Everyone knows that Katanas Are Underpowered in D20

Everyone knows that Katanas Are Underpowered in D20...

But what if, for the sake of a certain setting, they really were?

How would you imagine a setting in which a certain kingdom, using a presumably magical yet very easily reproducible process, discovers how to produce a sword which actually HAS the qualities of the meme katana. It may not be able to afford to arm every single soldier with that ridiculous munchkin sword, but it can easily provide thousands of them with it.

How would that change the politics of the setting? How would that affect the way wars are conducted? Would it truly cause that much of a change?

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Sorry, I don't want to derail the thread but if a player wants to use an eastern themed weapon like a katana or a tanto or a tetsubo (my personal favorite) I just let them reflavor a longsword or a dagger or a greatclub. Is this bad?

You've probably just fatally derailed the thread. Oh well.

>DmC Vorgil


A saber would be better fit for a katana than longsword desu.

>posting vorgil

I dunno man, what tends to happen in history if one entity gains a distinct technological advantage over everybody else?

They either rule until they are taken down from a combination of becoming too dependant on the weapon and becoming too lax in innovation and someone else overtakes them or finds a way to exploit the perceived advantage
Everybody else quickly copies the technology and you end up in an arms race.

So, lightsabers?

The interesting thing about meme katanas is that they're the most bullshit overpowered melee weapon that can be imagined using the system - HOWEVER, that's still all they ultimately are. They aren't even magical, they're not ranged, they certainly don't come anywhere near the destructive potential of arcane magic. I wonder just how much of a difference memetanas would truly make in a D&D setting where battles are decided by which side has the most wizards and dragons anyway.

Basically you'd get a few legendary warriors fighting to possess all of these god-weapons for themselves, capable of stupidly flashy, superhuman feats like cutting entire buildings in half in single strikes.

Happy dog! Happy happy dog dog :3