Etiquette that gamers should adhere to?
What are some common courtesies that roleplayers and especially autists should demonstrate.
Etiquette that gamers should adhere to?
>that pic
How the fuck are you supposed to eat otherwise?
Using coasters
don't bring any sort of politics to the table.
don't play characters that wont get along with the rest of the group.
GM's take a time out if you need to explain why an idea is bad to a player.
Player's don't try to fuck up the game. The GM has to make stories on the spot sometimes.
So many man children in north west Missouri The above shit has killed so many game nights in my town.
It's a fat joke, mouthbreather.
They lift pizza to their mouths, as opposed to weights in a gym.
Keep the roleplay and the actual interactions separate.
Yeah you got in a huge argument with your friend's character because they have different views on the situation, but guess what fuckers, it's ROLEPLAY. That shouldn't lead to being upset at the actual person for not going along with it.
What if the DM tries to run a game but the players keep getting distracted? What should the DM do?
Be on time, in so far as it it possible. If you're gonna be late, throw a text. If you're not gonna be there, let people know.
Tell them to pay more attention to the game, unless they don't want to play the game, in which case you can wait until there are people who want to play the game for the game.
I'm a fucking idiot.
The DM wrapped up the game early but the players didn't even apologize, they just said they were tired. What fucking brats.
Not being a dick
Washing yourself
That's literally it
Take off your shoes when you get to your host's house.
>Use coasters for your goddamn drinks.
>Do not fucking argue with your GM about an insignificant change of rules.
>Talk to your fellow players like actual adults when there is conflict.
>Thin your paints.
>Roll your dice in the open so that there is no questioning the results.
>Roll your dice with reasonable force, don't fucking fling them at Jim's face.
>Don't bring your romantic partners (or your sex toys) to the table, unless they are well established as a player of the game.
>On second thought, don't bring your sex toys to the table, period.
>Be on time to the session.
>If you're hosting, have snacks.
>If you're not hosting, bring drinks.
>Don't flake without reason; let people know if you can't make it.
>Leave your phone in your pocket while playing; if you get a call, step away from the table.
>Don't cheat.
>Don't be an asshole.
Special rules for those with the Tism:
>Brush your teeth
>Put on deodorant
>Wear clean clothes
>No, the one woman at the table is not hitting on you. Yes, this is a rule.
>When the person you're talking to about your hobby starts looking over their shoulder or at their phone, the conversation needs to stop.
>Buy some regular fucking cardsleeves and playmats, nobody wants to see your horsefucker paraphernalia or the huge stonking anime titties you lust after.
So much fucking this. I don't mind if people don't show up but if you're not let me fucking know so I don't have to set everything up and sit around for hours wondering if anyone's even gonna goddamned bother. Common courtesy.
>Americans wear shoes inside
How do you fuckers deal with the dirt in the carpet?
Play in a place like a club where there's basically just the table, the players and the playing material.
>Vacuum cleaner
>Carpet steamer
It's not hard, user.
Alternatively, there are plenty of americans who go out of their way to have tile or hardwood flooring in their homes for both aesthetics and ease of cleaning.
>Americans wear shoes inside
That's mostly a meme. I've only ever met about 3 people in my entire life who did this. Granted it's fucking disgusting and I'm not excusing it but still.
>How do you fuckers deal with the dirt in the carpet?
They don't feel it since they're always wearing shoes.
I've tried explaining that to my mom after she said that she wasn't Japanese. She STILL won't buy guest slippers to leave by the door.
I'm not american, we wear shoes inside here and its not really common to have a carpet.
Actually, taking out your shoes is what I would consider to be rude in some situations since you're basically acting like it's your house and you don't give a fuck. I'm not gonna freak, but I'm gonna respect you less if you do that without being family, a best friend or something. Not to mention the feet smell.
To add to the players with tism part:
>scan the group. You might be right, but if no one cares, just shut up. Winning an argument doesn't get you more exp.
>if you must vaporize, go outside. Yes it's not the same as smoking, it will still kill you and generally smells like ass, so join those other degenerates.
>Do not talk about internet things in real life. Your friends might, but since you have autism, you will never know when you're being an overbearing trendy fag about it.
>Put up the seat. If you piss everywhere, wipe up the dribblets so female players don't get your piss on their butt. Yes, I know that sounds like kinky fun times, but it's a one way ticket to a bitch fest after you leave.
>If someone doesn't reply to your text immediately, wait 24 hours before resending it. No one wants their phone spammed up.
>Bring napkins, you will need them for either your nose, your pizza covered face, or your greasy chip covered hands.
>If you're horribly autistic and can't interact with humans, bring good food and be quiet, but involved in the game. Everyone will like you.
Pretty good
>Thin your paints
I don't get this one. Something to do with painting miniatures?
Yes. Nobody wants to see your expensive 40k army painted in thick layers of primary colors.
Also it's one of the oldest memes on Veeky Forums
find a game the players want to play
I am the only smoker in my gaming group. I'm also the DM. We usually play 4-5 hour sessions and i usually smoke 1 cigarette in between usually during a break in action or if they're doing light role-playing that I can be away from the table for. Is this considered rude? I like the break to get a nicotine fix but it also lets me collect my thoughts a bit easier to transition into whatever comes next.
In Canada, if you wear your shoes in my house, you're basically saying my floors are so dirty that they will ruin your socks. Outside is muddy, and you probably don't have winter. When it snows your gnarly boots will easily Fuck up a house to an irreparable extent. Alternatively, outside is filled with gum and dog poo. Why would you want that on your floors?
where are you getting your info? In my 25 years of life in New England I don't think I've seen a single person wear their shoes indoors. I can't even stand wearing socks in my own home
Nope. One smoke break every two hours is the golden rule, and if they don't like it, it's there problem, as long as you smoke outside and wash your hands.
Oh. I don't paint miniatures. Word.
Californian here. Most of us wear shoes inside, but most of us also don't have carpet.
Since I don't live in the middle of the forest, the soles of my shoes are not normally covered by mud or by anything that can be noticed. Unless it's raining or something, maybe.
Of course you can and should take off your shoes if they're dirty, but why the fuck would you come to my house in dirty clothes without a good reason?
Nah, I don't find that rude.
It's usually good to have a small 10-20 minutes intermission during any gaming session 4 hours or longer.
People have to pee, snack, smoke, etc. and it gives the GM a chance to organize notes and make necessary changes.
Nah. If you're doing it during a break, especially only once over a four-hour session, I don't give a shit. That's what breaks are for.
I would consider it "unprofessional" and certainly not a good thing. Just pause the fucking game or continue roleplaying outside.
>shoes count as dirty clothing
Nigga, there's three feet of snow outside 5 months a year, how in the shit am I going to be able to clean my boots before leaving wet footprints all around your house? Even in the summer, it doesn't matter how fresh your kicks are, you're still going to track dust and assorted bullshit into a strange house. Just leave your shoes by the door of anyone's house, and anywhere else is fair game for your nasty poo filled shoes.
>Vacuum cleaner
>Carpet steamer
Yes but this is a needless solution to a preventable problem. You could use the same tools if it was customary for your players to take a piss on your floor, it doesn't mean that's a sensible custom.
>but why the fuck would you come to my house in dirty clothes without a good reason?
In much of the world, because the route to your house is fucking dirty.
Where I live for half of the year if I come into your house and don't take my shoes off I'm tracking dirty muddy snow mixed with salt through your house.
>I would consider it "unprofessional"
>or continue roleplaying outside.
Not sure where you're from user, but where I come from people don't walk around with an inch-thick layer of mud and shit on their shoes 24/7, so wearing them inside is common practice. Yes, we take them off before entering when asked to by our hosts, because that's common courtesy. But more often then not, the most we're dragging in on our shoes is a pebble or two that got stuck in the tread of the sole.
But we're getting grossly off topic in this thread.
That dog has shit taste in beer.
That beer has good taste in dogs though.
Are your cities not paved? I know you might not live in a city, but please understand that most people in the civilized world does. There's no mud in cities unless the climate is absolute hell on earth.
The middle of someone else's sentence is not the proper time to start talking.
>Not sure where you're from user, but where I come from people don't walk around with an inch-thick layer of mud and shit on their shoes 24/7
Even in that case your socks are almost certainly cleaner than your shoes. The person I was replying to was basically saying "if their shoes make my house dirty I'll just clean it up" while making it sound like just taking your shoes off and skipping the "dirty my house" step is unreasonable.
It just strikes me as bizarre that taking ones shoes off is considered impolite. It's basically a gesture of "I don't want to dirty your house", the fact that this would offend people confuses me. Even in a location where your shoes are relatively clean, they're still sure as shit dirtier than your socks.
The way describes it, it sounds like people get butthurt that they feel like their guest thinks they own the place if they take their shoes off. How does that work? Do you expect your guests to be prepared to leave at a split second's notice at your slightest whim and the two seconds it takes for them to put shoes on is disrespectful?
I get it, it's just a minor culture difference and not a big deal, it just puzzles me how somebody could possibly think less of me for taking my shoes off unless I'm a close personal friend.
>The way (You) describes it, it sounds like people get butthurt that they feel like their guest thinks they own the place if they take their shoes off. How does that work? Do you expect your guests to be prepared to leave at a split second's notice at your slightest whim and the two seconds it takes for them to put shoes on is disrespectful?
Okay, imagine I'm invited to your house but it's not like we're family, best friends or anything. Now imagine that the first thing I do after entering your home is taking our my shirt and get topless.
Taking your shoes off is like just a step better than that, just like taking off my pants would be a step worst. If it's hot and we're friends (or I'm at my fucking home) I'm gonna go shirtless, no problem. But not in some random house.
>Are your cities not paved?
This is basically my city for 4 - 5 months out of the year. It's paved and perfectly part of the "civilized world", its also covered in fucking frozen water which collects dirt and salt in your boots and then leaves giant puddles of water wherever you walk as it melts. Unless you can fly your shoes will be filthy. Once the snow melts it's going to be either mushy or muddy for weeks at a time.
Even on clean streets your shoes are gonna be dirtier than your socks anyway, I just don't get the taboo of removing your shoes even in places where shoes are gonna be cleaner than here.
Yes, they're paved with ice and terror. Walking down the street is often a horrifying ordeal that involves skating on uneven surfaces with arms full of groceries, while you hope to god the sidewalk is plowed. Ever heard of frost heaves? That's when the ground goes "fuck your pavement" and underground water freezes, creating wildly uneven conditions in previously even roads. Before you go "why don't they use something better to build the roads", very few things can handle both cars and -30 without fucking up.
Unprofessional? I never just get up midsession with no warning. Like I said I usually do it when there is a lull in the action to function as a good breaking point. I tell my players they can continue role-playing if they're thinking about plans in the game or walking through town. Hell I even occasionally roleplay with them from outside. I could see it being unprofessional if i just got up out of nowhere with no heads up. I guess I didn't explain myself very well.
>Now imagine that the first thing I do after entering your home is taking our my shirt and get topless.
I get the principle, it's just bizarre to me that the two things are comparable.
Not to mention taking your shirt off is less sanitary rather than more sanitary, which taking your shoes off is.
Still, I understand. In places where I live half the year wearing your shoes inside the house means tracking salt and dirt-filled meltwater all over the place and a complete disgusting reek, it's different to somewhere where it's relatively clean, it still strikes me as very odd that people would get offended.
It's not a taboo, by the way. It's just weird. Certainly not like on the opposite side, where you guys sperg like I'm taking a shit on your home just because my perfectly clean shoes contacted the floor.
don't get shitfaced at the table, unless everybody is cool with it
>Certainly not like on the opposite side, where you guys sperg like I'm taking a shit on your home just because my perfectly clean shoes contacted the floor.
I'm willing to be this has never happened in your life and you're inferring from internet conversations, am I right?
See it's not exactly offensive. Just speaks ill of you. If you take those confidences with this, you probably take them with other things. Like next thing you're probably gonna do is using my bathroom or taking something from my fridge without asking.
The 2 cardinal sins of roleplaying.
1. Metagaming. This word means different things across different game types, so I'll simplify to this. Metagaming: blurring or erasing the line between player and character, in both knowledge and motivation.
You the player do not have to know how to pick a lock in order for your character to. Inversely, just because you the player know how to pick a lock does not means your character knows how.
Additionally, one of the worst cases of metagaming is when a character acts against or undermines another character because the player has a problem with the other player. This is childish and cancerous to the table at large.
2. Non-character/Mary-Sue. Put simply, when a character is not a character, and is merely a projection of the player's own ego into the fictional medium. The player is often possessive of what happens to their character, and will often take things personally if things don't go their character's way. These characters often don't apply themselves to the provided plot, and tend to operate on cheap personal whimsy instead of any visible character motivation.
>Like next thing you're probably gonna do is using my bathroom
This is comparable to stealing shit out of your fucking fridge?
Where the fuck do you live that someone using your bathroom "speaks ill of you"? What am I gonna do, piss in your fucking back yard? Do you consider yourself a good host by staring down your nose at guests if they don't hold it in for the entire duration of their visit?
Yes and no. I've been told that people would get seriously angry if I enter the home with shoes, when visiting other countries (specially in Poland). It didn't happen, though, because I just removed my shoes the first time so I didn't give any reason to sperg to anyone.
I said without asking, for both the bathroom and fridge thing. Summarizing, acting like you're in my home.
I would not get mad at all if one of my actual friends takes a coke from the fridge without asking, they're friends and they already know they're allowed after all. I don't know if it's still rude in other parts of the world.
>I've been told that people would get seriously angry if I enter the home with shoes, when visiting other countries (specially in Poland).
I'm willing to bet this is just standard in most places with any sort of winter climate. Think of it from the perspective of someone going "this inconsiderate cunt is just depositing dirty snow all over my damn house" for half the year. If you can understand thinking less of someone for taking their shoes off, I hope you can understand thinking less of someone for not when there are actual consequences besides "wow he must think he owns the place!"
>acting like you're in my home
In your home, not mine, sorry. I think I should sleep more.
Don't worry, I understand it well. What gets beyond me is how "don't go around dirtying houses" evolved to the more specific "no shoes allowed". Specially in cold places where, honestly, it's hell to walk with only your socks freezing your feet.
If you're eating Cheetos, be sure to clean your hands thoroughly before touching the DM's books.
>Don't bring your romantic partners (or your sex toys) to the table, unless they are well established as a player of the game.
I'll have you know my buttplug played with Gary Gygax himself.
If the guy whose house you're playing at is courteous enough to let you use his kitchen for whatever reason, you fucking respect that courtesy.
Fuck you Ryan, I said you could use my kettle to make your tea and you come back with four slices of toast with butter and jam. You left everything out on the kitchen counter and left crumbs everywhere before you even took a bite. Don't throw a fucking tantrum when I say that's unacceptable, you fat fuck.
>Specially in cold places where, honestly, it's hell to walk with only your socks freezing your feet.
You wear shoes outside. Socks inside is no big deal, my house is heated.
To be fair, in Canada if you wore your shoes on someone's carpet, they'll take a strip off you. The issue isn't the shoes, it's making a mess I have to clean up later.
I understand what you mean, I'd expect someone to ask to use the bathroom, but it's not like I'd say no. To be honest, no one has ever just stopped talking and walked into the bathroom. If you've gotta go you've gotta go, but don't leave a mess.
The fridge is off limits unless explicitly allowed but most people are generous hosts if they like you, or are forced to be in contact with you. You feed people when they come over so you can be as spergy as you want, but if you don't ask permission, I wouldn't be surprised if you got kicked out and yelled at, depending on the severity. I'd happily share my last beer if someone asked, but if you just take that shit, I'm going to harbor a grudge forever and call you out.
Also pawns or miniatures belonging to the GM or other players.
Why is it that naming a child Ryan inevitably results in them being a massive tool when they grow up?
Still hella cold if it's tile floor.
I had this problem once, but in the opposite direction. Our female DM used NPC interactions with my character to flirt. I was fully aware of it, but a combination of my need to play in character and some of my own denial kept me from confronting it until she confessed to me. Had to turn her down because she looked like a farmhand's daughter and I just wasn't that into her.
I guess I did put on my slippers in the kitchen, I'll give you that. Though my kitchen isn't real tile, it's probably just some cheap linoleum or something. Wood floors aren't that bad.
>don't ever mention any fetish
>don't interfere with another person's property or space
>don't smell
>actually show up
>no girlfriends (wives are actually acceptable somehow)
How much of a baby are you if you can't handle a political discussion?
>she looked like a farmhand's daughter
I thought those were supposed to be cute girls. Or is that farm owners and farmhands have ugly daughters?
I've got like a +17 mod to fly.
Not original user but I don't want to have the same two players break immersion to talk about American politics again and again. I showed up to pretend to be a magical elf goddamit not talk about the election.
Whenever my GF makes toast it's like a frag grenade went off in the kitchen.
The farmer's daughter is the pretty one. The farmhand's daughter looks like the farmhand. It's a cliche that makes physical desireablity proportional to economic desireablity.
original op. I go to rp, not here about how trump is literal hitler.
Came into this thread to post this, kek
Don't rules lawyer
Someone being allowed to use your bathroom should be a given
Somehow forgot my image like an idiot.
Let me consult my list based on past experiences.
-If you're going to yell at people for being power-gamers, make sure it's justified and you're not an idiot.
-Show up at sessions you said you'll show up to.
-If you want to get flirty with another character, they'd better be cool with it.
-If you can't keep a personal disagreement with another player out of the game room, leave.
-While you are welcome to insist that your imaginary friend is an actual 'spiritual' being, if you tell us that your imaginary friend is going to be playing the character not you and it'll be HER fault if problems come up, then WE are going to have problems.
Don't be a fucking stubborn "B-B-B-B-BUT THE RULES SAY" alpha nerd piece of shit. If the DM allows it and if people are having fun, it's not up to you to argue it for the sake of trying to show your superiority to the group.
"Oh, well you were going to be able to use your ability to cause the chandelier to crash down and cause a distraction, but Tim nicely reminded us that your ability only works on non-magical items and the chandelier had floating flames. Thanks, Tim."
I hate these people.
>That last rule
Run into trouble with one of those tulpa fuckers?
Should the DM punish the players for being ADD pieces of shit?
Dear people with Aspergers:
If you feel that I have misinterpreted a rule, please feel free to correct me. A brief explanation of my mistake - emphasis on brief - is generally appreciated. But once I have made my ruling, please drop it. I'm the referee, and when I make my call, that's it.
On the other hand, I would prefer it if you didn't correct me on "mistakes" in how the rules handle reality. I'm aware that you tend to soak up useless trivia as a matter of course, but most games are an abstraction of reality, not meant to a perfect representation of reality. Therefore, while you are absolutely correct that these two rifles would not have interchangeable ammunition, that's not how the game was designed. Similarly, if you do not believe a feature of the game "makes sense," please keep it to yourself.
Finally, if at any point during the same session you attempt to argue that a rule doesn't make sense, and that something which makes sense isn't in the rules, I will force feed you your own doce.
You make it work in character.
Basically, if there's an NPC around, have them look at the character and say "You seem out of it. What's my name?" or something that they would know if they've been paying attention.
Yeah, I fucking hate it when I was going to buy boardwalk and then that asshole tells me I have to go to jail because that was my third doubles. Why the fuck should playing a game by the rules get in the way of my fun?
Nigga that's what you get for speeding in the home stretch.
>>if you must vaporize, go outside. Yes it's not the same as smoking, it will still kill you and generally smells like ass, so join those other degenerates.
Fucking this. I swear everyone that vapes just does it so they can smoke inside and be like 'Its not smoking! You can't smell it! All those people who smoke cigarettes are stupid, but this is perfectly safe'
>if you must vaporize, go outside.
Has this been a problem for you? Given I'm from an area that's extremely polite, but I've never met someone who didn't either ask first or just go outside without asking.
>generally smells like ass
That's patently false
oh the politics thing. shit thats important. we had this one dude playing a barbarian (lets call him J) for all intents and purposes a good player but a bit of a weirdo. he become close with another player (call him M). Their characters become intertwined with eachothers story and the game plot.
One day J comes to the session ranting because his favourite biscuits had a halal sticker on it. DM points out M is muslim (they're old chums) J chucks a tantrum. flips the game mat, deletes his facebook. And leaves us with a gaping hole in our story after 10 or so sessions.
I don't care if you're write hitler x goering sexy fanfic at the home. Or you're so far left you're offended by pronouns. Leave that shit at home. im here to pretend to be an elf.
the no politics or religion think is so under rated in importance.
>burnt glycerin doesn't smell like ass
Okay sure, it smells like ass AND bubblegum or whatever fucking flavor you use to engage your nicotine habit.
Not american. Carpets aren't universally used and it's easy enough to sweep the floor.
I prefer being barefoot, though
Just use chopsticks or something, dude
>>generally smells like ass
>That's patently false
Whatever you tell yourself. Cigarette smokers say the same shit but everyone else thinks they smell like a donkey's scrotum.