Character art general
Looking for cyberpunk at the moment
>When you want to walk again but also want paintable toes.
I'm not even a /k/ommando and that rifle bugs the shit out of me.
Does anyone have some clerics like this but male? For some reason all cleric art I can find are young women or old men.
Does anyone have art for Firbolgs in the 5e style? I'm not looking for the more classic firbolg look (angry looking red haired man) I want the 5e style. Pic related
Had a similar character and had the same problem recently, will look through my stash.
Anyone got a dwarf with a hooked hand?
Does this count as cyberpunk?
I want this shirt now.
Bit off the current topic, would anyone happen to have elves with greatswords?
Got a few.
Again, request out for dwarves or at least bearded dudes with hooked hands.
Okay, I need a witch looking lady, but who looks casual. She needs to have some sort of air of mystery about her and she needs to be clearly distinct from your average run of the mill peasant girl. The party can't know she's a witch when they first meet her.
Does anyone have pictures of noble ladies? That would probably do.
I've got a few
I was following until the last part. Is she rich? Also, good witch or bad witch?
Sorry, yeah more or less. The party needs to think that she's their ally and go on a mission for her, only to find out that her real plan was to use them as human sacrifices in her necromatic ritual.
I still can not for the life of me find any bearded dudes with hook hands.
Forgot to add, might make a nice before and after with this one. Just crop out the bottom half till the truth is out.
I like that
Needs a good hot dose of promethium.
What? You wouldn't fuck a Necromundan?
I'm looking for extremely high power character art, ranging from things you'd expect to see from villains at their climax, to characters you'd need the Immortal's Handbook to properly stat. I'm planning a setting where the means by which mortals can manifest divine sparks has become public knowledge, and demigod mortalkind have begun settling other planes and uncovering mysteries of a higher increment than those of individual worlds. Basically high fantasy eclipse phase. Will post some of the things I've got.
for the longest time I didn't realize those were mountains under his feet.
Anyone got fae? Spookier the better.
Requesting old women in robes, preferably white robes.
I need a late medieval/early Renaissance street youth. Early teens, no more weapons than a knife, bonus points if he has a tiny weasel with him, extra bonus if it is asleep in his hat or something.
If this isn't doctor doom I don't know what is.
Anyone got any good pictures of Elf ninjas?
I know this is vanilla as fuck, but would anyone happen to have medieval secretary looking characters? the exact race doesn't matter.
I need something specific but probably pretty common;
I need a naked woman with blood coming from her mouth or other areas, as if she has eaten/brutalized someone in some sort of ritual.
close ish
its not cyberpunk but it could be in a cyberpunk setting
only a few
I love this image.
>tumblr does shadowrun
If anyone has any more mundane type character art that looks like a 20th/21st century rebel/revolutionary, it'd be much appreciated.
Dumping miscellaneous other stuff I have.
Why is it so hard to find an image of a young male fantasy adventurer? Every other image is either an old gritty grandpa, a brooding edgelord or an unremarkable soldier.
>Don't cut a deal with no friggin dragon fryman.