/bgg/ - Board Games General
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/bgg/ - Board Games General
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Resources (reviewers, Veeky Forums groups, good online vendors, game accessories)
I just put sleeves on my Munchkin cards and now the expansion won't fit in it's box. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do when your game won't fit in it's box with sleeves on the cards?
Is there extra sleeve above the cards? If so you could try and cut that off with scissors
What are some reasons you've heard of why people don't play board games? I'm writing a paper on this and I need some reasons to rebuttal
Yes but that's not the problem. The problem is how much thickness is added. The decks don't fit into the box due to thickness now. I'm also having the same problem with my Mage Knight Cards.
I think most people are only family with the more simple games they played in their childhood such as Sorry or Shoots and Ladders.
I guess you could try to buy a deck box and put them in there
The only reason I've heard is . People get poisoned on them as kids, and think they're either completely deterministic bullshit like War, completely random bullshit like Snakes and Ladders, or Monopoly.
Santorini has arrived. Do I unpack it or wrap it up as a gift to myself?
Get more box. Or if it's munchkin, just dump everything into a plastic bag and wedge it somewhere you'll forget about.
>Mage Knight
Get rid of the insert, replace with foamcore if you're into DIY or ziplock if you're not.
I'm thinking about making a small wooden one and then painting it to look like the expansion box. Maybe a specific deck box would be cheaper to buy and paint though. Definitely a good idea thanks. I'll probably have to do the same for the mage knight cards.
Has anyone played the Doom board game yet? I'm really wanting it but is it worth it?
Great suggestion thanks. I'm either going to do that or put it in some cheap deck boxes that I paint to match the Mage Knight game box depending on which is cheaper. Will also depend on how much bigger the decks end up being after I finish putting the sleeves on them. I'm still only part of the way through those cards. Is it autistic that I'm wearing rubber gloves to keep from getting my finger oils onto the mage knight cards as I insert them into the sleeves so they last longer? I didn't think of doing that until after I sleeves all of the munchkin cards or I would have done that with them as well.
Are there any board games reviewers who aren't absolute shit?
Yes. You.
>But I have video games I could play instead!
>Board games are only for nerdy, socially awkward people.
>There's only like five board games and they're all so simple.
SUSD and ATGYLAB are the only guys I've found to provide critique and analysis.
>Santorini has arrived. Do I unpack it or wrap it up as a gift to myself?
No no! Wrap that bad boy up and send it to me! You know you want that kind of good karma heading into 2017.
Board games are boring! (i.e. I don't like thinking! - or - To much down time between player turns - or - little in the way of interesting decision making. At least 2 of those reasons a intelligent complaints.)
When we play we just get mad at each other. (Fookin' Monopoly...)
We we play it takes too long - Analysis Paralysis, lack of rules familiarity, or bad game design.
SUSD generally talks more about how the game feels to play, and how various mechanics work towards that.
For instance, they don't talk about the traitor imbalances of Dead of Winter, but rather how the survival die gives the game a sense of dread when performing most actions, or how the crossroads deck gives every action a bit more weight.
They certainly capture what it's like to play the game a few times, but never really delve into whether the game has any value beyond its' initial concepts and flavor. I haven't really watched a lot of their catalog outside of what directly interested me, but I've only ever seen them bash on a few games: 522 or whatever, and CAH, which was just kind of pathetic to read.
Is backgammon fun?
>, but never really delve into whether the game has any value beyond its' initial concepts and flavor.
That's because they don't tend to play games "in depth," but I appreciate how the relate the game to the experience.
Santorini is one KS I'm really sorry I missed. Looking forward to snagging it once it hits retail.
And speaking of which - it's time once again for another enthralling episode of "Damnit STEEV!" where once again STEEV is shamelessly blamed for our fiscal irresponsibility:
Our story begins as it usually does... I wanted to pick up a few gaming items (the last few 'Mutant Year Zero' RPG items I don't have yet). But of course that left me well short of the $100 (and totally obligatory) 'Free Shipping' mark. So, I wondered what else could I add to inch past the ole' free ship mark' at which point both Mafia de Cuba and Mare Nostrum jumped into my shopping cart. I muttered a heart felt "Damnit STEEV!" And then I hit 'Process Order'.
The End!
>they don't tend to play games "in depth,"
what do you mean by in depth?
> Is thing subjective thing? (While supplying zero context for subjective thing.)
Bravo! Well done.
opinions on
-army of frogs
anf maybe other types like it
They'll usually play a game twice before a review. But plenty of players who have played a game 20 or 30 times will have a very different opinion on a game.
If you show up tonight and beat me at santorini, netrunner, and TI3, you can have it.
I love you too, user.
Hope they're good picks, both have been crowd favorites at my place this year.
Sorry, just curious if it was worth looking into. I'll fuck off now.
How the hell is anyone here even remotely going to be able to answer the question the way you've asked it? It would be like me walking up to a total stranger, pointing at a random food and asking "Hey, will that taste good to me?" There's no way they could offer a useful answer since they don't even know what kinds of food I typically find appealing.
It's a decent time passer, I don't love it but I don't hate it either
Well my fantasy flight card sleeves seems to pretty much double the size of my deck. There doesn't seem to be much of a chance of me still fitting the cards for a board game in the box with the fantasy flight sleeves. What brand of sleeves do you use for your board game cards?
Is cards against humanity a shitty game or do I just hate having fun?
they did it, after all
A review?
Mostly just the "They're boring!" argument. I don't push terribly hard if someone doesn't want to but I usually have no trouble getting them to play a modern boardgame by telling them that board games have gotten a lot better since Monopoly.
Of course part of that is just that there is a natural shift of the public into more informed people. I mentioned I just had a boardgame night to a random coworker and he didn't say "Oh, like Monopoly?" he said "Oh, like Settlers of Catan?"
The guy in the middle is going Super Saiyen
>tfw no money
I just want to get Lisboa in my arms. I'm a sucker for Lacerda's games.
Anyone here have power grid? How is it and should you get the old version or the new deluxe version? I heard the new deluxe version needs extra pieces to be compatabile with the expansions.
Such a sexy game. I'd back that shit if I weren't already balls deep into KDM
It was sexy as all hell but I hate every Lacerda game I've ever played.
Went in for the best Feudum without the real glass rosary beads, and in for $927 on KD:M.
I personally enjoy it a lot. More than Chess by a long shot. It feels a little more balanced, especially against people who don't know how to play. A better player should always win, but it's not as one sided as chess can be when you have that experience gap. The dice make it seem random even though there's a lot more strategy that goes into it.
Overall, it's a fun and simple, fast paced game that can be casually done over drinks or conversation.
I summon STEEV
Sell me on Mare Nostrum before the CSI sale ends.
It takes a group with a common thread in their sense of humor and enough sense and willingness to curate the card pool. When played like this, it's a good game, but if you're just playing with randos like classmates or coworkers at some social function, it's pretty shit right out the box.
Shit all around. The game tells you a joke, asks for a punchline, but forces you to pick the punchline from a few random answers. Occasionally there's a creative answer but 95% of the time it's just nonsensical obscenities.
At least in Apples to Apples it takes some creativity to make a funny answer (but most still aren't funny), or Say Anything, where you can just write whatever you want, which allows plenty of room for creative answers.
Guy who asked about Kemet VS Cyclades, I can get Kemet shipped to Israel for 65$ with shipping.
Is it expensive?
Try Joking Hazard instead. Trust me, the visual aspect of the game makes it more humorous 99% of the time than whatever awful joke your friends are trying to get across in CaH.
Show us where the bad game hurt you, user.
Subtle but really powerful asymmetry, really interesting trade mechanics that are going to stretch your ability to evaluate relative worth to different players, simple dice combat that's actually pretty predictable due to skewed dice ranges, and as much player agency as kemet with more room for politics and bargaining. It's not as aggressive as a lot of stuff I like, but it's really tight, really clever, and much faster than it looks.
This guy gets it.
On that note, had a chance to play red flags not too long ago. Pretty bad, moves sooooo slow, but at lest it's not super fight.
Ive wanted to grab dead of winter but realized there is a standalone expansion. Is there much of a difference between the two?
I've heard if you don't have either, the second box (long night or w/e) is a better buy, adds a few interesting mechanics and fixes a couple of the flaws in Crossroads.
Ok. Ive played the first one with some friends at our lgs abd was thinking of picking it up for myself
To follow up on that - have you tried the expansion? That was something that CSI didn't have but I wasn't sure if was really a 'must have' or not with Mare Nostrum.
learn from your mistakes and throw away that shit game
Why is this game so fucking good? Been playing it a couple times recently and I totally fell in love. What a smooth, well designed game. The mechanics, the variety, the art, the pacing, it's all just wonderful.
Haven't played that one myself, but I do find that Z-man Games made a lot of games I enjoy. That said, only time will tell now that they're part of the Asmodee Octopi that seemingly has its tentacles into all things gaming.
They didn't make it. It's from Germany and Z-man just published it in the US in English.
I should have worded that better. I seem to enjoy a number of games that Z-man Games have published.
Either way you should really try it if you get the chance.
Kek! I've got 25+ games on my 'official' wish list already.
Sell me on caylus
Alright faggots, favorite dexterity game of all time and why GO!
favorite three dexterity games and why if you feel like talking.
I don't think it's a must have at all unless you want to expand the player count up to six or down to 2.
Has anyone played pic related?
How hard is it to teach people?
Check out the videos on the KS page - down to the last 25 hours.
Crokinole and Rhino Hero are the only good dex games imo
A reviewer I respect said that this game is four people playing completely different games which tangentially overlap.
There's one where you're trying to place blocks inside a vertical ring - I can't recall the name - that looked interesting.
Recent ones I've heard about are Go Cuckoo, Junk Art, and Flick 'em Up.
Never played it because last I checked I'd have to shell out $90 to get it imported from Germany.
I don't like shilling for Kickstarters because of all those fucking Mythic Battles fucks (or those one or two fucks, more likely), but
Thank you. Might be worth it for me, I tend to have 6 or 7 players when we get together for board gaming or RPG night.
Thank you! Couldn't remember the name at all.
But who could pass up German engineering? ;)
DIY your copy, dude. Slice some wide PVC pipe, measure and glue plastic or wooden tabs, and buy a didactic wooden shapes pack.
I've heard that if you have the first one then getting the second is justified since it adds more. But that doesn't hold true the other way around.
Is it a bad thing they reviewed that game?
What are your favourite small box games?
They had said they would never review it and then pulled a 180.
If I got race for the galaxy, which expansions are the go to ones? The first set of three? Or the 4th or the 5th (which can't be combined right?)
Define small box
Coup is fun, and I like it's versatility more than resitance.
Scythe expansion just arrived for my roommate yesterday, got to partake in a 7 player game today. I do admit it isn't the best at 7, but is still playable and fun. Got to play as Japan, their trap function is super fun. Won with the achievo on the victory page for winning with no mechs built. Just flooded the board with workers and lined my territory with traps/held the factory with just my hero. Ended just short of tier 3 popularity with only 1 star but held so much ground with workers and traps and well placed buildings that it beat everyone else out anyways.
A box that is not large
Onitama is my favorite "Bring it with me, play against anyone" game, but it's a little bigger than small. It's a Jenga sized box. Bang the Dice Game is fun and small but despite it's portability, it's hard to just pull out because you need a room with enough players to make it work.
then see
so, reconsidering this again
can that one user tell me why this company is shit ?
All kinds of garbage shadiness
Go check BGG threads for Mayday crokinole.
Thanks senpai, I posted that KS and was astonished no one had pointed out such a low-priced Crokinole board, guess this is why.
Is boss dungeon good or is it just a meme?
It's a meme