Best looking and worst looking model for your main faction you play in 40k. Mine Orks. I don't think Orks have any VERY bad looking models but the Stompa can look really dumb especially with the dick kannon. On the flip side I really like the Deff Dread, it's super really customizable and just has a really good combination of Orky, mechanical, and ramshackle. You got to love the klaws and saws too.
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void raven and the new plastic haemunculus.
I really like the sleek agressive look of the hull and the canopy with the crew.
the haemo looks silly with that hair and the feet are just plain ugly
(too lazy to make a single pic)
Dark Eldar
Best tier: Kabalite Warriors, Reavers (fuck you it's a tie)
Worst tier: Haemonculus tbqh. Also, the Archon model has good potential but looks like shit in its stock configuration.
The voidraven looks ridiculously good, both the flyers do actually.
whoops I forgot my reasons
Spiky edgy fast lookin' niggas
Cool bikes, edgy fast lookin' niggas
Looks shit, terrible sculpt hrr durr im 9999 years old and I used to have a mohawk but it fell over
>he doesn't like bare feet
Only redeeming feature is the trakk half makes great grot tanks.
>implying GW can hire a sculptor able to make some decent feets
>especially with the dick kannon.
opinion discarded
but to contribute to the topic
>best looking:
the tervigon/tyrannofex kit has almost everything I like about the tyranid designs as it was able to merge harmoniously the carnifex and the hierophant
>worst looking:
I'd say the biovore, but then I remember the hierodule: I hate how out of place that thing looks from the look of the head-plates to the way too compact body.
>not picking the giant flaming dick
okay user
>Leman Russ Punisher
I love rotatory cannons, i'm a simple man.
Never liked the lil'buggers looks.
>Leman Russ
All variants really, but preferably without sponsons.
Way too stocky. These guys are 'heroic scale' gone completely wrong. The one leg straight one leg bent action poses look awful too.
> best looking
Flyrants. Great balance between aerodynamic bat and dragon/demon swordsman.
> worst looking
I don't actually own a biovore, so I'll say flying Rippers (whatever you call em). They just look silly.
I'm okay with the giant flaming dick, I'm not okay with what's attached to it
the pyrovore is a better flaming dick anyway
I agree with you on the deff dread, but I really think the orkanauts are the worst modern ork models. The body is made of nice flat angled panels just with some ork bits stuck on them, shit even looted vehicles look more orky at their core.
Plus the only extra bits are to make one of the two official GW approved ways of building the model, so there's very little in the way of customisation. All for only a fiver less than a stompa.
I'd personally say the ghostkeel is one of the best-looking units in Tau and my personal favorite.
Ethereals look stupid compared to the look and feel of all the other blues, honestly.
user, all feet are ugly.
not true, most feet are fugly to meh but some are really cute and you'd want to put your dick between them. I don't even have a foot fetish i just know when i'm looking at something fuckable.
I've browsed the odd foot thread to see what the fuss is all about. I've seen what passes for "cute feet". All feet are ugly, some are simply uglier than others.
forgot pic
Best, the Onager Dunecrawler because CRAB TANK.
Worst, the Sicarian Infiltrators. Too many damn spikes, tricky to build and none of the detail shows on the models since they're all hunched over.
On one hand you have those gorgeus arogant bastards.
>Earth do not deserve to touch our feet
On other Hichcock murder pidgeons.
I really hate bighead marines.
The CSMs from the Dark Vengeance set are the golden standard IMO.
The chaos cultists were pretty good too.
It feels like I'm double cheating because my main is IG and I think these look worst but they're actually OoP now...
And these are the best looking and they're FW. I'm okay with everything in the IG range really. I do however also have a smaller GK force and I wouldn't touch a Dreadknight with a ten foot pole.
In all fairness that looked fine next to the other GorkaMorka models. Nearly 20 years ago.
>google hierodule
>sacred prostitution
The more you know.
>Ethereals look stupid
How would you have them look?
Contemplating sages in robes meditating above high tech soldiers seem like a good concept to me.
I just realised ethereals are clone wars era jedi.
Help me Aun'Biwan Kai'Nobi.
Shit totally forgot about the warbuggy/trakk. Looks really bad, maybe even worse than the Stompa.
The scourges had some really good voice lines, and I'd go so far as to say the best in soulstorm.
>On loathsome wings
Orks: FW warboss on warbike, mad dok grotsnick. I know they were going for the stitched-together abomination look with grotsnick, but they fucked up bad. If nothing else he's flat as fuck.
Tau: Commander farsight (finecrap tho), Stormsurge (FUCK how the fuck did that get through design, I have no arms and I must scream)
Jesus fuck those mold lines just ruined everything. The guns, the vents, the arms, the fusion blasters. kill me
Tau: Vespid a shit in all regards, Commander a beauty. And I wish default suits were patterned off the commander suit. Better proportions, better style, more dynamically posed without modification.
Skitarii: We have no bad models, but Ruststalkers are the least good; the bodies are clearly designed for Infiltrators, with RS as an afterthought. And Vanguard are just plain nice and retro, especially the helmets (I use those helmets EVERYWHERE).
Scions: We have two units. They're both good, but the Taurox needs a wheel kit.
I wish I had more Skitarii parts. I'm tempted to buy another box just to have a surplus of components for conversions, since I seem to use Galvanic Rifles, Skitarii backpacks and heads everywhere.
Not that user, but my issue with most Etheral models is that they are just ugly looking.
Best Chaos is probably Oblits, but then i am Iron warriors so favoritism can't be helped. they are cool models though
Worse are Havocs, the kit is just so old and worthless, no one ever buys it and every havoc i've ever owned or seen has been converted from loyalist plastics. shit needs an update pronto
>one of thoses things is not like the others
Warriors for Tyranids, they always look solid and you see 'em on every army. Plus the kit is great and the Prime can look really nice
Worse i'd say is probably the Crone/Harpy...they just look shit, totally monopose, and have no legs but can be grounded somehow.
Mah nigga.
Warriors are THE SHIT.
I fucking love the look they have.
If only they were actually useful on the TT.
Also, yeah, the Crone/harpy looks like shit.
It's way too fat and not sleek and predatory looking at all.
Yeah a lot the Chaos line is outdated, hopefully Traitor Legions will add newfound interests there. But in my opinion I think Oblits look even worse than Havocs, the faces make them look like retards and they're bulky in all the wrong places. Also Sigmarine Havoc.
Tyranid warrior is simply the most Lizardman looking Tyranid.
Space lizards when.
For Daemons the plague drones amazing most of the Nurgle stuff looks pretty good actually.
But pic related looks horrible in my opinion Khorn should be more box like with its weapon and engines its to edgy and rounded and just looks goofy its like they were forced to make Khorn related ordinance.
Though im biased due to be a Nurgle themed model collector
> best in soulstorm.
Nah, that belongs to the daemon prince. Though scourges are up there with most of the SoB lines for quality.
>The earth does not deserve to touch my feet.
IN FACT FUCK IT, i'm slowly getting hammered on vodka and I think thats a perfect excuse for some SS with titanium wars. Might go all out with an SoB campaign since they are the force generating angst in the 40k community right now.
That always struck me as a weird mixture of Khornate and Tzeenetchian features.
It doesn't really nail the Khorne aesthetic like something like the Juggernauts do.
In general, I dislike how overbearing all the mutated flesh stuff has become in Chaos units.
Look at the "hellbrutes" for example.
I'm ork collector and player, so I like most of models (heck, it's one of the few reasons to get them), but my fav is blastajet and flash gitz, when least fav is wierdboy (but fortunately it's easy to make your own).
I wish that they will make new update on the warbuggy model. Maybe when they release Gorkamorka box game in the future...
Man, juggernauts are great, probably my favourite chaos model. Don't even play khorne, so I added a few riderless ones as "chaos spawn" for my iron warriors.
As for worst chaos models, I think obliterators & mutilators are pretty fugly.
The weirdboy model is screaming out for having a head with loads of tesla coils stricking out of it to brain zap people.
Naturally said weirdboyz are confused as to why farseers and the like don't have any brain zapper coils and it must be proof why they are runty.
they were such a fun and useful unit too
heavy weapons experts that can relocate at will, that's pretty scary
you could customise them to fuck up vehicles too
damn this is awful
>so fucking wide
>wings are too small
>lascannon turret is shit
>stupid ass need for speed hoodscoop
and pic related
the NC reaver is not for bullying
I play Blood Angels. Almost every unit is great, but being the faggot that I am, I'm always a sucker for dreadnoughts. Sanguinary Guard is awesome too.
But I hate the jetpack assault models. I love the playstyle and think they're mostly fine, but I can't stand how bulky and unaerodynamic it looks. I don't like how the Blood Angels, addicted to art and beauty, decided to strap a brick onto their soldier's backs.
>If only they were actually useful on the TT.
If only the Nids themselves were useful on the table top.
I play Blood Angels too, but I don't like the Sanguinary Guard jump packs. The wings are ugly imo. I much prefer the standard bulky ones.
The only models with bigger tits are repentia.
When I did the Guard mission as dark eldar I remember destroying the huge artillery piece by flying some in the back way. Fun stuff.
Yeah this model is just terrible and really doesn't fit the mannerisms of the haemonculi as described in their book or in the stories. I've been considering doing some conversions based on some of the Cephalyx models from warmachine, they're much more suitable.
Still better than the archon model.
Hey, it fits with the Tyranid theme name.
Harridan, Termagant, Crone, Harpy.
Old rapeface archon is still my favourite archon model despite it being hellraiser as all fuck. It always struck me as a proper megalomaniac mini-abaddon.
the Daemon-prince of Chaos is about as iconic as you can get, and still looks grate. only downside is that it's either in metal or finecast.
mutilators/obliterators are ugly as fuck, followed closely (sadly) by the Chaos Terminators.
Mutilators are a real missed opportunity in modelling - they should;ve gone more organic with sharp stabby bits to 1) fit the hulk smash angle and 2) be a contrast to the machine with flesh angle obliterators have going.
Fuck, now i'll have to rewatch Tetsuo the iron man.
I think I can see what they were going for with mutilators, but the end result just looks like they're covered in chewing gum.
For the Guard, I like the commissar that comes with the Start Collecting! box, but some of the older models haven't aged well at all.
The only good commissar is the angry powerfist/powersword commissar. He is tired of your heresy and shit and will not hesitate to crack skulls to ensure righteousness.
Wracks are the best Dark Eldar has. Everything from the Covens really, except...
the Haemonculi.
Haemoculi are your character tax. BRING BACK GUNBOATING.
All I want is an army clad entirely in cassis crista-style masks.
Haemonculi are too egotistical to wear a mask.
The Ravener, I love it's serpentine like body that just oozes aggressiveness. It's why I also like the Trygon for just being a larger, meaner Ravener.
The Haruspex. The damn thing is ugly to look at and it broke its mouth several times for me during transportation. This guy or the Shrike, which is getting an honorable mention for not even having a model.
>not citing the Red Terror
funny you got that backwards
I'd like to think I improved the Archon's posing with my adjustments.
The Archon with the whip is fantastic. How'd you pose that one? (Any WIP images, that is?)
>reaver head
That is still the most desired DE part iirc. i used talos heads bolted to ogrte bodies to create a similar effect when making grotesques. My aberration uses a reaver special weapon (I forget the name right now as i'm 3/4 bottle of vodka deep right now) to stand out.
>every havoc i've ever owned or seen has been converted from loyalist plastics.
protip: use the heavy bolter arms that come in the chaos space marine kit + either the IG Sentinel lascannon or autocanon to make dope ass perfect havoks
I can't think of a single Dark Angels model I don't like. They're all pretty fucking cool, even the dorky Darkshroud.
>Cluster Caltrops being wasted on a faceplate
Otherwise, cool.
Lol stormcast
Its the simple things given my inability to paint.
Did those come with round bases? I'll consider picking those up instead of Crypt Flayers to use as Grotesques. Much cheaper.
>Did those come with round bases?
Alas they did not.
Fugg. The savings will still outweigh using the Crypt Flayers. I can find some online or use my friends spare ones.
Neat! I love these guys. They make a nice contrast with the rest od the DE being sleek and sinewy.
Love love loooove Juggers. They'ere a wonderful model and concept, a total realization of th epotential of the design. I adore how they have these spectacular poses, the minis always look like they'd look fantastic on the cover of a comic book, menaching the hero.
I used the far superior work of this dude
I was actually thinking of leaving a few of the guts open like that. On the ones with the "stomach" plate I'd use a transfer sheet.
Ork fliers are the only thing that makes me want to continue past 5th edition, but I can't justify purchasing any when I could just buy an old F4F or TBD for far cheaper and ork it up that way.
>so many models to paint, so little time
I really dig the Sicaran for 30k. Contemptor dreadnoughts I only have due to Calth and play only for the rules