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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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No. And for that matter, stop projecting, pleb OP.
Like, fuck, man-that was only 16 Editions ago.
Picking up from last thread, what exactly does Luna do that's so terrible? I don't really know much about her, other than her being the goddess of the moon, and waifu to gaia.
She's a psychotic whore.
> if you wanted to make your own Chaos Emerald from plain cloth, where would you start?
I'm sorry to tell you this, Spiral-kun, but for as widespread as the series is, they don't really delve into what it takes to make a Chaos Emerald. They're basically just plot macguffins.
Their makeup is about as indepth as the jump says: they're a font of endless-but-not-unlimited energy, which can act as power sources AND amplifiers to emotional or chaotic energy. After that, their exact nature is unknown and shifts by small degrees from story to story as needed by plot.
Tails manages to make a fake one in Sonic Adventure 2, but they never delve into the particulars of how that happened or what its capabilities or limitations are. It's made to specifically screw up an evil plan by Eggman by tricking him into thinking it's real, so it probably doesn't work anywhere close to the same.
... but none of that answers your question.
If -I- were trying to make my own Chaos Emerald? I'd look into sources of "infinite" energy, as well as emotional amplifiers, and everything in between or related to them.
So, maybe things like the Star Alloy from BBS Heroes, Burstone and Cores from Bastion, Dreamstone from Chrono Trigger, Spiral Energy, The Warp from 40k, and so on and so forth.
In Sonic Classic you can also study them directly, and there are a lot of knockoff macguffins from that era as well, like Time Stones and Chaos Rings.
I hope that helps get you started.
>The Warp from 40k
Don't think I didn't see that you adorable Abomination.
Question for Digger. If you get 70 Chaos Shards can you transform into Super Jumper, or Hyper Jumper if you have the right perk? It would be the right amount of power, but it's in pieces instead of seven solid gems.
What do the Time Gems and Chaos Rings do?
So, /jc/, I'm planning to go to Les Miserables as my first jump, and I have a question; how does one keep their psyche from drowning in nearly seventy years of bitter, jaded Frenchman? Failing that, any good therapy spots to recommend?
Interesting criteria.
Well, SWLIHN's thank-you-for-buying-all-my-Charms principle applies to everything discounted for her.
And you'd want to max out sorcery because is, essentially, the "source code" embedded in all aspects of Creation by the Primordials, and used to build it from the ground up before ground was a permanent thing. They're patterns of Essence aligned with their themes-and while Akumafication is a Charm, fundamentally EVERYTHING is a pattern of essence.
So gitting gud at Sorcery will let you throw every general magic booster and magic learner at studying the problem. Fundamentally, you're trying to figure out a way to integrate Yozi Essence patterns into a sentient being's spiritual makeup in a very complex way. I would suggest studying the Binding Ritual technique from Ghost Rider, using Dark Wisdom (Overlord) to devise an equivocal based upon Yozi essence and then using Guru (Chrono Trigger) or I Cheat (Justice League Dark) to make it so the ritual implants a part, rather than a whole, of the spirit's Motivation while retaining the potential for its' innate might. Destructive Impulse from FF14 would at least make it easier to break through resistance through will alone.
Oh, from a human perspective she's the most attentive and proactive of the Incarnae. Which is a low benchmark to clear.
She also happens to strongly believe in social dawinism because of her need for change, has a split personality that kills remorselessly, is fixated on fickle-sometimes contradictory-short term goals seemingly without regard to their sense and regards practical jokes as worship.
>And on a related note if someone goes Devil Tiger are they bound by the same kind of cosmic principle stuff as the Yozi, where they are what they are and can't really change without Fetich death?
Your Devil Tiger's Primordial theme is bound by that, yes.
You, yourself, can still do stuff against it and change, but the theme and nature of your Devil TIger won't ever change.
...I actually saw a write-up for Tzeentch as a Devil Tiger once.
Under the name Xanichi.
>Would Genetic Algorithms work on spells that behave like software?
That's hard for me to give a solid answer on, since I don't know how much tolerance the spells in such a magic system would have for being altered.
In theory, it should work for any kind of programming regardless of the medium, but magic systems aren't always known for making sense.
It's really more of a question for whoever did the jumps your magic system is coming from, so I'm going to have to say "fanwank it" or ask those jump makers.
Time Stones show up in Sonic CD, and they basically allow you to make a widespread "fix" to the timestream. So, time travel with some oomph.
In Sonic CD, Robotnik has taken over Little Planet (a tiny planet that orbits Mobius) and used temporal bullshit plot macguffins to go into the past to put robots there so that in the future he's already taken over.
Sonic vacillates between past and future to fix it. If you go to the future without fixing what's done in the past, then when you go into the future everything is covered in smog and factories. But if you fix it first, then everything is happy sunlight and flowers.
... except you don't ACTUALLY have to fix anything, because if you collect all the Time Stones, all the futures of every zone AUTOMATICALLY turn into the "good future".
That's about as indepth as it gets.
Chaos Rings show up in Knuckles Chaotix, and they are for all intents and purposes Chaos Emeralds, except they're rings. Other than being a source of power they don't seem to do anything. If you don't collect them all, Robotnik plugs them into Metal Sonic and he torches the fucking planet. S'bout it.
Aww, alright. I really wanted them to buff this crystal staff's effects on-let's call it a makeshift supercollider attuned to one of the beings that built the world. They seemed like they'd be really useful because said being's made of crystals, and emotions are spiritually stronk there so I thought there'd be good synergy.
Thanks anyway, the stones in particular sound like a good place to start. Kinda tempted to get that Bonus Stage now actually, but eh.
>drowning in nearly seventy years of bitter, jaded Frenchman
Hot springs. Bad news, the knack for it's from MOTHER jump!
...well apart from more alcohol, to numb the pain, I guess you could always get enlightened in Journey to the West?
>therapy spots
Wii Fitness for literal physiotherapy.
...then if their practices are so objectable, would it not logically follow it was wrong for him to enlist the Machine Cult at all? And yet, where would your Space Marines be without Martian forges to arm the greatest among them?
You see, destruction's not the only outcome of control. There's also the chance of convincing your enemies that you not only have everything they need, but everything they've ever yearned for.
For anyone who choose the cryptid background in the generic creepypasta jump, what does your cryptid form look like?
I wonder if they'll work in other settings if they get magpied. That is a question for Digger, I think.
Huh, she sounds quite nice actually. Really, I'm not prejudiced towards remorseless killers, and practical jokes are always fun. Guess I know who I'll be visiting in the Infernal jump.
Who knows, no one can look at me anyways. They just scream that I don't belong here as their bodies rot away.
So, how dangerous is the Ultimate Chimera? It's apparently invulnerable by drawback fiat, but is it particularly deadly?
Also, exactly how strong are Calm Spirit's Willpower and resistance to corruption?
>..I actually saw a write-up for Tzeentch as a Devil Tiger once.
Really want to see the Slannesh version.
She likes killing mortals for funsies and likes to cheat and run around on everyone from Gaia to the random mortal she picked up.
From Mother, by the way.
He's not prejudiced towards remorseless killers, man. And he likes practical jokes so I don't think the cheating and running is as big a deal to him as it is to you.
Those aren't practical jokes, though.
Basically, a pretty small Eldrazi. Boneplate face and all, but only 13 feet or so tall.
>Eldrazilets, when will they learn
You gonna get bulled post-Spark, shorty
So with dirge chased off, which jumpmaker do you think Red will target next? Heavens? Worm? Digger? We all know it'll be Markduth, she's probably screaming in hate how we're actually getting something better than her shitty 'content'.
Oh right, it's Saturday.
If it touches you, you die. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 CP, do not continue your chain.
She's a woman and she has a whole lotta sex. That's all you really need to know.
>That one setting you really like
>It's super obscure, not even a wiki
>If you made a jump of it, you'd have to answer questions 24/7
What's her name?
Don't worry, you won't. Nobody cares about Jumps of obscure settings.
>She's a woman
Not always true.
She's like Slaanesh - technically she's whatever she wants to be, but she's identified as female.
I don't know what you're implying, but I'm a female jumper who has 'a whole lotta sex' and I hate Luna.
pls no bully
Dragon Seeds probably.
...So is Calm Spirit pretty much immunity to any corruption short of Satan? Do the Psi powers basically put you on the "spectrum" of omnipotence?
Because one of them seals your powers; another makes an invulnerable, unkillable, genocidal enemy; the next destroys the world and makes it several times more dangerous, one permanently kills a companion, and the last makes you face a universe-destroying threat.
>You see, destruction's not the only outcome of control.
I never suggested that it was
>There's also the chance of convincing your enemies that you not only have everything they need, but everything they've ever yearned for.
And you would put them in a gilded cage until they see the error of their ways. Would you want the same fate for yourself? To be unable to act upon your own will until your will conforms to an ideology you find abhorrent?
I would not wish that upon myself and I shall not force that upon others, even my enemies. Should reasoned discussion the only response to an existential threat to you or the ones you are responsible for is to respond in kind.
Abominations and heretics shalt not be suffered to live.
It is the most merciful fate for those who cannot exist peacefully with you or your subjects. They have chosen their hill to die on, who are you to deny them?
No, they're pretty standard.
Welcome to Earthbound.
Probably Simulacrum. I honestly don't have any idea how to balance the Awakened/Transcendi tree with everything else.
With enough luck perks could my presence in the Star Wars universe keep order 66 from happening by fucking with the cosmic dice at critical moments? Such as when the jedi missed their chance to study the clone inhibitor chips?
You can do anything with enough luck perks.
Except making it all real.
Speaking of Tzeentch, I wanted to make my Devil-Tiger very Tzeentch-like (with themes like Evolution, Time, Destiny, Inevitability).
Would not being able to use my charms outside a pre-planned situation work as an imperfection?
So weird question. How many voices is it appropriate to have in your jumper's head? and is adding more a Acceptable side effect for Cool powers?
Is there any combination of perks that would allow me pillarman style digestion?
That seems fine, yes. Much like with SWLiHN, suprise attacks would be a bitch.
No more than 27 before it gets weird.
>How many voices is it appropriate to have in your jumper's head?
What, you mean stuff like Symbiotes and Origin Spirit? I like having as many as possible. It's nice having a small council wherever I go.
If it fits, it's acceptable, yes.
I went by the name The Grim Man, kinda like a more inhuman looking marv from sincity with sharp inhumane teeth. Wearing jeepers creepers outfit.
Plenty of parasitic worms absorb food through the body surface.
>Welcome to Earthbound
I see what you did there.
There is a slight misunderstanding. I care not one whit for "the error of their ways". I act only, and always, in defence of the cosmic order. Who am I to deny them? In many worlds, I am the only thing standing between helpless sentient lifeforms and forces beyond their reckoning. It's quite simple, in the end-I do my best to avoid collateral damage when it would harm the greater whole of existence.
There is no honor in knowingly dooming all you care for to make an ideological statement. And for the record?
>To be unable to act upon your own will until your will conforms to an ideology you find abhorrent
I've tried to do that to myself. That I have been forced to accept I exist beyond the system I oversee does not diminish my willingness to do what is necessary. And I can't help but notice you haven't exactly disagreed that your Emperor's alliance, founded on a divergent basis to the code he wished to nurture in humanity as a whole, is heresy by your standards. Again, despite it being the lynchpin of the Imperium.
Life has plenty of value.
I've measured it.
>Calm Spirit
I...think it's based on the kids' determination in the face of Giygas/that one kid who kept praying for help? Who being capable of destroying the universe, presumably surpassed the Axiom/Great Will-like wave-particle being called the Truth of the Universe who empowered Ness & co to have a chance in the first place.
tl;dr pretty much, although given how many variants of Satan there are I'd use Shai'tan/The Dark One from the Wheel of Time as a better benchmark.
Not really, it's-well, from what little I remember it's broadly similar to SMT magic actually.
The jumpmaker's long gone (no drama, just moved on and MIA as far as I know), though. The drawbacks are...pretty damn nasty and reflect the game, not much to say there. It would be a good idea to stick with Ness for most of them.
okay That might be a problem because Right now I'm looking at A chorus filled with the voices of every origin he's ever taken , A duplicate of that Only It goes up to the Earth's mightiest heroes origin,a duplicate chorus only including up to My tenno Origin ,Lobo from the parts of him that managed to grow back when I made him my Mosaic organ,And if I import my Driver belt as the bio armor in Metroid I'm going to have Warrior G Inside me giving advice rather than outside me giving advice.... this seems excessive and stupid. So should I go with it since that's part of my Meta-theme?
What do they call you /JC/?
They call me asshole.
>Life has plenty of value.
Freedom is worth more.
If you take the Splintered Gail Shintai of Adorjan and also the Drawback that makes her want you, is she also trying to jump your bones the old fashioned way?
is "plenty of parasitic worms" the name of a perk or are you just referring to literal real-world worms in general?
I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, I'm just really confused what your trying to say.
Titles my Jumper has:すべてのボスのボス,
banchô, Grand Master of the Forge, Capt., Divine Chancellor, devious rat bastard, planetary governor, the devil,M.D., Surgeon General, Dr., Sgt. Esq.
Real world, thus meaning anything that gives you free-form animal powers could do it.
Then you just need to produce acid from your skin to dissolve prey.
Most likely, yes.
But of course, they don't necessarily have the same obsessions as full Adorjan.
two questions
1.does Orphan Cub of the Devil-Tiger let you Make More of that Devil-Tiger's charms then you get initially as well as learn what there are?
2.are any of the following outside the limits of Arm of the Anathema and if so which ones?
A. creating devices that are possible but You don't quite understand à la Green Lantern Ring
B.creating technologically advanced devices rather than simple shape shifting
C. creating projectile weapons with ammo, i.e. an AK-47 with a loaded clip rather than an empty AK-47 without a Clip that could still be fired.
D.mimicking the properties of other materials
I can't count them.
Psychometry (GUNNM)+Astral Layers (Psychonauts)
be thankful your mind isn't big enough and complex enough to start developing native inhabitants yet..... Those things are annoying. It's like If earworms and intrusive thoughts got together and had a kid who was also a living person.....
I have a counter proposal
>1.does Orphan Cub of the Devil-Tiger let you Make More of that Devil-Tiger's charms then you get initially as well as learn what there are?
You can always make more Charms based off of a theme or other Charms.
That's a terrible tattoo.
>Freedom is worth more.
That statement does not coincide with the fact that your pic has members of the Imperial Guard and Space Marines from Warhammer 40k.
The Imperium has one of the most authoritarian regimes in all of fiction.
The pic is still hilarious and gorgeously made though, who is the artist?
We really need an Abyssal's jump so I can keep an straight face when I say my more retarded names.
Also, his arm looks weird.
How can I give a Yozi the ability to understand and act on things outside of their purview?
What, is it something like "The Ebon Dancer of the Dark Mist, Whose Feet Trample Upon the Throats of Her Foes"?
>The Imperium has one of the most authoritarian regimes in all of fiction.
Only in service to the Emperor does man find freedom.
This is where the bastardised version of my ideology differs from the creed. Don't dig to far into it because it's just going to hurt us both.
Image has some website info.
>1.does Orphan Cub of the Devil-Tiger let you Make More of that Devil-Tiger's charms then you get initially as well as learn what there are?
You start with a few of their Charms, not all they developed. You can learn all of them, and create more.
>A. creating devices that are possible but You don't quite understand à la Green Lantern Ring
They wouldn't work. They'd look like the thing though.
>B.creating technologically advanced devices rather than simple shape shifting
Sure, if you can imagine the entire inner workings of it.
>C. creating projectile weapons with ammo, i.e. an AK-47 with a loaded clip rather than an empty AK-47 without a Clip that could still be fired.
Nope, sorry. Everything you shapeshift needs to stay attached to the Arm.
You could load with other clips though?
>D.mimicking the properties of other materials
That's fine, to a point. It wouldn't be able to do something like turning itself into adamantium, but mimicking metals is fine.
Ah. But I have a counter to your counter proposal.
Are there any guidelines for creating custom charmsets? From what I can see, each charmset will have ~35 charms, from 1 to 5 Essence required. Any other rules?
I look mostly human, wearing an old and torn suit. Gaunt, bony, and tall, and my limbs don't seem to match.
I have a counter to your counter to my counter
Probably not. If you were a Jedi or had friends who were Jedi you might be able to save them, but stopping Order 66 purely passively? I doubt it. You'd need to be more actively involved in stopping it IMO.
thanks for your answers, that should make everything clear for me for now, I appreciate your patience.
Never enough.
Talking to yourself before a defeated enemy is always cool.
Besides the usual power armor and super healing, what combo did you guys get in the marvel jump?
I have more names than jumps I've attended.
But none of them have ever been as silly as that picture.
Considering the Yozi's personalities, how much do you think I could bargain them for their freedom (having the Peer of Hell perk) without them getting angry?
Would asking for charms be fine?
Would asking for something like the UCS or Luna would be too much?
I'm surprised nobody is trying to get through to the yozis using cuteness, charisma, and empathy to wrap them around your finger. After all, if they think you're a precious thing, they're more likely to consider your opinions.
>all those MURICAN botes.
Shapeshifting beams that effect people
Shapeshifting beams that effect clothes
Immunity to psionics
Power armor is cheap and super healing is everywhere.
Adamantium+body+kinesis:Autokinesis which basically puts me around Colossus levels of mobility and toughness. But the real prize was what I bought with actual money, see I also picked up the healing factor and by cutting off chunks of myself and refining it with FMA alchemy I was able to Make and sell small Adamantium components, which I then use to purchase a ranged Brain taping device and The complete plans to a LMD creation Workshop as well as a Plans for a blank LMD. best Actual money investment I ever made and still Things I routinely use, I'm not the Institute or anything It's more of a mix between a forum,a salon, an art studio and a theme park.
>SB is talking about doing an MCU jump
And Red's self-centered attitude fucks us over again. First she chases dirge off, now this.
Just plain super-speed is nice to have.
Comic genius intellect (even if not top tier) is always useful.
I personally like silicakinesis as a power.
Who are they?
Of course it is, just ignore him.
someone post the shitposter warning
got you covered
Seriously, you've fucked up enough threads on your own. How is it that you feel the need to contribute to someone else fucking up another thread.
Fucking hell.
For fucks sake
Don't respond to trolling you autistic fuck.
okay fine sorry
I'm surprised more jumpers aren't cute.
I got mana regeneration.
There's no real strict rules... Aside from having to fit your Yozi/Devil Tiger themes.
Generally they build up trees from 1 or 2 charms, most are in the Essence 2-3 range, you can't have Holy effects, perfect defences require a Flaw, and then just compare them to other stuff?
The canon charmsets aren't actually all the charms the Yozi have either, and you can make more.
Hm, if you're bargaining for their freedom with the perk to help, Charm access is probably fine.
Well. That'd depend on what you want to do with them. Most of the Yozi /really/ hate them.
yer mum regenerates my mana
Does Hero of Hell scale with you so that the boost will always be noticeable no matter how strong you are?
Forge father
a long time ago wasn't there someone who actually was doing a space station 13 jump?
what happened to it?