So, I didn't know these existed because I just got into 40K a few years ago, but these books look baddass as hell. Do you recommend buying them? Is there any word that they'll be continued?
Are they canon?
So, I didn't know these existed because I just got into 40K a few years ago, but these books look baddass as hell. Do you recommend buying them? Is there any word that they'll be continued?
Are they canon?
They're pretty awesome. It's similar to the Lucy movie from a few years ago, but significantly better and far less Mary-Sue-ish. The story's complete, so I doubt they'll be continuing it. I assume it's canon, since GW's actively publishing it, and while some of the character designs from the book are obviously from older editions of 40k (the Pariah in particular), there's nothing that conflicts with current fluff.
If you buy it, make sure get the hardcover version from the GW webstore (I think they sell it in physical GW stores too) cuz it's got the entire story in one book and I believe has additional content that was cut from the original release that explains the story better.
Yeah, I skimmed through some scans (I didn't want to actually read the scans, I prefer the book in my hands) and the main sister (stern I think?) looks metal and based af.
Bump because i want a second opinion
She is. I wish they'd release a model/rules for her (of course, that would require GW to actually put some effort into Sisters, and we all know how they feel about that).
>Do you recommend buying them?
No. The art is nice but the story is crap and it's unfinished.
>Is there any word that they'll be continued?
Why do you think the story is crap, if you don't mind me asking?
IIRC, the original release was never finished, but the current hardcover iteration is.
>the hardcover is complete
That makes me moist
Nope, it's still unfinished, it will always be unfinished.
I want it to be finished so baaaaad. I wanna know what happens.
Me too, homie, me too.
I also want to know how Inquisitor Ascendant ends, and the money other ongoing stories from Warhammer Monthly before it was cancelled AFTER THE FUCKING PREVIEW ISSUE TEASING THOSE CONTINUATIONS!
I'm bitter, I know.
I guess we just have to insert our own canon to satisfy ourselves.
Picture is the last page of the hardcover re-release (with a clear "End" at the bottom of the page). Sorry for shit photo quality, but it should be legible. Spoilers to follow explaining my point:
She beats Inquisitor Hand's deluded successor and heads off with the Pariah to the Black Library (with all indications being that she's actually going to make it this time). She's fulfilled her prophecy of being "thrice-born" and has successfully mastered her powers after spending all book struggling with them. Inquisitor Fazael is still determined to hunt her down, and she technically hasn't physically reached the Black Library yet, but by and large, the plot's threads have been neatly wrapped up. I'm not sure what more there is to tell (in this book, anyway); I think anything delving into what happens next would be heading into sequel territory.
I do like that exit. I guess I just want to know if she reaches it, if she learns what she needs to, and what she and her Eldar buddy are up to/how they are fighting Chaos.
I haven't actually read the book, because I'm OP, but someone on another website there was some prophecy that she was destined to fight and defeat Slaanesh, and that's why the Eldar is helping her. Is that true?
Something to do with this, maybe?
Either way, it'd be cool af to see her get rules for the tabletop. An AdSor/Harlequin unit who has Cypher-esque rules for being hunted by the Inquisition.
IIRC, she isn't destined to kill Slaanesh him/her/itself, but she turbofucks chaos in general and Slaaneshi daemons in particular, and has incredible mastery over the warp thanks to all of the knowledge that was pumped into her by the Screaming Cage, so the Harlequins want her regardless.
Weird to see a Veeky Forums thread where the spoiler posts contain actual spoilers.
It's a decent comic, but I wouln't recommend buying it, despite being a SoB fan.
IMO it lacks something truly outstanding to be memorable.
The characters are decent but their interactions aren't really fleshed out.
The action is cool, but the rest feels rushed, or at least strangely paced. They jump from place to place constantly, there is a lack of scenic focus coupled with characters entering and exiting constantly.
I'm always eager to reread Redeemer, Deff Skadron or Titan - God Machine. Daemonifuge, not so much.
Got you, senpai.
Is there scans available somewhere? All versions I've found ended with the Culexus arriving on the scene.
Its Kev Walkers art, I liked it very much just because of that
The hardcover version adds scenes that add quite a bit more dimension to the story. I don't know if they were added for the republishing or if they were just cut from Warhammer Monthly due to space constraints, but the hardcover version is substantially better than the original run IMO.
>That model
What edition is this from? I didn't start 40k until 5th ed, but I thought they got rid of the "everyone has dreadnoughts" rules after 2nd edition.
Not that I've found. I've gtg bed, but I might see if I can scan my copy and post it on Veeky Forums tomorrow.
It's from early third edition.
There also was limited edition minis of Stern (as a Seraphim) and Silas Hand, with rules to go with it.
A storytime would be very cool. Goodnight user.
I think I might buy it if for no other reason to have the complete book.
When was that page written.
Guess who's not returning in 8th Age of Emperor
I had a very real chance to buy her 2nd hand at a miniature convention and I'm forever kicking myself that I bought the twenty Seraphim instead.
Sister Stern > 20 Seraphim
wait, you serious? Harlequins are going away?
I was making a joke.
The only three rumours I've heard about 8th is SM vs CSM in the next box, SoB vs Eldar HA! in the next box and that the Primarchs return and get rid of the Ecclesiarchy and SoB.
>Are they canon?
Nope, retconned.
>Sister Stern > 20 Seraphim
I know. I had just enough money for one or the other and decided on a bigger army over two minis, no matter how rare they were.
Where has Daemonifuge been officially retconned?
Hell, there hasn't been any new Sister fluff since Codex Witch Hunters, as that never said anything one way or another about Sister Stern, it's probably safe to say Daemonifuge is still in the anomalous realm of all BL canon.
The RPGs treated it as canon.
>that the Primarchs return and get rid of the Ecclesiarchy and SoB.
That would be the gayest thing ever to happen.
>Getting rid of more diverse flavor to make room for even more MUH SPESS MUHRENS
It's not that I hate space marines, it's just that they're so fcking prominent that everything else gets overlooked in the fluff. After awhile, all the space marine fluff starts to feel a bit...samey.
You said it. I always get pissed when people say "why play 40k when you can play 30k?" For that reason. I don't want non-stop games of Marines vs. Marines.
Codex: Harlequins - 7th Edition
>Primarchs return and get rid of the Ecclesiarchy and SoB
That rumor literally got started on Veeky Forums about a week ago. It was speculation about what the Primarchs might do once they return; there isn't anything from GW that indicates this is what they're actually planning.
And, as pointed out, that would be colossally stupid, even by GW standards.
Sauce? Not sure why GW would go through all the trouble of re-releasing the book if it isn't considered canon (and, as I pointed out earlier, other than a few outdated character aesthetics, there isn't anything in the book that would render it non-canon).
>Not sure why GW would go through all the trouble of re-releasing the book if it isn't considered canon
Money. It's always money.
Take every fuck-up you've ever experienced and it's stayed fucked up because it's related to money. Everything bad happens for lack of money or because someone's clawing for money.
GW handing out their licenses to any video game company that comes begging is not because they want to produce a solid game, it's because they probably make a sick fee and not have their return tied to the success, because they know their customers are stupid enough to buy any shit thrown at them.
>Take every fuck-up you've ever experienced and it's stayed fucked up because it's related to money. Everything bad happens for lack of money or because someone's clawing for money.
Who let Karl Marx onto Veeky Forums?
>gb2 t'au
>That rumor literally got started on Veeky Forums about a week ago
Thank fucking god. I was about to blow a gasket from GW's continued shamelessness.
They did, it goes for silly money on ebay.
has one or two awesome moments, generally meh though in both artwork and story, can't recommend even as a sistersfag