in hoods and stuff, but I'll keep searching.
Dudes got loads of scars.
Old fucker but it looks like a possible neck scar.
DESU I don't think you can get more fantasy and super hero then this guy.
Was looking through some mtg art, posting some of my favorites.
Last one for now
Wouldn't yo happen to have a big titty tabern elf bard? Making a new character for pathfinder
>big tits
No. Good luck.
Anybody have art of female characters wearing light armor with rose or thorn themed decorations.
How about regular elf, but in a tavern worker uniform or similar?
Just play an orc. You know you want to.
Might be a good idea to pay an orc. The idea I have is a bard/healer elf that works in a tavern healing hungover customers.
Thanks for the image user
lemme look around....
Looking for images of a young male horse rider, preferably unarmored, farm-boy attire.
Anyone have a picture of a creepy, eccentric prophet? Like, the kind that makes you do weird tasks in exchange for prophecies?
There, some elven bard ladies for ya.
Closest I have, sorry.
If anyone has any male drow that are not Drizzt, I would welcome you adding them to this thread.
Politely requesting tieflings, preferably male.
surprise surprise, I have a lot more female tieflings than male. Go figure.
Got any Female Teiflings in plate?
I'll offer up a Shadowrunner for someone.
This work?
Got something with the more demon like features? Less human with horns... I've used this image but I hate the damn sword with a passion.
Sorry, that's all I have.
>list of superheroes who fit with a fantasy aesthetic
Magik, mutant gifted with the power of teleportation, who was trapped in the infernal realm Limbo for nearly a decade while she was trained in demonic magic. Now the current ruler of Limbo.
If you haven't herd of it before check out X-Men: Asguardian Wars, it's not the best comic, but a fun, short read.
Looking for armed school girls for a possible Shadowrun game. Think Marimite meets Battle Royale and Enders Game.
>Think Marimite meets Battle Royale
You bastard.
Would it make you feel better if I told you that the Battle Royale was only for the themes of sex violence, survival and damaged goods? The true theme is more Enders Game. A school for corp orphan girls to turn them into Corp Runners/Black Ops.
St. Mary's Academy (sponsored by Ares)
I need swordsmen, with masks if possible! High fantasy things if you've got it, preferably with large weapons.
I think I have a few more in my character art folder, if I do then dump commencing
Dumping what I have, because that's the right thing to do.
Fuck you and your hurr hurr duplicate post bullshit Veeky Forums
Need dryads and dryad-like stuff, will barter for it
Hard Mode: Obvious Poison Evy doesn't count
Why don't you just link to the image and post a different image?
Oh boy, my most extensive folder and also fetish is being requested.
At least I haven't gotten the "select around the street sign" captcha yet.