Advanced smart contracts+network agents+SDK implementation and Exchange beta all coming next week. volume is already picking up like crazy. I tipped you off now. up to you to decide wether or not you want to be poorfags forever.
Get in now or stay a wagecuck forever
already in long time ago ma man
i'm ready !
too solid too pass up
fuck, IOTA spiked a month after an Ethereum dev joined them. RCN has a co-founder advising them. shit is going to go ballistic
these threads are funny because everyone ignores them
yeah these shill threads are pretty bad, but i do hold ripio and think it's one of the most interesting coins below $100k million market cap
just stocked up a bit more, didn't wanna take any chances and wait for a dip
after 18th half of biz will be in RCN
everyone is busy chasing coins that have already took off and buying at tops, saw a few that bought litecoin at a top only for it to start tanking a day later, imo i think this has a pretty good chance to take off, a bit of a sleeper at the moment but looks like theres a solid team developing it
>another rcn shill thread
Why am I not surprised
That red candle? It's me dumping on you. Have fun :)
What is 18th December?
I can't find this date on the official telegram, reddit and twitter.
Where does this date comes from?
i'll buy more
>1,000,000,000 supply
>Get rich off of cryptocurrency
Pick one. I bought $80 at .08. I'm dumping the second the thing hits $1 because that's all it will ever see.
Keep that in mind anons, you'll get a 75% gain and nothing else, make sure to sell at $1.00.
less than half of that is in circulation
and if it hits $1 that's way more than a 75% gain
In ether case, drop it once it hits $1. Or not and have whatever wealth you put in get instantly cut in half. Your choice.
Roger that
Yeah I don't get it, Ripio deserves to be among this Veeky Forums bagholder classics like REQ and LINK.
Thanks I'll go buy more right after this.
You clearly don't know how market cap works do you, sonny? And a 75% gain would only put this at like $.25, you don't know what you're talking about.
Stay poor faggot, see if I care. I'm well aware how the market cap works. Good luck on your final exams this week you newfag of life.
If you new how a market cap worked you know that's what matters, not the supply.
If the market cap increases tenfold, so does the token price (assuming supply remains constant [no token burns, airdrops, etc]. Also, you fucked up an elementary math problem so I'd advise you to sign up for a remedial class and take finals for yourself.
>t. PhD in recking newfags on the internet
Bought 4k of these... how far do you guys think this will go?
Wait about a month dude. That's when the real action is coming
>what is liquidity
If this shit hit $1 not everyone is going to be able to sell at $1
I understand, but this is completely irrelevant to what I was saying to the poster above and the mistakes in understanding he was making.
I'm well aware of the fact that if everyone sellf at $1 then only the early sellers will get it at $1. I'm counting on cucks like you to hodl while I sell my bags. My conscience feels lighter knowing I tried to warn you poor faggots.
Yeah, that other guy clearly didn't understand what I was schooling you on.